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Edition Wars: Para el beneficio del juego y el entretenimiento de todos hemos adoptado la 3.5 edicin de D&D como formato estandard. Sin embargo cualquier elemento importado de otra edicin es bienvenido para ser adaptado. Creacin de Personajes
1. Escoge los aspectos de tu personaje. Distribuye 6 puntos entre ellos con un mximo de 2 puntos por aspecto. El Reputacin y la raza pueden ser escogidos gratis, empiezan en Justo y pueden ser aumentado hasta Bueno invirtiendo 1 punto adicional de Aspecto en ello. El total de un personaje terminado debe ser 7 u 8 puntos de aspectos. 2. Escoge el aspecto que asignars cuando pases de nivel y escrbelo en Meta: 3. Escoge las habilidades y los extras. Tienes 13 casillas para habilidades o extras. Debes escoger 6 habilidades o extras y asignarles nivel Promedio, 4 en Justo, 2 en Bueno y 1 en Grandioso.

Razas y Extras
En esta versin del juego las razas son un aspecto e incluyen el background cultural. Para tener los poderes relacionados con una raza debes comprar el aspecto de la raza para poder comprar cada poder de la raza por separado como un extra con los puntos de skills.

Fases (3 aos cada una)

1. Los primeros aos fueron difciles, fue el inicio de la guerra abierta contra los mindflayers en las ciudades principales. 2. La guerra fue mal para los humanos. Muchos fueron llevados como esclavos y otros huyeron a las profundidades de las montaas a encontrar muertes peores, slo los bosques resistan. 3. Un fuerte rey humano invadi las tierras y control a los enemigos pero pronto se enfrentaron los dos bandos y los bosques fueron desecrados. 4. Grandes exodos fueron conducidos a los planos infernales como ltimo escape. Reinos enteros colapsaron bajo los mindflayers. El rey humano pact una alianza y nacieron los rebaos humanoides de las castas de los pobres. 5. Los esclavos se revelaron y los reyes humanos fueron arrojados a las maquinarias de alimentacin. Los mindflayers se resguardaron en ciudadelas. Los reinos humanoides fueron tomados por la anarqua. 6. Los demihumanos se fortalecieron ante la debilidad humana y la huida de los enemigos y los imperios de elfos y enanos se volvieron peligrosamente poderosos.

ASPECTOS (ejemplos) Aspectos Gratis opcionales

Raza (Especifique una raza o una mezcla de razas) Reputacin o Fama

Otros Aspectos
Aspectos Profesionales: Alquimista Adivino Cazador de Cabezas Jinete de la Muerte Soldado del Infierno Brujo Imbecil Mala Suerte Compasivo Necio Assesino Sdico Berseker Martir Masoquista Organizado Nio Malherido Maldito Condenado Sacrificable Destino Humano

Aspectos de Personalidad:

Aspectos Fsicos:

Aspectos de Trasfondo:

Mamasita Peon Triste Sdico Mujer

Extras (ejemplos)
Extras de Ventaja: Estamina aumentada Destreza aumentada Augmented Strenght Darksighted (Hell) Daywalker (Vampire) (Fountain Woods ) Enhanced Senses Increased Charisma Increased Intelligence Increased Wisdom Irresistible Winged (Hell) Dungeon Equipment Vault Laboratory/Study Library Own Castle Wing (Lord of the Castle) Secret Tunnel (Spillblot Castle) Secret/Private Rooms Demonic Mentor (Hell) Lupinal Servant (Melenicus Ruins) Shadow Spy (Fountain Woods) Zombie Minion (Spillblot Castle)

Castle Extras:

Henchmen Extras:

Item Extras:

Amulet of Blood (Warlock) Black Pollen (Alchemist) Bow of Silence (Darksighted) Cat's Eye (Diviner) Death Portrait (Rider of Death) Hand Axe of Mutilation (Head Hunter) Owns Heroe's Sword (Soldier of Hell) Become Mist (Vampire) (Fountain Woods ) Change to Beast (Vampire) (Hell) Children of the Night (Vampire) Dreamspeaker (Fountain Woods ) Evil Eye (City of Askald) Read Minds (Vampire) Regenerate (Vampire) Suggestion (Vampire) Venomous Kiss (Vampire) Elegant Femenine Masculine More Coffins Treasure Hoard War Alliance (Ambrosia/ City of Askald) Young Looking You name it...

