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Participating in the holy liturgy, we have to develop THE FIRST the consciousness of belonging to ENGLISH the people of God

(cf. 1 Peter 2:9). We cannot get properly CATECHESIS involved in the sacred action (19 June) actually this is the meaning of Rev. Dr. Doru Costache our presence during the service if we dont accept that primarily we are coming for gathering with In order to serve the first the others, with those sharing the Orthodox liturgy in English in same faith and hope. Our our church, it was necessary to individuality is simultaneously give to the participants some affirmed, for the prayer is insight into the meaning of the mentioning everyone by name, service. It was the reason for an and transcended, for we are English catechesis was coming for expressing a new organised. reality, our communion as the Below are summarised the main people of God. The feeling of lines of the liturgical catechesis. belonging involves obviously a psychological aspect: we are not The term Church derives alone; we are together with our 1 from the Greek term Ecclesia, brothers and sisters in Christ. which means the gathering of There is no real solitude but of those called/elected. The term those refusing the communion liturgy derives from the ancient with the Church. Greek (leitourgeia), meaning public service, an activity 3 The liturgy has three main involving the community and parts. organised in the benefit of the The first (performed by the priest community. The term has to be alone) is dedicated to the associated with the reality of a preparation of the gifts of bred concrete community. Actually, as and wine mixed with water, emphasised in the Acts of the which will be offered to God our Apostles 2:42-47, the liturgy Father in the third part of the represents the first and main liturgy. During this first part, the manifestation of the Church. priest is remembering the whole Both words Church and liturgy, body of the Church: the saints, are expressing the the living and the dead. It is a communitarian aspect of the symbolic manifestation of the reality we are experiencing. wholeness of the people of God.

Letters to a child of the future: 2

Lily Strungaru
My Dear Child, I have learned that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes people come into our lives to serve some sort of purpose, teach us a lesson or help us figure out who we are or who we want to become. And sometimes things that happen to us may seem painful and unfair, but then we realize that without overcoming those obstacles we would not be the people we are today. These are lifes small tests, which help us grow and become better people. I often think of my grandparents for they will always hold a special place in my heart. They were honorable human beings who lived their life with a great deal of integrity. I feel that their kindness, generosity and purity of spirit are rarely found nowadays. Even though I know children tend to take everything and
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year XXX July - August 2005

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The first... pag. 1 The second is dedicated to the proclamation of Gods word in the middle of the community. After some litanies and songs is taking place the entrance with the Gospel in the holy altar. In the first centuries, it was precisely this the moment of the entrance of the whole community in the sanctuary, as expression of our communion in the word of God. After the readings from the Apostle and Gospel follows the sermon, emphasising the message which comes from the readings a spiritual food for the Christian consciousness of the community. Only hearing and assuming the word of God it becomes possible our participation in the Lords supper. The third is dedicated to the gifts offering to God, coming for the now well-prepared (by listening to Gods word) community. The gifts are moved through procession from the table where they were prepared to the holy table/altar. After the salute of peace (involving the mutual forgiveness) and the confession of the faith (the Creed) the priest is pronouncing the anaphora, i.e. the memorial of Gods mercy toward us and the prayer of the offering. The moment of sanctification of the gifts, transformed by the descent of the Holy Spirit in the body and blood of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:16), is naturally followed by the receiving of the holy communion by those prepared for it (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:2329). The Church is now fully manifested, the listeners of Gods word being guests of the Lords supper, entering the intimacy of God and affirming their belonging to Gods people.

By Silviu C. Stefan Geelong, Vic.
Far away if you should ever be, Somewhere Or sometime, I will always wait for you, Just for a night youll take me thruogh. When you should come One day, I know you will, Whisper my name As in a soundless game. I will hear you Just for me Far away if you should ever be Somewhere, Or sometime.


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This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!

everyone for granted, I have never forgotten their love, generosity and patience even towards strangers, who, stranded at night, would always find a spare bed and a warm plate of food at their house. I myself have lived a full life. I have been blessed with a wonderful family and have had a very happy childhood. I often reflect at my younger years and remember those happy memories. I sometimes wish I could turn back the clock If only I could see if only for a moment, my loved ones who are no longer with us. My precious child, treasure your life and make each moment count. Value the people you love, for as time passes by, they will not be with you forever and others will take their place. Life is like a grand stage where each one of us plays a role. It is the way that one plays its role that counts the most. As you will step from your adolescence years into adult-

hood, life might seem less innocent and more mature, even frightening. My child, we cannot stop the wheel of time from turning but we can be well prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Remember to put your trust in your parents and in God and know that their immense love and support will guide you always. Remember also that your education is essential. Dedication, ambition and hard work will pave the way for your future and this is perhaps one of the greatest lessons that I have learned in my own life. After all I am blessed enough to continue my university studies even though I am not that young anymore. But never think it is too late to achieve your goals and remember that we create our own destiny. To be without dreams is to be without hope or purpose. Even when things may not always turn out the way you want, if you persevere and keep your faith there will be another chance.
Parochial Life | July - August 2005 |

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