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Discovering and finding Magic in ones self A Place of Love and Support ~~Believe in yourself and make it happen~~


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Craft class for Beginners every Saturday night Times

USA Central - 7 pm Eastern - 8 pm Western 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) Noon (Sunday) UK -1 am

Herbs with Susun Weed

Topic Night Wednesdays

USA Central - 7 pm Eastern - 8 pm Western 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) Noon (Sunday) UK -1 am

Every 3rd Monday

Central - 6 pm Eastern - 7 pm Western - 4 pm Mountain Time - 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) 11 am UK - Midnight

Squiggles Destiny

Nancy A. Kaiser

In 1986, Mother Nature blessed me with a beautiful, thoroughbred filly foal; the last for many years. Because of the marking on her face, I called her Squiggles. Little did I know while I watched her grow into an athletic jumper that she would become my greatest teacher. Squigs, as I called her, loved to watch all the mares and foals longingly gazing at the babies. I could tell she really wanted one of her own, but we had decided to stop breeding our own horses. When Squiggles was a four-year-old, a clients mare died from a ruptured stomach. It was sudden and sad. She had a lovely, three-month old filly that I called Monday. Monday was drinking water and eating enough solid food that we felt shed do fine without spending the clients money on a nurse mare; a surrogate mother for an orphan foal. Monday was lonely, depressed and not eating well. She just stood in the field without grazing, which broke my heart. Monday needed companionship, and she needed it fast. The only possible candidate was Squiggles. I told my vet husband about my idea to put them together. We had one advantage in that Squiggles resembled Mondays mother. I just knew Squiggles loved babies and would be gentle and friendly. This was years before I knew I could talk to animals, so I couldnt explain the situation to them. As soon as we turned them out together, Monday tried to suckle from Squiggles. Squigs didnt squeal, kick or show any aggressive body language, but the filly got the message that she was just a friend. Mondays improvement was instantaneous. She began grazing and followed Squiggles everywhere. Her appetite improved dramatically and her depression lifted. Monday was a happy foal again. Every time Id look out and see Monday standing up against Squiggles, my heart smiled. It was as though Squiggles love was flowing into the filly by osmosis. If you didnt know, youd think they were mare and foal. I teased Squiggles that shed gotten her baby without the effort of pregnancy and birth. Eventually, Monday left our farm to be trained for racing, so Squiggles did feel the sting of loss. When Squiggles turned twelve, I started getting thoughts about breeding her while mucking stalls. Mucking is mindless work, especially when youve cleaned thousands of stalls in your life. Its akin to meditation for me. By now, Id been communicating for a couple of years and knew my thoughts were coming from Squiggles. They got more and more frequent. Eventually, while on a vet call with my husband at a local stable, I saw a gorgeous stallion and promptly fell in love. I did my research and told my husband what I wanted to do. He said if I really wanted to breed Squigs, I shouldnt wait any longer.

While being a mother was all Squiggles ever wanted, it presented us with all sorts of headaches. Because a mare is big, beautiful and healthy doesnt mean she will be easy to get in foal. Getting in foal and foaling both proved difficult for my Squigs. After numerous attempts, she finally caught; a horsemans term for getting pregnant. While Squiggles foaling proceeded without any catastrophes, both she and the colt, Dash, were sick afterwards. Luckily with my husbands vet expertise and my newly-acquired healing skills, we were able to deal with the complications. Nothing was ever simple with our own mares, which was why we stopped breeding years earlier. Watching Squiggles with Dash, I could see that she had been meant to be a mother. She was patient and loving but also taught her son boundaries. I felt my decision to breed her had been justified. Shed made a lovely foal despite the difficulties post foaling. Squigs was living her dream. Who was I not to let that happen? Dash was a big, handsome colt, who I thought wed eventually sell to help cover the costs of another breeding. I wanted to keep one of Squiggles foals, a grandchild as it were. Squiggles got in foal somewhat easier the second time to the same stallion. As perfect as Dash was, why change stallions? Once again she and the foal, Randy, were sick, albeit less sick. Along with Squiggles and the foals willingness and determination, once again we overcame the challenges. Squiggles had given me two lovely colts, but I longed for a filly to give me the option of continuing the line Id begun 20 years earlier. My husband was against breeding Squiggles again, which I didnt understand since Randys foaling was an improvement over Dashs. I respected his concern and gave up my dream for a filly. I couldnt explain it, but when I gave up that dream I felt as though someone had died. I was despondent and filled with overwhelming sadness. I told some friends how I felt and they asked, Why dont you ask Squiggles? I guess I was too close to it because that never occurred to the animal communicator. Squiggles didnt understand why my husband felt the way he did. She asked if I had children to which I said, Only animal children. I chose not to have any of my own. She felt sorry for me. Being a mother is the most wonderful thing you can do. The love for a child is like nothing else. I would love to have another. I could feel the strength of that love while I was connected to her. There was no doubt what Squigs wanted. I decided to channeled guidance and insights from the spiritual realms as well; getting more fuel for my discussion with my husband. What was revealed was mind-blowing. Apparently, having offspring survive was Squiggles soul purpose for this incarnation. In all her other lifetimes she never had any babies live. Knowing the importance of being a mother to Squiggles, my heart broke for her. With this startling revelation, I booked another breeding to the same stallion.

You know what they say, The third times the charm. Well, it was almost a perfect foaling for her. She had no health issues and the foal just one that was dealt with very quickly. Squiggles third foal was perfect in every way, except he was a colt! I was so grateful for her almost perfect foaling that I surrendered to the Universes decision not to grant my wish for a filly. Everything does happen for a reason. Given the events prior to his conception, I chose the registered name, Follow Your Heart, for the colt. If I hadnt done just that, he would never have been born. Aptly, Squiggles foaled on Mothers Day during a thunderstorm. The timing was in perfection for a creature whose sole, no pun intended, purpose was being a mother. I asked the colt how hed like to be called Stormy given the thunder that issued him into this life experience. He replied, Its a great name! Stormy will be ten-years-old on May 12th. Following in his mothers hoof-steps, he has inherited her intelligence, teaching skills, athletic ability and joy for jumping. Stormy is my joy and passion and the nicest horse Ive ever sat on. I thank Squiggles, the Special mother extraordinaire, for my phenomenal grandson and all of her teachings.

What Am I?
I want to see sunlight and the Blue sky If only for 5 minutes The moon at night as the clouds pass by and the Stars that consume the night sky I want to hear the birds sing and watch them fly I want to see the snow in the Winter Green trees in the Spring and Summer I want to breathe the fresh air that makes me feel alive to walk on the green grass and see all the different beautiful Flowers and their radiant colors and smell the fragrance of roses and Pine trees see the huge Mountains and the scenery from them to gasp at the wonder that is on this Planet we call Earth to meet others like me and tell our different stories to Explore and Travel and see all i can so to ask What am i? I am an unborn child unspoiled by anything other then my wishes above. Too experience them if even 5 minutes would be a great gift of life


Remember to appreciate the simple things In life..

See The Magnificent Opportunities Available

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle

Often in the linear dramatics can take you through twists and turns that leave you feeling lost. The idea of knowing which way to go becomes overwhelming, leaving many stuck in the scenarios they have created. A feeling of despair envelops those who find themselves in this predicament. It is important to know that it is never too late! A change in one's thought patterns is always available if one chooses to embark on it. Look around and see the magnificent opportunities available. Decide to be open to that moment and Take It! Leave fear and judgement of yourself behind. Do not adhere to the belief that time has run out. Utter nonsense! The life you have created is always available for recreation. Change your perspective to a more positive one, while ignoring all the negative input. It's never too late. Evolution is always ready and available. Know that all can be whole again. It's never too late! The soul is ever ready to step in. Allow it!

