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Skin Lightening Secrets

Skin Lightening Secrets Special Report

By Research Team

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Right in your home you have the power to reduce hyperpigmentation which affects your skin and your look. When you reduce hyperpigmentation, it means you are creating a supple skin that is healthy and is loved by all. When you reduce the unwanted hyperpigmentation you increase your self esteem. This report gives you the detailed knowledge about why skin discoloration occurs and how you can treat it. The easy practical solutions for fighting melasma, hyperpigmentation, dark underarms and much more include tips that you can use today in your home. Take a few moments to read this and start looking great and beautiful today!

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Table Of Contents Chapter 1: What is hyperpigmentation? ............................ 5 1.1 Causes of Hyperpigmentation................................ .. 5 Chapter 2: Melasma ................................ ............................. 8 2.1 Types of melasma ................................ ..................... 8 2.2 How to Diagnose Melasma ................................ ....... 9 2.3 Chloasma ................................ ................................ 10 2.4 Lentigo (freckles) ................................ .................... 11 Chapter 3: Treatment for Hyperpigmentation................. 12 3.1 Laser Skin Resurfacing ................................ .......... 12 3.2 Chemical Peeling ................................ .................... 13 3.3 Microdermabrasion................................ ................ 14 3.4 Home Chemical Peels ................................ ............. 14 3.5 Oral Supplements for Skin Lightening ................. 15 Chapter 4: Home remedies for Hyperpigmentation......... 18 Chapter 5: Skin Lightening Products or Creams............. 20 5.1 Ingredients of skin lightening products................. 20 5.1.1 Chemical Skin Lightening Agents.................... 20 5.1.2 Natural Skin Lightening Agents....................... 22 5.2 Skin Lightening Products Regimen ....................... 23 5.1.1 Face and Neck ................................ ................. 23 5.1.2 Arms and chest ................................ ................ 23 5.1.1 Back, Stomach, Legs and Buttocks ................. 24 5.1.2 Anal Skin Bleaching ................................ ........ 24 5.3 Tips for Finding a Good Skin Lightening Cream. 25 Chapter 6: Prevention for hyperpigmentation ................. 26 6.1 Importance of UV sunscreens in daily usage ........ 26 6.1 Sunscreens ................................ .............................. 26

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1 What is Hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation (also known as hypermelanosis or hypermelanoses) is a very common condition that affects many people. Hyperpigmentation can be congenital or acquired during life by its origin; localized (spots), when some patches of skin become darker than the surrounding area or generalized, when all body is affected. Melasma (or age or liver or brown spots), chloasma, and freckles are the most common forms of local hypermelanosis. In this cases skin darkening occurs due to increased epidermal or dermal melanin pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can affect people belonging to any color or race. This condition may arise from long exposure to UV rays, chemicals, or from basic metabolic imbalance.

1.1 Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration can be caused due to various factors. Combination of different factors acting together highly increases the risk of hyperpigmentation. Some of the common causes are: Heredity. Congenital (familial or racial) causes often play a key role 30% of patients with melasma have a family history of it. Asians, African and Latino Americans are more prone to melasma than people with other genotypes. Exposure to UV rays. Skin lesion. Focal hyperpigmentation is usually caused after you get an injury like cuts or burns, or you get affected by conditions like acne or pimples.

