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39 3.2.

DISCUSSION Socio demographic characteristics (sex) of sampled population indicate that male are almost one and half times that of female.The majority have heard about STDs from different source of information. Themajor source of information are electro nic media such as television and radio (60%),school teacher (30%) and other (10% ). A cross sectional study to assess KAP towardsSTDs among high school students of shashemene town shows that, the major source of information about STDs, and r elated issues for students was school teachers( 79%) andelectronic media 71% thi s because of student in boditti town have available electronicmedia in their hou se .A cross -sectional survey conducted on 305 summer students attending Jimma t eachertraining collage shows that, majority of the students (96.3%) believed tha t STDsincluding is AIDS transmitted through contaminated blood (89.5%) unprotect ed sexualcontact and (80.3%) thorough sharing of sharp objects A study of awaren ess of STDS/AIDS and there prevention method across sectional survey 305 summer studentsattend jimma teacher training collage was conducted from 15 July to 5 Oc tober in 1998E.C The majority of students (96.3%) believed that STD transmitted through un protectedsexual contact (89.5%) sharing of sharp object (80.3%). In o ur survey, 234(61.1%) of thestudy participant believed that STDs transmitted thr ough sexual intercourse, 101(26.5%).By contact with contaminated blood and 70(18 .3%) reported contact with contaminatedneedle. The gap of nowledge of transmiss ion of STDs happened due to teachingorganization li e religious, Ngos may focus o n sexual intercourse due to fearing of current issue HIV/AIDS in boditti town.A descriptive quantitative cross sectional study carried out to assess KAP toward STDsamong high school student of shashemene town form May to June ( 1997 E.C) in dicate 40that, the majority 79% of respondents believes that STDs are preventable. Almo st half (49%) of students mentioned faith fullness as method of prevention, cond om use (45%)and abstinence (40%). in our study 209 (70.05%) of the sample studen t believe that STDsis preventable. The majority of participant reported as use o f condoms 158 (30.1%),abstain from sex and limit sex with one partner 83(15.8%). In our study 27(70.50%) of the total sample student believes that adolescent are moreexposed to STDs. This it may be due to self experienced of disease by onese lf, absence of health education, due to nowledge gap about sign and symptom, mo de of transition,method of prevention less involvement of the topic about STDs i n high school lesson andother factor.About 49.5% of student admitted that they h ad sexual intercourse in the past, while theremains (51.5%) of high school stude nt didnt have had sexual intercourse in the past. theage at time of sexual debut majority of them are in b/n 15 and 19 years of age. From thissexual active girl age 15-19 who had history of sex reported, almost the same result of STI; girls (18.5%) to that of male (17.7%) of same age group. But, EDHS (2005)reported that sexual active girls age of sample 15-19 are three times more li ely to reportST I than sexual active boys of same age. This probably due to increase of teaching onthis area, wor ing non-governmental organization, religious organization etc. . to increaseawareness of female and to control their limited control of sexual lives in the past.Most of the students 204(49.88%) who had history of STDs was t reated at home. Thismay because of less affordability of the health service acti vity, poor economy of parent ,poor attitude toward modes of treatment method suc h as at health institution absence orpoor health education to ward STD at school at community and may be due to culturethat is not to exposed means freeing not to expose genital area .In our study, from the total sample size of 384 students 142 of them have committedsexual intercourse and developed STDS. But the number of students who have history of 41STDs with out having history of sexual are about 86, in this study, the number of students who have committed sex and didnt develop STDs are 58 which is less t han thenumber of student who have no history of sex as well as STDs, which accou

nts 98 of the total sample. As indicated in table,age, place of living and current grade level have no associociation with history of STDs because P-value(0.1) is greater than confide nceinterval and religion have also have no association with the history of STDs in thestudents because the P-value is equal to the confidence interval. As also in table,age, ethnicity and current grade level have no association with t he history of sexualintercourse because P=-value(0.1) is greater than and place of living have noassociation with history of sexual intercourse because P-value( 0.05) equals to theconfidence interval .This implies that these variables has no contribution to exposure of sexual intercourse and STDs but religion have an as sociation with sexual intercourseand ethnicity have an association with the hist ory of STDs because P-value is less thanthe confidence interval the P-value 0.02 5 for religion and 0.005 for ethnicity. P-value iscalculated by using X 2 - chart and by calculating the expected value of each observation.. 42 3.3. CONCLUSION Religions have an association with history of sexual intercourse. That means stu dents of protestant religion start sex age than other or student of orthodox rel igion start early orstudent of Muslim religion start early. But religion has no association with history STDs,this means that student of protestant religion ort hodox religion and Muslim have equalchance to the history of STDs. This is may b e due to variation of identification of ris during sexual intercourse from reli gion to religion, nowing of sign and symptom of thedisease nowing of method of prevention and safe application of this and others.On scientific bac ground ST Ds is transmitted around 100 % by sexual intercourse but inour finding only 234( 61.1%) of the sample student sexual intercourse is the route of transmission of STDs. This gap occurred may be due to concern of different sector li enon govern mental organization, religions organization, school organization toward ourcurre nt problem HIV/AIDS and involvement is STDs.When we compared our study with the study conducted on STDs in Shashemene highschool students there is variation on t he percentage of respondents about thepreventability and mode of prevention of S TDs. This variation may be occur due todifference of teachers educational bac g round and educational level, the variation of student talent to read and egearit y to now more, the involvement of topic about STDs inrelated biology subjects, the community attitude towards STDs, other factors li e nowledge toward each mod e of prevention, the availability of health education in thecommunity and others . In our find from the sample respondents 86 of the student havehistory of STDs with out having history sexual intercourse and 58 of student with havinga histor y of sex have no history of STDs. On the scientific ground the most commonroute of transmission is sexual intercourse but our finding shows there is other thing behind this that expose to STDs with out sexual intercourse and not developing S TDswith sexual intercourse. So may concerned body who wants to identify or now thisfactor can able to do other study on this area. 43 3.4 LIMITATION Shortage of stationary Language barrier Shortage of time 3.5. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the finding of study, the following recommendation can draw to decrease

