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The Egyptians inherited their civilization from Sudanese and Saharan people.

A lot of Khemetic religious beliefs were developed in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa. Sings and Symbols of Primordial Man explains how religious symbolism developed in the Great Lakes Region and then reached its zenith in Egypt. From there it went to other parts of the world. Sudanese people in prehistoric times were monotheistic, and Afrasen people were henotheistic. These two peoples made the bulk of the Egyptian population. The Egyptians believed in many Neteru, but they saw them as personified aspects of one creator. They saw unity in diversity, because they understood that the creator had many different aspects. There were also San people in ancient Khemet, they believed in a life force that kept every organism alive. They believed death occurs when the life force leaves you. Its the same as to chi and ki, these are the names Chinese and Japanese call the life force. The San may have come up with the idea of the breath of life. Khemau believed the universe started as an ocean known as Nun. Nun was the seed of all reality. She is the mother of all things seen and unseen. From her Ptah came into being and Atum created himself out of Ptah. This creation story is similar to the Zulu creation story. In their story the mother goddess created herself out of the Spirit of Fire, because Unkulunkulu want her too. Nun represents subconsciousness and Atum represents consciousness. Consciousness is a subset of subconsciousness. Atum wouldnt exist without Nun, and Nun couldnt evolve without Atum. Nun is the substance of all things, the one spirit in all forms. Atum is the creator of from; for spirit to have experience there must be form. The Khemau worshiped the Nile because it enabled their crops to grow. The god of the Nile was known as Hapi. The sun was the symbol of the creator because it was so important for

life to exist. It also enabled plants to grow and it keeps us all warm. Light became synonymous with good, and darkness became synonymous with evil. Light also meant knowledge and darkness meant ignorance. The sun gods were Ra, Khapri, Amen, Atum, and Aten. The moon was a symbol for Tehuti and Khensu. Tehuti is sometimes depicted with a crescent moon on top of his head and so is Khensu. The moon has an effect on people psyche, and the lunar month has the same number of days as the menstrual cycle. The Khemau worshipped many Neteru, but some stood of above the rest. I will explain the most important Neteru in detail. Amen represents the Great Spirit. He is the creator of the universe, Amen means hidden because hes beyond our sensory perception. He is the spirit that is inside all things; he is also the sun after it set. Maat is the goddess of truth, justice, karma, order, harmony, and balance. She helps Asaru judge the dead. The scale of justice seen in court comes from the scale of Maat. Judges in Egypt were known as priests of Maat because they were honest and made sure justice was served. Ra represents the sun during midday and cosmic consciousness. He is the universal consciousness from which all individual consciousnesses descend. Tehuti is the Neter of wisdom and has the power of the word. He was the creator of the arts and sciences. Seshat was the female version of Tehuti. Atum is the first person to emerge from Nun. He created the universe by creating two deities. The two Neteru were Shu and Tefnut, they were the first male and female. They both represent duality, from which multiplicity comes from. Shu is male and represents air; Tefnut is female and represents moisture. Nut is the goddess of the sky and Geb the god the earth. Aset was very important goddess of ancient Egypt. She was a mother goddess and she represents legitimacy. Here names means throne, because the pharaoh got his right to rule from his wife. Egypt was matrilineal society, thats one of the reasons why Aset is one of the most important Neteru. She was the sister and wife of Asaru and the mother of Heru. The moon and the

star Sirius represented Aset. The Khemau had a calendar based on Sirius. When Sirius rose the Egyptians knew that the Nile would flood. It is similar to a woman overflowing with breast milk. Asaru was also one of the most important deities. He the lord of the resurrection, and his holy spirit impregnated the Aset when she put his body parts back together. He judges the souls of the deceased to see if they deserve an afterlife. He wears the white crown of Upper Egypt. He is the father of Heru, and brother of Set. Set was his arch nemesis; he tricked Asar to get into a coffin and he later dies of suffocation. Asar brought civilization to Egypt when it was full barbarism; he also civilized parts of the Middle East and India. Set represents chaos; the physical forms of chaos are deserts and storms. Set was worshipped all over Khemet, until the Hyksos took over. They made Set their chief god, so Egyptians saw Set as the god of foreigners. Set is the archetype of Satan. Set was known as the red one; Satan is usually depicted as red. There were Egyptian pharaohs that named themselves after him, because he was a very important deity. There were to Herus, Heru the Elder and Heru the younger. Heru the younger is the one most people are familiar with; he had four sons/disciples. Heru the younger was a son/sun god of ancient Khemet. He is the one that is the son of Aset and

