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Introduo Mecnica Quntica

Niels Bohr e Max Planck (pai da teoria quntica)

Monday, March 19, 12

Por que alguns tomos se unem para

formar molculas e outros no? dos elementos so diferentes?

Por que as propriedades qumicas e fsicas Por que ocorre uma repetio peridicas
destas propriedades conforme visto na tabela peridica?

Monday, March 19, 12

1. Primeira Energia de Ionizao (I)

I1 A um tomo neutro no estado gasoso I2 ...I3 > I2 > I1

Monday, March 19, 12 3

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Monday, March 19, 12

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ends in ionization energy:

ow, IE _____________. Z increases, but n (the shell) stays constant. The e- is bound more tightly to the nucleus and requires more E to be ejected.

lumn, IE _____________. Although Z increases as you go down a column, Shells are well-separated in space, so electrons in larger n are farther awa ucleus. A large distance from the nucleus dominates over the increased Z, ctrons less strongly bound and therefore decreasing IE.

He Ne F N H Be B Li Na Al C O Mg Si P S Cl Ar

for example,


IE (kJ/mol)


ches in the trend occur due to subshell structure:

Monday, March 19, 12 5

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2. Energia de Ionizao e Periodicidade

Monday, March 19, 12

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Monday, March 19, 12

Group Number of electrons in valence shell Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7

Lewis Dot Formulas for Representative Elements

IA IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIIIA 8 (except He) He Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra B Al Ga In Tl C Si Ge Sn Pb N P As Sb Bi O S Se Te Po F Cl Br I At Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn

1 H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr

the s (dots in neutral number. electron) ons).

Chemical bonding usually involves only the outermost electrons of atoms, also called valence electrons. In Lewis dot representations, only the electrons in the outermost occupied s and p orbitals are shown as dots. Paired and unpaired electrons are also indicated. Monday, March 19, 12 Table 7-1 shows Lewis dot formulas for the representative elements. All elements in a

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3. Espectro Eletromagntico
v(Hz) () 103 3 1019 101 10 3 1015 103 105 3 1011 107 109 Hertzian waves Rdio, TV (radio, TV) Low energy microondas Baixa energia Microwaves Low frequency Baixawavelength Infrared IR Long frequncia raios rays (heat) Alto comprimento de onda calor 3 107 1011 Gamma rays raios Gamma X-rays raios - X


that on the surface of water (Figure 5-11), to illustrate Ultraviolet raios raysnature. The wavere of wave motion is its repetitive UV n any two adjacent identical points of the wave, for Visible passing a given frequency is the number of wave crestslight ted by the symbol (Greek letter nu) and is usually , more commonly, simply as 1/s or s 1 with cycles () 4000 5000 6000 veling 10 some speed, the wavelength and5.00 10frequency at the v(Hz) 7.50 6.00 10
High energy Alta energia High frequency Alta frequncia Short wavelength Baixo comprimento de onda
14 14 14

7000 4.28 1014

(b) Figure 5-12 (a) Dispersion of visible light by a prism. Light from a source of white light is passed through a slit and then through a prism. It is spread into a continuous spectrum of all wavelengths of visible light. (b) Visible light is only a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some radiant energy has longer or shorter wavelengths than our eyes can detect. The upper part shows the approximate ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum on a logarithmic scale. The lower part shows the visible region on an expanded scale. Note that wavelength increases as frequency decreases.

Como converter (comprimento de onda) em (frequencia)?

pagation of the wave


are inversely proportional to each other; for the same

Monday, March 19, 12

nts only a tiny segment of the electromagnetic radiation itsTeoria all radiao eletromagntica light, sunlight also co repetitive nature. Theof visible da wavelengths waveition to (1860 James of the wave, for dentical -points Clerck Maxwell) olet) radiation as well as longer wavelength (infrared) ber of wave crests passing a given be detected by the human eye. Both may be detecte Greek letter nu) and is usually r by detectors s 1 with cycles purpose. Many other fa designed for that mply as 1/s or y electromagnetic the frequencylonger or shorter wavele radiation of the wavelength and f electromagnetic radiation, c, is the same for all wavele relationship between the wavelength and frequency o c rounded to three significant figures, is
Figure 5-11 Illustrations of the wavelength and frequency of water waves. The distance between any two identical points, such as crests, is the wavelength, . We could measure the frequency, , of the wave by observing how often the level rises and falls at a fixed point in its path for instance, at the post or how often crests hit the post. (a) and (b) represent two waves that are traveling at the same speed. In (a) the wave has long wavelength and low frequency; in (b) the wave has shorter wavelength and higher frequency. (a) (b)


onal to each other; for the same requencies. anges repetitively; for a vibrating
Monday, March 19, 12

One cycle per second is also called one hertz (Hz), after Heinrich Hertz (18571894). In 1887, Hertz discovered electromagnetic radiation outside the visible range and measured its speed and wavelengths.