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Endocrine changes. Changes of estrogens levels during pregnancy, menopause or caused by birth control pills can provoke hyperpigmentation spots on face and body. Diseases: Skin discoloration is a symptom of many diseases. For example: o Primary biliary cirrhosis: this is an autoimmune disease of the liver which affects essentially women. o Malabsorption (the inability to absorb certain food nutrients from gastrointestinal tract). This syndrome refers to a number of disorders e.g. Whipples disease, coeliac disease, anorexia nervosa. o Addisons disease: This disease is characterized by inadequate production of adrenal corticosteroids, which stimulate synthesis of melanin to high levels. o Eczema: This is a persistent skin condition in which the skin gets inflamed. o Scleroderma: The dermal layer hardens and thickens in this condition often resulting in hyperpigmentation. o Melanoma: Melanoma is a type of skin cancer in which the melanocytes get affected. Melanocytes are responsible for producing melanin. In this condition, changes in moles or abnormal moles may appear. o Alkaptonuria: In this condition there is abnormal flow of homogentisic acid in the body resulting in damage of connective tissues and bone. This damage causes the tissues to become dark or bluish. o Basal Cell papilloma: In this formation of numerous oval, brown colored patches are formed mainly on the chest and back. o Porphyria: This condition occurs due to inherited or acquired disorders of some enzymes. Overproduction of porphyrins causes hyperpigmentation.
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Medications: Sometimes hyperpigmenation may be caused due to side effects of certain medicines. For example: o Antibiotics: Antibiotics like tetracycline or the antimalarial drugs cause hyperpigmentation. The treatment with minocycline (for rheumatoid arthritis) has also been caused hyperpigmentation as a side effect. o Cytotoxic drugs (anti-cancer drugs) bleomycin, busulphan, and cyclophosphamide may cause generalized hyperpigmentation. o Phenothiazines e.g. chlorpromazine an antipsychotic drug, also known as Thorazine in the US. o Arsenic (an ingredient of some topical medications). Diet: According to the recent studies, certain diets cause hyperpigmentation. These include foods which contain psolarens like parsley and lime. Psolarens make the skin more sensitive to sun exposure. Cigarette smoking: It is characterized by flat and irregular hyperpigmentation of connective tissue which lie beneath the oral mucosa. The macrophages in the connective tissue are not able to degrade melanin resulting into melanin incontinence. Melasma, chloasma, age spots and freckles are the most common forms of hyperpigmentation that people want to get rid of.

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2 Melasma
(age or liver or brown spots)

This is the most common form of local hypermelanosis. Melasma looks like flat, brown oval spots. These spots frequently occur on the hands and face and other area of skin that is exposed to sunlight. Melasma often appear once you reach your middle age and can increase with the advent of age.

2.1 Types of Melasma Melasma can be epidermal melasma or dermal melasma or a combination of both. Human skin is composed of two layers - the upper layer is known as the epidermis and the lower layer is known as the dermis. Each of these layers is made up of several layers. The basal layer of epidermis contains organelles that are called melanosomes These melanosomes are composed of cells called melanocytes. These melanocytes produce a pigment called melanin. Melanin is the key factor in determining the color of the skin.

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In other words, the skin color is dependent upon the following variables the size of the melanin cells, the number of the melanin cells and how the melanin cells are distributed among the different layers. Epidermal melasma is where the condition is in the outer layer of the skin whereas in dermal melasma, the condition is actually deep inside the dermis. Melasma begins when melanocytes actively produce melanin in the epidermal layer. Normal melasma get aggravated to dermal melasma in case the skin becomes inflamed. This condition instigates a provisional split between the epidermal and dermal layers. Thus the treatment becomes more difficult. Epidermal and dermal melasma respond very differently to treatment. Epidermal melasma is generally treated using topical treatments like bleaching cream and chemical peels. Topical treatments slow down the tyrosinase enzyme. Tyrosinase is the enzyme that works as a catalyst in the production of melanin through the process of oxidation. Melanin is the protein that is responsible for pigmentation and color of the skin. The quantity of melanin synthesized is thus proportional to the amount of tyrosinase activity present in the cell. Tyrosine is active in melanocytes present in epidermis. Since the activity is not in dermal melanin, topical treatments do not provide successful results in dermal melasma conditions. Topical treatments have a limited depth of penetration and delivery to dermal targets is minimal.

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2.2 How to Diagnose Melasma Woods light examination is the popular method used by dermatologists for identifying the type of melasma. Based on the light examination, dermatologists can determine the location of the melanin in the epidermis or dermis. A Wood's lamp is a diagnostic tool by which ultraviolet light is shone (at a wavelength of approximately 365 nanometers) onto the skin of the patient; a technician then observes any subsequent fluorescence. Epidermal pigment is enhanced under ultraviolet light whereas dermal is not and it appears brown.

Dermal Melanin within a Lesion

2.3 Chloasma

Chloasma is the next category. This is just a special word for melasma caused by pregnancy and is often referred to as the mask of pregnancy. It typically appears on the face and usually fades after delivery. Native Americans and people that have German, Russian, or Irish descent are ones who are mainly affected by it. Sun exposure during pregnancy increases the risk of chloasma appearance.

