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1492 Columbus arrives in America 1497/1498 John Cabot (England) leads expeditions on the northeastern coast of North America 1498 Vasco DeGama first to reach India 1519 Cortes in Mexico; conquers the Aztecs 1520-1520 Smallpox and other diseases decimate Indian populations 1534-1535 French explore/settle along the St. Lawrence River 1541-1542 Spanish (Francisco Coronado) explore southwestern United States 1570s/80s Sir Francis Drake sails around the globe for England (under Queen Elizabeth) 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh establishes Roanoke colony (colony mysteriously disappears) 1588 Spanish Armada (end of Spains golden age) 1607 Jamestown established 1609 Henry Hudson (English sailing for Dutch) goes into Delaware Bay/travels up the Hudson river 1619 House of Burgesses in VA (1st representative self-govt); first blacks arrive in the colonies 1620 Plymouth colony established; Mayflower Compact 1629 Massachusetts Colony founded 1634 Maryland founded (Lord Baltimore; haven for Catholics) 1635 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1636 Roger Williams founds Rhode Island; John Hooker settles Connecticut 1642 French settle Montreal in Canada 1643 New England Confederation (MA Bay, Plymouth, New Haven, & CT) formed for defense from Indians during the English Civil War 1647 Old Deluder Satan Act (education in MA) 1649 Act of Toleration (MD religious freedom for all who believe in the Trinity) 1651 First Navigation Acts approved by Parliament (everything to/from colonies must travel on British ships; weakly enforced at first) 1676 Bacons Rebellion 1682 Dutch monopoly on slave trade ends (price of slaves drops drastically) 1686 Dominion of New England created 1688 Glorious Revolution in England (James II removed, William of Orange is king) 1689 War of League of Augsburg (King Williams war) begins 1692 Salem Witch Trials in MA 1702 War of Spanish Succession (Queen Annes War) begins 1733 Molasses Act 1739 Stono Rebellion in S.C. (one of the earliest examples of slave rebellion)

1730s-1740s Great Awakening (religious revivals, schools such as Harvard, Yale, Brown founded to train ministers) 1740 George Whitefield goes around the colonies during the Great Awakening 1754 Albany Congress (beginnings of colonial union) 1756 Beginning of Seven Years (French and Indian) War 1763 Treaty of Paris ends F&I War, Proclamation line of 1763 (no settlers west of Appalachian Mts.) 1764 Sugar Act, Currency Act 1765 Stamp Act (raise currency to support British troops), Stamp Act Congress (in protest to Stamp act; no taxation without representation, boycott British goods), Sons of Liberty formed 1766 Declaratory Act replaces Stamp Act (Parliament has full authority over colonies) 1767 Townshend Acts (import duties on paper, tea, paint, glass; $ used to pay salaries of royal officials) 1770 Boston Massacre (Crispus Attucks is 1st black to die for revolutionary cause) 1772 Committees of Correspondence set up by Sam Adams 1773 Tea Act (Parliaments attempt to curb the smuggling of Dutch tea; GB tea was now cheaper than the smuggled tea; colonists keep buying smuggled tea because they dont like the idea behind the act), Boston Tea Party (response to Tea Act) 1774 Intolerable/Coercive Acts (response to Boston Tea Party; shut down Boston Harbor, limit self-govt in MA, punish MA, quartering of soldiers), Quebec Act, First Continental Congress (all colonies except GA present; Declaration of Rights & Grievances, created the Association to boycott British goods) 1775 Lexington and Concord, Second Continental Congress (ALL colonies present, presided by Hancock, raise Continental Army led by Washington, Olive Branch petition) 1776 Common Sense by Thomas Paine, Declaration of Independence, Saratoga (France decides to help colonies) 1777-1778 Continental Army spends winter at Valley Forge 1778 Anglo-French Alliance (French help the colonists) 1778 Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, Articles of Confederation ratified (THESE ARE AN EPIC FAIL) 1783 Treaty of Parish signed 1785 Land Ordinance of 1785 (administer Northwest Territory, splits it into townships, provides land for schools, no slavery allowed = ONE OF THE FEW GOOD THINGS ACHIEVED BY A of C) 1786-1787 Shays Rebellion (angry farmers, ARTICLES FAIL) 1787 Land Ordinance of 1787 (sets up process for statehood in Northwest Territory = GOOD ARTICLES), Constitutional Convention 1788 Constitution ratified by states

