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Monthly Article by Dr. Bryan J. Hult Feel free to use my content, but please give credit to my work.

Copyright 2012 Bryan J. Hult Resurrection Change April 2012 I love the change transitioning from winter to spring. I love how the cold mornings are exchanged with sunny mornings and greenery sprouting over the landscape ad in the trees. Change it is all around us. Here are a few quotes on change: Change is inevitable except from a vending machine. Robert C. Gallagher Change before you have to. Jack Welch Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. Arnold Bennett Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy What do you think of when you think of change? I know, young moms think of diapers! I think of the resurrection. Imagine, after Jesus body was mutilated by the Roman soldiers, He was nailed to a cross, died and had a spear thrust through His side. His dead human body was taken down from the cross, anointed with spices and fragrant oils, wrapped in grave clothes and then laid in a tomb. Three days later, up from the grave He arose, showing His disciples the nail imprints and spear mark in His side! What a change! He transformed in His body from death to life. A similar transformation happens to the believers spirit at salvation and then a transformational change will happen again to his human body after death at the Rapture.1 When a person trusts in Jesus Christ as his Substitute on the cross, the person receives the gift of salvation. God transforms the person from death to life.2 Thats a huge change! It is a change from spiritual death to life. It is a change of sins penalty having power over the believer.3 The penalty of sin no longer has jurisdiction. It has been removed by the death of Jesus Christ.4 Yet, every believer must make moment by moment decisions to keep trusting in Jesus Christ to overcome the power of sin.5 As the believer does this, sin will not have control over him and he is set apart to Christ in sanctification.6 That spiritual change is similar to the resurrection change that you will experience physically after death at the Rapture. So as you watch the trees bud, the flowers bloom, the grass grow and winds blow warm breezes, think of resurrection change. Think of it as the change God is working in you as you humbly submit to His will. Bring on the spring change! It is miraculous! 1 Romans 6:5; 8:16; Titus 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 2 2Corinthians 5:17; 3 Romans 6:6-7; 4 2 Corinthians 5:14; Romans 6:8-10; 5 1 John 5:5; Romans 6:11; 6 Romans 6:12-14

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