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Wednesday, May. 02, 2012
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multilingualmag PIaySay gamifies Ianguage Iearning | VentureBeat
PlaySay has launched a new language learning app on the Apple iTunes
App Store that allows people to learn to speak a foreign language using
a non-classroom, game-like setting. The goal of the Play... Education
fidusinterpres "CIients don't see the vaIue in what I do.They don't get it."
What's the best way to win over those clients who don't quite
understand? You know, the client who thinks translating is just typing,
except in another language. The one who asks, "Why does it cost...
kvashee WorIds Unknown: The Regions Ignored by GoogIe TransIate
- Sarah Kendzior - TechnoIogy
Google's translation tool has the power to open up
parts of the world we don't understand well -- if it just
had the right languages.Last week Google Translate
announced that it now has more than 2... Society
langology BiIinguaIism fine-tunes hearing, enhances attention
ScienceDaily (Apr. 30, 2012) A new Northwestern University study
provides the first biological evidence that bilinguals' rich experience with
language "fine-tunes" their auditory nervous system a...
GermanENTrans Ten True Fans | The FreeIancery
The more you think about the freelance model, the simpler and simpler it
gets. Example. If you are a musician or a sculptor or a fine artist, the
thought is, you need about 1,000 true fans to make ...
thefreelancery... Stories
langology Business EngIish: UsefuI, yes. But mandatory?
Apr 30th 2012, 11:02 by L.M. | LONDON TSEDAL NEELEY, an
assistant professor at Harvard, wants all employees of multinational
companies to speak English, no matter where in the world they are or
wha... Education
langology Swearing in court: The F-word in court
May 1st 2012, 20:06 by R.L.G. | NEW YORK I'M NOT going to follow
my usual practice of mocking the New York Times for bending over
backwards to avoid a swear-word. True, this piece so conspicuously ... Society
PORTranslation eCPD Webinars: Iive events
(11:00 - May 11th, 2012) THIS EVENT IS
GMT. Click here to check the time where you live.
Last r...
ecpdwebinars.c... Education
larusalka OmegaT - muItipIatform CAT tooI
The free computer aided translation (CAT) tool for professionals
168 Recommendations 1,667 Downloads (This Week) Download Browse All Files Screenshots
Description Om... Technology
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
Jeromobot LibreOffice vs. Showdown for Best Open
Source Office Suite - the weird writer
With the release of a new version of LibreOffice this month, it's a
good time to look at the two major open source office suites, LibreOffice
and, to see what advantages each offers,... Technology
morsmal A new Ianguage teacher in your hand
Bob Tedeschi, May 2, 2012, NYT: I've tried learning Italian
through books, CDs, DVDs, tapes, and apps with phrase
books and translation technology. Nothing stuck. As a result,
I've avoided much cos... Education
sdltrados YouTube - sdItrados's ChanneI
Successfully removed. Sorry, an error occurred. sdltrados uploaded
a new video (2 days ago) This video demonstrates how to use the SDL
License Manager to perform an online activation and how to acc... Technology
fxtrans Meeting the Linguistic Requirements for EMA Submissions
is being presented by Anabel Pérez, Senior Project Manager, with
ForeignExchange Translations and airs on Wednesday, May 9th, 2012.
For more details or to register, please visit our site at www.fx...
fxconferences.... Health
morsmal News & Trends in Management
Nearly half the executives at global companies believe language barriers
have spoiled cross-border deals and caused financial losses for
companies, says a report from the Economist Intelligence Uni... Business
LinguaGreca European CentraI Bank
The Terminology/Language Technology (TLT) unit is part of the
Language Services Division within the ECB's Directorate General
Secretariat and Language Services. The unit is responsible for
gs6.globalsucc... Education
saavedramanuel Crónica de una asambIea anunciada « Traduo
Tras varios de meses de preparativos y con los nervios a flor de
piel a medida que se acercaba la anunciada y esperada fecha de la
asamblea de Asetrad en Bilbao, por fin llegó el día esperado. ¿Sal... Art & Entertainment
morsmal Being biIinguaI 'boosts brain power'
1 May 2012 Last updated at 02:49 ET Differences
were seen in the brainstem (coloured orange in this
picture) Learning a second language can boost brain
power, scientists believe. The US researchers... Health
translatetrad How To Read a Book a Week in 2011
Yep, I finally did it. I read over a book a week all of the past year. More
than that- I never fell behind or stopped. I was always ahead of
schedule for the entire year. So now, this coming year, ...
inoveryourhead... Stories
pbtranslations conseIIer amb dobIe personaIitat per Ia traducció de Ia web
deI Govern
El Govern ha inclòs al diari digital que va presentar el dia de Sant Jordi,
'' una versió en castellà i anglès accessible des de la
mateixa pàgina. Per evitar-se la traducció manual dels ...
Tesstranslates Läs en bok! | SpråkbIoggen
Ett läsarmejl: Hej Du berättar sa lockande om
sprakkurser. Om man som jag är 82 ar passar det nog
bättre att sitta hemma och läsa. Det vore roligt om du
ville tipsa om lämplig litteratur för hemmas...
a newspaper
PREV PREV 1 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 . 14 14 15 15 NEXT NEXT
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Wednesday, May. 02, 2012
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saavedramanuel La unión hace Ia fuerza
Un fin de semana pasado por agua siempre puede ser
refrescante, especialmente, cuando te reúnes con tus
colegas en el Palacio Euskalduna y no te mojas mucho
(literalmente hablando, claro). El laber... Art & Entertainment
VisualThesaurus Non-Thinking-Type Think Pieces : Evasive Maneuvers :
Thinkmap VisuaI Thesaurus
Try it RISK FREE! When you subscribe you get: Full access to the
Visual Thesaurus, including: Easy-to-use interactive thesaurus and
dictionary to explore words and language Over 145,000 English wor...
visualthesauru... Stories
multilingualmag It's aII Greek to me! LocaIization is a bumpy road - The
Ushahidi BIog
[Post co-written with Michelle Lee, our intern. Michelle
is an ex-journalist, freelance writer, now a MA student
doing Creating Social Media, Goldsmiths College,
University of London.] How can we s... Education
MarianDougan Tim Parks RefIects on MiIan, ItaIy
Dynamic, energetic Milan is a city of work-and
cappuccino breaks., Steeve Iuncker / Agence VU A
Milan day starts with cappuccino and croissant. For
speed and quality, this city has no equal for cof... Leisure
NJATB Revue de bIog | (Not Just) Another TransIator
sep 22 LaurentY'a pas que la tradPour vous faire patienter jusqu'au
prochain billet, voici déjà une petite revue de blog rapide avec les liens
intéressants de la semaine : - Sur le site PressEurope...
anothertransla... Art & Entertainment
NJATB Court de ratrappaje | (Not Just) Another TransIator
jun 30 LaurentBob et La RousseMon Dieu, quelle horreur !
Quelle entrée en matière abominable ! Avec un titre pareil,
je suis bon pour réviser mon brevet. Ou bien devrais-je
suivre des cours particu...
anothertransla... Art & Entertainment
multilingualmag W3C HTML Working Group Seeks Editors for Review of
HTML5 Specifcations
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has announced
that it is seeking editors to support its Last Call review
for the HTML5 specifications. After the HTML Working
Group Chairs posted a draft stabi...
news.techwhirl... Technology
fidusinterpres Como se especiaIizar em tradução
Este 6º post da série Pergunte ao Tradutor é também
o 2º episódio do Fidus Interpres Vodcast. Retomando
o vodcast praticamente abandonado desde dezembro,
respondo hoje algumas perguntas de leitores...
fidusinterpres... Technology
LTDiv cXense Gains Red-Herring Top100 Europe Award - Industry
News from LT
langtechnews.h... Business
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
Red Herring has announced its Top 100 award in
recognition of the leading private companies from
Europe, celebrating these startups' innovations and
technologies across their respective industries....
multilingualmag Lost in GoogIe's TransIation -
Last week Google Translate announced that it now has
over 200 million monthly users. As Alexis Madrigal noted
in the Atlantic, this means that Google is now translating
as much in a day as a human ... Education
Tesstranslates What I Iook for when evaIuating a transIation
After working many years for a number of good
translation companies, I have frequently been asked
to evaluate other translator's jobs. This is partly due
to the fact that they need more Swedish tra...
swedishtransla... Education
LTDiv Voice Biometrics Comes of Age: Report on Voice Biometrics
Conference - Industry News from LT
After several years of contemplating what is and what could be, voice
biometrics is finally reaching a level of maturity and viability that is
putting an end to all the guesswork, speakers at the A...
langtechnews.h... Education
WordAwareness HeIIo, bonjour, guten tag, oIá, marhaba,... - Extremadura
G. MORAL 02/03/2012 Hello, olá, bonjour, guten tag, marhaba, ciao,...
Bienvenidos al Instituto de Lenguas Modernas de la Uex. Desde ahora
se abre a la sociedad extremeña una nueva vía para conocer ...