1789 Washington president, Judicial Act creates Supreme Court and general attorney 1790 Hamilton proposes his financial plan *Beginnings of Second Great Awakening in 1790s 1791 First National Bank est., Bill of Rights added to Const. 1793 Democratic-Republicans begin to meet, Citizen Genet Affair, Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin 1794 Whiskey Rebellion (GOOD FOR WASHINTON) 1795 Jays Treaty (FAIL), Pinckneys Treaty (YAY WIMPY SPAIN) 1796 Adams president, Jefferson VP (diff. political parties; only time this happens fixed by 12th Amend that est. separate ballot for pres./VP) 1798 XYZ Affair, Sedition Act, KY and VA Resolutions (response to Alien/Sedition, written by TJ and Madison, raises issue of nullification) 1800 Revolution of 1800 (peaceful transition of power), TJ president (Aaron Burr LOL) 1801 Judiciary Act, midnight judges, John Marshall appointed Chief Justice (does not support states rights), Alien/Sedition acts die, Tripolitan War begins (lasts till 1805) 1803 Louisiana Purchase, Marbury vs. Madison (est. judicial review) 1804 RIP Hamilton (you tard, whyd you go off dueling Burr), TJ re-elected, 12th Amend. Ratified (separate pres/VP ballots), Lewis & Clarke set off 1806 Orders of Council (GB closes European ports controlled by French US feels awk.) 1807 Chesapeake Affair, Embargo Act 1808 Madison president, no more importing slaves 1809 Non-Intercourse Act replaces Embargo (still no bueno for US) 1810 Macons Bill #2 (no trade with GB/France) 1812 War of 1812 begins 1814 Washington burned down, Treaty of Ghent ends war (FIXES NOTHING), Hartford Convention (Federalists what are you doing) 1815 Battle of New Orleans (after treaty dang you snail mail), Henry Clay proposes American System 1816 Monroe president, beginning of Era of Good Feelings (lasts till 23), Second Bank of US chartered, Tariff of 1816 1817 Rush-Bagot Agreement (limit naval armament on Great Lakes with US/GB) 1818 Anglo-American Treaty (share fishing in Newfoundland, vague limits for LA) 1819 Panic of 1819 (unemployment high till 23), Adams-Onis Treaty (FL from Spain) 1820 Missouri Compromise, Monroe re-elected, New Eng. textile mills growing 1823 Monroe Doctrine, Stephen Austin sets up deal with Santa Anna for Americans in TX 1824 Monroe proposes removal of Indians (W. of Mississippi) 1825 JQA president, corrupt bargain, Eerie Canal completed

1828 Jackson president (Democrat), Tariff of Abominations (rollover from Adams), S.C. Exposition (Calhoun) 1830 Indian Removal Act, Webster-Hayne Debate (over nullification), Maysville Road Bill (VETOED) *Whig party grows in the 1830s 1831 Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia (Jackson doesnt enforce), William Lloyd Garrison publishes 1st ed. of The Liberator, Nat Turners Rebellion 1832 Jackson re-elected, Nullification Crisis 1833 Compromise of 1833 (lower tariff 8% over 10 years), Jackson vetoes bank renewal bill 1834 Women textile workers strike in Lowell, MA 1836 Van Buren president, National Bank shut down, Texas rebels against Mexico, Lone Star Republic set up (Sam Houston president), Gag Resolution in Congress 1837 Panic of 1837(because of bank shut down) 1840 Harrison president (Whig) *Immigration of Germans and Irish throughout 1840s and 50s 1841 expansion into Oregon territory, Brook Farm 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1844 Polk president 1845 Slidells mission, Texas becomes a state 1846 Oregon treaty (49th parallel est. as US/Canada border), MexicanAmerican war begins, Wilmot Proviso passed (never made law), Fremont leads Bear Flag Revolt/Republic 1848 Gold in CA, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Free-Soil party formed, Oneida community, Seneca Falls convention, Taylor president 1850 Compromise of 1850 1852 Pierce president, Uncle Toms Cabin 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, Republican party formed 1856 Buchanan president, bleeding Kansas 1857 Dred Scott decision (slaves are property, Congress cannot regulate) 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Freeport Doctrine, 1859 John Brown @ Harpers Ferry, silver found in Nevada 1860 Lincoln president, South secedes (December), Crittenden Compromise (not passed) 1861 Confederate States of America formed, Ft. Sumter, First Battle of Bull Run, Union blockades Southern ports 1862 Union captures New Orleans, Battle of Shiloh, draft in Confederate states, Battle of Antietam (GB decides to stay out), Peninsular Campaign begins, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant, Dept. of Agriculture set up 1863 Emancipation proclamation, draft in the North (many hire replacements), first black soldiers in Union army, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, draft riots in NYC 1864 Lincoln re-elected, Shermans march to the sea, desertion in Confederate army