Polluting the English Language to Justify Slaughter

Commentary by Paul Watson Posted by Onecrow

For years I have been annoyed at some of the terminology used in conservation and environmental circles. I think we should consciously try to think about changing the words we use. We need to put an end to the utilitarian, consumeristic jargon that is employed to justify ecological exploitation and the infliction of cruelty on nonhuman species. Lets start with the Canadian seal hunt. This is not really a hunt when you think about it. No one is tracking, stalking, or pursuing seals. The cowardly sealers merely walk through a nursery of defenseless seal pups and whack and bash them on the head. The little fellas cant escape, they cant swim, and they cant defend themselves. Lets call it what it is a slaughter or a massacre. I like to call it the Canadian Annual National Obsession Enterprise (CANOE). A fitting acronym for this home grown Canadian obscenity. And the baby killers swinging the clubs are not hunters. They are cowardly thugs. And you dont harvest seals or fish or any other animal. That word has to go. You harvest corn, oranges, or apples but not seals or fish. I notice farmers dont even use the term for cows or pigs. They slaughter cows and pigs, they dont harvest them. So, why the use of this word? Its just another attempt to remove the ugliness of their actions from the language and to justify our crimes with denial. The Canadian government has even tried to label baby seals as adults by defining an adult as any seal over three weeks of age. It seems to me that any seal that cant swim, cant escape, and is helpless on an ice floe at three weeks of age qualifies as a baby seal. And this word sustainable. This gem was dreamed up by that whale-killing former Prime Minister of Norway Gro Harlem Bruntland. She was all for conservation so long as it was outside the borders of Norway and did not involve Norwegian fishing vessels.

This word sustainable popped up around the time of the U.N. Conference on the Environment and Development in 1992. What does it mean? After you strip away the spin and the green-washing it simply means: business as usual. For example, there is a great deal of talk about the value of sustainable fisheries. I cant think of many fisheries that are truly sustainable. Practically every commercial fishery in the world is in a state of commercial collapse, yet you can still find sustainably-fished cod or salmon, (at least it says so on the label). In a world of almost seven billion people, words like sustainable mean very little. Just think, if every person on earth ate one fish per week that would be nearly seven billion fish per week or 364 billion fish a year. The oceans can not endure this so what is happening is that fish are becoming more expensive meaning only wealthy nations can afford it which means sending giant factory ships from Europe and Japan to the coasts of Africa and India to plunder fish that Africans and Indians need for survival. There are over one million fishing vessels operating every day on the worlds oceans taking tens of millions of tons each day. How does the word sustainable even remotely fit into the reality of worldwide fishing? The ecological reality is that all fishing should be prohibited immediately if we are to protect oceanic eco-systems. There are simply not enough fish in all the worlds oceans to meet the demand of expanding human populations. When demand far outweighs supply, the word sustainable is meaningless. Another word used these days is stocks. It makes it sound like the ocean is our private warehouse. We use terms in fisheries like managing the stocks, or the stocks have been reduced, or the stocks are healthy. It makes it sound like its all neat and handy, and already on the grocery shelf. The correct term is populations. We dont say there is an unhealthy stock of humans messing up the environment. Nor do we say that the stock of humans need to be managed, although Adolf Hitler attempted to do just that.

When you put the three above-mentioned words together, you get the sustainable harvesting of stocks of fish. Talk about separating ourselves from nature. Sometimes the word fish is replaced by the word product Yes sir, we caught a million cans of product this season, all canned up and ready to go to market, sustainably, and humanely harvested, of course. Which bring us to the term humane, as in humane killing. This term suggests that killing is acceptable as long as it is humane. It actually means the killing of animals is acceptable by humans so long as we can appease our guilt by making it sound okay by humanizing the action. When did killing become humane? Namibian seal slaughter supporter Oswald Theart just last week described the killing of fur seals in Namibia as the most humane killing known to man. The Canadian government describes the slaughter of baby harp seals as the most well regulated, most humane hunt in the world. They render the word humane as meaningless. But if human behaviour is observably cruel then the word humane should actually mean cruel and not kind. Humans wipe out 70 million sharks a year, slicing off their fins and tossing them back into the sea. This seems to be the normal human approach to exploitation and thus I suppose it is accurate to say that the fishermen humanely kill the sharks if we change the definition from being kind to being unkind. But we humans really believe we are kind. We just justify our cruelty and declare ourselves humane. For example, if men with clubs go walking through the streets kicking and clubbing kittens the media and the public would be outraged. In fact we are angered beyond measure and rightfully so when the Chinese authorities conduct mass seizures and slaughter of dogs yet many of these same people seem to think it is perfectly alright to kick, club and skin baby seals alive. Homo Hypocriticus or the Hypocritical primate is a word that would best describe us. We call ourselves Homo sapien meaning aware or intelligent but just simply calling ourselves this does not make it so.

Thus we have the absurd description of the Canadian seal hunt or the Japanese dolphin slaughter as humane sustainable harvesting of stocks of seals/dolphins. By simply using the word humane, we can accept that being bludgeoned in the head with a spiked club is kind of okay because it is described as humane. Imagine the outrage if animal shelters put down dogs with a club instead of lethal injection. Of course, we avoid the word kill in the shelters by saying we put the poor animals to sleep. It sounds much nicer. We always hear about how Faeroese whale killers humanely saw through the neck of a pilot whale to sever the spinal cord. It takes a few minutes but the Danish government has said that the slaughter of pilot whales is a humane, sustainable, harvest of wild pilot whale stocks. And to add insult to injury we name some whales right whales because whalers viewed them as the right whales to kill because they were slow and did not sink after they were killed. I would prefer to see the Patagonia right whale called simply the Patagonia whale. And the poor little Minke whale has been insulted with the moniker of a notorious Norwegian whaler, a sadistic character by the name of Captain Meinke who liked to kill whales. I would prefer to have the whale named after someone who likes whales or defends whales instead of some serial murderer of whales. We call this whale the Piked whale. And why is it that you cant describe an animal killer as a murderer? Websters dictionary defines murder as the killing of another human being, but it also says that to kill or slaughter inhumanely or barbarously is also murder. Homicide is the correct term for the killing of a human being. Cetacide is the killing of a whale and simicide is the murder of a chimpanzee. I think that murder is an acceptable term for describing the barbarous slaughter of a seal or the inhumane killing of a dolphin, a whale or an elephant.

We just like to pretty things up to deny our responsibility in the willful taking of life. And then there is the categorizing of people into different camps in an attempt at dehumanization. Environmentalists are often called eco-terrorists although no environmentalist has ever terrorized or hurt anyone. Yet corporations like Union Carbine, Shell, BP and Exxon can kill people and cause incredible environmental damage without the media referring to them as eco-terrorists. Usually, it is the employees of these corporations that call the nature defenders eco-terrorists. It figures. We dont have a logging industry anymore, they call it silviculture. It goes along with the Healthy Forest Initiative where a healthy forest is a forest that is harvested, humanely, and sustainably, of course. The loggers are now forest nurturers who farm and harvest the forests for the benefit of future generations. And finally the word conservative. What happened with this word? Conservative means to conserve, to maintain the status quo. When did Conservative come to mean undermining the Endangered Species Act or the Clean Air Act? When did conservative mean being anti-conservationist? As a conservationist, Ive always viewed myself as a conservative but now I find that the right-wing, radical, wacko anti-conservationists who destroy forests, overfish the oceans, and pollute our rivers are now calling themselves conservative and accusing me of being a radical for working to conserve nature and endangered species. I think it is clear that we have a serious language pollution problem.

Magic 2012: Which Group Are You In?

