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Nano & Materials Science at the University of South Carolina

Tom Vogt 1212 Greene Street, Columbia SC 29208

Nano is here to stay

highly interdisciplinary

Nano - an enabling platform

Quantum Dots

New Properties

Particles & Interfaces

Devices & Sensors

Nano Scale = Scale of Biology

Nano Expands Materials Space

Combination of + SIZE & SHAPE

Materials Space > 1040 distinct compounds Edisonian Approach is ineffective High Throughput Experiments & Theory, Modeling & Simulation !

USCs Comprehensive Energy Science & Systems Engineering Approach to address Global Energy & Environmental Problems From Tokyo Institute of Technology

Nationally and Internationally recognized USC-wide comprehensive Energy Leadership Institute spearheaded by the College of Engineering & Computing.

Catalysis for Renewable Fuels Experimental Nanoscale Physics Nuclear Science and Energy Polymer Nanocomposites Strategic & Approaches to the Generation of Electricity Solid Oxide Fuel Cells & HeteroFoam Nanoenvironmental Research & Risk Assessment Data Analysis, Simulation, Imaging & Visualization Transformational Nuclear Technologies

Some Research Teams & Opportunities

Design Interfaces

Control Assembly
Create New Properties
20,000 sft of new lab space In Horizon I

Brian Benicewicz Smart State Chair Polymer Nanocomposites

Nano & Cancer

Assembly of Viruses
Qian Wang Biological Nano Particles

Ken Reifsnider

Study by the Moore School of Business, over less than four years of operation
>$31.2 M new funding; 271 jobs (2008); $17M impact on annual SC gross product; and engendered over $34M in total economic activity.

Fate & Transport of Nanomaterials

Toxicology of Nanoparticles Nanomaterials & Bacteria/Biofilms
Jamie Lead Nanoenvironmental Research New Smart State Chair

Interfacial Dynamics & Computational Biology Rheology of Complex Fluids

Qi Wang Nanoscale Theory, Modeling & Simulation

a.) Pt3.5Co

b.) Pt2.4Co

Supported Bimetallic Nanoparticles Bio Re-Newables Metal Oxide Catalysts

c.) Pt0.11Co

d.) Pt0.07Co

Chris Williams NanoCatalysis

John Regalbuto Smart State Chair Renewable Fuels

Doug Blom Imaging at the nanoscale

Unique Facility
Aberration-corrected STEM In situ-STEM

Jochen Lauterbach Smart State Chair Strategic Approaches to the Generation of Electricity


We already provide value to hundreds of companies and are eager to be challenged and solve problems.

If you are prepared to look hard and be surprised we might have what you are looking for.

The Essence of Entrepreneurship: The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled

Many of us do that on a daily basis.

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