1865 Lee surrenders at Appomattox, RIP Lincoln, Johnson president, 13th Amendment (no slaves), Presidential Reconstruction, Black Codes passed (South) 1866 Civil Rights Act, Freedmens Bureau, 14th Amendment (slaves are citizens), Radical Reconstruction begins, KKK founded, Ex parte Milligan (military tribunals cannot try civilians if civil courts are open) 1867 Tenure Office Act, Reconstruction Act (military occupation of the South), The Grange formed, Alaska purchased from Russia, Midway Islands annexed 1868 Johnson impeached, Southern states return to Union, Grant president, Ex parte McArcdle (examined the extent of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to review decisions of lower courts) 1869 Transcontinental Railroad completed, Knights of Labor formed 1870 15th Amendment (blacks can vote), blacks in Southern legislature, Tammany Hall begins *Dime novels popular in the 1870s (Bret Harte) 1872 Grant re-elected 1874 Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire, Whiskey Ring formed 1876 Disputed election between Tilden/Hayes, Battle of Little Big Horn 1877 Compromise of 1877, Hayes president, Reconstruction over 1879 Exoduster movement (people going west from the South) 1880 Garfield president 1881 RIP Garfield 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act 1883 Pendleton Civil Service Act, Buffalo Bills Wild West Show begins 1884 Cleveland president (1st Democrat since Civil War) 1885 1st skyscraper 1886 Haymarket Square in Chicago (bad for Knights of Labor) 1887 Dawes Act, Interstate Commerce Act, Pittsburg Strike, Interstate Commerce Act 1888 Sackville-West letter, Harrison president,New Jersey allows holding companies, Bellamy publishes Looking Backward 1889 Indian territories open for white settlement 1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee, women can vote in Wyoming, high point of influence for the Farmers Alliances, Riis publishes How the Other Half Lives, Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power, National Woman Suffrage Association founded, Sherman Antitrust Act 1891 Italian Crisis 1892 Ellis Island opens to immigrants, Cleveland president 1893 Depression hits the economy, Turner Thesis, closing of the frontier, Queen Liliuokalani overthrown in HI 1894 Coxeys Army in Washinton, US worlds largest manufacturer 1895 Cubans revolt against Spain 1896 Bryans Cross of Gold speech, McKinley wins, recovery from depression 1897 Dingley Tariff Bill