lacronicabadaj... Art & Entertainment
ArnaudJacobs GoogIe's Automatic EmaiI TransIation Feature Graduates
From GmaiI Labs
In 2009, Google brought its translation features to
Gmail as a Gmail Labs experiment. Today, almost
exactly two years after it first launched, this features
is finally graduating from Gmail Labs. S... Technology
teclasap 05-02-2012 - TecIa SAP :: Como se diz â pé-de
, Segue atualização do Tecla SAP. Habilite seu programa
de e-mail para visualizar as imagens. Conhece o programa
"Textos Mastigados"? Assine para ampliar o vocabulário
de inglês! Clique para recebe...
archive.aweber... Art & Entertainment
NJATB Cogito ergo(nomi) sum | (Not Just) Another TransIator
Moi qui comptais booster votre productivité en rédigeant un petit
message sur l'ergonomie du poste de travail, j'ai été devancé par des
collègues et amis de l'Association des anciens de l'ESIT. Ave...
anothertransla... Technology
HynekPalatin Übersetzertreffen BerIin-Kreuzberg am 3. Mai
Liebe Leute,hier die Einladung für das nächste Übersetzertreffen
am: Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012, ab 20.00 UhrWir gehen noch
einmal ins: Max und Moritz Oran...
WordAwareness Advantages of foreign Ianguages - The Times of India
SHAREANDDISCUSS Learning foreign languages like
German, French, Spanish, Japanese and Mandarin gives
students an edge, finds out Alisha Gonsalves There has always been a
growing importance for lang...
timesofindia.i... Education
multilingualmag Assessing the ConvertabiIity of Your Content
Creating quality content is always challenging, especially when
converting existing content into to eBooks. There's so many things can
trip you up. But, when you know what to look out for, you can ... Business
LTDiv Zyncro, the Spanish Enterprise MicrobIogging Site Adds
TransIator App - Industry News from LT
This ZyncroApp has been developed by one of our
expert partners in Microsoft technology and social
technology with Zyncro: IndustryLabs. Zyncro
Translator lets you translate messages and
langtechnews.h... Technology
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Wednesday, May. 02, 2012
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lingocode One year of the TransIator's Teacup: a review with AnaIytics
and the best of the rest | The TransIator's Teacup |
TransIation bIog by German to EngIish transIator Rose
NeweII of Lingocode
Dear translators Thank you so much for reading,
sharing, following, liking, commenting on, blogging
about and recommending the Translator's Teacup and
my various articles over the past year. It has...
translatorstea... Stories
Elleapostrofo iI bIocco deIIo scrittore » BIog Archive » AImeno provateci
Posted on 2.05.2012, 11.08, by iltrev, under generale.
La sera del 30 aprile è stata inaugurata la versione
italiana di iTunes Match. Ed ecco cosa c'era scritto in
uno dei box informativi di iTunes...
Elleapostrofo Contrazioni. Domani nasce. » PiccoIo Cabotaggio II (ParoIe
in navigazione)
Esce domani, il 3 maggio, in tutte le librerie. Un altro figlio,
piccolo, sporco, con gli occhi chiusi. Vedremo se resiste,
cresce, diventa grande. La mortalità infantile, nell'editoria, è
ancora a...
ArnaudJacobs » BIog Archive TransIation Matters at the 2012 PEN
WorId Voices FestivaI
Member News, Translation May 1, 2012 | Susan
Bernofsky PEN World Voices is a festival of
international literature, so translation plays a role in
nearly every panel, since the work of most of these... Education
HynekPalatin TransIation TribuIations: WaIIed gardens
Ashgrove walled garden, roadside view. Kilwinning,
North Ayrshire, Scotland (from Roger Griffith)In the
beginning, online networks and platforms were largely
separate, walled off from one another. ...
translationtri... Education
teclasap VocabuIário: Coroa
Ron Martinez Ao nascer, a pessoa é chamada de baby em
inglês. Depois, passa a ser infant ou toddler (criança
pequena) e, até os nove ou dez anos, mais ou menos, é
child ou kid. Quando chega à puber... Art & Entertainment
lexicoolcom BiIinguaIism 'enriches the brain' | Web Review
Aujourd'hui, dans le Club Science Publique, nous poursuivons donc
notre exploration des capacités humaines aussi mal connues et mal
comprises que spectaculaires et fascinantes. Après l'extrême rési... Health
GermanENTrans DigitaIes Aktenmanagement mit pdfaPiIot von caIIas software
| good news! - PR
Berlin, 2. Mai 2012. Die aktuelle Version des pdfaPilot
ermöglicht nun auch ein komfortables Management
von digitalen Akten. Möglich macht dies der neue
Normteil PDF/A-3, der kurz vor seiner Veröff... Technology
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
WebTranslations Internship - Language jobs vacancy in Leeds, with Web
About the Vacancy: Web-Translations is looking for a dynamic,
motivated and organised intern to join the team and assist the projects
team in delivering client projects to the highest standards. Th...
web-translatio... Education
carol_alfaro The Latest Thing Cartoon | Savage Chickens
Archives Select Month May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012
January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September
2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March
savagechickens... Health
PaulAppleyard Sir Patrick Moore: 'onIy good Kraut is a dead Kraut' | News
TV ASTRONOMER Sir Patrick Moore has offered some forthright views
on Britain's European neighbours in an interview with the Radio Times to
mark the 55th anniversary of The Sky at Night. "I'm no Eur... Politics
_Translation_ ¿EI idioma puede afectar nuestra forma de pensar?
Desde que comencé a estudiar una segunda lengua,
he notado que cuando hablo en esta segunda lengua,
siento como que asumo otra personalidad. Siempre
se lo atribuí a mi acento extranjero y a mi in...
blog-de-traduc... Technology
teclasap O que significa "FUMBLE"?
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho FUMBLE (v. & n.)[pisar na bola, dar uma
bola fora, deixar a peteca cair] Chama-se "fumble" o erro cometido pelo
jogador de futebol americano que deixa a bola cair de suas ... Society
GermanENTrans SDL Trados Studio, memoQ and PDF extraction
When I began using Twitter somewhat hesitantly three years
ago, I never expected that it would eventually prove to be one of
the most useful social media tools for gathering information of
translationtri... Technology
Elleapostrofo The case against bIogging « Thoughts On TransIation
April 30, 2012 by Corinne McKay This is a guest post by my colleague
and friend, French to English translator Karen Tkaczyk. Thanks to
Karen for submitting it, and she'll be looking forward to you...
thoughtsontran... Stories
multilingualmag CIub Penguin's transIation system wiII make Ianguage
barriers vanish
The chat system currently contains 300,000 phrases but an update, due
later this year, will extend that number to more than six billion. The next
update will automatically translate those phrases b... Education
CopestoneTeam MobiIe ads more engaging than desktop, says Twitter ad
head :: StrategyEye
1 Image(s) Twitter is experiencing higher engagement
with its mobile ads than on desktop in the UK,
according to the micro-blogging site's UK ad head,
Bruce Daisley. Speaking to StrategyEye, Daisle...
digitalmedia.s... Business
petergarner Singing the AppIe: The iPad and CIoudOn: a great
About a month ago, I finally relented and bought an iPad. I'd been
holding off for a couple of years, mostly because I couldn't justify the
expense. I couldn't really use the device for work, since...
i18n_mug TransIation Performance Metrics - IMUG - The *OriginaI*
MuItiIinguaI Computing User Group (San Jose, CA)
Are you finding it difficult to locate concrete data to
support your business plan to add more languages,
increase your budget, or centralize your
translation/localization function? Are you under p... Business
BeatBabel WorIds Unknown: The Regions Ignored by GoogIe TransIate
- Sarah Kendzior - TechnoIogy Society
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traducaoviaval Tweeting at #memoqfest
It is all very well for those young people who can send tweets about
memoQfest one handed on something which used to be used for talking
to people while at the same time holding a coffee in their o...
kilgray.blogsp... Stories
CopestoneTeam The irrationaI imitation of the onIine news industry |
MediaFiIe | AnaIysis & Opinion
All across Europe, journalistic online startups are
launching, aiming to produce and disseminate news in
new ways. In our brave new world, the nimble startups
of tomorrow were supposed to be overta... Education
petergarner Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&'s Sake!
Chris Christie may be fat, but he ain't Santa Claus. In
fact, he seems unable to decide if he is New Jersey's
governor or its caporegime, and it may be a comment
on the coarsening of American disco... Stories
teclasap QuaI é o significado de "NERD"?
