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NBRHC Foundation receives international recognition

Lois Krause, NBRHCF President & CEO honoured with the AHP Canada Mentorship Award
NORTH BAY, ON The North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation President & CEO Lois Krause was recently honoured by The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP Canada) for her mentorship of community organizations in North Bay and area. Krauses nomination was supported by community organizations benefiting from her guidance, advice and mentorship. Lois Krause and her team met with us on several occasions, providing insight on gift acceptance, campaign feasibility as well as recognition and stewardship. We appreciate the advice and council that Lois and her team provided explains John Balfe, Co-Chair of the Nipissing Regional Community Residential Hospice in his nomination letter to AHP Canada. Krause has also helped the North Bay and Area Community Foundation (NBACF) through mentorship of its Executive Director. We are grateful for the NBRHC Foundations involvement and appreciate the time they have contributed to helping us toward building a sustainable foundation and community resource Jack Burrows, Chair of the NBACF. Krause continues to lead the North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation to help the community raise ongoing support to provide more advanced levels of care to the district and region. Her passion for fundraising and the community of North Bay and area is evident in her dedication to the hospital and to its community partners. Krause, nominated by her peers is honoured by the national recognition for her and the NBRHC Foundation team. It is deeply satisfying to be recognized by my peers who understand the challenges of our work. It is a privilege to be able to help others in the community raise the funds they need to support the quality of life that we all desire Krause explains. I accept this award recognizing that it is the efforts of many that enable me to make a meaningful contribution to the people of our area. Ms Krause was the recipient of the 2007 Rotary Club of North Bays Paul Harris Award, 2006 Influential Women of Northern Ontario Public Sector, 2005 North Bay Community Builder Award, and 2004 AHP Canada Showcase Award for Best Practice Capital Campaign. The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) is an international professional organization dedicated exclusively to developing the men and women who encourage charity in North America's health care organizations. AHP is a not-for-profit organization and is the source for education, networking, information and research in health care philanthropy.


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