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle If you have been observant, you may have noticed three different ways in which the year 2012 is affecting the people around you. 1. Leaving the Planet: Many people are choosing this year as a convenient exit strategy. They may have been suffering from painful conditions or simply want to start over after all the hubbub of world change has died down. 2. Crazy but Surviving: This group of people is experiencing all kinds of craziness, but nevertheless emerging as survivors, albeit with slightly thinner wallets. For instance, one woman had the wheel of her truck come right off while she was driving. Luckily, she was able to steer her one-ton truck safely to the side of the road, and a helpful man stopped right behind her to give her assistance. She and her truck survived just fine. She just had to pay $600 to fix the situation. She, like the other people in this group, are learning life lessons that will serve her well in coming years and lifetimes. 3. Nothing Different: This group is aware that 2012 is somehow "important" but nevertheless carrying on in life as if nothing is different. Being that our thoughts create our realities, nothing much is different for these people. These people don't suffer the same kind of loss as group #2, nor do they gain any sort of life lessons. They are simply here, carrying on ... and the world does need people to do just that! <><> Magic 2012: What's Your Story? <><> Do any of the three groups described above resemble you? I suspect that if you are reading this article, you fall into group #2, where life appears to suck but you still manage to survive. The good news is that you will survive. The bad news is that if you don't listen to the messages the Universe is sending you, you will survive but look like you've just been through the meat grinder. So how can you practice magic in 2012 so you survive without looking like ground beef? There are plenty of ways. Let me just name a few here ... see if any of these ideas spark your addled and confused brain! 1. Do something magical every day. EVERY day. 2. Remember that every intentional act is a magical act. Want to do magic? Use your intention. 3. Go deep into magic 2012--sign up for the online Basic Magic Course and really get a magical fix. 4. Ask the Universe to help you with specific projects or situations you can't seem to change. Stuff happens fast in 2012 so be prepared for life to take off at Mach-1. 5. Be specific. Yelling "Help!" to the Universe at large is good, but asking for specific help for a specific problem will yield faster and better results. Magic is a precision science so be precise. 6. Get a magic buddy. 2012 is a tough year so you may need a magic buddy to remind you to practice some magic every single day.

Every single day. 7. When you feel nuts, look in the mirror and COMMAND yourself: "Come to present time." If you're really nuts, you may have to repeat this command several times. This brings you back into the present, where magic can actually happen. 7. When you feel nuts, look in the mirror and COMMAND yourself: "Come to present time." If you're really nuts, you may have to repeat this command several times. This brings you back into the present, where magic can actually happen. 8. Check out our free online resources and use them (go and click on the Resources link at the top of the page). 9. Watch a magic 2012 video on our website. It's fun, magical, and helpful. 10. Need a quick fix? We've got a quick fix ebook. Order it, read it, do it. Click on the Store link on our site for more details. 11. Actively look for animal totems everywhere you go. Animals are speaking to us all the time. If you see an animal trying to communicate with you but you don't understand the message, read up in the "Medicine Cards" by Carson and Sams. 12. Move your body to move your mind. If you find yourself in a mental rut, get out and move your body. Your Moving Center is far easier to shift then your Mental Center. 13. Choose one thing you will stop griping out. Stop talking about it. Stop thinking about it. Just one teensy thing ... that's not too much to ask, is it? 14. Need info? Ask yourself for the answer ... you know it. Write the question with your dominant hand. Write the answer with the other hand. Don't think about it, just do it. 15. Mad? Cool down by flowing that negative energy into your fridge. Really! Put your hands or head on the door of the fridge and flow red-orange energy into the fridge until you feel all relaxed. 16. Just give up! Magic happens when we allow room in our lives for the Universe to help. If you have asked the Universe to solve a problem for you, give up your end of the struggle. Let the Universe do the heavy lifting. 17. Have a happy childhood. Yup, you may be an adult but it's never too late to have a happy childhood. Do something that you always wanted to do as a kid. When you are happy, you sound a joyous note to Creator's ear and good magical things happen! So ... is that enough ideas to get you started? If not, then maybe you'd better switch groups--to either #1 or #3! Otherwise, enjoy the magical mystery tour!

Craft Class For Beginners

This Class is Weekly Classes Every Saturday, the class is taught in a live chat box and it is a time for people to share and learn. Basic Topics taught each week and then a time of Q & A after class is finished. All classes are then written up and put up in group for all group members to read over. Please come along and join in this is an amazing chance to learn with others

Times of Lesson for each country USA Central - 7 pm Eastern - 8 pm Western 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) - Noon (Thursday) UK -1 am

The Health Benefits of Vanilla

4/1/11 by Christy Callahan
Posted by Martin


The scent of vanilla can often bring to mind sumptuous treats like cookies, cakes and other desserts. Used for hundreds of years as a flavor for cooking, it is also a popular fragrance ingredient for homes and perfume. Vanilla does more than just enhance the taste and smell, however. It may have other properties that provide health benefits. Vanilla Basics Vanilla extract is derived from vanilla bean pods, which look similar in shape to green beans but are hard and a dark brown color. As the world's most popular flavor, and thus one of the most used, pure vanilla extracts can be expensive. Imitation extracts are available, but do not always contain the same chemical compounds. Vanilla's main constituent is vanillin, a polyphenol with potential antioxidant capability. Vanillin can, however, be formed from other chemicals rather than extracted from vanilla beans. Vanillin and Cancer Cells Vanillin shows promise in the fight against cancer. A study published in the July-August issue of "In Vivo" discussed the effects of vanillin on TRAIL resistant cancer cells. TRAIL, or tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosisinducing ligands, is an anticancer agent that selectively kills cancer cells with little effect on normal cells. Unfortunately, cancer cells are often TRAIL resistant. TRAIL resistant human cervical cancer cells were pretreated with vanillin extract. The study showed that vanillin pre-treatment enhanced TRAIL induced cell death in cervical cancer cells.

Antioxidant Benefits of Vanillin Diseases that affect or damage cells of the nervous system or brain are often difficult to treat or cure. Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases are considered neurodegenerative, and, as of 2011, have no known cures. These disorders as well as septic shock and inflammation involve formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that include peroxynitrite --- PON. These substances damage cells, tissues and organs. A study published in the "Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry" in January 2004 evaluated vanillin for its ability to scavenge PON and other reactive oxygen or nitrogen species. The study found that vanillin successfully stopped PON reactions with tyrosine, an amino acid needed to form dopamine. Dopamine deficiency is thought to play a role Parkinson's disease. Cautions and Considerations The above-mentioned studies show promising information about vanilla and its main compounds; however, vanilla is not meant to cure or treat any disease. These studies were performed in a laboratory setting on cells, rather than in a human body. Talk to your doctor before taking vanilla extract or vanillin for any medicinal purpose.

