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Improving Teaching & Learning

Local District 4 Administrators Meeting May 9, 2012 Dale W.Vigil, Ed.D. Superintendent


on our current system of teacher evaluation Deepen our understanding of changes in teacher evaluation with the use of the Teaching & Learning Framework Analyze how our current practice can be refined through our knowledge of the T&L Framework

Current Practice - Process


are we now? How do you evaluate teachers? What would we keep, revise, toss, or need to add?

Teaching & Learning Framework

Principals Professional Development
Copyright Tulsa Public Schools 2011

The Teaching & Learning framework will provide a common language and founda>on for dening, suppor>ng, developing, and measuring instruc>on.
--Dr. John Deasy

What is the Teaching and Learning Framework?

A descrip>on of the teacher responsibili>es that promote improved student learning. A deni>on of what teachers should know and be able to do in the exercise of their profession, based on research and best prac>ce. A common language that allows opportuni>es for educators to discuss good teaching. A structure designed to address the complexi>es of teaching applicable to all prac>>oner levels from novice through accomplished.

How is it being used?

It is a Tool to guide Evalua>on & Professional Growth for teachers Focus for professional development for schools At this 9me Currently in Ini>al Implementa>on Phase (IIP) Planned for limited roll-out next year

Educator Growth & Development Cycle

Reec9on and SeDng Goals (IGP)

Teacher Self Assessment

Post Conference

Pre Conference


Impact on our Current Practice


does the Teaching & Learning Framework address some of the issues we raised about our current evaluation system? How might you refine the evaluation process with your teachers based on this work?

Current Practice - Content


do we evaluate teachers on? How do we know how good our teachers are? What would we keep, revise, toss, or need to add?


The Wow Factor

If you were to observe an excellent teacher, either in the classroom or another professional seUng, what might you see or hear that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert?

What would make you think, Wow, this is good! If I had a child this age, this is the class I would want to choose.

Teaching & Learning Framework

Standard 1: Planning and Prepara>on Standard 2: The Classroom Environment Standard 3: Instruc>on Standard 4: Addi>onal Professional


Standard 5: Professional Growth


Considering the Best Fit

Using the handout, in what areas of the ECERS prole might the T&L rubrics help to improve instruc>on by providing a spectrum of performance levels?


Impact on our Current Practice


does the Teaching & Learning Framework address some of the issues we raised about our current evaluation system? How might you refine the way you evaluate your teachers based on this work?


Bonus Session A: CCSS ELA Sample Performance Tasks for K and First Grade

the performance tasks from Appendix B of the CCSS ELA. What do students need to be able to do to be successful at this task? What would instruction around this task look like and sound like?


Bonus Session B: Article Jigsaw


one article that appeals to you the most. Read the article and be able to share with your colleagues:
What is the article about? How is it applicable to your work? How would you evaluate the article?


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