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Arjun Swaminathan 20. What happens if the displaced warm air contains a lot of moisture? If it contains a little moisture?

If warm air is humid, shower and light rain fall, and dry air forms scattered clouds. 21. What produces a stationary front? What types of weather are associated with these types of fronts? Neither mass can push one another, which causes many days of clouds and precipitation. 22. Describe an occluded front. What type of weather do these fronts produce? It is when warm air caught between cold masses, causing cloudy/rainy/snowy weather. 23. What is a cyclone? In which direction do cyclonic winds spin? What type of pressure is associated with cyclonic systems? A cyclone is a swirling center of low air pressure. Their spin is counterclockwise. 24. Cyclones are associated with what types of weather events? They are associated with storms and precipitation. 25. What is an anticyclone? In which direction do they spin? What type of pressure system is associated with anticyclones? They are high-pressure centers of dry air that spin clockwise. 26. What weather pattern was causing the devastating tornadoes in Florida in 1998? The pattern known as El Nio caused them. 27. What is a storm defined as? A storm is defined as a violent disturbance in the atmosphere. 28. What kinds of changes cause storms to develop? Changes in air pressure normally cause storms. 29. Where do thunderstorms develop? They develop within large cumulonimbus clouds, also known as thunderheads. 30. What events cause the development of a thunderstorm? They normally form when warm air is forced upward at a cold front. 31. Strong downdrafts in a thunderstorm may produce wind shear. Why is this dangerous? This is dangerous because it can cause airplane accidents in takeoff or landing. 32. How is lightning produced by a thunderstorm? Lightning is produced because areas of positive and negative electrical charges build up in thunderstorms.

Arjun Swaminathan 33. How is thunder produced during a lightning storm? The lightning bolt heats the surface at an extremely high temperature, and the rapidly heated air expands suddenly and explosively, and thunder is the sound of the explosion. 34. What are some health effects if struck by lightning? It can cause unconsciousness, serious burns, or even heart failure. 35. Why might it be a bad idea to stand under a large tree on a golf course during thunderstorm? Lightning often strikes the tallest objects. 36. What are lightning rods? How do they protect a building? Lightning rods intercept a lightning stroke and conduct electricity safely to the ground. 37. What are tornadoes? What are they called if they form over water? Tornadoes are rapidly whirling, funnel-shaped clouds that reach down from a storm cloud to the surface, and are called waterspouts over water. 38. How fast can the winds of a tornado move? The winds can go as fast as 480 kilometers per hour. 39. Where do tornadoes develop, and what seasons and times of day are they most likely to occur? They develop in low, heavy cumulonimbus clouds like the ones that bring thunderstorms. They normally occur in spring and early summer in the late afternoon. 40. Describe the conditions that might produce a line of tornadoes on the Great Plains. A cold, dry air mass from Canada moves south and meets a warm, humid air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico, causing the warm air to rise and creating a line of thunderstorms.

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