Natural cures Skin Cancer

by: Paul Fassa
Posted by Martin Stompingelk

(NaturalNews) When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don't work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars. However, there are inexpensive, effective, safe cures for curing skin cancer that are banned by the mainstream medical monopoly, which are not publicized by the mainstream media. A relatively new remedy, BEC5, is a spin off from an Australian folk remedy for farm animals. It is available to anyone online. It uses the phyotonutrients extracted from eggplants. Clinical trials and anecdotal testimonies confirmed BEC5's efficacy and safety on basal cell and squamous cell cancers. Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous skin cancer with the highest morbidity rate. It can metastasize into internal organs. The maker and distributors for BEC5 make no claims for curing melanoma so far. But at least one person who made a homemade version that anyone can make claimed it cured his melanoma. The homemade remedy involves a solution of vinegar and eggplant that extracts the same phyotonutrientglycocidesandglycoalkaloidscontained in BEC5 directly from the eggplant. The glycoalkaloids penetrate cancer cells selectively and destroy them. Normal cells are left alone. How to make and use the homemade eggplant remedy This is an attempt at disclosing what others report cured their skin cancers. It's purely educational and not meant as medical advice. Some of the anecdotal reports had their skin cancer diagnosed by MDs, with subsequent cures confirmed by MDs

(1). Some have used white vinegar, while others recommend raw organic apple cider vinegar. Get a medium sized eggplant and grind it up. Put that into a glass jar and fill it up with the vinegar. Place the jar into the refrigerator. After around three days with the white vinegar, the liquid should turn to a brownish gold color. That indicates it's ready to use.Apple cider vinegar is already a similar color, but three days seasoning in a refrigerator should be enough. Apply it directly to tumors often with a cotton ball, or secure the soaked cotton onto the tumor with tape. Treatment may take a couple of weeks or more. Both commercial BEC5 cream and the homemade version also work on warts and other unhealthy skin conditions.One user mentioned that according to his doctor (naturopath?), if the homemade procedure is painful, then it is melanoma that's under attack. Many of these homemade remedy users were in Australia, where Dr. Bill Cham, MD, PhD, found out about the Devil's Apple plant used by veterinarians and farmers to cure skin cancers on farm animals.Dr. Cham claims a high, safe cure rate with nonmelanoma skin cancers from his own clinical testing. Detractors claim there are no published reports in medical journals. That could be due to the fact that Dr. Cham had to go it alone testing his cream on skin cancer patients in the UK hospital system. Dr. Cham demonstrates and explains his BEC5 cream in a video (2).Mainstream medicine. However, a well known physician, Dr. Jonathan Wright MD, founder of the holistic Tahoma Clinic in the Seattle Washington area, backs up Dr. Cham. Dr. Wright sells BEC5 creams and explains how it works and how it was tested within the UK system (3 - 4).Dr. Cham determined that the same curative glycoalkaloids were available in eggplant. From there he went on and pioneered the development of BEC5 in London.Sources for this article include:
Original source for this article

Dandelion and Cancer

Posted by Moonfox

Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additional $157,000 grant for a total of $217,000 to study how effective dandelion root extract is in fighting cancer. Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the University of Windsor, has been studying the anticancer potential of dandelion root extract for almost two years. His teams first phase of research showed that dandelion root extract forced a very aggressive and drug-resistant type of blood cancer cell, known as chronic monocytic myeloid leukemia, to essentially commit suicide. Researchers then discovered that repeated treatment with low dose dandelion root extract was effective in killing most of the cancerous cells. Those initial findings landed the research team a $60,000 grant from Seeds4Hope, which provides money for local cancer research. Pandey then applied for continued funding from the Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation. That $157,000 came through earlier this week bringing the total to $217,000.
Researcher was skeptical at first

Pandey admits he was skeptical when he was first approached by local oncologist, Dr. Caroline Hamm, who was curious about cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion tea and seemed to be getting better. To be honest I was very pessimistic, Pandey said in a statement. She said it could be coincidental but it couldnt hurt to see if there is anything. Hamm was convinced that the weed contains an active ingredient, but warned earlier this year that "it can harm as well as benefit." She told CBC News in February that taking dandelion extract tea could interfere with regular chemotherapy, and she urged patients not to mix the natural remedy with other cancer drugs without speaking to a doctor first.

Pandey conducted a literature review and could only find one journal article suggesting dandelions may have cancer-killing properties. But he and his team of graduate students collected a bunch of the weeds anyway, ground them up with a mixture of water in a food processor and developed a simple formula they could experiment with. They tested the formula on several lines of commercially available leukemia cells and much to their surprise, found that the formula caused those cells to kill themselves, a process called apoptosis. It was startling, but it was not that startling until we saw that it was non-toxic to the normal cells, he said.

John DiCarlo, 72, says dandelion tea saved his life, after other medical treatments for his leukemia failed. (CBC News) John DiCarlo, 72, was admitted to hospital three years ago with leukemia. Even after aggressive treatment, he was sent home to put his affairs in order with his wife and four children. The cancer clinic suggested he try the tea. Four months later, he returned to the clinic in remission. He has been cancer free for three years. He said his doctor credits the dandelions. "He said, 'You are doing pretty good, you aren't a sick man anymore'," DiCarlo told CBC News in February.

Susun Weeds
Monthly class on the Forest
Chats with Susun Weed ~ Third Monday of every month ~ Ten Top Tips for Avoiding the Flu
1. Wash your hands. (Rub briskly under hot running water for at least 30 seconds.) 2. Don't use antibacterial soaps. (They encourage the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.) 3. Drink lots of fluids. (Especially hot herbal antibacterial teas such as sage, thyme, rosemary.) 4. Start your day with a cup of cool yogurt or hot miso soup. (Both encourage strong immunity.) 5. Make nourishing soups with the immune-enhancing roots astragalus and eleutherococcus.* 6. Spray your nasal passages with a saline solution or a xylitol rinse. (Kills viral particles.) 7. Be wary of diets that radically alter what you eat. (They tend to depress the immune system.) 8. Eat well-cooked leafy greens like kale, collards, and mustard greens. (Strengthens immunity.) 9. Add lots of arugula and watercress to your salad. (They're antiviral.) 10. Eat garlic. (Even powdered, even cooked.) Eat ginger. (Or drink it.)

If you do get the flu, elder berry (Sambucus nigra) tincture or syrup may shorten its stay. Green blessings Susun S. Weed

Dandelion Tea
Posted by Moonfox
Dandelion tea has a long history of human usage. Chinese medicinal practitioners used dandelion to treat digestive disorders, appendicitis, and breast problems (such as inflammation or lack of milk flow). The early American colonial settlers loved the common weed and taught the Native American Indians how to use it. The Indian tribes created their own ways to use dandelion:

The Iroquois Indians ate boiled dandelion leaves along with fatty meats to avoid indigestion. When the Ojibwas had heartburn, they drank dandelion root tea. The Kiowa women mixed dandelion blossoms with pennyroyal as a cure for cramps and PMS. The Mohegans drank dandelion leaf tea daily as a tonic to keep their energy levels high and to stay free of stomach aches and constipation. Other Indian tribes collected the young leaves in the spring and ate them with other leafy vegetables.

And even now, it is not considered old-fashioned to use dandelion root, leaves or extract for common ailments. Drink Too Much Coffee? If you are trying to give up coffee, dandelion root can be an excellent substitute in the morning. It can give you a grounded type of energy without the side effects of caffeine. Put one teaspoon of dandelion root in a cup of boiling water and add a touch of agave nectar to make your own beverage just as quickly as you make a cup of coffee. Dandelion coffee is usually made from dandelion roots that are slightly roasted and ground ready to use. The powder is said to be almost indistinguishable from real coffee, and is claimed to be better than lower quality coffee, which has often been adulterated. Replace Coffee and Lose Weight

Beat Water Retention Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic that increases urine production by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidney. It may be used for a wide range of conditions requiring mild diuretic treatment, such as poor digestion, liver disorders, and high blood pressure. One advantage of dandelion is that dandelion is a source of potassium, a nutrient often lost through the use of other natural and synthetic diuretics. Herbal Detox Dandelion tea can be used as an herbal detox to help cleanse your liver and kidneys. It can be taken on its own, or in combination with other herbs. According to Margaret Grieve, author of the excellent herbal encyclopedia A Modern Herbal, dandelion is "diuretic, tonic and slightly aperient. It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, and is chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders". This page will summarize what she said about dandelion herbal remedy recipes. - Homemade Herbal Remedies Which One to Buy? There are at least three different types of dandelion tea - those made from dandelion roots, those made from dandelion leaves, and those made from dandelion flowers. Dandelion flower is used mainly to make dandelion wine. Traditionally, it is known to be "an excellent tonic, extremely good for the blood". You can make dandelion flower tea by infusing the blossoms in hot water. You can make dandelion tea by infusing 1 to 2 teaspoonful of dried dandelion leaves in hot water. Drink up to 3 times daily. The cut leaf form of the herb can be brewed inside a stainless steel tea ball or inside a wicker tea cup basket. Compared to dandelion flowers and leaves, dandelion root is the part of the plant used most often for medicinal purposes, and which provides the most health benefits. Dandelion root tea is available in teabags, dried powder form, or in capsules. The best tea, of course, is found fresh from your own garden - since the dandelion "weed" is literally everywhere. As with other herbs and foods, organic or wildcrafted is always your best choice.