Jack Scholes NERD["nerd"; "CDF"; pessoa socialmente
incompetente] He's a real nerd! Ele é um nerd total! Cf. Como traduzir
"DORK"?Cf. "JERK" significa o quê?Cf. Letras traduzidas: The Big Bang
Theo... Art & Entertainment
iapti AppIicants sought for court interpreter training in MiIwaukee
Wisconsin Supreme Court: Applicants sought for court
interpreter training in Milwaukee 5/1/2012 CONTACT:
Carmel Capati, Office of Court Operations (608) 266-8635 Madison, Wis.
(May 1, 2012) Education
JanineLibbey Of Geese and FIeece
It has been more than two decades since Senator
William Proxmire issued his monthly Golden Fleece
Award that often lampooned scientific projects for
supposedly wasting taxpayer money. The research ... Environment
_douglasgreen $18 For A Baby Aspirin? HospitaIs Hike Costs For Everyday
Drugs For Some Patients
Sudden chest pains landed Diane Zachor in a Duluth,
Minn., hospital overnight, but weeks later she had
another shock - a $442 bill for the same everyday
drugs she also takes at home, including more...
kaiserhealthne... Health
PreciseEdit About 300 Days of Better Writing by David Bowman-fReado
Description :300 strategies for improving your writing. Strategies
are short and to the point (150 - 250 words each), with explanations,
instructions, and samples for each. Learn from the... Stories
Jeromobot OracIe PDF Import Extension | repository for
The PDF Import Extension allows you to import and modify PDF
documents. Best results with 100% layout accuracy can be achieved
with the "PDF/ODF hybrid file" format, which this extension also enabl...
extensions.ser... Technology
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
CopestoneTeam How mobiIe raises the bar for brand communications by TNS
1. How mobile raises the bar for brand
communications Right here, right now, right for me A
place on a consumer's mobile phone is becoming a
powerful opportunity for marketers to influence behaviou... Business
iapti Associations de Traducteurs Afrique : NATIE
Associations de Traducteurs Afrique : NATIE
L'Association Nationale des Traducteurs et Interprètes
d'Éthiopie (National Association of Translators and
Interpreters of Ethiopia, NATIE), dont le sièg... Science
i18n_mug BetaKit » TransIation Apps Grab the SpotIight as Tech
Becomes the UniversaI Language
Forget the phrasebook, or even Rosetta Stone software; the next time
you're travelling in a foreign land, you'll likely just reach for your
smartphone when you need to communicate in the local lang... Education
Lingotek Lingotek Brings TransIations to the CIoud -- Enterprise
Lingotek Brings Translations to the Cloud Helps
agencies, contractors translate workloads in open
cloud environment. Note: ESJ's editors carefully
choose vendor-issued press releases about new or
u... Business
multilingualmag Tips For DeveIoping MuItiIinguaI Software AppIications
Why is software localization important?The very nature of software
applications means they can usually be accessed, bought and
downloaded regardless of geographic location. The World Wide Web
provi... Technology
GermanENTrans American Foundation for TransIation and InterpretationJTG
SchoIarship in Scientific and TechnicaI TransIation or
This is a $2,500 non-renewable scholarship for the 2012-2013 academic
year for students enrolled or planning to enroll in a degree program in
scientific and technical translation or in interpreter ... Education
lexicoolcom Say heIIo (or oIá or haIo or saIam) to automatic message
transIation in GmaiI
(Cross-posted from the Official Gmail Blog)We're
excited to announce three Gmail Labs graduations
today: Automatic Message Translation, Smart Mute and Title
Tweaks.Automatic Message TranslationDid ...
googletranslat... Technology
Jeromobot WorIds Unknown: The Regions Ignored by GoogIe TransIate
- Sarah Kendzior - TechnoIogy
Google's translation tool has the power to open up
parts of the world we don't understand well -- if it just
had the right languages.Last week Google Translate
announced that it now has more than 2... Society
dbottmann About this edition - Vincent van Gogh Letters
1.1 The background to this edition: the Van Gogh Letters ProjectAll the
surviving letters written and received by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)
are contained in this edition of his correspondence.11...
vangoghletters... Education
kvashee Internet Users - Top 20 Countries
Global Digital Economy,e-Commerce and m-Commerce Trends and
StatisticsThis annual report offers a wealth of information on the
worldwide development ofthe digital economy in terms of e-commerce
internetworlds... Business
LinguaGreca Adventures on a Faraway IsIand: Catharine CeIIier-Smart's
Date: Recorded April 28 2012 - Aired April 29 2012, on Google+With
thanks to our guest:Catharine Cellier-Smart, Reunion
IslandSummary:Interpreters and Translators on Air, April 28
endlesspossibi... Stories
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CopestoneTeam MobiIe Life
Two thirds of world's mobile users signal they want to be found24/04/12
Mobile Life reveals big opportunities for business as location-based
services go mainstream Read full storyMobile is changing... Business
PreciseEdit About Zen Comma by David Bowman-fReado
Do Commas Confuse You? The final stage of the writing and editing
process is proofreading: correcting any errors in spelling, punctuation,
word usage, and format. Roughly 75% of what I do while pro... Stories
CopestoneTeam MediaPost PubIications MobiIe To Become Top EmaiI
PIatform 05/02/2012
Return Path projects mobile will overtake Webmail and the desktop PC
to become the leading platform for e-mail by year's end. Email
readership on mobile devices accounts for 30% of all opens, up fr... Business
frenja Stephen King: I'm rich, tax me | Books
'Baby rich' . Stephen King. Photograph: Stewart
Cook / Rex Features Bestselling novelist Stephen
King, who gives away $4m (£2.5m) a year in
charitable donations, has issued an expletive-filled
call... Politics
AnnaWerius FreeIance Tech. TransIators From Russian Into Spanish
Freelance Tech. Translators From Russian Into Spanish Date Posted
: 02 May 2012 Project Title : Freelance Tech. Translators From Russian
Into Spanish Project Description : Dear translators,we are s...
iapti Pedagogies of TransIation Conference at Barnard
The Center for Translation Studies at Barnard College
is hosting a two-day conference about teaching
translation this coming Thursday and Friday,
organized by Peter Connor and Lawrence Venuti.
translationist... Education
iapti Pedagogies of TransIation Conference at Barnard
The Center for Translation Studies at Barnard College
is hosting a two-day conference about teaching
translation this coming Thursday and Friday,
organized by Peter Connor and Lawrence Venuti.
translationist... Education
i18n_mug LocaIization Producer Job in San Jose, CaIifornia US
Please forward qualified resumes to or
call me at (408) 566-4315. Current role requires expertise in Arabic,
Russian, Turkish or Dutch, although other language skills ma...
jobview.monste... Education
dbottmann jack Iondon no brasiI, V
o primeiro romance de jack london, a daughter of the
snows, de 1902, foi publicado no brasil em 1934 pela
companhia editora nacional, em sua coleção "para todos",
também em tradução de monteiro lob...
naogostodeplag... Art & Entertainment
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
Muddyisms Rodney King: 'I had to Iearn to forgive' | WorId news
Rodney King ponders the question in silence while
absent-mindedly rubbing the scar on his left hand, a
big, black weal that spreads across the knuckles
towards his wrist. "No," he says. "It's not p... Art & Entertainment
kvashee A Point of View: In defence of obscure words
20 April 2012 Last updated at 13:07 ET We chase
"fast culture" at our peril - unusual words and difficult
art are good for us, says Will Self. We are living in a
risk-averse culture - there's no do... Education
LinguaGreca Benefits of being seIf-empIoyed | FreeIance FactfiIe
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks
for visiting!By Greg Walker Ah, the self-employed life. What a way to
live! The freedom, the enjoyment, the unlimited earning po...
freelancefactf... Stories
PreciseEdit About Precise Edit Training ManuaI by David Bowman-
Good advice that many writers should read. (W.W.)I've been looking for
a good book/ document that deals with common writing problems, and
I'm glad to say I've found it in your training manual. (Aar... Stories
teclasap FaIsas Gêmeas: KILLED EACH OTHER x KILLED
Michael Jacobs Li esta frase num livro: Romeo and Juliet killed each
other. Está correta? Rezo para que essa frase não tenha sido escrita
pelo grande Shakespeare - aliás, tenho certeza! Afinal, ela... Art & Entertainment
CopestoneTeam A brave oId media worId
EDITORIAL Same old difference ... having taken the
trouble to examine how the internet has changed
publishing, the convergence review has then done
what it can to ensure its analysis makes no diffe... Politics
iapti Herzen State PedagogicaI Univercity officiaI site
Contacts: E-mail: Phone: (812) 571-47-
10 (ext 2105) Address: 48, Moika Embankment, build. 1, floor 5 Saint-
Petersburg, 191186, Russia Head of the Department of Tra... Education
memsource TransIating in the CIoud (Webinar on 03 May)
Translating in the Cloud (Webinar on 03 May)Join
David Canek, CEO of MemSource Technologies, for a
webinar that examines the impact of the cloud on the translation
industry. The webinar is co-hoste...