theris and transmission of STDs in high school youth students. To the high school Continuous education and awareness activity should be considered for example,hea lth education.. The educational approaches have to entertaining and appealingof the interest of the youth. Some creative mode of teaching li e competitivequesti on and answer session, drama and play writing, music etc can be employed.Establi shing and strengthening clubs li e ACA and giving education related toSTDS is al so mandatory. To CBE coordinating office We would li e to recommend to college as health science that research programsho uld not be with TTP. 44 4.1. BUDGET PLAN Table.10. Budget required for underta ing the research proposal in May2001E.C. No List of items Unit RequiredinnumberCost per unit TotalBirr Cent Birr Cent 1 Pen ( Blue) Pieces 5 2 0.25 11 0.252 Dot pencil Pieces 6 - 0.05 13 -3 Binder P ieces 5 15 00 75 -4 Pencil sharper (hard)Pieces 5 2 00 10 -5 Paper ( nova,80mg)g ram 80 80 00 806 Ruler pieces 1 2 00 27 To preparequestionnaire2 0.45 10328 For transport 20 00 1009 To print finalreport50 3 00 15010 To bind the report 10 00 1011 For data collectorcoffee Tec, coffee- 5 10 00 5012 Grand total cost 1463 0. 25 45 4.2. WORK PLANTable .11. Wor plan for the study conducted in May 2001 E.C. Activity Responsibility April May June WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK1 WK2 WK3 W 4 WK1 WK2 WK3 WK2 I. Protocol development forpreparation and for datacollectionSchool of nursingII . Pretest InvestigatorIII. Data collection andarrangement for analysisInvestigat orIV. Data Analysis andinterpretationGroup memberV. Report writing first draft G roup memberVI. Final\l drift writing VII submission of finalreportVIII. Presentati on of thefinding in researchpresentation to the dept 46 REFERENCE 1. Solomon Ashagre et. al. Un published source, Hawassa Universitycollege of health s cience Health officer students .number one. 2007.2. National adolescent and youth reproductive Health strategy : 2007-20153. Marrazzo, Jeanne M. Sexually transmitted infections Microsoft REncarta R 2007 ( DVD), Remond, WA, Microsoft corporation, 20064. Center for Disease Control and prevention. Microsoft R Encarta R 2007(DVD) . Remon d, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. 47 AnnexHAWASSA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HEALTHSCIENCE SCHOOL OF NURSING Name of Investigator ___________________________Date __________________________S ignature ______________________Name of Supervisor ________________ Dear respondents! We, final graduating students, needs information to ward STDs sexually transmitt eddiseases to do a research. This research result only indicate to these sexuall y transmitteddisease and generalization is made only to this high school. The qu estionnaire ta e only15-30 minutes to answer. So we need your genuine co-operati on. Every information eepconfidentiality, no one observe except the investigato r /data collector. If you require anyclarification do not hesitate to as the in

