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Edgar Hu 1750-1914 Review Questions

Chapter 23: 1. The American Revolution and French Revolution were both caused by people going against a government. However, the American Revolution was focused against Britain, which made it a more external cause. On the other hand, the French Revolution occurred due to internal turmoil, and was inspired by the American Revolution. 2. First of all, during the beginning of the Industrial Age, Europe experienced a huge population boom, called the population revolution. This led to a higher number of people becoming full or part-time producers of textile and metal products in factories. Furthermore, the European desire for wealth drove them to develop new innovations to stay ahead. 3. The rise of industrialization also led to fewer workers rights. Because the working class grew due to industrialization, there were more dissatisfied people. As a result, unions formed and began to protest for more rights, sometimes leading to revolution. Chapter 24: 1. The Dutch control of Java wasnt very violent. If anything, it was gained through negotiations with Javan princes. The Dutch started this trend of nonviolent expansion. Throughout the rest of the Industrial Age, violence would not be the primary method of expansion. 2. (Question #3) In the past few time periods, the chief reason for European expansion was Christianity. However, during the Industrial Age, money became the primary motive for expansion. By gaining colonies, Europe would be able to generate more wealth. Another important motive was nationalism; every country wanted to be better than every other country. 3. (Question #4) White dominions had large numbers of white people governing the natives, while tropical dependencies were just the opposite. In tropical dependencies, white people were the minority, yet still ruled over the majority group of natives. In settlement colonies there were different patterns of European occupation and indigenous response. Chapter 25: 1. The causes of political changes in Latin America were the American Revolution and the French Revolution. There were also two more causes: the division of Frances sugar colony and the Iberian political situation. 2. The centralists wanted to create a strong, centralized national government with broad powers. On the other hand, the federalists wanted tax and commercial policies to be set by regional governments.

3. (Question #4) The expanding commerce of Latin America attracted many investors, including the United States. The United States invested in Latin American mining, railroads, public utilities and banking. Chapter 26: 1. During Mahmud IIs reign, the Janissary force was eliminated. Furthermore, he made attempts to westernize the Ottoman Empire. The largest change that was made was to the military, especially its weapons and organization. Also, the Tanzimat reforms, increasing education and innovation, were introduced. 2. Abdul, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire up until 1908, was overthrown by the people. He ruled by absolute despotism, and despite the number of failed assassination plots, he was eventually overthrown and the sultan was reduced to just a figure. 3. (Question #4) The Manchus left Chinese culture essentially untouched. They retained the Confucian ideas of gender role, scholar-gentry and even the idea of the extended family as the core unit of the social order remained. However, their key change was the involvement in trade; trade was allowed to be conducted more freely, and so the comprador class emerged. These were successful for some time, until the bureaucracy itself began to rot from within. Chapter 27: 1. Russia and Japan both had intentions of industrializing after seeing what the Europeans had become. However, Russia essentially failed and never caught up to Europe. In fact, it was seen that Japan was more powerful than Russia in the Sino-Japanese War, clearly demonstrating the gap in industrialization. This showed the industrial supremacy of the Japanese, who had the shortest industrial age in the world. 2. (Question #3) In 1861, the serfs were emancipated and bound to their land. However, the serfs were essentially the same since redemption payments had to be made in order to become truly free. As the serfs conditions degraded, and groups such as the intelligentsia formed, the revolution of 1905 was inevitable. 3. (Question #5) Japan experienced mass population growth as a result of industrialization. There was increased nutrition along with lower death rates, which caused this increase in population. The Japanese government also introduced a universal education system, and Western fashions were welcomed into Japanese culture.

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