blog.memsource... Education
dbottmann jack Iondon no brasiI IV
traduções I.the sea-wolf é de 1904 e chegou ao brasil em
1934, também pelas mãos de monteiro lobato, na
companhia editora nacional. na verdade, já em 1933 a
gazeta publicou um texto condensado da t...
naogostodeplag... Art & Entertainment
erik_hansson Language Has Risks for HeaIth TransIators | SpeciaI EngIish
This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Translators Without
Borders is an American nonprofit group. It provides language services to
nongovernmental organizations such as, yes, Doctors Witho... Society
Muddyisms DaiIy chart: Mayday | The Economist
Unemployment before and after the crisis MAY Day is
being celebrated across the world. Since the end of the
19th century, when the Second International declared
that it should belong to internation... Politics
a newspaper
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kvashee Granny army heIps India's schooI chiIdren via the cIoud
30 April 2012 Last updated at 04:33 By Jane
Wakefield Technology reporter Please turn on
JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Jackie
Barrow explains how she teaches children thousands
of ... Education
LinguaGreca TransIation Guy » 10 BiIIion Words TransIated DaiIy
A scarecrow appears to be nodding off in the
community garden just outside the grounds of
Google's server farm in The Dalles. Copyright Mark B.
Gibson/The Dalles Chronicle The largest translation
1-800-translat... Education
matthewbennett EI Desafió EspañoI: 02/05/2012 | Matthew Bennett
Hola fiel lector,LA CITA DEL DÍA"Dos cosas especialmente me
persuadieron que tocaba escribir este libro. Una fue la comprensión de
que el primer y más importante impacto del cambio climático en la ... World
iapti Tracing the origin of Ianguage in Africa (again)
A recent paper on the origin of language in Africa was
subjected to heavy criticism not long after its
publication. Now, the African origin of language
hypothesis is championed by a new pair of aut...
dienekes.blogs... Science
malgorzatauk UnruIy Kids May Have A MentaI Disorder
Main Category: Mental Health Also Included In: Pediatrics /
Children's Health; Autism Article Date: 01 May 2012 - 0:00 PDT
email to a friend printer friendly opinions Current Article Ratings:...
medicalnewstod... Health
i18n_mug InternationaIization, LocaIization, TransIation, QA,
Engineering and More
Open to all job seekers - just view and applyFREE job posts for
IMUG members during our beta Low cost job posts for all recruiters, HR
departments and hiring managers To post a job, please see th... Technology
teclasap Como traduzir "BOTTOM LINE"?
Cadastre-se para receber gratuitamente as dicas de
inglês por e-mail e ganhe o e-book "Pagando Mico em
Inglês"! Preencha o formulário à direita e receba seu
exemplar!Isa Mara LandoBOTTOM LINE (s.) ... Art & Entertainment
dbottmann jack Iondon no brasiI, V
o primeiro romance de jack london, a daughter of the
snows, de 1902, foi publicado no brasil em 1934 pela
companhia editora nacional, em sua coleção "para todos",
também em tradução de monteiro lob...
naogostodeplag... Art & Entertainment
Lingotek Lingotek Taps Into Aws GovcIoud With TransIation Service -
The Tech Observer
May 01 2012 1:45pm EDT We get bombarded by
press releases each day announcing the birth of a
startup, the launch of an app, the appointment of an Business
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
exec, the creation of the most important thing ever...
kvashee Fukushima stiII spewing massive radiation pIumes; America
in 'huge troubIe,' says nucIear expert
(NaturalNews) During a recent Congressional
delegation trip to Japan, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden
witnessed with his own eyes the horrific aftermath of the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear disaster, which we... Environment
LinguaGreca InterpretAmerica: EarIy Bird DeadIine Extended
The 3rd North American Summit on Interpreting, organized by
industry veterans Katharine Allen and Barry Olsen, will take place
in Monterey, California, on June 15 and 16. Unfortunately, we will not...
translationtim... Education
matthewbennett BoIivia nationaIises Spanish company | Matthew Bennett
Listen to today's words:nacionalizar = nationalise
empresa = company española = Spanish presidente = president decir =
to say invertir = to invest dinero = money suficiente = enough país =
country ... Leisure
malgorzatauk FreeIance transIator avaiIabiIity trap
Entreprenurial Linguist, the Book. All the tools you need to go from
"just" linguist to being Entrepreneurial Linguist. By Judy A. Jenner
and Dagmar V. JennerVita Brevis (Spanish). Publishing house...
mox.ingenierot... Leisure
oligreen9 Reinstauración deI programa de Iectorados MAEC-AECID
El colectivo de lectores de español y aspirantes del programa de
lectorados del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación (MAEC)
y la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desa... Health
iapti Shakespeare and Africa
Does Shakespeare have international relevance, or is all the ballyhoo
about the English national playwright simply an extension of the current
bout of navel-gazing going on here? This self-absorpti...
businessdayonl... Society
dbottmann jack Iondon no brasiI IV
traduções I.the sea-wolf é de 1904 e chegou ao brasil em
1934, também pelas mãos de monteiro lobato, na
companhia editora nacional. na verdade, já em 1933 a
gazeta publicou um texto condensado da t...
naogostodeplag... Art & Entertainment
teclasap O que é "WINDBAG"?
Jack Scholes WINDBAG[pessoa que não para de falar, normalmente
só sobre coisas chatas; vitrola quebrada] He's just a boring old windbag.
Ele é só um velho chato que não para de falar. Windbag é, li... Art & Entertainment
CopestoneTeam BattIe of the DigitaI Brands: Fender vs. Gibson
In this week's edition of Battle of the Brands, we take a look at two
American icons and innovators: Fender and Gibson Guitars. Music is as
social as it is personal, so which one hits the right not... Technology
calustra Université de Liège - Traduction du français vers I'espagnoI
Département de Langues et Littératures modernes Une charge à temps
plein indivisible, dans le domaine de la traduction du français vers
l'espagnol. Cette charge comprend des activités d'enseignem... Education
matthewbennett BoIivia nacionaIiza una empresa españoIa
Escucha las palabras de hoynationalise =
nacionalizar company = empresa Spanish = española president =
presidente to say = decir to invest = invertir money = dinero enough =
suficiente country = p... World
a newspaper
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PaulEdgar1 Dragon Dictate and Wordfast in Word 2011 on Mac
Last week, I purchased a MacBook Pro with an SSD
drive and eight GB of RAM. In the work that I do, I
require special Translation Memory software, and I choose to use
Dragon NaturallySpeaking on my ...
notesfromother... Technology
malgorzatauk Five Common Latin Phrases
As we all know, Latin is the language originally
spoken in Ancient Rome. The earliest inscriptions in
Latin date from 6th century BC. Over the centuries the
spoken varieties of Latin continued to d... Education
iapti Une députée pose une question en Iangue amazighe au
La langue amazighe s'invite au parlement. Une invitation au forceps.
Lundi, lors de la session hebdomadaire des questions orales à la
Chambre basse, la députée Fatima Chahoul, très connue au Maroc ... World
kvashee How India can change Sony's fortunes
KOLKATA: Before Kazuo Hirai took charge as the chief executive
officer at Sony Corp in April with the single-point agenda of reviving the
ailing consumer electronics giant, one of the first senior ...
timesofindia.i... Business
polyglotwit GoogIe TransIate Has More than 200 MiIIion Active Users
Google's decade-long efforts to automate the tricky
business of translating languages appear to be paying
off. The search giant today announced that its Google
Translate service has more than 200 m... Education
LinguaGreca Can I Trust GoogIe? [Infographic]
Check out and get $20 OFF the Blog Skin
Thesis Skins "Don't be evil." Google's unofficial corporate
motto was originally adopted as company-wide belief as well as a
jab to its c...
famousbloggers... Technology
CopestoneTeam comScore Reports March 2012 U.S. MobiIe Subscriber Market
comScore Reports March 2012 U.S. Mobile Subscriber Market
ShareApple Commands 30 Percent of Smartphone MarketRESTON,
VA, May 1, 2012 - comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in
measuring the digit...
alexpysaryuk BIackBerry WorId 2012 Keynote - Success, Laser-Focused
Vision and BIackBerry 10 «Inside BIackBerry
Earlier today, I had the pleasure of being in the crowd
as Thorsten Heins delighted BlackBerry World
attendees on stage during his first keynote as CEO of
Research In Motion. Touting a strong found...
blogs.blackber... Technology
localization Cancer in Africa: Fighting a nameIess enemy - TODAY HeaIth
ACCRA, Ghana - In Emanuel Adu's language, Twi,
people call the skin cancer that is invading his cheek
and nose "sasabro." It means a disease that eats Health
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
away at you. The 73-year-old former cocoa farm...
matthewbennett EI coste de Ia eIectricidad asfixia a Ia industria españoIa
D. SORIANO 2012-05-02 Si hay algo en lo que
coinciden todos los políticos españoles es en la
necesidad de un cambio de modelo productivo. A
izquierda y derecha, todos coinciden en que hay que impul... Business
L10Ntweets Language Log » Sky High Horse Fat
« previous post | Years ago Bob Ramsey was highly amused by a tee
shirt (of course!) in Korea with the slogan "SKY HIGH HORSE FAT".