vestigator assigned for you. If you agree by thisencircle yes , it you are not a gree encircle No. Yes NoThan you for your genuine co- operation!!May 2001/9Ethiopia 48 1.a Questionnaire on Sociodemogtaphic characteristics 1. Sex __________A MaleB. Female2. Age ___________3. EthnicityA. WolayitaB. Amah araC SidamaD. OromoE GedioeF. GurageG. Other (specify)4. ReligionA. OrthodoxB. P rotestantC. MuslimD. Other (specify)5. Where do you live?A. In relative houseB. In rental houseC. In family houseD. Other (specify)6. Who supports you?A. Parent B. Brother /sisterC. Other relativesD. Self supporterE. Voluntary organizationF. Other (specify) 497. Educational level of fatherA. LiterateB. IlliterateC. Only write and readD. Other (specify)8. Educational level of MotherA. LiterateB. IlliterateC. Only wr ite and readD. Other (specify)9. Father occupationA. FarmerB. MerchantC. Teacher D. Day wor erE. Other (specify)10. Mother occupationA. FarmerB. MerchantC. Teach erD. Day wor erE. Other (specify)11. Current grade levelA. 9 th B. 11 th 12. Did you have any school drop?A YesB. No13. If Yes in Q#6, at which grade lev el ?A. 9 th C. 11 th B. 10 th D. below 9 th 50 14. Ran in classA. 1-3 C. 6-10B. 4-5 D. 11-15E. >15 1.b Questionnaire to asses nowledge 1. Do you heard about sexually transmitted disease?A. YesB. No2. If yes, what is the source of information?A. Radio /TVB. SchoolC. TeacherD. Others (specify)3. Do you now about sign and symptom of sexually transmitted disease?A. YesB. No4. If yes, which of the sign and symptom in female?A. Abdominal painB. Vaginal dis chargeC. Burning pain on urinationD. Redness in genital areaE. Swelling in genit al areaF. Genital ulcerG. Genital wartH. Blood in urineI. Loss of weightJ. Inabi lity to give birthH. Other (specify) 515. Which of the sign and symptom in maleA. Abdominal painB. Burning pain an ur inationC. Urethral dischargeD. Redness in genital areaE. Swelling in genital are aF. Genital ulcerG. Genital wart wartsH. Blood in urineI. Loss of wtJ. Inability to erect (impotence)K. Others (specify)6. Do you now that the use of condom de crease the transmissions of sexuallytransmitted diseases?A. YesB. NoC. Not now7. Do you now that decreasing sexual partner decrease the chance to be

infected bysexually transmitted diseases?A. yesB. NoC. Not now8. Do you now the route of transmission for sexually transmitted diseas es?A. YesB. No9. If yes, which of the following are the right route of transmission?A. Sexual intercourseB. Contact is contaminated bloodC. contact with contaminated needle 52D. HeredityE. Breast feedingF. Other ( specify )10. Is there any thing a person can do to avoid getting infecte d by sexually transmittedDiseases?A. Yes C. Not nowB. No11. If yes, what a Person can do?A. Abstain form sexB. Use condomC. Limit sex to one partnerD. Avoid sex with prostitutesE. Avoid sex with person who have many partnerF. Avoid sex with homosexualG. Avoid blood transfusionH. Others ( specify )12. Do you now any curable STDs?A. YesB. NoC. Not now13. If yes, which of the following is curable?A. GonorrheaB. SyphilisC. AIDSD. Genital wartsE. TrichomoniasisF. Genital herpesG.

CanididiasisH. Others ( specify) 53 1.c Questionnaires to Assess Attitude 1. What do you thin about STDs?A. It is a diseaseB. It is a curseC. It is syndromeD.

Yes No3. Do you thin that STDs can be transmitted through methods other than sexual ?intercourse ? Yes No4. Do you thin that Adolescent are more exposed to STDs? Yes No5. Do you thin that STDs can be transmitted in homosexuals? Yes No6. Do you thin that persons with STDs can easily be identified from the commu nity? Yes

Yes No8. Do you thin that STDs are preventable? Yes No9. Do you thin that condom prevents STDs ? Yes

No7. Do you thin that STDs increase the ris

of acquiring HIV/AIDS?

Others ( specify)________________2. Do you thin the community?

that STDs are more prevalent in

Yes No



Yes No 1.d Questionnaires to assess practice 1. Do you now a person who is sic by STDs?A. YesB. No2. If Yes in Q#1, how he/she was treated ?A. Home treatmentB. Surgery in hospitalC. Medication in health centerD. Cured by itself E. Other( specify)3. Do you have a history of sexually transmitted infection?A. YesB. No4. If yes Q#3, how did you treat?A. Home treatmentB. Health institutionC. Other ( specify)5. If Home treatment in Q#4, how did you treat?A. Animal productB. RootC. SteemD. Leaf E. Other ( specify)

No13. Do you thin

No12. Do you thin ortreatment?

5411. Do you thin

No10. Do you thin

that health education can reduce transmission of STDs?

that having single partner can prevent STDs ?

that persons who have got STDs can go to health institution f

that STDs can cause social stigma and discrimination?

55 6. What measure do you ta e for a person who is at ris for having STDs?A. Advice for abstinence form sexB. Advice for to be being faith fullC. Advice to use condomD. Advice to wash his/her genitalia before sexE. Advice to wash his/her genitalia before sexF. Advice to decrease sexual partnerG. Other ( specify)7. If C for Q# 6, who use the condom?A. Only femaleB. Only maleC. Both8. How often he/she use?A. As availableB. AlwaysC. Some times9. Did you have a history of sex?A. YesB. No10. If yes in Q# 9, what was your age at that time?11. If Yes in Q#9, with whom?A. Girl friend/ boy friendB. Class fellow studentC. ProstituteD. TeacherE. Un nown personsF. Other ( specify ) 56 12. If Yes in Q# 9, where is the place?B. StreetC. SchoolD. HouseE. HotelF. Other ( specify)13. If Yes in Q#9, what was the cause?B. peer pressureC. Girl /boy friend pressureD.

Sexual initiation because of ageE. Economical gainF. Other ( specify)14. If No in Q#9, what was your plan in the future?A. AbstinenceB. Being faith fullC. Using condomD. Other ( specify )

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