New Online Radio is Back on site..

Can make your request from chat with DJ SilverWolf Dj SilverWolfs Introduction
Greetings My name is Lynn SilverWolf Williams or Rev. SilverWolf. I am from St Cloud, MN. Not only am I pagan and proud of that fact, but I am also a full time DJ and ordained minister which is something I felt I needed to do so I can serve my clients the best way I possible can. To tell you a little more about myself, I am a very loving,caring, passionate 44 yr old male who is also spiritually empathic. That gift was given to me at a young age but never totally understood it till late 2007 after the passing of my father, at that time my gifts started getting stronger and more intense so Idecided to learn more about that gift and what else I was meant to do for others. WIth the help of some of my friends who are also empathic and intuitive they were able to assist me and guide me on the path I was meant to travel. After I had graduated HS, I became a volunteer EMT with my hometown rescue service as I grew up in a house where mom was a first responder and dad was on the fire department so I knew at that point what I wanted to do and I accomplished that goal. Now I serve as a volunteer for the Red Cross Disaster Services and with our Community Emergency Response Team which has also proven to be very rewarding. Since I am officially ordained, I have served people by providing both spiritual guidance and counseling for both marriages and in times of crisis.

I am very happy to be a part of the forrest as it will be a place for me to come to relax and get to know fellow pagans along with some native american elders as Iam also part Native American as well. Soon you will be seeing a new group here in the forrest as I also DJ online for an online radio station, be watching for the new group as it will contain the times when I am online where you can tune in and listen to the music I play. More to come later Heres the Link to his group on Enchanted forest: I am On The Air Monday through Wed and Friday from 4 to 8 PM Central Time or 5 to 9 Eastern Time and I will also be in the chatroom here for you to request music. You can also leave requests and comments for me when i am not here as I will get to them when I enter the forrest. Pleasant Journeys

Ojibwa story of how the Dream catcher came about!!

Posted by Martin Stompingelk

I have heard this story told many times and said it was from many different nations so...i am not saying this is just an Ojibwa story,but it is Part of there creation story one day,two Braves were walking along,comming back from a hunt and in the middle of the path there was a Spider... One brave went to step on it to kill it...but the other nstopped him saying that the Spider was Created by Creator just as we were so the Spider is our Brother..we do not kill for no reason. SO,they walked on.Unknowing to them that the Spider jumped on the Braves pantleg,chaps...and was carried back to his TeePee,the one that saved the Spider. when it was nightime and he went to sleep,the Spider being grateful that he saved his life,wove a majical web... in the morning when the brave awoke,he seen the web anthe Spider told him that it was majical Spider and because he had a good heart and saved him,he made a majical web for him. the web will only let good dreans thru and all the bad ones will get caught in the web.

When we buy these,or make our own,one way i was taught was every year we take the Dreamcatcher down and burn it.this sends all the bad dreams to the Spirit world where the Spirits disolve them. then make a new one...Sage it good and say what we want the Spirit of the Sage to do.....wich is to not let any bad/negitive dreams in. marty stompingelk any questions...just ask me

Metals and the Astrological house

Posted by Blazing Eagletree MM ALLOYS--They correspond to the planet Mercury.Pisces is the astrolocial house. BRASS--Its house is Taurus BRONZE--Taurus is bronzes house .Use bronze for matriarchal power COPPER--Copper was one of the seven nobile metals of antiquity. Venus is its planet. They used to call copper Venus because of its easy union with other metals. It corresponds to the letter I and the jewel Amethyst. Taurus and Libra are the astrological houses. it is sacred to the copper women the goddess and Oya.You can use this in money spells.It is said that it strengthens the function to ward off bacterial infection. ELECTRUM---This was one of the seven noble metals also of the ancients. GOLD--This is another of the seven noble metals. It was thought that it was the congealed breath of the white dragon.It is ruled by the sun and its nature is to males.Leo is is its house.It is represented by East to the Mayans.It also corresponds to diamonds the heart and the letter E I t increases the the power of the gem set in it.Gold is sacred to Califia. the Godess and to Hathor.The Saxons thought Gold taught honesty,and integrity.Use it for wisdom common sense. Gold amulets are charms for depression and strengthening the heart Carry gold balls in hands to increase vitality. IRON--This is the warriors metal and another of the seven noble metals.It corresponds to the planet Mars and the jewel Emerald.Aries and Scorpio are the astrological houses. Iron is a charm against ghost and spirits.It is sacred to Mars,Ogun

LEAD--This was another of the seven noble metals.Greeks used lead plates for binding engraving.Saturn is leads planet.Capricorn and Aquarius is its astrological houses.It is sacred to the goddess.It corresponds to the spleen and the letter U and the jewel Turquoise PLATINUM--This has a female energy.Virgo and Pisces are its astrological houses.Wearing Platinum jewelry is said to be helpful for constipation. PLUTONIUM--Pluto is is its planet and Scorpio is its astrological house.(This can not be used because of its radioactivty) QUICKSILVER/MERCURY--Mercury is Quicksilvers planet.The lodestone is its jewel,Gemini and Virgo is its astrological houses.Use this for transformation,shapeshifting.(even though this is still used for some wolf magic traditions it is poisonness and should never be injested or kept on skin for long periods) SILVER-This is called Luna by astrologers and alchemist,it is also one of the seven noble metals.It corresponds to the Moon,to crystals and to the letter A.Cancer is its astrological house.Use silver for protection,lunar magic and to comfront animal spirits.It also corresponds to the brain so wearing this is said to help neuralgia and epliepsy and brain diseases.Carry silver balls in hands to clear head. STEEL--Mars is its planet.Aries and Scorpio is its astrological houses TIN--It was another of the seven noble metals.It is sacred to the goddess and symbolizes gentle striving.Tin corresponds to Jupiter and the letter O and the jewel Carnelian.Sagittarius and Pisces are its astrological houses. URANIUM--Pluto is its planet and Aquarius is its astrological house,but his has to much radioactivity to use magicaly

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Faerie Lore - The Fae at Beltane

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle

Beltane is traditionally a time when the veil between our world and that of the Fae is thin. In most European folktales, the Fae kept to themselves unless they wanted something from their human neighbors. It wasnt uncommon for a tale to relate the story of a human being who got too daring with the Fae -- and ultimately paid their price for his or her curiosity! In many stories, there are different types of faeries. This seems to have been mostly a class distinction, as most faerie stories divide them into peasants and aristocracy. Early Myths and Legends In Ireland, one of the early races of conquerors was known as the Tuatha de Danaan, and they were considered mighty and powerful. It was believed that once the next wave of invaders arrived, the Tuatha went underground. In hiding from the Milesians, the Tuatha evolved into Ireland's faerie race. Typically, in Celtic legend and lore, the Fae are associated with magical underground caverns and springs -- it was believed that a traveler who went too far into one of these places would find himself in the Faerie realm. Another way to access the world of the Fae was to find a secret entrance. These were typically guarded, but every once in a while an enterprising adventurer would find his way in. Often, he found upon leaving that more time had passed than he expected. In several tales, mortals who spend a day in the fairy realm find that seven years have passed in their own world. Mischievous Faeries In parts of England and Britain, it was believed that if a baby was ill, chances were good that it was not a human infant at all, but a changeling left by the Fae. If left exposed on a hillside, the Fae could come reclaim it. William Butler Yeats relates a Welsh version of this story in his tale The Stolen Child. Parents of a new baby could keep their child safe from abduction by the Fae by using one of several simple charms: a wreath of oak and ivy kept faeries out of the house, as did iron or salt placed across the door step. Also, the father's shirt draped over the cradle keeps the Fae from stealing a child.