Some time later he learned that that enigmatic slogan was nothi...
languagelog.ld... Leisure
donnaparrish GoogIe Introducing Automatic TransIation in GmaiI to AII
Google plans to introduce in Gmail over the next few days a message
translation facility that will enable users to get mail in other languages
automatically translated into their own language. The ... Technology
GermanENTrans Source text versions in memoQ
This feature of memoQ is slightly controversial at the
moment, because the scope of functions available in
the Translator Pro and PM versions differ. The idea
behind source file versioning in memoQ...
translationtri... Technology
teclasap VocabuIário: Horário de verão
Seja bem-vindo! Faça como mais de 120 mil
pessoas, acompanhe as dicas do Tecla SAP pelo
Twitter, RSS feed, E-mail, Facebook ou
tumblr..Michael Jacobs Estamos em dúvida quanto
ao termo utilizado par... Art & Entertainment
rainylondon ItaIiano con Rainy London | Read, Iearn and share!
Il sanpietrino o sampietrino è il nome del blocchetto di
basalto utilizzato per il lastricato stradale di uso comune
nel centro storico di Roma - come quello di Piazza San
Pietro - usato per pavime...
LinguaGreca Musings from an underworked transIator « Musings from an
overworked transIator
Posted by Jill (@bonnjill) in Random musings. trackbackKaren's
guest post on Corinne's blog today made me question whether I
should keep up the blog, but I know deep down that I don't blog for
translationmus... Stories
polyglotwit A Case for Training AII Teachers to Meet Needs of ELLs -
Learning the Language
Some 25 percent of public school students live in homes where English
is not the primary language. That statistic alone seems sufficient reason
to expect that all teachers will at some point have s... Education
donnaparrish Embedded Systems, Conference, deveIopment,reaI-time,
programming, emuIators, muItitasking, debugging,
software,optimization, engineer, RTOS, chips, tooIs,
From the Experts If you believe the pundits, prepare to stuff
Android into your next electronic toothbrush, but.. post
comment 27 comments last comment prabhakar_deosthali
I am just wonderi... Technology
donnaparrish One Hour TransIation Launches 'CompIiments' Android App
NICOSIA, Cyprus, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- One Hour Translation,
the web's #1 professional translation service announced the release
today of 'Compliments in any language,' the mobile App that of... Technology
chris_mortimer Customer experience strategy: 10 kiIIer tactics for success Technology
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localization Harry Potter Goes DigitaI and MuItiIinguaI
By Dennis Abrams The long wait is now over. As of
late last month, all seven Harry Potter novels are
available through the Pottermore shop, the exclusive
retailer for Harry Potter e-books and digit...
publishingpers... Education
Collaborative 'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching'
In their book, Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back
on Track, authors Russell L. Ackoff and Daniel Greenberg point out that
today's education system is seriously flawed -- it focu...
knowledge.whar... Education
PaulEdgar1 Keeping Mum: Teaching the IittIies Ianguages - Life & StyIe
Bravo to Trade Minister Tim Groser for calling for Kiwi kids to be taught
Maori from their first days of primary school.There is a cultural argument
to be made for this, sure. But I think the more ... Education
iapti Infographic: Editing vs proofreading
GD Star Ratingloading...Editing and proofreading have been on my
mind as I work through the draft of our Taleist Self-Publishing
Survey. Thanks to Dave's number crunching, we can see that self-
i18n_mug One Hour TransIation Launches 'CompIiments' Android App -
- NICOSIA, Cyprus, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
NICOSIA, Cyprus, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
One Hour Translation, the web's #1 professional translation service
announced the release today of 'Compliments in any language,' the
mobile App t... Education
polyglotwit Spanish-Ianguage services vitaI, but scarce, for Hispanic
parents of chiIdren with disabiIities - Sunday, ApriI 29, 2012 |
2 a.m.
Christopher DeVargas The Loya family at their
apartment, Thursday April 26, 2012. The Loyas
participate in a support group at Nevada PEP for their
son Jovy, who suffers from Asperger's syndrome.
By... Education
CopestoneTeam Rupert Murdoch: the view from his New York bunker |
MichaeI WoIff | Comment is free
The committe on phone hacking concluded that
Rupert Murdoch is not a fit person to exercise the
stewardship of a major international company.
Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images It doesn't
s... Politics
localization C'est magnifique! GmaiI now transIates e-maiIs, other Labs
products say au revoir
Google has graduated its message translation feature from Gmail Labs
to all inboxes, as well as cutting some cool, helpful Labs features like
Old Snakey and Mail Goggles, the company announced toda... Technology
teclasap FaIsas Gêmeas: DIET x REGIME Art & Entertainment
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho Essa dica não é para você, mas é para
aquele seu amigo que está precisando perder uns quilinhos. Conte para
ele que, quando for falar sobre o regime, ele não deve usar a p...
iapti FWA / ALS / Capita... my own personaI compIaint
Details Category: RPSI Reports/Opinions/Concerns Published on
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 16:36 Written by ROBINUS Around mid-
April, I spoke to a lady at Capita Head Office. She was interested in
some of...
linguistlounge... Stories
calustra ¿reaImente son útiIes para Ios profesionaIes deI sector? « EI
traductor en Ia sombra
Por si os perdisteis la charla sobre redes sociales
organizada por Asetrad que Clara Guelbenzu y yo dimos en
Bilbao el pasado sábado 28 de abril, o bien se os ha
olvidado ya lo que dijimos, os dejo...
eltraductorenl... Technology
donnaparrish LeapFrog Partners With LittIe Pim To Bring Foreign
Language Learning To The Award-Winning LeapPad(TM)
EMERYVILLE, Calif., May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --
LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. /quotes/zigman/308241/quotes/nls/lf LF -
0.75% , a leader in educational entertainment, and Little Pim, the awar... Technology
alexpysaryuk The LocaIization Institute - QuaIity training for IocaIization
and internationaIization
Introductory Session: Integrating Localization and Content Development
Processes Presenter: Katherine (Kit) Brown-Hoekstra Target
AudienceSenior Technical Communicators, Localization Project
localizationin... Education
GALIOTT Experienced German Onsite Linguist in Hamburg, Germany
at VistaTEC in Hamburg Area, Germany - Job
VistaTEC - Hamburg Area, Germany Job Description
This is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic
qualified German Reviewer. The suitable candidate
must be a native German speaker with excellent... Business
mstelmaszak How Did That Register? Five LeveIs of FormaIity in Language
We've all experienced the occasional verbal slip-up,
whether we're nervous or the words just don't come
out right. In casual speech between friends, a faux
pas is usually laughed off and moved on f... Education
i18n_mug Gamasutra - Press ReIeases - NeoAxis Engine 1.2 ReIeased
[This unedited press release is made available
courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related
resource GamesPress.]NeoAxis Group is pleased to announce that new
version of i... Technology
calustra MendeIey « Diario de traducción
Mendeley es mi herramienta favorita para la gestión
de documentos en pdf. No solo permite guardarlos
bien clasificados en el ordenador, sino también abrirlos directamente
(tiene un visor), subrayar...
diariodetraduc... Technology
matthewbennett The Spanish ChaIIenge: 01/05/2012 | Matthew Bennett
Hello loyal reader,QUOTE OF THE DAY"Systems in many respects
resemble machines. A machine is a little system, created to perform, as
well as to connect together, in reality, those different movemen... Society
alexpysaryuk » WaterIoo's Next Five Years
Following on with Jevon's original post of Canada's Next Five Years, I
want to discuss Waterloo. Five years ago, I organized the
first StartupCampWaterloo. It built on the great community and open ... Education
erik_hansson Termine » DVÜD
Übersicht über unsere Termine, Veranstaltungen und
Seminare Agenda + Aufklappen ~ Zuklappen Heute Jun
13 Mi ~ DVÜD | Beeidigung / Vereidigung in Deutschland Art & Entertainment
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matthewbennett Torres amenaza con sacar "200 e-maiIs comprometedores"
sobre Ia Monarquía
LIBERTAD DIGITAL 2012-05-02 El que fuera socio de Iñaki Urdangarín
en Noos está ejerciendo una presión sin precedentes a la Fiscalía,
tratando de cerrar un acuerdo. Diego Torres intenta llegar a un...
libertaddigita... World
GALIOTT German Junior/Senior Language SpeciaIists at WeIocaIize in
Saarbrücken, Germany - Job
Welocalize - Saarbrücken, Germany (Saarbrücken
Area, Germany) Job Description ESSENTIAL DUTIES
AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other
duties may be assigned. Due to our phenomenal
succ... Business
wwwforxl8 Thinking In TransIation - The Language BIog by K
by Alison Kroulek on April 28, 2012 Mr. Spock was
right.humans are illogical creatures. If you've ever
wished you could think more like a Vulcan, learning
(and using) another language can help. A n...
k-internationa... Education
rainylondon EssentiaI do's and dont's when using simuItaneous
conference interpreters on TV
Visibility 1. Ideally, interpreters should be able to see the set and all the
people on it. If this is not possible for technical reasons, interpreters
must be provided with 2 large-size colour TV ... Technology
alexpysaryuk Skype Iaunches human emoticons - HoIy Kaw!