Power Extras:

Other Extras:

Listas de Habilidades Habilidades Acadmicas

Lenguajes (Especifique; cada uno es una habilidad aparte) Conocimiento (especifique; cada uno es una habilidad aparte) Investigacin Ensear

Artistic Skills
Artes Plasticas Artes Escnicas

Habilidades Atlticas
Acrobacias Trepar Resistir Saltar Correr Nadar

Habilidades de Combate
Arquera Espadas Astas Improvisasdas Montado Un Arma Arrojadiza Arma de Dos Manos Dos Armas Desarmado Arma y Escudo

Habilidades Criminales
Hurto Sigilo

Magical Skills (Stunt Based Magic)

Vampire Rituals Hellfire Manipulation Dark Powers

Perception Skills
Awareness Danger Sense Detect Lie Direction Sense Investigate Listen

Locate Hidden Read Person Spot Surveillance

Professional Skills
Craft Healing Riding

Social Skills
Bluff Contacting Charm Intimidate Lie Seduce

Survival Skills
Herbalism Hunting Survival Tracking

Outcome Table
MOS 0 +1 +2 - +4 +5 - +6 7+ and up Boxes X EFFECT Scratched Clipped Hurt Injured Taken Out

History of Askald and Castle Spillblot

Year 1 The Melenicus tribes swarm the hills hunting deer and looking for shelter. They come from the far lands of Gorge, lava ridden islands located somewhere south of Askald. They bring Hellfire with them. Year 201 The gods of death appear and order the tribes to create cults to death and reveal secrets of civilization to them. The first city fortresses appears. Fights and killing determines the first feudal leaders. Strong magics are revealed but many souls are lost in the process. Year 546 The Gods of death appear again and show discontent with the actual civilization level, the Melenicus are banished to hell and the gods lead other peoples to the Lands of Askald and its secrets. Gold and Silver are found and worked. Year 789 The gods visit the new foundations of civilization and throw terrible beasts and dispair upon them to test their strenght. Many perished. The gods pit tribes against each other to purify their creation. Warfare is developed but cunning is prefered to open warring because the geography is too hostile and unpredictable. Poisons and dark rituals are common hand. Year 1020- Powerful evils gather and create their own civilizations but are fought by heroes led by the gods of death. Some mortals revere monsters as divine and others complot to destroy them. Combat schools are born and destroyed among eachother. Many survive in the shadows. Year 1679 Castle Spillblot is taken by dark creatures (you), all its inhabitants die a terrible death. The only village close to the place becomes stronger as many monster hunters are attracted by the devils attack. Some holy mortals led by the gods themselves, others natives from the area seeking to bring peace to the land and threaten Spillblot. Year 2112 - Today Places: Melenicus Ruins Located around the mountains, Spillblot is built on top of some of these ruins but many others abound in Askald. Volcanic Isles Malenicus home. Are said to lead to hell itself. Hell Exactly. Ambrosia Village (20 miles from Spillblot). Many conspirator clans grow and prosper here. Most people are food for the creatures of the dark.

Fountain Woods The mystical spot to learn magic secrets and master the forbidden. These woods are a ring of forests that surround the cold north. Hell Academy School of Magic ruled by the Dark Powers. It is actually located deep beneath the surface of the northern seas. Strong magic quests are required to unlock its secrets. Monasterium The evil spot to become a soldier of hell or any other combat oriented proffession, the price is your victims souls, and ultimately your own. More than a School Monasterium is a whole wasteland of endless pits beyond the Helenicus Islands of Gorge. City of Askald The largest city is located 100 miles from Spillblot. They have everything, and when I say everything, I don't mean any good thing Spillblot Castle A huge castle ruled (now) by vampire lords who feed on anyone they can put their claws on. They have huge power from their riches that run the region's economy and yet must work together to survive the threats of the death gods that tests their every moment of unliving existence. The 13 Factions The Time Keepers The Legion The Death Lions The Holy Scion The Chains of Doom The Laboratorists

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