108 m/s

Let us use a familiar kind of wave, that on the surface of water (Figure 5-11), to illu these terms. The significant feature of wave motion is its repetitive nature. The w length, , is the distance between any two adjacent identical points of the wave instance, two adjacent crests. The frequency is the number of wave crests passing a point per unit time; it is represented by the symbol (Greek letter nu) and is u expressed in cycles per second or, more commonly, simply as 1/s or s 1 with cy understood. For a wave that is traveling at some speed, the wavelength and the frequ are related to each other by

- comprimento de onda - freqncia (1/s = Hz)

or c

speed of propagation of the wave

Thus, wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to each other; for the wave speed, shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. For water waves, it is the surface of the water that changes repetitively; for a vibr 10 violin string, it is the displacement of any point on the string. Electromagnetic radi

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4. Espectro dos tomos

Equao de Rydberg-Balmer n = 3, 4, 5...

Monday, March 19, 12 11

5. Ftons
Se o espectro eletromagntico contnuo como explicar as linhas espectrais? Radiao do corpo negro

Monday, March 19, 12


Efeito fotoeltrico

Monday, March 19, 12


Feixe de Eltrons

Eltrons difratados Cristal de Ni(0)

Energia cintica = mv2

Monday, March 19, 12


Energia cintica de um eltron ejetado

Tr Fun ab alh o o ( )

Energia necessria para remover um eltron

(a) No h ejeo < 0 (b) H ejeo 0

Monday, March 19, 12 15

Frequncia () - energia do fton; Intensidade (I) - nmero de ftons;

Monday, March 19, 12


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0(Rb) 0(K) h0(Rb) h0(K) h0(Na)




y = mx + b coef. angular (m) = 6.626E-34 J.s coef. linear (b) = Cte de Planck = h =
-34 (6.626E


-34 6.626E


Monday, March 19, 12

Cada metal apresenta um valor caracterstico de

(comprimento de onda), abaixo do qual eltrons podem ser ejetados. (freqencia), acima da qual eltrons podem ser ejetados.

Cada metal apresenta um valor caracterstico de

Monday, March 19, 12


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Zn = 6,9E-19 J

Uma lmpada UV ( = 254 nm) e um laser ( = 700 nm) podem provocar a ejeo de eltrons de uma placa de Zn(0)?

Monday, March 19, 12


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1. Qual a energia de um fton emitido pela lmpada UV ( = 254 nm) ? 2. Qual a energia de um fton emitido pelo laser de um pointer ( = 700 nm) ? 3. Qual o nmero de ftons emitidos pelo laser durante 60 s se a intensidade de 1 mW?

1 mW = 1E-3 J/s
Monday, March 19, 12 20

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6. Propriedades ondulatrias da matria

Radiao eletromagntica = comportamento ondulatrio

Ftons = comportamento de partcula

Duque Louis Victor de Broglie (1924)

Monday, March 19, 12 21

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Uma partcula de massa m em uma velocidade v

de ter um comprimento de onda associado a ela. p = h/ = h/p = h/mv
De Broglie destacou o primeiro parte do que estava realmente encoberto sobre dualidade onda/partcula A. Einstein

Monday, March 19, 12


7. Propriedades dos Eltrons

Difrao (propriedade de ondas) de eltrons (partculas)

Davisson & Germer (1925): Prmio Nobel

J. J. Thonsom - partculas subatmicas G. P. Thonsom - comportamento ondulatrio dos eltrons

Monday, March 19, 12 23

8. O tomo de Hidrognio

Comportamento ondulatrio proposto por de Broglie

5-12 Atomic Spectra and the Bohr Atom

Comportamento ondulatrio proposto por Bohr


The Danish physicist Niels Bohr was one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century. Like many other now-famous physicists of his time, he worked for a time in England with J. J. Thomson and later with Ernest Rutherford. During this period, he began to develop the ideas that led to the publication of his explanation of atomic spectra and his theory of atomic structure, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1922. After escaping from German-occupied Denmark to Sweden in 1943, he helped to arrange the escape of hundreds of Danish Jews from the Hitler regime. He later went to the United States, where, until 1945, he worked with other scientists at Los Alamos, New Mexico, on the development of the atomic bomb. From then until his death in 1962, he worked for the development and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

n = 1, 2, 3..

Niels Bohr (1885-1962)

Monday, March 19, 12 24

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(Enrichment, continued)

Increasing energy

6563 A 4861 A 4340 A

Excited states

n 5 4 3

9. Transies Eletrnicas

Balmer series

Lyman series

1216 A 1026 A 973 A 950 A

Balmer series

(A) 5000

2500 2000

1500 1250



Ground state Lyman series red 6563 Visible region 4861 violet Ultraviolet 4340 4102 3646 (A)

(a) (a)

(c) (c)
Monday, March 19, 12

Series limit

Monday, March 19, 12


Teste de chama

Espectro de emisso
() 4000 () 4000 H H 5000 5000 6000 6000 7000 7000

Hg Hg

Ne Ne

(a) (a)

Espectro de absoro

() 4000 5000 6000 7000

() 5000 6000 (b) 4000 (b) Figure 5-15 Atomic spectra in the visible region for some elements. Figure 5-14a shows how such Figure 5-15 Atomic spectra (a) Emission spectra for some elements. (b) Absorption Monday, March 19, 12 spectra are the visible region for some elements. Figure 5-14a shows



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