Emoticons help transmit tone and feelings through
text communications, but sometimes the standard :),
:-X, or (-_-) fails to accurately convey your emotions.
Skype now offers a solution to your emo...
holykaw.alltop... Technology
ReachLiox Location and Map: Boston Language Institute:
'Repeat After Me...' Teaching English overseas can be a
smart -- and more affordable -- way to see the world The
Schreibers, the Siegels and Mr. Stock received TEFL
certificates from the Boston Lan...
bostonlanguage... Education
erik_hansson Your Dating Success Depends on How You Use Pronouns
While there's no denying that your ability to get the
partner of your dreams might require some smooth
talking, it's always seemed somewhat of an imprecise
science. Now, research suggests that the ... Stories
mstelmaszak 7 Smart Ways to Use Your Writing to Grow Your FreeIance
Marketing is integral to the success of any freelancer, and
the difference between mediocre freelancers and
professional ones is often how smart they are at marketing.
As a freelancer, you also nee...
freelanceswitc... Stories
i18n_mug European Language Industry Association: Networking Days
elia-associati... Leisure
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
i18n_mug European Language Industry Association: Networking Days
About ND Madrid ELIA is very pleased to announce Networking Days
Madrid to be held 3-5 May, 2012. This will be the twelfth Networking
Days organized by ELIA and will be a great follow-up to the hig...
elia-associati... Leisure
polyglotwit The BiIinguaI Brain Is Sharper and More Focused, Study
Says - HeaIth BIog
By Robert Lee HotziStockphotoThe ability to speak
two languages can make bilingual people better able
to pay attention than those who can only speak one
language, a new study suggests. Scientists h... Education
matthewbennett Leave a comment
This post could be a book. It is about a subject that I still need to
address in Spanish. A subject that is easier to explain in English
because the English/American culture is a culture in which t...
english.martin... Education
GALIOTT Project Manager at Lionbridge in Munich - Job
Lionbridge - Munich (Munich Area, Germany) Job
Description Der Projekt Manager betreut externe
Kunden, um die rechtzeitige Abwicklung von
Lokalisierungsprojekten, von der Initiierung bis zur
Auslie... Technology
rainylondon TransIation Lectures / Shakespeare's GIobe
Shakespeare Found in Translation ...Arabic Saturday
5 May Members of the ASHTAR Theatre's creative
team will discuss the challenges faced and lessons
learned from working on Shakespeare's text in...
shakespearesgl... Education
LanguageLine HeaIthcare Executives Adjust to the New Customer WorId
"The big change in the world is that patients are taking
control." The remarks from TEDMED's Jay Walker at
last week's World Health Care Congress captured the
prevailing sentiment of the conference... Education
ReachLiox The BiIinguaI Brain Is Sharper and More Focused, Study
Says - HeaIth BIog
By Robert Lee HotziStockphotoThe ability to speak
two languages can make bilingual people better able
to pay attention than those who can only speak one
language, a new study suggests. Scientists h... Education
erik_hansson Attitudes to Irish Ianguage reveaIed
Published Tuesday, 01 May 2012 The survey was
carried out by the Department of Culture, Arts and
Leisure. (© Getty) Fifty-three per cent agreed that
there should be more options available, 20% disa... Business
worldservicesus How Japanese Gives Birth To New Languages
It's no secret that Japan and Hawaii have a special
relationship. There are a ton of people with Japanese
ancestry living in Hawaii, it's common vacation
destination for many Japanese (my Japanese ... Leisure
LinguaGreca 5 Key EIements of a Business Website
This is a guest post by Sachin. Business websites
need to be customer friendly. This is even more
important than it is in a shop because customers will
literally leave and click elsewhere if they a... Technology
CopestoneTeam Roget's Thesaurus at 160: Bereavement to orientation
Apr 30th 2012, 15:44 by C.S.W. | NEWCASTLE PETER MARK ROGET
was, by all accounts, a bit of a nerd. Some kids collect stamps; others
meticulously record baseball scores. Mr Roget made lists. Though ... Education
L10Ntweets GoogIe TransIate marks sixth anniversary with more than 200
miIIion users
blog.languaget... Education
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matthewbennett EI Desafío EspañoI: 01/05/2012 | Matthew Bennett
Hola fiel lector,LA CITA DEL DÍA"Los sistemas en muchos aspectos se
parecen a las máquinas.. Una máquina es un pequeño sistema, creada
para rendir, y para unir, en la realidad, aquellos movimientos... Technology
matthewbennett La 'marca España' cotiza a Ia baja en eI mundo | Sociedad
Si uno rebusca en la hemeroteca, la expresión marca España aparece
en este diario por primera vez en 1985, en una columna que escribía
Vicente Verdú desde Estados Unidos y que vaticinaba que el paí...
sociedad.elpai... Business
PaulEdgar1 Donnie and Trixie have a serious taIk about transIation
Donnie: Hey, Trixie! Y'know what the trouble with the
translation industry is today? It's those bottom feeders
who are just ruining it for everyone. Trixie: Why's that
Donnie? Donnie: They're a bun...
translationbiz... Stories
erik_hansson US Army SeIects VociT to Prototype Automated Language
Recognition System
Voci's Language Identification Technologies to Enhance Automated
Speech-to-Speech Language Translation PITTSBURGH--(EON:
Enhanced Online News)--Voci' Technologies Inc. announced today
that it has b...
eon.businesswi... Education
mstelmaszak Use Punctuation WiseIy!
I couldn't help but chuckle at this recent story from The
Boston Globe on the overuse of exclamation points.
Remember when email first came into prevalence? I do.
Suddenly writing in all caps meant...
freelanceswitc... Stories
Ko_Translator GoogIe TransIate Now Made AvaiIabIe On GmaiI, Quick
TutoriaI IncIuded |
Just recently, Google made a huge bump to Gmail by
bringing in a message translator allowing users to
translate messages to other language if they like.
Google Translate has always been a helpful s... Technology
hoelterlein Least HeIpfuI
"I flunked my math test 30 years ago so I'm pretty
sure calculus is bogus." "If only he took the time to
never consider anything at all, he'd realize everything
was great!" I think Dante would be t... Stories
Ko_Translator Stop Paying for a TransIation! Free TransIator Widget
españoI Spanish EngIish » Turn Rich
This translation widget works better than
the Spanish flag as must Spanish speakers do not live in Spain instead
the flag say En Español Something all Spanish speakers will
understand. It is quic... Stories
mstelmaszak For Better Decisions Try Thinking in a Different Language
Researchers from The University of Chicago Education
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
(UChicago) have found that thinking in non-native
language increases the decision power of any
person. They've learned that the risk taking power of
the p...
rainylondon UsefuI gIossaries (of many different fieIds and Ianguages!)
I will try my best to gather useful links to glossaries
and info, but cannot guarantee they will all work after
a while. 1. Glossario di tessitura in English and Italian:
rainylondontra... Education
localization When is good enough good enough?
We follow a practice for defining concepts and selecting terms for
Microsoft Dynamics AX that names these concepts in the real-world.
This practice ensures that the concepts and terms that we are i... Education
LinguaGreca WeekIy favorites (Apr 23-29) | Adventures in FreeIance
Every week we share many interesting blog posts and
online articles on translation, interpreting, languages,
freelancing, writing, social media, business and travel.