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2.4 Lentigo (freckles) Lentigo is yet another type of hyperpigmentation that is otherwise commonly known

as freckles. Freckles are very common in people with fair skin tone. Skin with lentigo has an increased amount of melanocytes in some patches of it. Freckles typically show themselves with first sunny days and fade without sun exposure. Thereby hyperpigmentation is very common today among all skin types, and race. There are many different treatment options that are available to reduce the signs and visibility of these spots on the skin. The most common being a cream that is applied to the spots several times a day. These spots have been known to cause deep psychological problems with some people and have required clinical evaluation as a result.

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3 Treatment for Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation Removal

Successful removal of hyperpigmentation can be achieved through various surgical treatments or any of the topical applications. Lets take look at the most effective treatments. 3.1 Laser Skin Resurfacing Laser treatment for removal hyperpigmentation is more expensive than the other types of treatments, though it has become extremely popular. Any qualified surgeon or a dermatologist can help you in making informed decisions. Laser resurfacing can be used for treating a diverse range of skin conditions like age spots or other scars. Laser peels are used for effective removal. In the treatment that follows the first few layers that are affected by pigmentation are evaporated. The surgeon might decide to penetrate the laser deep in the skin. The basic purpose of this treatment is removal of the upper layers of skin thereby revealing the more fresh skin beneath. In this process a concentrated beam of rays is focused on the concerned patch of skin. Therefore laser resurfacing is performed after giving the patient local anesthesia or sedative. The patient may suffer from moderate pain after treatment. Appearance of fresh skin within a few days occurs. There are some risks involved which include unwarranted hyperpigmentation just after the treatment. Possible complications may include burning or scarring of the skin. Rarely viral infection can also be triggered.

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The doctor may advise you to use hydroquinone creams (2% concentration) or Kojic acid before commencement of the treatment. Generally this procedure requires multiple sessions. You can expect an expense ranging from $2,500 - $5,000. Laser treatments of the underarms are well tolerated by most of the patients because the skin over there is resistant to irritation occurring due to hair removal or formation of new skin. 3.2 Chemical Peeling In chemical peeling the skin layers are removed to improve your dermal defects. This process was given shape in 1962 by Baker published a formula to erase hyperpigmentation which remained unchallenged in the coming 35 years. However now the techniques have improved largely and chemical peeling is performed quite frequently. Alpha-hydroxy acid is the main chemical used and can be currently found in a variety of cosmetic products. Peeling happens with each application of the skin care product. The depth of peeling is based on the intensity of the coloration. In USA over 1 million people have performed this process in the last 40 years. Chemical peeling is associated with certain dangers like cutaneous malignancy or commonly called skin cancer. The strong agents like phenol and TCA can produce a chemical necrosis of the skin. But the weaker agents can produce shock only to the epidermal cells by changing the pH balance eventually resulting in their death. Continuous treatment leads to exfoliation, which results in an even toned skin. 3.3 Microdermabrasion
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Microdermabrasion helps in removal of hyperpigmentation. It enhances the skin cells growth rate. This in turn decreases the quantity of pigment delivered in the skin thereby lightening the skin. In this procedure a special machine is used by which layers of dead skin are removed. The surgeon uses the machine to spray minute crystals on your face. Along with this, gentle abrasion is done to enable suction of dead layers of skin. Microdermabrasion is performed primarily in the epidermal region of the skin. Thus this treatment can be ineffective for deep scars. But for the superficial scars, this process is very effective as it contains minimal risk coupled with fast recovery. The entire treatment may take up to 8-10 weeks for success. The total cost of the treatment is in the range of $450-$900. 3.4 Home Chemical Peels The home chemical peels are better than the chemical peels at the surgeons clinic. This is because even though they contain the same ingredients as the chemical peels, the concentration is much weaker. Therefore you can use them safely without any medical assistance. The at-home chemical peel kits contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid, sulfur and phenol. These kits have very less side effects and can be used in combination with the athome microdermabrasion kits. Also they are inexpensive and the process is comfortably done at home!

