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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: International School Your Name or Group Name: Scott Chapman, Zeta Group Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments There exists a high usage of technology within the school and it is embraced by most, but there is nothing formalized nor is technology use evaluated by X administration. There is a formal policy, but its location and implementation is X not clear. The Technology Initiative Committee is charged with planning for tech needs, but there is little direction X or oversight. As the cycle of the year winds down the Tech Initiative Team presents the findings to the greater school community and receives a bit of X feedback. There is a budgeting process, but long-term budgeting for tech needs is not clear. Additionally, where, when, and how the funds will be made available is far from X transparent.

behavioral Policy


behavioral ADMINISTRATIVE Planning




resource/infrastructure X

Administrative Information

behavioral X resource/infrastructure X

Again, in theory, there are funds being allocated, but it's uncertain as to the procedure for their procurement. The school utilizes a variety of electronic management systems for day-to-day operations. Staff has access. Electronic information is regularly used and much school work for staff and students is dependent upon it. All teachers and students are provided up-to-date computers. Each classroom has a smartboard, document camera, speakers, high speed internet, wireless connectivity. Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) testing twice a year, e-portfolios of student work and reflections. Most assessment is done without electronic tools. Students regularly use technology as part of their daily learning. Teachers plan lessons built around tech usage. Available throughout the school.

behavioral X Electronic Information resource/infrastructure

X CURRICULAR behavioral Assessment X resource/infrastructure X

behavioral Curriculular Integration X resource/infrastructure X

behavioral Teacher Use resource/infrastructure X behavioral X Student Use resource/infrastructure X


Stakeholder Involvemnt

resource/infrastructure SUPPORT behavioral X Administrative Support resource/infrastructure X

Teachers plan lessons and content delivery based with the knowledge technology is to be used. All teachers are issued a personal MacBook Pro. loaded with applications. Academic outcomes are dependent on students having access to technology. Aside from minor tech difficulties (usually resolved within a short time), all students have their own laptops, along with smartboard access. Surveys are beginning to be implemented, but most technology is selected by a limited group of people with little input from most stakeholders. As previously stated, most decisions are made by a limited number of people with little input from stakeholders. Current administration shows support for tech planning, but not strong. Weekly planning time and occasional professional development with tech support is built into the schedule, but it is severely limited and insufficient.

behavioral X Training resource/infrastructure X behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure X X


X Local Area Networking (LAN)

resource/infrastructure CONNECTIVITY X

behavioral District Area Networking (WAN) resource/infrastructure X X

Occasional tech professional development, mostly frontloaded at the beginning of the year. The tech staff is severely under staffed and stretched across many buildings separated by a good distance. Tech specialist are available, but not regularly. Tech staff are understaffed and stretched thin. Generally, staff and students gather information via the Internet. Occasionally, video or conferencing is used to further an inquiry. The network is high speed and normally functioning, but there are occasional slowdowns or computer have difficulties accessing the network. The staff uses the network to gather information or ideas with occasional video or conferencing. The network is available and has a high capacity workload.

behavioral CONNECTIVITY Internet Access X

resource/infrastructure X

behavioral Communication Systems

resource/infrastructure X

The staff and students generally use the Internet each day, but I do not believe it fully integrated into the curriculum. There are WiFi connections throughout the school and more hotspots are planned for the near future. E-mail is the main source of communication at the school. This comes at a price with e-mail overload upon occasion, but protocol has been put into place and attention to the need of communicating relevant information to the relevant people has helped alleviate some of the burden. Staff and students have access to e-mail accounts for communication and information sharing.

behavioral New Technologies


resource/infrastructure X

behavioral Comprehensive Technologies resource/infrastructure X X

There is a lot of available technology at the school. People are sorting through hardware and software to find relevant technology to support student learning. The technology is not systematically adapted. Teachers take on the implementation as they see a need or when they have a desire for something new. As said before, the technology is available, but it is not uniformly implemented. The technology is very comprehensive but there are installation issues and it does not function dependably. Most staff members stick to smartboard lessons and known websites for student instruction.

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