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YUDI VAIZOL 101220437 IV G

More employees are encouraged to provide satisfactory service to the public. Employees are also expected not to be tempted to misuse authority for personal gain. The assumption that the salary increase will take effect on performance improvement should be a challenge for the civil servants. ideally the welfare of employees increasing their performance of the spur.

However, the public should not expect too much on improving the performance of their employees after the pay raise. Policy may raise the salaries of civil servants are not necessarily significant effect on employee performance improvement. Why? At least three reasons. First, the policy of salary increases imposed uniformly or all employees feel less salary increase effective spur individual performance of employees. Employees are performing or not performing it received the blessing of the policy raise an average of 10%. In other words, the policy is not able to provide a stimulant to efforts to increase employee performance. Allowances based on job performance or workload is deemed more appropriate to encourage employee performance. The acuracy of the arrangement of employee remuneration (salaries, allowances, etc.) essential to the realization of justice and proportionality of the salary / benefits received by employees. Second, performance problems are not just about income, but also about other systems. improvement over the structure of income (remuneration) employees only a small part of the mechanism of reward and punishment. There are other parts (eg promotion and sanctions) as well as other systems that contribute to performance improvement. system of recruitment, supervision, coaching and career development are examples of issues that need to be repaired to fix the performance of civil servants.
So, there must be strong commitment from the competent authorities, especially in human resource development to put the issue of performance of each employee as a strategic goal of government agencies.

YUDI VAIZOL 101220437 IV G Lebih banyak karyawan didorong untuk memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan kepada masyarakat. Karyawan juga diharapkan tidak tergoda untuk menyalahgunakan wewenang untuk kepentingan pribadi. Asumsi bahwa kenaikan gaji akan berpengaruh pada peningkatan kinerja harus menjadi tantangan bagi PNS. idealnya kesejahteraan karyawan meningkatkan kinerja mereka memacu.

Namun, masyarakat tidak boleh berharap terlalu banyak pada peningkatan kinerja karyawan mereka setelah kenaikan gaji. Kebijakan dapat menaikkan gaji pegawai negeri belum tentu dampak yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja karyawan. Mengapa? Setidaknya tiga alasan. Pertama, kebijakan kenaikan gaji yang diberlakukan secara seragam atau semua karyawan merasa gaji kurang efektif memacu meningkatkan kinerja individual karyawan. Karyawan melakukan atau tidak melakukan itu menerima berkat dari kebijakan menaikkan rata-rata 10%. Dengan kata lain, kebijakan tersebut tidak mampu memberikan stimulan bagi upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Tunjangan berdasarkan prestasi kerja atau beban kerja yang dianggap lebih tepat untuk mendorong kinerja karyawan. Para keakuratan dari pengaturan remunerasi karyawan (gaji, tunjangan, dll) penting untuk realisasi keadilan dan proporsionalitas dari gaji / manfaat yang diterima oleh karyawan. Kedua, masalah kinerja ini bukan hanya tentang pendapatan, tetapi juga tentang sistem lain. perbaikan dari struktur pendapatan (gaji) karyawan hanya sebagian kecil dari mekanisme penghargaan dan hukuman. Ada bagian lain (misalnya promosi dan sanksi) serta sistem lainnya yang berkontribusi terhadap perbaikan kinerja. sistem rekrutmen, pembinaan pengawasan, dan pengembangan karir adalah contoh dari masalah yang perlu diperbaiki untuk memperbaiki kinerja pegawai negeri. Jadi, harus ada komitmen yang kuat dari pihak yang berwenang, terutama dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia untuk menempatkan isu kinerja setiap karyawan sebagai tujuan strategis instansi pemerintah.

More employees are encouraged to provide satisfactory service to the public. Employees are also expected not to be tempted to misuse authority for personal gain. The assumption that the salary increase will take effect on performance improvement should be a challenge for the civil servants. ideally the welfare of employees increasing their performance of the spur.

However, the public should not expect too much on improving the performance of their employees after the pay raise. Policy may raise the salaries of civil servants are not necessarily significant effect on employee performance improvement. Why? At least three reasons. First, the policy of salary increases imposed uniformly or all employees feel less salary increase effective spur individual performance of employees. Employees are performing or not performing it received the blessing of the policy raise an average of 10%. In other words, the policy is not able to provide a stimulant to efforts to increase employee performance. Allowances based on job performance or workload is deemed more appropriate to encourage employee performance. The acuracy of the arrangement of employee remuneration (salaries, allowances, etc.) essential to the realization of justice and proportionality of the salary / benefits received by employees. Second, performance problems are not just about income, but also about other systems. improvement over the structure of income (remuneration) employees only a small part of the mechanism of reward and punishment. There are other parts (eg promotion and sanctions) as well as other systems that contribute to performance improvement. system of recruitment, supervision, coaching and career development are examples of issues that need to be repaired to fix the performance of civil servants.
So, there must be strong commitment from the competent authorities, especially in human resource development to put the issue of performance of each employee as a strategic goal of government agencies.

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