Asar. Heru the elder is the first Heru; he is the brother of Aset, Asar, Set, and Neb-het. He battles Set; the battle represents the struggle between order and chaos. They were the Khemetic version of Yin and Yang. Heru the younger is the prototype of Jesus Christ, which I will explain in a later chapter. Ptah was a creator deity of Memphis. The Oscar statue is a copy of his statue. Ptah is seen as a blacksmith, because he crafted the universe. Hes in a trinity, which consists of Sekhmet and Nefer-Tum. Sekhmet is a warrior goddess; she is similar to Kali of India. Kali is a Hindu goddess of death and rebirth. Sekhmet is an aspect of Het-Heru and share similarities with Bast. She is also

a goddess of womanhood. Nefer-Tum was born from a lotus every morning. He represents reincarnation, because he reborn every day. Khnum was a creator deity; he made people out clay on a potters wheel. He also is part of a trinity; the other two members are Anket and Satet. HetHeru is a mother goddess and she was the original mother of Heru the younger. Het-Her means house of Heru, she is also a goddess of healing. The Neteru may have been the royal family that founded Egypt and were later deified. This what the Yoruba did to the founders of their kingdom and they have an Egyptian origin. Diordorus said that Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia that was founded by Asaru. There was a kingdom known as Ta-Seti that existed prior to Egypt and it the birthplace of Khemtic civilization. Egypt is the mother of the Abrahamic religions. The Hebrews were originally a tribe of the Khemau and/or people who were greatly influenced by the Egyptian civilization. The Hebrews called there god Adony. The word Adony is very similar to Aton. Aton was symbolized by the sun, he was known as the lord of the sun disc. In ancient Egypt and other parts of the world the sun represented the creator. There has been theorized that the Hebrews are simply followers of the Aton cult. The similarities of the names and beliefs support this theory. Amenhotep IV introduced orthodox monotheism to Egypt. He changes his name to Akhenaton and was the leader of the Aton cult. Some scholars say he is Moses, because they have similar characteristics. They lived around the same times; they both were Egyptian royalty; they both were leaders of cults; and both shared the basic idea of one god. Akhenaton may have had Hyksos blood which would explain why he went against the traditions of Egypt. The Hyksos invaded Egypt in the 18th century BCE. They ruled Lower Egypt for over a century. The Hyksos were kicked out of Khemet by Ahmose I, but the Hyksos royal family married into the Egyptian royal family.

The book of Psalms comes from Egyptian hymns, and proverbs come from a Khemetic priest named Amenemope. Amenemope proverbs come from Ptah-hotep; he existed 2,000 years before Solomon. The Ten Commandments come for the 42 Negative Confessions of Maat. The Star of David was originally a Khemetic symbol that represented duality. The words Adam and atom come from Atum. Atum is the first person to come into existence. The Egyptians worshiped different Neteru depending on the great year. The great year is 2166 years, significant changes happen every great year. The Khemau started tracking this during the age of Leo if not before. During the Age of Taurus the Khemau worshipped Mentu, which was symbolized by the bull. During the Age of Aries the Khemau worshipped Amen; he was symbolized by the ram. This was an age of warfare; Israel was founded during this time. During the age of Pisces, Christianity came into being and most of the Khemau became Christian. The Khemau believed in the afterlife. They also believed in being born again, and they would say soul to heaven, body to earth. They believed we were here for a purpose, if that purpose wasnt completed we would reincarnate and try again. They felt you must find your own way to Pa Neter. They valued individuality, that all their funerary and medical texts are different. The Khemau believed there were various spiritual realms. To get admitted into one you had meet the requirements. 1 1Gadalla, Moustafa. Egyptian Cosmology. Tehuti Research Foundation, 2001 Ibid. 139 Ibid. 140 Ibid. 155 Ibid. 143 Ibid. 144

