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Install Guide OpenEMM 2011 for Windows, V1.0-20110726 1 REQUIRED SOFTWARE =================== 1.

1 MySQL: Download the most recent version of MySQL 5.x Community Server for Windows from and install it (no 4.x version!). Select type "typical" for installation, after installation select "Configure MySQL Server", select "Standard Configuration" and enable "Install As Windows Service" as well as "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH. Set a root password (super user password) for MySQL and do not forget it, because you will need it during OpenEMM installation! 1.2. Download the most recent version of Python 2.x for Windows from and install it. (You need at least version 2.4.x.) 1.3 Download the MySQL database module for Python 2.x for Windows from Select the executable file ending with "py2.x.exe" where x represents the sub version of Python 2.x you installed before. Execute this file to install the MySQL database module. 1.4 Download the most recent Java SE Development Kit 6 (JDK) for Windows from and install it. The Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) is NOT sufficient! 1.5. Download the most recent version of Tomcat 6 for Windows from and install it. 1.6 As always with Windows, it may be a good idea to reboot now. 2 INSTALL OpenEMM ================= 2.1 Download from and save it anywhere on your local system. 2.2 If you upgrade from a previous release please rename the directory of the installed version - do not overwrite it with the new release. 2.3 Unzip the content of the zip file to your preferred drive. If you choose C:\ as target you will find the directory C:\OpenEMM afterwards. This is the home directory of OpenEMM referred further in this document. 2.4 In case you changed configuration file manually (like property system.url), please do not forget to copy the changes to the new file (usually located in C:\OpenEMM\webapps\core\WEB-INF\classes). 2.5. Replace the generic string "http://localhost:8080" with the domain name of your server (like "") for property cms.ccr.url in file (located in the same directory as 2.6 Open the Windows explorer and change to the OpenEMM home directory. 3 IF YOU INSTALL FOR THE FIRST TIME =================================== 3.1 Start "setup.bat" from the home directory and follow the instruction on the

screen. The super user password of the MySQL database has to be entered twice, first time to create the OpenEMM database, second time to fill it with the required database structure and content. To create the CMS database you have to enter the super user password twice again. 3.2 After that you can change the default values for the redirection domain. This is typically "http://" followed by the name of your system (not "localhost" in a production environment) followed by the default port ":8080", e.g. for a server "" the redirect domain would be". (Do not forget "http://" or ":8080"!) 3.3 To enable handling of incoming bounce mails not only for instant bounces (which works out of the box) but also for delayed bounces and autoresponder mails you have to set the mailloop domain to a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) which points to the machine OpenEMM runs on. You can find out the hostname of your machine with 'hostname', entered in the command line mode (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt). Add your domain name and TLD (Top Level Domain) to the hostname to get the FQDN (like When you send e-mails and want to take advantage of the bounce management for delayed bounces there are two possibilities for the format of the sender address: A.) Use whatever address you like. Set up a bounce filter in OpenEMM (see user manual) to forward the filtered response to a feedback e-mail address of your choice (different from the sender address, of course). Implement a forward mechanism to forward incoming mail sent back to the sender address to the e-mail address generated by the bounce filter (like The flow for responses of your e-mails works like this: sender address -> filter-generated address (to filter out bounces) -> feedback a ddress B.) Use an e-mail address with the sender hostname (like Since no real e-mail addresses exist for the sender hostname, normally it would not be possible to reply to an e-mail with this ender address. To forward responses to a valid e-mail address you have to define a bounce filter with an e-mail feedback address of your choice. The e-mail address generated by the bounce filter has to be defined as an alias in directory C:\OpenEMM\conf\bav in a new file named bav.conf-local. Example:

The flow for responses of your e-mails works like this: sender address -> bav.conf-local -> filter-generated address -> feedback address 3.4 You can enter a smart relay host. This may be useful for dial-up users to send the mail via their ISP. You can either just enter the domain or IP address or you can prefix this address by a <user>:<password> pair, separated by a '@'. If you want to remove a previous entry, just enter a hyphen '-'. An example for an ISP with domain '' using the username 'user' and the password 'pass' must be entered in this form:

4 IF YOU UPDATE FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION ======================================= (Note: The Windows version of OpenEMM does not support the online update) ! ! ! ! ! Important note for users of OpenEMM 6.0, 6.0.1 and 6.1: Due to a bug in the Windows install script database openemm_cms was not filled with the required tables. To fix this problem, simply type at the Windows command line: mysql -u root -p openemm_cms < C:\OpenEMM\USR_SHARE\openemm_cms.sql

Start "update.bat" from the home directory and follow the instruction on the screen. Older OpenEMM databases will be converted to the UTF-8 character set. Therefore, the update script wants to drop and recreate the OpenEMM database. Please do not be worried and confirm this request. To change the configuration for the redirect or mailloop domain or the smart relay (see above) you can start "config.bat" at any time. 5 START OpenEMM =============== To start the application itself, start "start.bat". Beside the management scripts this starts a second console window with web container Tomcat to generate the application frontend and to handle the URL redirection server. You can safely ignore any deprecation warnings and you can minimize this second console window because it shows the log output of Tomcat only. Note 1: If OpenEMM does not find your Tomcat installation you can define its path manually in file in directory OpenEMM/bin via property "tomcathome". If set to "None" OpenEMM will try to find Tomcat on its own. Note 2: Depending on your installation your firewall will tell you that httpd.exe asks to use port 8080 and python.exe port 25 (the displayed names may vary depending on your Windows and firewall software.) For proper functionality you have to accept these requests. Note 3: If you start Tomcat for the very first time you may get a weird error message. Stop OpenEMM and start it again and this error message will never come up again (don't ask ...). Now you can point your local web browser to http://localhost:8080 and login using username "admin" and password "openemm". One of your first steps should be changing the password for this user. 6 STOP OpenEMM ============== To stop the application, just press "Return" in the first command line window (not the Tomcat window) the application runs in to stop Tomcat and to close its window. After being prompted press "Return" again to terminate all running OpenEMM processes and to close this window as well. If the Tomcat window is still open just close it.

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