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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Church

3866 65th street Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888

E-mail: Mobile: (916) 539-1534

O Holy Apostle Philip, Intercede with the merciful God That he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! + Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese!

From the Fathers of the Church

St. Maximus of Turin The Savior asks for water from the woman, then, and feigns thirst so that he might give eternal grace to the thirsty. Did Christ thirst, then? He thirsted, to be sure, but for salvation and not [merely] for human drink. He was thirsty not for the water of the human world, but for the salvation of the human race. In a wonderful way, therefore, the source sitting by the well produces streams of mercy in that very place, and with flowing, living water he purifies the woman who is fornicating with a sixth man, not her husband but an adulterer. And in a new kind of miracle the woman who had come to the well of Samaria as a prostitute returned chaste from the source of Christ. She who had come to look for water brought back chastity. As soon as the Lord points her sins out to her she acknowledges them, confesses Christ and announces the Savior. Abandoning her pitcher she brings not water but grace back to the city. She seems, indeed, to return without a burden, but she returns full of holiness. She returns full, I say, because she who has come as a sinner goes back as a proclaimer, and she who had left her pitcher behind brought back the fullness of Christ, without the slightest loss to her city. For even if she did not bring water to the townspeople, still she brought in the source of salvation. Sanctified, then, by faith in Christ, the woman goes back home.

St. Ephrem the Syrian If you are a king, why are you asking water from me? It was not thus that he had first revealed himself to her, but rather first as a Jew, and then as a prophet, and after that as the Messiah. From degree to degree he led her and placed her on the highest degree. She first saw him as someone thirsting; and then as Jew; then as a prophet, and after that as God. As someone thirsting, she persuaded him; as a Jew, she recoiled from him, as a learned one, she interrogated him, as a prophet she was reprimanded, and as the Messiah, she worshipped him.

Thank you for supporting St. Philips! May God bless you for your generosity! Last Sunday, 48 souls were present, collection was $____ total (tithes: ___, Bishops Appeal: ___, candles: __). Hospitality sign-up sheet: May 13: Janson family, May 20: Slawomir Grabianowski, May 27: Potluck (Pentecost). Please sign up for hospitality for the upcoming Sundays; the list is in the parish hall. Thank you to Prescott family for providing hospitality for us last Sunday. St. Philips Camping Trip. Please sign up if interested so we know about you! Sign up on the sheet located in the parish hall, send e-mail to the office, or tell Bill Martinez. Our destination is Caspar Beach in Mendocino County, CA, date: July 9-11 (Monday-Wednesday). Catholic Home Mission Collection. Next Sunday (May 13) we will take second collection, in support of Catholic Home Missions. This collection is organized by the Catholic Bishops Conference, and is intended to support missionary dioceses/eparchies in the United States. In recent few years, our eparchy was generously supported from this annual collection. Let us be generous in supporting this cause, thus showing our gratefulness for what we have received because of many generous hearts. Prayer requests. Please remember in your prayers the members of our parish family: Steve Klinkovsky, Oceana Grabianowski (Slawomirs wife), Gary and Ingrid Stewart, Walter Gerlach, Margaret Ihnat, Michael, Curtis, Norman, Bob (Fr. Francis friends). Pilgrim Vocation Icon Prayers for Vocations: This week Baker family will pray for vocations. If you would like to dedicate another week to prayer for vocations, you can request the icon of St. Philip to come to your home. 2

Bishops Appeal 2012. We have less than four weeks left of the Bishops Appeal. So far, 13 parish households (out of 23) have responded, donations reached $3825. Thank you for your contribution. The goal for our parish this year is $4600, the Appeal ends on May 31st. I would like to invite those who have not done so yet, to support Bishops Appeal 2012.

Liturgical schedule
Mon Wed Sun May 7th May 11th May 13th 6:30 AM Divine Liturgy. 6: 30 AM Divine Liturgy. 9:00 Confessions. 9:30 Office of the 3rd Hour. 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy. (p. 183) Cyril and Methodius, apostles to the Slavs. Sunday of the Man Born Blind. (p. 189)

For Confession, please come half an hour earlier to scheduled services, or schedule an appointment. Fridays in general are marked as days of simple abstinence or equivalent penance. Let us remember each other as we offer prayers and sacrifices to God, in union with the Cross of Christ.

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