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Name = M.Gohar Iqbal (5052) Course = Business Application Analysis & Design

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Abstract:For arranging thousands of BOOKS, this Library Management System has been designed with several functionalities like to display, record, update and delete books in the library and students or Member of library. This power/authority has given to librarian to assemble and maintain the records in database using this GUI application.

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Introduction:- ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Background ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 4 Non-Functional Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 4 Use Case diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Activity diagrams........................................................................................................................................... 8 Realization of Use Cases ............................................................................................................................... 9 Purpose of Classes ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Sequence Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Class Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 14 ERD .............................................................................................................................................................. 15

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Introduction:Background:In a library, thousands of books are assembled in order to get required knowledge easily. For this, software like library management systems is evolved or designed to check and keep the record of books.

Purpose:This software, maintains a database, records the data for books in the library management system and also maintains information about members who has issued the book.

Functional Requirements:Following are the functional requirements of the LMS: To maintain the inventory of Library books with respect to theirs IDs. Authentication functions for both Librarian and user. Search, Issue, Provide, Return, Insert, Update & Delete functions for Librarian with respect to students/users data and the data of books. Functions for the User are of Search, Request for Issue & return the book. Record of Librarian in the database. Record of User in the database. Record of every transaction occurring in database. Through IDs the librarian can search the book and students. Through Name and Author the user can search the books. Fine calculation and auto update of fine in the information of user is also a function in LMS.

Non-Functional Requirements: The login password must have at least 6 characters and max of 10 characters In MDI form, through menu strips the user info form and books info form can be access. Message box pop up when user goes invalid path.

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Use Case diagram

Flow of Events of Use Cases:Use Case Introduction LOGIN To interact with the system, LMS will validate its registration with this system. It also defines the actions a user can perform in LMS
User, Librarian User must have proper client installed on user terminal System show login screen Enter user Id & password Acknowledge the entry. The system displays the login screen containing field of username and password. The librarian or user enters their password to have access into the system. User Id or password is incorrect, user will be prompted a message regarding the error resulting in the end of use case.

Actors Pre-conditions Main Flow

Sub Flow

Alternative Flow

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Use Case Introduction

Actors Pre-Condition

Search Books Librarian and User can search for a particular book in the book library by book name or category.
Librarian User Librarian & User should available the client interface of the library. User and Librarian should be logged into the system. Book should be available to search. User type identified. Select the search type. Check the availability. View the search results. The system displays the search screen containing field of Book Id and Name. The librarian or user enters desired id or name to search desired book The search is not found a message will be prompted. The data entered incorrect, a message will be prompted.

Main Flow

Sub Flow

Alternative Flow

Use Case Introduction

Actors Pre-Condition Main Flow

Issue Book This use case describes the process of issuing a certain book for a member by the librarian.
Librarian User User should give the member Id to the librarian. Books should be available to issue. Get the User Id & book Id. Check the availability. Check number of books taken. Issue the book. Update the system The system displays the Issue query screen containing field of Book Id and Name. The user enters desired id or name to send the request of desired book toward librarian. The librarian search the availability and issue books. User Id or book Id is incorrect, user will be prompted a message regarding the error. The given book is already issued prompt a message regarding that.

Sub Flow

Alternative Flow

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Use Case Introduction:

Actors Pre-Condition

Return Book This use case describes the process of returning a certain book by a member to the librarian.
Librarian User Librarian should be logged into the system. Member should be borrowed books. Member should give the member Id to the librarian. Get the member Id & book Id. Check the Id accuracy. Return the book. Update the system The system displays the return the book screen containing field of Book Id and Name. The librarian o enters desired id or name as the user is returning the book User Id or book Id is incorrect, user will be prompted a message regarding the error.

Main Flow

Sub Flow

Alternative Flow

Use Case Introduction

Actors Pre-Condition

Add/Delete/Update Books Only librarian through database is allowed to add or remove or update books from the library database.
Librarian Database User should be logged into the system. Books should be available to remove. Book details should be available to add. And database should be updated after every transaction. Identify the librarian through log in. Check the action to be taken whether to add or remove a book or Update database. Add/remove the book Update the database. The system displays the Information screen containing field of Book Id and Name/Add/Delete/Update. The librarian or user enters desired id or name to run specific function toward book
The books Id already available then prompt the error. The book Id is invalid when removing, prompt the error. The book is not available to remove, prompt the error.

Main Flow

Sub Flow

Alternative Flow

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Activity diagrams 1) Of Librarian 2) Of User

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Realization of Use Cases:-

1. Login = it is a boundary Class v User LMS Database

(add authenticate)

Authenticate (login manager) 2. Issue Books = Boundary class User



(boundary + control)

Books Manager LMS (Books Info)


3. Search Books = Boundary class LMS (book info) Database


(boundary + control)

Books Manager

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4. Add/delete/update books = Boundary class User v Librarian


LMS (books Info) Database


Book Manager

Purpose of Classes:1. USER :The purpose of user class is because of the application in which user can have access rights to search, request issue and return the books from library. 2. Librarian:The main actor in this system is the librarian who is the key performer for maintaining the library inventory. 3. LMS:The boundary class controlling all the actions for librarian and user and is the interface for the database and users. 4. Database:The need for this class is because the application is based on M.S SQL Server 2008 R2, Therefore class for controlling the database actions happening in response of LMS interface is always considered mandatory. 5. General User :The inherited class of User, showing the difference between authenticated user and an outsider.

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Sequence Diagram

1) Use Case = Issue Books (different boundary classes in all sequence)

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2) Use Case = Search Books

3) Use Case = Provide Book

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4) Use Case = Return Books

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Class Diagram

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