In some stories, examples are given of how one can see a faerie. It is believed that a wash of marigold water rubbed around the eyes can give mortals the ability to spot the Fae. It is also believed that if you sit under a full moon in a grove that has trees of Ash, Oak and Thorn, the Fae will appear. Are the Fae Just a Fairy Tale? There are a few books that cite early cave paintings and even Etruscan carvings as evidence that people have believed in the Fae for thousands of years. However, faeries as we know them today didnt really appear in literature until about the late 1300s. In the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer relates that people used to believe in faeries a long time ago, but don't by the time the Wife of Bath tells her tale. Interestingly, Chaucer and many of his peers discuss this phenomena, but there is no clear evidence that describes faeries in any writings prior to this time. It appears instead that earlier cultures had encounters with a variety of spiritual beings, who fit into what 14th century writers considered the archetype of the Fae. So, do the Fae really exist? It's hard to tell, and it's an issue that comes up for frequent and enthusiastic debate at any Pagan gathering. Regardless, if you believe in faeries, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Leave them a few offerings in your garden as part of your Beltane celebration -- and maybe they'll leave you something in return!

Scott Cunningham's Magickal Beltane Spell Garden

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle
1. Decide what your magical intent is for this spell. On a piece of paper, draw the symbol (see below) and estimate how many bulbs you will need to create it. Allow each bulb a space about two inches in diameter. Simple symbols are easiest to create. Use a symbol that has personal meaning to you, or one of these used by Scott: Heart or two crescents, rounded portions touching, for love. One or more groups of three forming an upward-pointing triangle for peace in the household. Dollar sign for money and prosperity. Spiral for healing and regeneration. Left-facing crescent moon for psychic awareness. 2. Select a dish about 1 1/2" to 2" deep, broad enough for however many bulbs you need to create the symbol of your magical need. 3. Gather together enough small pebbles, crushed stone, small crystals, or, if sufficient natural materials aren't available, glass marbles to fill the dish. You can include a favorite crystal or other talisman stone, but the majority should be small stones so that the bulb roots can be held firmly in place. 4. Purchase as many Paper white bulbs as you need to outline your magickal symbol. These are round, chestnut colored bulbs about two inches in diameter and will usually be designed ready for planting. (They may have been chilled at the nursery to promote early blooming). 5. Place the pebbles and other materials you have gathered into the bottom of the dish. 6. Using a deosil (clockwise or sun wise) motion, press and turn the bulbs into the bed of pebbles until they are firmly embedded, with most of the bulb covered by the stones. Arrange the bulbs in the outline of your magical symbol. 7. Bless a vessel of purified water, visualizing your magickal intent flowing into the water. 8. Gently add the water to the dish. say a few words related to your magickal need, such as "As this heart of flowers blooms, let me receive love's boon" or "Green grow the leaves, brightly bloom the flowers, grant to me lots and lots of dollars." Add more blessed and charged water every few days as the bulbs absorb it. (The roots should ALWAYS be kept moist) 9. Enjoy the Paper white blossoms. Inhale their subtle fragrance as away of making their springtime magic a part of you spirit. As they bloom, your magickal desire will be manifested. 10. After the flowers bloom, remove the bulbs from the dish garden and trim off the leaves and faded florets. (Scott Cunningham, whose garden was often limited to the cement porch outside his secondstory apartment, would carefully bag the bulbs, store them in a cool, dark place, and replant them the following year for use in another spell.) May all your Beltanes be filled with flowers!

City Woman: Who is the goddess?

Posted by Harobred

By Leigh Mencarini October 10, 2009

Wife, mother, daughter, friend, colleague... todays woman fulfils a variety of roles every day. As society has changed and developed over the decades, being a woman has changed, too. Most of us find ourselves being many things to many people; the boundaries blur and were often juggling our responsibilities all at once. Its not a bad thing most of us thrive from our ability to multi-task. But meeting those demands can occasionally mean one role is sacrificed more than the other. Its a challenge to strike the balance. I was interested to learn of a series of workshops taking place in Caversham that focus on celebrating womanhood. Vicky Brierley leads the goddess workshops. A married mum-of-two who lives in Burghfield Common, Vicky trained at the Isle of Avalon Foundation, near Glastonbury, and self-initiated as Priestess of Avalon in 2003. The Isle of Avalon, an ancient sacred place in Somerset, has long been celebrated as the home of the goddess. Arthurian legend has it that a group of goddesses lived there, skilled in the art of healing, creation and death, where people would go to die, to be transformed, and to be reborn. Even today, some say the landscape itself represents the body of the goddess. I have always been intrigued by ancient British traditions such as Druidic and pagan cultures for their appreciation of the earth and elements, especially since some still appear in our culture today. So discovering the goddess and her relevance to women today seemed fascinating.

Vicky told me she is deeply passionate about bringing the identity of women as goddesses themselves into public consciousness, on a spiritual level. So, the Saturday before the Autumn Equinox, in a light, spacious room filled with incense, I was introduced to the Wheel of Brigit-Ana, which represents the goddesses. I arrived at the Crystal Dragon in Caversham with little idea of what to expect. As interested as I am by ancient faiths and rituals, I wasnt really sure how the identities of goddesses celebrated in the 500s could really relate to the 21st Century woman. The workshop was held in a hall at the back of the shop on Prospect Street, where I met Vicky and a dozen other women taking part. It was a sacred place, so we removed our shoes, and at the centre of the room was an altar which I was soon to know as the Wheel of Brigit-Ana. It was a circle sectioned off into eight with coloured material; each representing the goddesses. Tokens, figures and statues were placed on the section relevant to each. At the centre was the figure of a woman, her belly swollen with what looked like the earth from above. She represents the Lady of Avalon her colour is violet and she stands for all womens mysteries. The wheel, as well as representing the goddesses, can be seen to follow the cycle of the seasons and the changing stages of a womans life. Vicky explained each sections relevance to the group. The section facing the northeast represents the maiden goddess, Bridget. Her colours are white and her time is celebrated at Imbolc, around January 31. A poet, healer and a goddess of smithcraft, she is celebrated for her inspiration as spring is on its way. Next, in the east, is Grainne, mother of fire. Her colours are green/gold and she brings warmth. She is celebrated at Spring Equinox (around March 21) and represents passion and creativity, bringing light and warmth. Facing south-east, is Rhinanon, the goddess of love. Her colour is red and she represents sexual energy. She is celebrated at Beltane, around May 1, when nature wakes up to creation and instinct.To the south, Domnu, mother of water. Her colour is blue-green and she is allied with the Summer Solstice, around June 21. She represents the flow of emotion and expression.Facing the south-west is Ker. She is celebrated at Lammas, around August 1, and is known as the fruitful mother. Her colours are golds and yellows and she is connected with cultivation and nurture.