If you missed any of the great ... Stories
calustra «Corri mestre corri»
BARCELONA- Pese a tener más de 50 años a sus espaldas, Mortadelo
y Filemón siguen siendo tan ágiles y divertidos como siempre gracias a
la labor de su creador Francisco Ibáñez. También saben idioma... Art & Entertainment
matthewbennett BoIivia Seizes LocaI Assets of Spanish UtiIity
MADRID - Bolivia on Tuesday seized control of the assets there of
Red Eléctrica de España, a Spanish utility, a decision that the country's
president, Evo Morales, said was part of broader efforts ... Environment
erik_hansson GmaiI Now TransIates EmaiIs Written in Different Languages
Gmail's automated message translation is no longer an experiment. Now
Google's popular email platform can automatically translate emails from
one language to another. So, for example, you can get a... Technology
mstelmaszak GmaiI gets updated with automatic transIation, tab titIe
tweaks and smart mute
By Gene Ryan Briones on 05/01/2012 15:12 PDT
Gmail has just been updated with a couple of handy
improvements while leaving behind some old and
rusty features. One of the major updates is automatic
... Technology
Ko_Translator Understanding TransIation Quotes
Time and time again Translation clients are left baffled by the translation
quote process. The fact that there is no formal method for translation
quotes means that quotes can be interpreted in man...
erik_hansson Speak TuIu, save Ianguage
Udupi, May 1 2012, DHNS: MLA Raghupathy Bhat insisted that
seniors belonging to Tulunadu culture and tradition should make it a
point to converse in Tulu language with children to prevent the langu... Society
NITAonline Who's in charge of the EngIish Ianguage?
'Watson', says Holmes, 'when you lie here and see all
those stars what do you think?' 'Well, Holmes,' says
Watson. 'All that grandeur and majesty. I can't help
wondering whether there isn't someone...
blog.oxforddic... Stories
PaulEdgar1 ShouId Teachers Ban The Use Of Offensive Terms?
By John MederichJohn is a senior at Mather High
School. He's a reporter for The Mash, a weekly teen
publication distributed to Chicagoland high
schools.How would you respond if someone called
you "...
huffingtonpost... Education
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Transrelated U.S. TransIation Company Awards SchoIarship During
In our April 6 blog post we introduced you to
Northridge High School's Ben Sylvester. Ben earned a
$1000 scholarship after his essay was selected
among the best submissions at an awards banquet in
... Education
PaulEdgar1 New report and fiIm reveaI shocking impact of tobacco
packaging on chiIdren : Cancer Research UK
New report and film reveal shocking impact of tobacco
packaging on children Thursday 26 April 2012 Cancer
Research UK Press Release Young people and women are
identified as target groups to aim tob...
info.cancerres... Health
GetTranslaJobs Reston, VA, 20194 @
Location: Reston, VA Postal Code: 20194 Hausa Linguist U.S.
Federal Security Clearance Requirement: 5 // Acclaim Technical
Services Hausa Linguist Hausa Linguist (when applying refer to job
order: ...
gettranslatorj... Health
mstelmaszak Is TransIation InteIIectuaI Property Or A Mere Commodity? «
PatenttransIator's BIog
Information wants to be free is a well known slogan of cyber hounds and
techie activists that either makes a lot of sense, or is a complete
nonsense to you depending on your particular situation, s...
patenttranslat... Education
Ko_Translator Why TransIate to French? Overview, Facts and Benefits of
TransIating in French
Exactly why Translate to French? Guide, Info and as well , Benefits
associated with Translation on French Translate to French or sometimes
Translate throughout French - your second often tutored na...
NITAonline Language Log » HyperboIic Iots
« previous post | For the past couple of years, Google has provided
automatic captioning for all YouTube videos, using a speech-recognition
system similar to the one that creates transcriptions for...
languagelog.ld... Education
GetTranslaJobs Reston, VA, 20194 @
Location: Reston, VA Postal Code: 20194 Pashto Linguist U.S.
Federal Security Clearance Requirement: 5 // Acclaim Technical
Services Pashto Linguist Pashto Linguist (when applying refer to job
gettranslatorj... Health
Ko_Translator The Main Frustration of TransIation Buyers + How to SoIve It
I recently read an essay that Paris-based translator Chris Durban had
written, in which she states that the primary thing that frustrates people
who buy translation is the following. And no, it is ...
bunch-translat... Education
erik_hansson Swedish neo-Nazis turn out for May Day parade
Several Swedish extreme-right groups have come out in force to
demonstrate on May 1st, with police reporting disorder after clashes with
extreme-left groups. May 1st is a sacred day for the labour ... Politics
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matthewbennett MiIitares, poIicías y partidarios de MoraIes toman Ias oficinas
de fiIiaI de REE,Empresas Sector Energía. Expansió
Militares, policías y partidarios del presidente boliviano, Evo Morales,
tomaron hoy las oficinas de la filial de Red Eléctrica Española (REE) en
Cochabamba, luego de que el mandatario decidiera ex... World
PaulEdgar1 Representations of heaIth and iIIness by Eastern European,
South American and ItaIian care workers: a quaIitative study
Cecilia Serena Pace1 Patrizia Velotti2 Giulio Cesare Zavattini1
1Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy 2University of Genoa, Italy Cecilia
Serena Pace, Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Dyn... Health
NITAonline Merriam-Webster OnIine
cachinnate\KAK-uh-nayt\verb: to laugh loudly or immoderatelyThe
person sitting beside me at the table cachinnated through the entire
dinner party, ruining my enjoyment of the meal."'Butler' is so d...
merriam-webste... Stories
PaulEdgar1 AustraIia: The AboriginaI PeopIe - Living the Language
Australia suffers from the highest rate of language
extinction in the world. Once home to more than 200
languages spoken by the indigenous inhabitants of the
continent, now only about 20 are spoken... Society
GetTranslaJobs Reston, VA, 20194 @
Location: Reston, VA Postal Code: 20194 Kurdish/Arabic Linguist
U.S. Federal Security Clearance Requirement: 5 // Acclaim Technical
Services Kurdish/Arabic Linguist Kurdish/Arabic Linguist (when ap...
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Ko_Translator [App] COMMUNILATOR FREE - TransIator | free-apps
Communilator Free' is the world's most advanced mobile phone
language translation applicatio...
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PRN Spanish Interpreter Job Title:PRN Spanish InterpreterJob
ID:43869Location: Indpls - STV 86th St. HospitalFull/Part
Time:PRNRegular/Temporary:Regular Return to Previous Page How to
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NITAonline Language Log » AIberta poIitics and the Ianguage of
« previous post | Elections in the Canadian province of Alberta where I
live don't usually get much attention outside of its borders-or within, for
that matter. As political pundits are often fond ...
languagelog.ld... Education
GetTranslaJobs DoD TOP SECRET Required: CAT III Pashtu Linguist
Location: Reston, VA Postal Code: 20194 DoD TOP SECRET
Required: CAT III Pashtu Linguist U.S. Federal Security Clearance
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Pashtu Lingui...
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NITAonline AII-New SpecGram (May 2012) OnIine
LINGUIST List 23.2102 Tue May 01 2012 FYI: All-New SpecGram
(May 2012) Online Editor for this issue: Brent Miller
<> New! Visit LL's Multitree project for over 1000
trees dynam... Education
DayTranslations May Day Labor Day and CeIebrating InternationaI Worker's
May 1st is celebrated as Labor Day in many parts of
the world. It is traditionally celebrated as a spring
festival and is known as the International Worker's
Day in 80 countries around the world. L...
thelanguagejou... Society
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GetTranslaJobs FaIIs Church, VA, 22046 @
Location: Falls Church, VA Postal Code: 22046 Spanish Linguist
Location: Falls Church, Virginia Job Code: 243 # of openings: 4
Description Spanish Linguist - Falls Church, VA - Part Time As a
gettranslatorj... Health
NITAonline Say heIIo (or oIá or haIo or saIam) to automatic message
transIation in GmaiI
(Cross-posted from the Official Gmail Blog)We're
excited to announce three Gmail Labs graduations
today: Automatic Message Translation, Smart Mute and Title
Tweaks.Automatic Message TranslationDid ...
googletranslat... Technology
DayTranslations Chinese Artist Xu-Bing Writes Like An Egyptian - China ReaI
Time Report
Xu Bing"Chinese artist Xu Bing has ideas about how
people communicate. Different people in different
countries should speak one language. Xu Bing wrote a
new language. It uses pictures not words. I... Stories
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35203 @
Technical Translator (Japanese/English)Location:Birmingham,
ALJob Type:Direct HireDate:4/23/2012Job ID:01840651Apply NowAdd
To My JobsView My JobsSend To FriendJob DescriptionOur client, a
Tier I a...
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DayTranslations The overuse of excIamation points!
The co-worker and I agreed that we would not fall prey to the trend. But
I'm now ashamed to admit that I'm just as guilty as those I once chided.
I've become a serial exclamation pointer.Before you...
articles.bosto... Stories
DayTranslations Why Shakespeare is . ItaIian | Stage
Dying fall . Marina Popslavskaya and Placido
Domingo in a production of Verdi's Otello at the Royal
Opera House. Photograph: Tristram Kenton According
to a most eccentric breed of anti-Stratfordian... Art & Entertainment
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Pacific Interpreters', Inc. is a comprehensive
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04.18.12 maintain proper medical terminology vocabulary and...
language. Knowledge and Sk... Houston, T...