1898 Sinking of the Maine in Cuba, Teller Amendment, Spanish-American War begins, HI annexed, Anti-Imperialist League formed 1899 Open Door Policy (John Hay); fighting in the Philippines 1900 Naval Act of 1900 1901 RIP McKinley, TR president, Insular Cases, LaFollette governor of Wisconsin 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike 1903 Ford Motor Company est., Panama revolution, Elkins Act (no special rebates) 1904 Roosevelt re-elected, Roosevelt Corollary, US begins building Panama Canal, Steffens publishes The Shame of the Cities 1905 Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) formed, Portsmouth Conference (TR mediates Japan and Russia), U.S. Forest Service est. 1906 Sinclairs The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, Japanese School Incident, Hepburn Act (no free passes, expanded Interstate Commerce Act) 1907 Gentlemans agreement 1908 Taft president, Root-Takahira agreement (Great White Fleet lands in Japan, U.S. and Japan promise to respect e/o possessions in the Pacific) 1909 Payne-Aldrich Tariff (40% tariff of imports; angry Progressives), NAACP founded by Dubois 1910 Angel Island opens on West coast, 60% of American children in school, Ballinger-Pinchot affair 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire 1912 Bull Moose Party (TR loses), Wilson president, Industrial Relations Committee est. 1913 Webb Alien Land Law (aliens cant own land in CA), Ford Motor Co. uses assembly line, 16th Amendment (federal income tax), 17th Amendment (direct election of senators) Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Underwood Tariff 1914 Panama Canal completed, Clayton Antitrust Act (FINALLY FIXES THE ANTITRUST ISSUES), WWI in Europe (Wilson proclaims US neutrality), National Security League founded 1915 Birth of a Nation (pro-KKK movie), KKK re-emerges, sinking of the Lusitania 1916 sinking of the Sussex, Wilson re-elected, National Defense Act 1917 Zimmermann Telegram, Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare, US enters WWI, Russian Revolution, draft in US, War Industries Board (create a war economy), Espionage Act, American Expeditionary Force in France 1918 Sedition Act, Wilsons 14 Points, Archangel Expedition, WWI over 1919 Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles (US never ratifies b/c irreconcilables, Article X, isolationism), race riots in Chicago, Wilsons Pueblo speech, Palmer raids 1920 Harding president, first radio broadcast (KDKA in Pittsburg), Sacco and Vanzetti, Prohibition, 19th Amendment (woman suffrage)

*Harlem Renaissance and Red Scare in the 1920s 1921 Immigration Quota Act (3% of 1910 population), Washington Disarmament Conference, Teapot Dome scanda 1922 Fordney-McCumber Tariff, The Babbit by Sinclair Lewis, 1923 RIP Harding, Coolidge president 1924 Coolidge president, National Origins Act (2% of 1890 population), KKK highest membership in history, female governors in WY and TX 1925 The Great Gatsby, Scopes Trial 1927 The Jazz Singer (1st color film), Lindbergh flies from NY to Paris, Sacco and Vanzetti executed, advertising skyrocketing, 1928 Hoover president, Kellogg-Briand Pact 1929 Stock market crash, October 29, 1929, Depression begins 1930 Hawley-Smoot Tariff (severe tariffs on all European imports; was supposed to help the economy but only made it worse b/c Europe then raised its tariffs as well) 1931 Japan invades Manchuria 1932 Glass-Steagall Banking Act, Bonus Army in Washington, FDR president, Huey Long announces Share Our Wealth program 1933 FDRs 100 Days (New Deal immediate relief), Emergency Banking Relief Act, Bank Holiday, Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) National Industrial Recovery Act, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Public Works Administration, Dust Bowl begins, 21st Amendment (repeals prohibition/18th Amend) 1934 Unemployment peaks 1935 2nd New Deal (long-term recovery/reform) begins, Works Progress Administration, Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) formed 1936 FDR re-elected, sit-down used for 1st time @GM, 1937 Recession of 1937, FDR tries court-packing (fails), Panay incident 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act (Wages and Hours Bill, sets up minimum wage and max. hours), Sudetenland, Hitler takes over Austria, Munich Conference 1939 Gone with the Wind and Grapes of Wrath published, Nazi-Soviet pact, WWII in Europe, Hatch Act (federal administrative officials cannot actively campaign), Non-Aggression Pact 1940 FDR re-elected, Selective Service plan, Destroyer Base Deal 1941 Lend-Lease Act, Pearl Harbor, US enters war 1942 American troops in N. Africa, Japanese Internment Camps (Executive Order 9066), Battle of Coral Sea, Battle of Midway, Stalingrad, Casablanca Conference (FDR and Churchill) 1943 Sicily invasion, United Mine Workers strike, Cairo Conference, Teheran Conference (Nov.) 1944 D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, FDR re-elected, GI Bill