To the west, is Gaia, mother of earth, whose time it was we were celebrating Autumn Equinox (around September 21). Gaias colours are browns and oranges. She represents the part of us that appreciates the land, which provides food and harvest, but also the sanctuary of home. One of the ladies placed unopened conkers on the section; a symbol of the time. Cerdiwen, the crone, is the goddess celebrated at Samhain, around October 31. Facing northwest, her colour is black and she represents wisdom, death, and the underworld. Facing north is Danu, the mother of air. Her colour is silver-grey and she is celebrated at Winter Solstice, around December 21. She represents stillness, wisdom, and purity. Vicky and others in the group called out to each goddess, clockwise, and thanked her for her gifts and qualities. Some of us placed tokens such as photographs on parts of wheel, and shared their significance with the group. We then paired off to perform tarot readings. Id never had a reading before but surprisingly and perhaps because Id become familiar with the symbolism and meaning of the wheel the images on the cards made sense. We returned to sit around the wheel and discuss our feelings about our readings as a group, before making salt dough talismans to hang in our homes as charms. We threaded rowanberries on to red silk, the berries being representative of the season, and rowan wood being traditionally known for its protective qualities against evil spirits. Finally, we closed the wheel, bidding farewell to each goddess, having already sang our thanks (I tried my best but; goddess I may be singer? Not so much). By that time wed all shared such a lot about ourselves, it didnt feel strange to hug when we said our goodbyes. I feel theres still so much I dont know about each of the goddesses or the myths and legends around them. However I do feel Ive a greater appreciation of the stages we go through as women. The idea we make the transition from maiden, to lover, to mother, to crone which doesnt sound like a positive term but actually, the crone is celebrated for her wisdom in age really strikes a chord. That each phase should be celebrated and identified as having strengths and powers in its own right is a positive thing; and the concept of these phases moving with the seasons, in sync with the elements, to me, helped it make sense. It may be that nowadays our phases are mixed, and we find ourselves being many goddesses at once.But appreciating each phase might help us realise what fascinating, complicated, powerful creatures we are wherever we may be on the wheel.

Earth Healing Group

Full moon gatherings
This group is for those wishing to share earth healing techniques and information about important events and who wish to add there energy to raising the vibration of the planet for the good of all Come join us every full moon and we will all send healing Energy to Earth at one time a collective conscious activity to help Mother Earth and all those on it.

This group is for all people from all over the world to come "together" every MONTH to focus their energies for a common goal. It is also a place to share with each other HEALING TECHNIQUES and INFORMATION about important events.


Of Spirits and Ouija Boards

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle
By Scott Corrales - A man is elected to the highest office of the land. He is a noblespirited reformer from a wealthy family, vegetarian and given to such strict celibacy that he will never have a family with his own wife. Some might term his ideals as outrageously new age. Sessions are formally held for the president to contact the spirit of departed first executives for advice; there is also talk of channeling going on at the presidential palace. The foregoing paragraph might serve as a blurb for a political novel in which the idealistic elected official comes to a sticky end due to his questing spirit. But this situation actually took place not in the new age minded Eighties, but in the first decade of the 20th century, when Francisco I. Madero, an avowed spiritist, became president of Mexico after the 1910 revolution. Young Franciscos idealism had been such that his family always thought he was destined for the priesthood. Having gone to France to further his education, however, he promptly fell into the embrace of the intellectual and esoteric trends of the time. Allan Kardecs works on spiritism were widely circulated, hermetic and Gnostic associations were rife, and the works of Camile Flammarion and the occultist Papus (Gerard Encausse) were widely circulated. Upon returning to San Pedro de las Colonias in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, Madero established the Sociedad de Estudios Psquicos (Society for Psychic Research) and served as its main trance medium and amanuensis. In 1907, the spirit guide known as Jos advised those present at a sance that a great crusade for democracy lay ahead for Madero. The rest is history, as they say. Sances had been held in ultra-catholic Mexico since the 1870s, but the Ouija board, patented by Elijah Bond in 1890, represented a new and unfamiliar source of communication with the departed. In the early 1980s, a Mexican priest received an anguished phone call from a young man living in Mexico Citys Popotla District. The youth begged the padre to come to his house, where something evil was taking place. The address given as number 51 Caitas Street would become a landmark address in the study of the paranormal. The priest gave the desperate caller a bit of advice: to place an open Bible at the entrance to the home. On the following day, the residents of the house discovered to their horror that the holy book was weeping blood, according to statements. Worse yet at the time this event was discovered, the priest who offered the advice stumbled on the steps of his church and broke his neck.

According to the story, the Amityville-like ordeal at 51 Caitas began with a simple Ouija board session, leading to ghostly apparitions, oppression and even obsession. The story became known thanks to Carlos Trejo, a researcher who was at the center of the Ouija sessions held at that location. The session held in 1982 started out as a gag between friends, although the querent who set the events in motion was none other than Norma Trejo the researchers sister who asked the board about a former boyfriend, supposedly killed in an accident. The planchette swiveled around, spelling out: Siempre estoy contigo, y ahora me encuentro dentro de Manuel (I am always with you, and now Im inside Manuel). Manuel, Normas current boyfriend, began to contort, his body twisting into impossible postures to everyones horror. The events set off by the Ouija session sent those present into a twilight zone worthy of contemporary Hollywood horror films involving unwary teenagers. A dark presence had seized the home at 51 Caitas, turning it into a house of horrors in which poltergeist manifestations took turns with demonic obsession. The dark force that caused Manuel to twist into strange and fearsome shapes was driving him mad, while temperatures dropped, friends and relatives experienced possession episodes in which they spoke with strange voices, and objects lurched from one part of the floor to another. Perhaps the most terrifying incident involved a hooded, taloned figure that appeared in the dark, trying to reach Norma. It would haunt the hallways and the rooms occupied the younger members of the Trejo family. The improbable and frightening manifestations would vanish with a mist that would hang in the air after it was gone. According to the story, the Ouija session at Caitas Street claimed an incredible fourteen lives: first among them, the priest Padre Toms who died upon recommending the use of the Bible. He was followed by Manuel, possessed by the entity, who would die in a car crash with his family; another session-goer died of a bullet-wound during a bar fight; Sofa Trejo, Carloss spouse, died of a brain tumor. The list goes on to a tally of fourteen lives supposedly lost to a paranormal incident that began in May 1982.

Accused of being a hoaxer by some, Trejo still lives on the property that claimed the lives of his loved ones and has written books on the subject. A motion picture Caitas opened on March 30, 2007. The film by Julio Cesar Estrada and starring Armando Hernndez as Trejo, was panned by critics: ( )

According to Trejo -- seeing that even an exorcism of the property had failed, resulting in a shower of exploding glass windows the family conducted its own research, discovering that the house had been built on the ancient boneyard of a 16th century monastic order involved with the Inquisition. This opens other avenues of inquiry. Far from circumscribed to Europe, the Spanish Inquisition (a source of humor to fans of Monty Python) was very active in its colonial possessions, having been established in Mexico City 1571 by Pedro Moya de Contreras, the High Inquisitor of New Spain. Following the cruel and bloodthirsty code set down by Torquemada, the Mexican Inquisition freely employed torture and confiscation of assets to achieve its purposes. Could the hooded and clawed figure have been, indeed, the spirit of one of these torturers, or one of its victims? The house at 51 Caitas is located in the citys Popotla District, one of the oldest, having been part of Aztec Tenochtitln. In the year 1598, a prison belonging to the Inquisition was built in this general area at the orders of Alonso de Peralta, which also contained a chapel used by religious devotions by the Holy Office, containing portraits of Saint Ildefonsus and Saints Peter and Paul. An inscription can still be found at 5 Perpetua Street which reads: Under the rule of His Excellency the Count of Monterrey, the Honorable Don Alonso de Peralta who alone attends the court of Inquisition of Mexico City, with his chief architect being Baltazar Mexia, brought water to this building on 8 November 1598 referring to a supply of potable water channeled in from a nearby spring. This secret prison a place of horror and torment is also mentioned in the writings of Artemio del Valle Arizpe, the official chronicler of Mexico City in the 1920s. In the courtyard of the orange trees, and under the series of dungeons in its southern section, lies an underground vault that has been seen by a few [...]. These vaults were explored years ago by General Miguel Miramn, Dr. Jos Lobato and my father, when they were youths. What purpose did they serve? We do not know. Some, filled with fear, have turned them into the site of mysterious scenes... As from the 18th century, the Mexican Inquisition was headquartered in the contemporary Palace of Medicine, built in 1732 at Plaza Santo Domingo, where it still stands to this day: ( ). Restoration of its cells is ongoing. The original buildings and outlying structures may, as Carlos Trejo suggests, have been in the area occupied by 51 Caitas and other dwellings.


