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Spokane I&R Project Steering Committee Meeting Minutes (Brief) May 5, 2012 6pm-8pm Spokane Entrepreneurial Center In Attendance:

Val Waley, Gary Jackson, Ziggy, Justin Ellenbecker, Walt Kloefkorn, Ian Moody Open 6:00pm Introduction Attendees introduce themselves. Many in attendance express that they know one another from PJALS, Occupy Spokane, City Council Meetings, etc. Ian Moody introduces self and project: -Experience: Working on local citizens initiative for three years under Citizens for a Sensible Spokane. Learned procedures and protocols from Optional Filing Method. -I&R Project Intro: Referendum and Initiative Referendum: Waiting for mayor to sign. 30 days from that point to collect 6262 signatures. Initiative: 365 days to collect 4383 signatures. Ben Stuckart's ordinance amending Fagan/Salvatori ordinance. Plus: extending referendum deadline and allowing for e-signatures. Justin Ellenbecker: Believes progressive council members will support this. Some in the community have expressed concern about removing the fiscal impact statement (see initiative). Rather, we would like to keep the fiscal impact statement and add a social and cultural impact statement. Ian Moody: removing the fiscal impact statement allows proponents and opponents the ability to draft their own fiscal, cultural, and social impact statements. Justin: Yes, progressive members on the council did express that the city does not have the resources nor a department to conduct such an activity. Kind of a 0 sum game as far as the conservatives fiscal arguments are concerned. Walter Kloefcorn: This is why we want to start out with a Referendum. Send it straight back the people without any alterations. As far as the fiscal impact statement is concerned, I'm 50/50, removing the fiscal impact statement does negate the need for a social and cultural impact statement as proponents can supply their own. Plus, no city resources. The public is smart enough to make decisions regardless. Ian: Ok, so we will focus on the referendum for starters. I need to pin some people down as far as roles and time commitments are concerned. (Displays logistical information) If we can get 10 people to dedicate 8 hours per month (2 hours peer week) to petitioning, we can have the initiative done in 6 months. Honestly, the Referendum ain't happening. I think it's important to push it anyhow, in order to bring attention to the futility of the process.

Walter: I know Democrats will be on board. SMAC, Envision, PJALS, Unions: we will have to check with. SMAC does not want too many initiatives floating around out there. Ian: That is understandable. I am working on a local marijuana related initiative and the market is saturated at the moment. It's very frustrating. I think the more the merrier though. Takes us away from a representative republic and closer to a true democracy. As long as they aren't paid for. Walter: I don't know. Have you seen the ballot pamphlets in California? They are about that thick. Justin: I think our representatives are doing a poor job of representing. The people need to have a voice. Ian: Ok, I need to pin some people down. Who can dedicate 2 hours a week to petitioning? Ziggy: On Saturdays, rather than picketing downtown, we can spread out and collect signatures. Val Waley: We need to reach out to other organizations. I can put together a list of their events and will post on facebook. Ian: We need depth. Justin, you get around in the local political scene pretty well. Do you mind notifying folks while you make your rounds? Justin: I am a board member at PJALS, involved in Occupy, working with Equality Spokane, and communicate frequently with President Stuckart. I will make sure we get the support we need. Equality is currently working on a fact checking project as far as city council meetings are concerned. When can we expect petitions? I heard from the council president that the mayor has already signed the ordinance. Ian: I'm waiting to hear back from the clerk. Even if the mayor has signed it, it has to be returned to the clerk to be processed. She will notify me. In closing Ian: Please read the Initiative & Referendum reform act and be ready to provide input next week. Meeting next week. Same day, same time. If you have press contacts, please notify them. I have sent out a press release and have done an interview with the Inlander. Adjourned. 8:00pm

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