Sufism is an Islamic version of Egyptian mysticism. The Egyptian Mystics called themselves seekers of the way. The Sufis goal is to be one with the Most High. Sufis believes you can connect to god by using intuition. Intuition comes from the right hemisphere of the brain. The Egyptians tried to balance both sides of the brain. The left brain is rational while the right brain is intuitive. Western culture focuses more the left, because it is male oriented. To become one with God you must not succumb to ego. Ego is your self-concept which comes from memories. Memories are of the past which is unreal; you must embrace the present moment to be one with God because it is the only reality.2 The priests of Tehuti understood seven universal laws. The first was the Law of Mentalism. All is mind the universe is mental. The second law was the Law of Vibration. Everything vibrates at a certain frequency, the higher the vibration the higher the consciousness. The third law is the Law of Polarity. Opposites are the same only different in degree. The fourth law is the Law of Correspondence. As above so below, as within so without. The fifth law is

Ibid. 161

(Gadalla, Moustafa. Egyptian Mystics

Tehuti Research Foundation, 2003) Ibid. 18 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 43

the Law of Causation. Every effect has a cause, what man calls chance is a cause Man doesnt understand. The sixth law is the Law of Rhythm. Everything has cycles, everything rotates. The final law is the Law of Gender. Gender exists on all planes of existence. 3 Jesus Christ is a Hebrew version of Heru. That why they have so many similarities. They both were born on December 25th; both of their mothers were virgins and impregnated by a holy spirit; they both had earthly fathers; both of their real fathers were gods; both performed miracles and had resurrection. This shows you that Jesus is exact copy of Heru. The gospels are just a rehashing of tales of Heru. Jesus also shares similarities with other solar deities. The historical Jesus is really King Tut. Jesus is known as the messiah, messiah comes from an Egyptian word which means covered in oil. All Egyptian pharaohs since 2700BCE were anointed with crocodile fat. Jesus real name was Yeshua Ben Pandria; Yeshua means Yahweh is my salvation and Ben Pandria means son of Pandria. Pandria is a corruption of Pa-Neter-Ra which means Lord Ra. Ben Pandria really means Son of Ra, which is one of the titles the pharaohs had. Immanuel means his Amen is God. King Tut changed his name from Tut-Ankh-Aton to Tut-AnkhAmen. There was a box from the Valley of the Kings, which showed three men giving gifts to King Tut; these are the three wise men. 4 3Chandler, Wayne B. Ancient Future Black Classic Press, 2000

Moustafa Gadalla. Tut-Ankh-Amen: The Living Image of the Lord Tehuti Research Foundation, 1997 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35
Ibid. 36

The Yoruba people share the same belief has Egyptians concerning the creation of the universe. The Yoruba believed the universe started out as a chaotic ocean. The Mande people believe the universe came from a primordial energy that had two sets of twins, which is similar to the Ogdoad. The sun is called Ny-Anu by the Junkun in central Nigeria; Anu was the name of an ancient Egyptian city. In Khemet serpents were a symbol of the divine and evil, you also find this idea all over Africa.5 The Khemetic religions have similarities with some eastern religions. For example the goal of the mystery schools was to become free of finite consciousness and escape the wheel of reincarnation. This idea can also be found in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism the goal is to attain moksha, which is when your atman becomes one with Brahman. Once this happen you will no longer reincarnate. The atman is the soul; Brahman is the one Spirit in all forms. In Buddhism the goal is to attain nirvana, which is when you reach perfect peace and no longer have attachments. Once nirvana is achieved you will no longer reincarnate. Attachment is allowing desires to determine your emotional state. Jainism believes people have immortal souls and Sikhism believes in one transcendental God, the Khemetic theology had these same beliefs.

5Moustafa Gadalla. Exiled Egyptians: The Heart of Africa Tehuti Research Foundation, 1999 Ibid. 187 Ibid. 192 Ibid. 199

Bibliography Gadalla, Moustafa. Egyptian Divinities. Tehuti Research Foundation, 2001

Bet Emet Ministries, Can we find Yahweh-In ancient Egyptand did Judaism inherited Egyptian Religion available at adonai.htm

Gadalla, Moustafa. Egyptian Cosmology. Tehuti Research Foundation, 2001

Gadalla, Moustafa. Egyptian Mystics Tehuti Research Foundation, 2003

Chandler, Wayne B. Ancient Future Black Classic Press, 2000

Moustafa Gadalla. Tut-Ankh-Amen: The Living Image of the Lord Tehuti Research Foundation, 1997

Moustafa Gadalla. Exiled Egyptians: The Heart of Africa Tehuti Research Foundation, 1999

Hampton, Virginia Hampton University

HIS 499


Khemetic Religion

April 19, 2009

Presented to: Dr. Robertson

Department of History

By: Devin Mason

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