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Relaxation Preparation
Posted by Rev Willow Raine
Preparation for meditation is particularly important, as it is not at all easy to rush from your everyday life straight into a receptive mode. It takes time to 'switch off', and the following process is well worth observing. 1. Allocate a favorite place, where it is quiet, and away from possible interruption. It is preferable to use the same place each time. 2. Bright light can be distracting, so during the day it may be advisable to draw the curtains. At night, a room is most calming when dimly lit. 3. Prepare the room carefully. You may choose to light a candle, burn some incense, and put on some quiet and restful background music. However, none of these things are essential. 4. Sit yourself in a comfortable chair, with your back straight, and your arms and shoulders relaxed. Place your hands where you feel they are most comfortable. If you choose not to sit in the lotus position, then both feet should be firmly on the floor. If you choose to lie down during meditation, there is a danger of you going to sleep, but many people find this position also very successful. Tense and Relax 1. Take a few deep breaths. It is important that you don't over breathe. Just a few healthy intakes and release of breath to start the relaxation process

2. Become aware of your body. Concentrate on the different areas, and note where there are points of restriction. If necessary shift a little to find a better position. Ensure that your back remains straight, but you are sitting comfortably without feeling uneasy. 3. Tense and relax. Beginning with your feet, gradually move up each section of the body step by step tensing and relaxing as you go. Be particularly aware of your thighs, hands, arms, shoulders, and face muscles. Clenching your fists, hunching your shoulders, and tight facial grins are particularly useful before relaxing. 4. Ensure relaxation is complete. Quickly go over the whole body again, to confirm that all parts of you are fully relaxed, and if necessary re-address any areas of difficulty. The whole process of relaxation should not take a great deal of time, but it is an important part of preparation for a beneficial session. Having relaxed the body, the following points are useful for relaxing the mind, and moving your thoughts inwards before you begin. Getting into a receptive mode 1 Close your eyes and imagine yourself wrapped in a bubble of light. All is warm and comforting. Become aware of the ebb and flow of your breathing. 2. Concentrate on the most distant noise you can hear. It may be a car hooting its horn in a road across the way, or an aeroplane flying overhead. Allow yourself to hear these sounds, recognise them, and let them go.

3. Now, move in closer and note the sounds just outside your house, or the building where you are meditating. It could be children playing in the garden, or your neighbours talking in the street. Maybe a dog barking. Allow yourself to hear them, recognise, and let go. 4. Concentrate now on the sounds directly outside your room. It could be a radio programme if someone else is in the area, or perhaps a bath running. Recognise all these things, and let them go. 5. Now, pull your attention to inside the room you are in. What sounds do you hear now? It could be the central heating, or a clock ticking. The sound of soft music playing. 6. The final step is to move inside yourself. Can you hear your heart beating, your breathing, or the slight hissing sound in your ears? Acknowledge all these and let them go. Once you have done all this, you are now ready to move into deep meditation - to hear the voice of your inner self, without distraction from the outer sounds. Descriptions of different forms of meditation are described on the following pages. Although these techniques are commonly used for Passive Mediation. They can also be used in preparation for Active Meditation, in order to put you in a completely relaxed state before you begin. However, if you intend to meditate as you are walking, you may find it convenient to adapt the process a little, incase you find yourself wobbling along on jelly legs! Always bring yourself slowly out of a meditation. Just as it is not productive to rush in without preparation, it is equally not productive to rush out without sufficient time to come back into the everyday world.

Irish Fairies - "The Good People"

Posted by Rev Carol Ingle

You need to know Irish fairy superstitions in order to learn how to keep them happy so they don't cause any problems in your life. They have been known to cause many problems and just generally make your life miserable. The most well known of Irish fairies has to be the Leprechaun. A close second is the Banshee. You may or may not have heard of the Pooka. These are some of the solitary fairies. The Merrow are Irish sea fairies or I should say the sea fairies of Ireland. The Dullahan are the most feared fairies. There are many stories concerning the social or trooping fairies. The trooping fairies travel in large groups or hosts. If you see a sudden gust of wind that swirls up dust and leaves or just blows on the leaves of some trees but not others near by, that is a cavalcade of fairies passing by. The fairies themselves unseen by human eyes. Where Did Irish Fairies Come From There are two thoughts on the origin of the fairies. The first thought is they are the Tatha D Dannan. The Tatha D Dannan were in original gods of Ireland. They were defeated by the Sons of Mil thought to be the final Gael conquers of Ireland. The Tatha D Dannan were not banished from the land. They were diminished in size and told to go live among the hills, mounds and plains. They do not die of old age. They are not visible to humans but they can be seen if they want to. They have supernatural powers, they are gods after all. The second thought of their origin is that they are fallen angels. This idea probably came with the coming of Christianity in the fifth century. After all everyone knew fairies existed so they had to conform to the new Christian belief. When Lucifer rebelled against God some of the angels hesitated about which side to join. For this behavior they were cast from Heaven. Some fell on land to live in elf mounds called Sidh. Some fell into the seas, lakes and rivers of Ireland and are bound to live there. A few fell into Hell and were taught by the devil to do ill to mankind, these are the malevolent fairies.

All fairies will not know death until the "Last Day" comes. Then they will simply vanish away forever, that is their fate. They are very jealous of humans because humans will be granted immortality on that day. Do You Believe In Irish Fairies? Today it is believed that only the uneducated believe in fairies. I don't think this is the case. I think the uneducated would be the only ones to admit to belief in fairies. Anyone else would never admit to your face this belief for fear of ridicule. Secretly many people are careful not to offend the Good People. Up until the year 1700 virtually everyone in Ireland believed in fairies from royalty down to the rural peasants. Not even the arrival of Christianity in the fifth century could dispel this belief. Old stories were told that included fairies. It was just taken for granted that these stories were all true because it was the natural order of things that they truly were part of the real world. As the science of the day began to find cures for mankind's aliments belief in Irish fairies began to decline, but not completely. To this day in Ireland some people still practice rituals to appease the Good People even though they may not be aware of what they are doing. On May morning some people collect flowers especially primroses to spread around their doors and windows. This is done to keep out the malevolent fairies. They may or may not know why they do this. They would never admit to you or me why they do this. A friend of mine from here in the U.S recently visited a town in Co. Kerry, Ireland. On display were some fairy houses where some fairies are suppose to currently live. A local told her that the "real" fairies don't live there, the display is just for the tourists. She wouldn't tell my friend where the fairies really lived, that has to be kept secret. Milk, salt, and fire are sacred in fairy lore. I remember as a child being told by my mother to throw spilled salt over my shoulder. I wonder if this was to give the fairies their share, I would be willing to bet that it was. This most likely has been handed down through the family, but the reason behind it has been lost. After all you should just know why you are throwing salt over your shoulder, shouldnt you? It's the natural order of things. There might be things done in your family to appease the Good People that you may not be aware of. So I ask again. Do you believe in fairies?

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