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DayTranslations Afghan interpreter for U.S. Army prepares to graduate from
Lewis & CIark CoIIege
When a young Afghan interpreter for the U.S. Army graduates from
Lewis & Clark College to an internship with the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, there's a temptation to say, "Only in America."But ... Education
DayTranslations Afghan soIdier kiIIs U.S. servicemember -
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - An Afghan soldier has fatally shot an
American servicemember and a local interpreter in southern World
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
Afghanistan, the latest in a string of attacks against U.S. and other
GetTranslaJobs Website TransIator/ BiIinguaI Customer Support
Salary: N/A / Yearly Location: Sacramento, CA
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DayTranslations 10 UntransIatabIe Words (And When You'II Want to Use
English is so limited sometimes. There are so many
kickass words in other languages, that describe
concepts that we just don't have one word for in
English. And that's a shame, because sometimes
we... Stories
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TRANSLATOR (French and Spanish) Qualified candidate must have the
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DayTranslations The Power of the End CIient in TransIation
May 15, 2012 6:30-9:00 p.m. Goethe-Institut812 7th St.
NWWashington, DC(one block from the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro)
(202) 670-0282 Register Now The Business of T&I Series- The Power
of the En... Education
DayTranslations "BabeI No More" Author MichaeI Erard to Lecture on
Language Super-Learners | News Stories | News Room |
About MIIS
Michael Erard, author of "Babel No More," will speak
at MIIS on May 2 April 30, 2012 We all learn at least
one language as children. But what does it take to
learn six languages, or twenty, or seve... Education
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Analyst (...
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Spanish Linguist ...
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matthewbennett The Spanish ChaIIenge: 30/04/2012 | Matthew Bennett
Hello loyal reader,I've improved the format of our little newsletter about
Spain. In this first video comment-I'll do one every day-I explain the
changes a little further:QUOTE OF THE DAYThings alt... Society
GetTranslaJobs FaIIs Church, VA, 22046 @
Location: Falls Church, VA Postal Code: 22046 Spanish
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4DescriptionSpanish Linguist - Falls Church, VA - Part TimeAs a
Spanish Lin...
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GetTranslaJobs MedicaI Interpreter I - MiIwaukee, WI, 53202 @
Medical Interpreter I Imagine Yourself Here: At Aurora Health Care
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atanet TransIators Bridge Communication in Kenya HeaIthcare |
The U.S.-based, non-profit Translators Without Borders connects
community groups with needed interpreters. In Nairobi's informal
settlement of Kibera, the group is creating Kenya's first-ever Heal... Society
02143 @
Location: Somerville, MA Postal Code: 02143 SOMALI MEDICAL
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Per DiemJob Type: P...
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Location: Lowell, AR Postal Code: 72745 Clinical Interpreter
******Temp position in Lowell, AR****** The Clinical Interpreter provides
specified language interpretation for the patient/family along...
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taking messages in a foreign language; organising...
English to foreign language... San Antonio, TX
04.21.12 training portion of bi-monthly Interpreter Team Meetings and In-
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Keywords: Interpreter, interpreter jobs, spanish
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04.26.12 interpreter, no previous experience with interpreters... The
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The Interpreter Per Diem reports to the Manager,
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experience as a medical interpreter preferred. Must maintain
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Long Beach, CA 04.03.12 team as an advocate,
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The language services department provides language...
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The language services department provides language...
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The language services department provides language...
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Location: Everett, MA Postal Code: 02149 SPANISH MEDICAL
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Location: Concord, NH Postal Code: 03303 ASL
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Penacook, NH 03303 Wanted: ASL Interpreter Merrimack Valley School
District has an imm...
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Medical Interpreter I Imagine Yourself Here: At Aurora Health Care
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The Interpreter Per Diem reports to the Manager,
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FfTranslators GoogIe Wave Dead to AII Except Chrome Users
Google has finally shut its Wave tool and told web users they can no
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they use Chrome. IE and Firefox users are told hosting s...
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Give your favorite somebody your favorite word map! Now you can order
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Simply search for a word, click on the "Share" button on t...
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FfTranslators xkcd: Forgot AIgebra
Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may
be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for
adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitab...
teclasap Como dizer "cabeçada" e "rodada-dupIa" em ingIês.
HEADER / DOUBLE-HEADERIn soccer, the term "header" means a
shot or even a pass made by heading the ball [cabeçada]. However, a
"double-header" means two games held in sucession on the same
CSA_Research Research
Inttranews cannot function without cookies.Please turn on the cookies
option in your browseror visit our website once so that links work
properly.Thank you.www.inttranews.netInttranews utiliza coo...
localization OfficiaI GmaiI BIog: Say heIIo (or oIá or haIo or saIam) to
automatic message transIation in GmaiI
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This year's list of the 50 best restaurants in the world plotted on a map.
Zoom in to see all the individual restaurants in a city, and click on the
pointers for a description and a link to the res...
amsall Afroptimism :-) ctd / The geo-branding war
Type @ to mention people, $ or £ to add price.
PreciseEdit About Bang! Writing With Impact by David Bowman-fReado
Description :BANG! Writing with Impact is THE guide for writing
with impact. Bang! contains over 100 strategies for making an impact
with your writing. Each strategy is explained in real ...
teclasap Como se diz "Que Deus o tenha!" em ingIês?
"And as sixty-five years old, my mother - GOD REST HER SOUL -
couldn´t understand why the only man she had ever loved had been
taken." (Alone again, by Gilbert O´Sullivan)
angeldominguez La pobIación está encantada [con eI copago...
La población está encantada [con el copago farmacéutico]. Isabel
Carrasco, presidenta de la Diputación de León y del PP leonés. Fuente:
El Mundo
PreciseEdit About Which Word Do I Use? A quickie guide to the most
confusing word pairs by David Bowman-fReado
Description : If you master these words, you will solve most
word usage problems. This book does not contain one-sentence
Truduçuo vIu VuI DuIIy
Published by Tradução via Val - 85 news spotters today
definitions. Instead, you get definitions (can't get around that...
angeldominguez Los sindicatos caerán como eI Muro de BerIín.
Los sindicatos caerán como el Muro de Berlín. Esperanza Aguirre,
presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid. Fuente: Cadena SER
dbottmann Notes
To search for a term in all chapters of the book, type the term in the
search field and click "Submit." A list of the chapters in which the term
is found will appear in the left-hand column. Please...
wordyrama TransIation news -
This is an article by Hindi critic Mr. Prabhat Shotriy in a daily news
paper (Hindi)- (¹¬¤ï< ¤î¤UïU¹ ¤î 7¹¹d- 7¬ï¤¹ ~î -98 13) (Need of
a Translation University-Mr. Prabhat Sho...
qabiria Qabiria sponsorizza Io sviIuppo deI CAT OmegaT
Qabiria sponsorizza lo sviluppo di due nuove feature di OmegaT, il CAT
tool open source.
wordyrama TransIation news -
"3.- Both demand that you renounce all your worldly possessions in
favor of a fuzzy afterlife no one has ever seen (Heaven, Paradise and
the 72 virgins, well-paid post-editing)." More.
TheChecklist Stream
SEGUI IN STREAMING IL 5 MAGGIO Assemblea dei lavoratori
indipendenti contro il ddl Fornero e per una nuova idea di lavoro e
welfare Roma, Sabato 5 Maggio, ore 10:00 Città dell'Altra Economia
Largo ...
hoelterlein Least HeIpfuI » ""RoIIin' down the street, smokin' endo /
"Rollin' down the street, smokin' endo / sippin' on gin
and juice" -Franz Kafka
Collaborative Europass: Language Passport
A self-assessment tool for your language skills and qualifications Follow
the instructions and save the completed document (download or e-mail).
You can then generate your Language Passport on your...
donnaparrish AppIe posts Iist of IocaIization vendors - GTS BIog
a newspaper
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rainylondon Lana DeI Rey - Born To Die by VaIeria AIiperta on Spotify
If Spotify did not open the requested resource, click the play button
above. You can close this window. Click on the link below to open
Spotify If you enable JavaScript in your browser, we will do ...
hoelterlein Antes de posar nua, Monique recorre a tratamentos estéticos
- fotos em Famosos
Ex-BBB será capa da revista 'Sexy' e realizou sessões de peeling,
carboxterapia, lipocavitação e mais.
LanguageLine ACCE 2012
What are the top reasons to attend?
PaulEdgar1 OfficiaI GoogIe BIog: Breaking down the Ianguage barrier-
six years in
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Type @ to mention people, $ or £ to add price.
DayTranslations Ourdesk: Living in BabeI
If I already felt strange before for not really speaking Cantonese, I'm
doing so much more now that I work as a journalist. Before, everything
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so why not let us do ...
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