1945 Yalta conference (last time the Big 3 meet), RIP FDR, Truman president, concentration camps discovered by Allies, Germany surrenders (V-E Day), Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Japan surrenders (V-J Day), Potsdam, UN approved 1946 Churchills Iron Curtain speech, Kennan/containment 1947 HUAC starts, Federal Employee Loyalty Program introduced, Truman Doctrine, Taft-Hartley Act (no closed shop, slows growth of unions) 1948 Berlin Airlift, Marshall Plan, Israel created, Alger Hiss accused by McCarthy, Truman president, Executive Order desegregates troops 1949 NATO, USSR gets atomic bomb, China becomes communist, Point Four Program, 1950 McCarthy & communism, Alger Hiss convicted of perjury, McCarran Internal Security Act, Korean War begins, Diners Club card (1st credit card) 1952 Ike president 1953 CIA returns Iranian Shah to power, RIP Stalin, Rosenbergs, Earl Warren appointed Chief Justice 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings, govt overthrown in Guatemala, French lose at Dien Bien Phu, Geneva Conference, Brown v. Board 1955 Warsaw Pact, 1st McDonalds, Montgomery bus boycott, AF of L & CIO merge (biggest union in America) 1956 USSR suppresses Hungarian revolt, Suez crisis, Interstate Highway Act 1957 Sputnik, baby boom peak, Little Rock (Ike sends in troops), Eisenhower Doctrine 1959 Castro takes over Cuba, US/Cuba trade stops 1960 U-2 spy plane incident, JFK president, sit-ins begin, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) formed, Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed 1961 Freedom Rides/Freedom Summer; Bay of Pigs (FAIL), Berlin Wall goes up, 1st American in space 1962 Ole Miss (James Meredith), Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (environmentalist), Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct.), Engel v. Vitale (no prayer in school) 1963 - RIP JFK, LBJ president, Civil Rights March in Washington, Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, Pres. Diem out of Vietnam, Gideon case (all criminals are entitled to legal counsel asserted rights of criminals) 1964 Civil Rights Act, LBJ War on Poverty, Free Speech movement (Berkeley), Tonkin Gulf Resolution, LBJ re-elected 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, LBJ sends more troops to Vietnam, Voting Rights Act, RIP Malcolm X, Watts riots in LA 1966 Stokely Carmichael, black power, Black Panthers formed, NOW formed (Friedan) 1967 riots, anti-war demonstrations intensify 1968 RIP MLK, RIP Bobby Kennedy, protests @Colombia, Tet Offensive, Pueblo Incident, Democratic Convention in Chicago (Mayor Daly has to send in troops), AIM formed, Nixon president, My Lai 1969 Woodstock, America goes to the moon

1970 Cambodia invasion, Kent State, Jackson State, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formed, Occupational Health and Safety Admin. (OSHA) formed 1971 Pentagon Papers, Nixons wage/price controls 1972 Nixon re-elected, Nixon in China & USSR, SALT I signed, Watergate break-in 1973 Vietnam cease-fire, US out of Vietnam, Roe v. Wade, Watergate hearings, Spiro Agnew resigns, Saturday Night Massacre 1974 Nixon resigns, Ford president, inflation peaks, Ford pardons Nixon, WIN economic program introduced 1975 S. Vietnam falls to N. Vietnam, Vietnam War over 1976 Jimmy Carter president 1977 Panama Canal treaty, Vietnam-era draft amnesty 1978 Camp David Accords (Egypt and Israel) 1979 Iranian hostage crisis 1980 Reagan president 1981-82 Major recession, Reagan shot 1981-93 major tax cuts 1983 Strategic Defense Initiative aka Star Wars proposed by Reagan, victory in Grenada 1984 Reagan re-elected 1985 Gorbachev in USSR 1986 more tax reform, Iran-Contra affair 1987 Black Monday 1988 Bush (daddy) president, solidarity in Poland (no more communism) 1989 Berlin Wall goes down, communism falls in E. Europe, Wards Cove Packing v. Antonia (difficult to prove that employers used racial discrimination; easier for whites to declare reverse discrimination), Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (states can impose some restrictions on abortion as long as they do not violate right to privacy), Tiananmen Square 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act 1991 Persian Gulf War, USSR dissolves, Cold War over, recession begins 1992 Clinton president, troops killed in Somalia 1993 NAFTA, World Trade Center bombed, Brady Bill (gun control) 1994 Republicans regain control in Congress, U.S. in Haiti 1996 Clinton re-elected *1997 J.K. Rowling publishes Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in England 1998 Federal budget surplus, Articles of Impeachment in the House 1999 Clinton acquitted 2000 G. W. Bush president
~I might have left some stuff out because I got lazy in some areas/didnt feel like looking things up. I hope this helps though! Best of luck on your APUSH endeavors

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