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Calendar Unit:

Unit Calendar Created by: A. Graeber

fWeek Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Introduction into the Civil
- Present timeline from
library of congress
- KLW chart
- Discussion on what
would cause brother to
fight brother
Differences between
- Economic systems of the
- Provide handout
describing the Souths
-Have students read and
then have discussion of the
economic system of South
and social aspects of their
lives (Patriarchal,
aristocratic society)
Differences between
- Economic systems of the
-Provide handout describing
the Norths position and
child life in Lowell cotton
- Have students read and
then have discussion of the
economic system of North
and social aspects of their
lives. (Industry, whole
families worked, not just
The Deepening Sectional
- Discussion of differences
between regions
- questions of how these
played a part is sectionalism
-inside outside circle
- Did the North have a
form of slavery
- Was the Southern
patriarchy threatened by the
womens movement in the
The Deepening Sectional
Crisis cont.
- Read sheet provided
about legislation/ events
leading up to Civ war.
(ms. Compromise, Comp. of
1820, gag rule, fugitive
slave, personal liberty laws,
annexation of Texas
Oregon Mexican war,
complete sheet in groups of
-Finish sheet for homework

The Deepening Sectional
-Split students into groups
of 4, then each group in
- The groups will have to
argue their position about
how they (or their side) felt
about the event or
The Deepening Sectional
- Continue debates but have
students switch sides if 1
argues pro S etc.

John Browns Holly war
-watch video
- leaving time for discussion
- what were the
ideologies present
John Browns Holly war
-watch video
-leaving time for discussion
- Was John Brown
- Martyrdom
John Browns Holy War
- Begin Socratic Seminar

- quick description of
Republican platform
-Look at primary documents
from States claiming
reasons for secession
- have class discussion
- why did they secede?
- was there any way their
differences could have been
remedied w/o war?
Soldiers and Why They
- South
-Look at primary documents
and discuss (SOAPS)
- Why did they fight
- What role did religion
play in their reasons?
- Are there similarities of
ideologies between other
wars we have studied or
Soldiers and Why They
- Look at primary
documents and discuss
- Why did they fight
- What role did religion
play in their reasons?
- Are there similarities of
ideologies between other
The Southern Home front
-Look at primary documents
from Southerners left to
fight the battle on the home
- Discuss the war in
peoples back yards
- The Home Guard
- Cut off from trade and
- What did patriotism
The Northern Home front
-Look at primary documents
from the Northern Home
- How did the war look
different in the North?
- What did patriotism look
Calendar Unit:

Unit Calendar Created by: A. Graeber

current events. wars we have studied or
current events.
look like

Compare the Home Fronts
- prompt What did
patriotism look like for the
North and the South?
How were Conditions

The Emancipation
- Students read individually.
- Get together in groups and
discuss what they think it is
-come back as a class and
discuss what the document
is actually saying

African Americans
During the Civil War
-Importance of A.A.s on
both sides (the vas majority
of South labor force)
-Contrabands and passive
- discussion ways of
passive resistance

African Americans During
the Civil War
- Joining the fight
- Read primary
documents from Fredrick
Douglass and The
Conkling Letter
-Why did AAs want to fight
so badly
- What does it mean to fight
What are they asserting
- Ideals of patriarchal
Ending the War
- Roles of African
- Shermans march
- How does this lead
towards Southern

Calendar Unit:

Unit Calendar Created by: A. Graeber

Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Begin Unit Final
- Start finding evidence to
create 2 short essays, one
for the North and one for the
South, arguing each sides
position and reasons for

Collaboration For Final
- divide the class in two by
drawling sides from a jar.
- One side is arguing the
Norths position; the other
side the Souths.
- Each side works together
to formulate their argument
Begin Final Debates

-Final debates begin
Free Day Free Day




Calendar Unit:

Unit Calendar Created by: A. Graeber

Iohn 8rown's no|y War Lesson |an

!ohn 8rown's Poly War

Descr|pt|on (1-2 sentences):
SLudenLs wlll waLch and Lake noLes on Lhe fllm !ohn 8rown's Poly War" and be able Lo assess Lhe reasonlng's behlnd
!ohn 8rowns Poly War".

Un|t Lssent|a| uest|on:
WhaL Could Cause 8roLher Lo llghL 8roLher?

Sub[ect: u.S. PlsLory
Instruct|ona| 1|me: 2-3 30-mlnuLe class perlods (Lhere ls room for ad[usLmenL for lnLerference/conLlnued dlscusslon ln
Lhe unlL)
Student's grade |eve|: 9-12

Standard(s) to be addressed (Iowa Core 6-8 or 9-12):
- lowa Core Currlculum Crades 9-12 SLandards: 8, C, u, P

kesources used |n th|s |esson:

-kenner, 8oberL !"#$%&'"($)*%+",-%./' (8S)(2000)
- 1wo sheeLs, one for each day, Lo glve prompLs for noLes on whaL Lhe sLudenLs are waLchlng and Lo formulaLe Lhelr vlew
polnLs and oplnlons on Lhe maLerlal.

Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves that meet the standard above (no more than three):
- SLudenLs wlll be able Lo assess and evaluaLe Lhe reasons behlnd !ohn 8rown's acLlons
- SLudenLs wlll examlne Lhe role rellglous and soclal ldeals played ln !ohn 8rown's and Lhe 8order 8ufflan's" acLlons
- SLudenLs wlll be able Lo examlne evldence and consLrucL an argumenL on weaLher or noL !ohn 8rown was a paLrloL or a
LerrorlsL, and show how Lhls compares Lo lssues ln Lhe presenL

Gu|d|ng quest|on for th|s |esson:
Was !ohn 8rown a paLrloL or a LerrorlsL?

Mot|vat|ona| strateg|es that you w||| use:
- fllm prompLs for whaL Lo look for and Lo keep sLudenLs engaged
- ause Lhe fllm perlodlcally Lo check for comprehenslon and Lo keep Lhe sLudenLs focused and engaged
- Croup dlscusslon
1ype of |nstruct|ona| method(s) used |n th|s |esson:
-vldeo analysls
- ulscusslon (SocraLlc Semlnar)
- Lssay wrlLlng
rocedures - ,0*1%2/'345,,-%/$6%2"78,313,-%(#/1%1#3%*1563$1*%(0,,%6"%
-SLudenLs wlll waLch Lhe vldeo, !ohn 8rown's Poly War" and be asked Lo lnLerpreL Lhe evenLs and acLlons of lndlvlduals
wlLhln Lhe movle. 1he sLudenLs wlll Lhen be asked Lo consLrucL a response Lo Lhe guldlng quesLlon of was !ohn 8rown a
paLrloL or a LerrorlsL" and dlscuss and defend Lhelr responses wlLhln a sLrucLured class dlscusslon. 1he class dlscusslon
wlll be conducLed wlLh Lhe 'SocraLlc Semlnar' meLhod. Cne sLudenL (a volunLeer preferably, buL could be plcked by Lhe
Leacher) wlll lead Lhe dlscusslon uslng Lhe quesLlons from Lhe fllm noLes", as a gulde buL cenLerlng on Lhe guldlng
quesLlon of was !ohn 8rown a paLrloL or a LerrorlsL". 1he sLudenL leader" wlll also be provlded wlLh Lhe dlscusslon
group conversaLlon prompLs Lo help gulde and dlrecL Lhe conversaLlon. SLudenLs wlll be requlred Lo wrlLe a shorL half a
page Lo one page essay argulng Lhe guldlng quesLlon of wheLher or noL Lhey Lhlnk !ohn 8rown Lo be a paLrloL or a
LerrorlsL, and how Lhls relaLes Lo Lhe presenL.
1echno|ogy needed for th|s |esson:
uvu player/compuLer, 1.v./ pro[ecLor.

Adaptat|ons needed to meet student needs (LLL, SLD, etc.):
-lllm noLe" prompLs can be wrlLLen ln dlfferenL languages.
- CollaboraLlon helps LLL sLudenLs and SLu sLudenLs as expressed by Lhe Soclal Learnlng 1heory by havlng less Lhese
sLudenLs learn from hearlng conversaLlonal Lngllsh and dlscourse from Lhelr naLlve speaklng peers or learnlng from
more advanced peers. 1he LLL sLudenLs can also learn from one and oLher.
-1eacher can work wlLh Lhe lndlvldual sLudenLs, uslng scaffoldlng, Lo help Lhem formulaLe Lhelr ldeas and argumenLs
boLh for Lhe lndlvldual essay, as well as Lhe debaLe.
Sub LlLles can be added Lo Lhe fllm for hearlng lmpalred sLudenLs.

1h|nk|ng strateg|es used |n th|s |esson:
- CrlLlcal Lhlnklng by analyzlng and lnLerpreLlng Lhe evenLs ln Lhe fllm and comparlng Lhem wlLh evenLs of Lhe presenL or
a dlfferenL Llme perlod
Ass|gnment (what happens after th|s |esson, |f no ass|gnment, wr|te 'none'):

Assessment of the ob[ect|ves for th|s |esson (how do you know what the students |earn|ng):
- SLudenLs wlll also be formaLlvely assessed Lhrough Lhelr parLlclpaLlon and responses/argumenLs durlng Lhe dlscusslon.
-SLudenLs wlll be sumaLlvely assessed Lhrough Lhelr shorL essay.

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