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Jesup, Georgia 31545

Its easy to understand why we invaded Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001. Americans demanded that we do something following the 9-11 attacks. We were hurt and angry. Retaliation was the natural thing to do. But was allout warand moving into Iraq in 2003the best response? History will tell. Will the historians eventually call it the Vietnam of the 21st century?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Muslims have we embittered against us? History isnt on our side. Neither is the math. America has demonstrated that covert, Navy SEAL-like precision strikes are very effective. Well never have enough ground troops to overrun the masses that are eager to spill our blood. So why do we keep plowing down this deadly path? Since 2001, America and its coalition have sacrificed more than 7,500 lives. Beyond the bodies sent home in bags, how many gruesome, life-wrecking injuries have been suffered? How long will the carnage continue? Ive watched friends send their sons and daughters over there. Words cant describe those parents angst. We have every reason to fear terrorists, but are we afraid to try a new way to approach protecting our people and our freedom? America is the land of the free and brave, but sometimes we dont appear to be so smart. A certified genius, Albert Einstein, defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We must have a strong military. We must have staunch support of our troops. We must always be on guard. And I think we must wise up to a new strategy. Otherwise, Einstein would say we are perpetuating bloody insanity.

How much longer will we be spilling blood over there?

ging for our dollars. But money is all the foreign aid they want. America is teetering on bankruptcy and can bareDINK ly keep itself NeSMITH upright. Why Chairman are we intent on spending money we dont have to buy false or at best fickle loyalty in so many places? Take Pakistan, for example. Hasnt its leadership siphoned billions from us and our enemies? Wheres our logic in that? Isolationism isnt the answer, but we should be learning something from previous sacrifices and mistakes. Whos driving this train of thought? Would it be our presidentspast and presentCongress, or the industrial military complex? Maybe the answer is: all of the above. Dont they see one of the consequences of our actions intended or unintendedis nonstop stirring of hatred for the United States? If we think we are going to pacify the terrorists and win them over, well, these hellish wars will continue into the 22nd century.

My Opinion

Yes, we snuffed out Osama bin Laden, the perceived architect of our anguish. From Sept. 11, 2001, to May 1, 2011, we poured billions of dollars and countless barrels of blood on the torrid sands to capture and kill him. War is hell. When we send our troops into battle, we owe them our unwavering support. For every life lost and the lives put at risk, there is really no way to adequately express our gratitude. Americans and their allies are still dying in Afghanistan after more than 10 years. That deadly quagmire drags on. Will Iran be next? And after that, which country will we storm? I understand fighting to protect our soil and our people. I do not understand our imperialistic attitude that is determined to save the world by installing our brand of democracy everywhere. Dont we realize there are multitudes of countries that dont want to be Americanized? In our minds, we know best. But that belief is not globally embraced. You cant count the nations that have their hands out, beg-

We may have eradicated Saddam Hussein and bin Laden, but how many billion belligerent

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