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Some of the kits can help in removal of up to 4 layers of affected skin. A typical home peel kit can cost anywhere in the range of $80-$660.
3.5 Oral supplements for skin lightening

With the advent of scientific intervention in the field of skin lightening, oral supplements are being taken as alternative to topical applications or laser removal. Most of the supplements contain L-glutathione. It targets the free radicals and oxidants in the skin layers and eliminates them. Additionally it blocks the tyrosinase from producing melanin. It interferes with the production of eumelanin while enhancing the production of phaemelanin thereby leading to skin lightening. L-glutathione occurs naturally in the body and detoxifies it by binding with the toxins like heavy metals, solvents and pesticides. The resultant compounds are excreted from the body via urine or bile. L-glutathione is an extremely effective antioxidant that inhibits certain types of cancer growth, helps patients affected with Parkinsons disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and low sperm count. In large doses, L-glutathione doesnt produce toxicity but a friendly side effect skin lightening. However, normally L-glutathione breaks in the digestive tract. When it is taken with Vitamin C, NAC, alpha lipoic acid or sylimarin, it becomes a powerful source of skin lightening.
Recommended dosage for skin lightening 20-40 mg/Kg OR 12-18 mg/lbs of body L-glutathione Vitamin C weight Twice the dosage of L-glutathione

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This formula will perform skin lightening according to this chart: Medium brown skin Dark brown skin Very dark skin Black skin 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 2 years or more

Caution: Ensure that the L-glutathione pills you are having are pure and do not contain Tyrostat and sheep placenta or it may result in acne and weight gain. Buy pills that contain L-glutathione and not just glutathione. Some people may have diarrhea due to large doses of Vitamin C. So a doctor must be consulted initially. People having diabetes or have insulin sensitivity should avoid alpha lipoic acid and use NAC instead. Remember to take plenty of water to avoid any tiredness, which is normal when you take L-glutathione pills. Oral Supplements for age spots, melasma and freckles Imedeen Time Perfection Pills: This formula has been approved by the doctors. It fights abnormal skin pigmentation like freckles, melasma, and age spots. Research shows that people get visible results within 90 days of taking the course. Pycnogenol (Melasma only): This is an over-the-counter antioxidant supplement. It can be used in addition to skin lightening creams. Dosage: 1 tablet (25 mg) three times daily with meals.

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MSM: MSM is a great nutritional supplement for dermal melasma that can be obtained over-the-counter. One of its chief ingredients is natural sulfur. Therefore it supplements the foods that contain sulfur. On an average we do get enough sulfur from our daily diets. MSM works by primarily softening your skin. Apart from that it helps in improving your hair and nail health. Some people have found relief in joint pains as well. But the best effect is noticed in lightening of scars. It is important that you do not take overdose of MSM and start with just 1-2 grams a day. You can slowly build on it. Also take Vitamin C with it to get improved results. Do not stop taking MSM immediately after the scars disappear, as melasma is a stubborn problem and will come back. Gradually diminish the dose over a few weeks.

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4 Home remedies for Hyperpigmentation

Treating hyperpigmentation at home is effective, especially if you have newly formed patches. Some treatments are listed below: Application of aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf on the affected area regularly helps. Application of cucumber juice, raw potato, soaked almonds in combination with milk powder or honey and lemon juice, is also an effective remedy. You can also apply ammonia (extremely diluted form). But do not step out in sun with it. Olive oil not only hydrates the skin, it is lightens the color also. Onion juice in combination with apple cider vinegar can be applied twice daily to get good results. Lemon juice is a great bleaching agent. Apply it altering with sugar granules. Your skin will become softer and lighter. Mixture of horseradish root powder and sour cream is also a wonderful home remedy. Application of Vitamin E oil before going to bed brings forth good results. For freckles, you can mix currants and honey in a paste. Apply it on the affected areas and rinse off with warm water after an hour. A mixture of oatmeal, curd and tomato juice helps in removing dark spots. Combination of turmeric powder and lime juice also lightens the color of skin. Apply the paste of mint leaves for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. A 15 days regime will show positive results.

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A mixture of Margosa powder, holy basil powder and honey should be applied on the affected areas and left overnight. Eliminate diet containing refined sugars, carbs, and oily foods. TIP: Do not expose your skin to sun after applying mixtures that contain Vitamin C as this may cause an undying blemish.

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5 Skin Lightening Products

Skin whiteners basically have two predominant functions to render you a white glowing skin. First, to absorb a considerable percentage of UV rays which prevents your skin from darkening and second, restrain the development of melanin, the main agent responsible for skin pigmentation. Skin whitening agents in your cream and lotions are both naturally and chemically derived. Heres a list of some of the main ingredients that compose your regular skin whiteners. 5.1 Ingredients of skin lightening products. The list of natural skin whiteners is long. Some more efficacious natural skin whiteners include, cucumber, Niacinamide, derivatives of Vitamin B3 and B5, Kojic acid, Lemon extract, Vitamin C, Arbutin, Asafetida extract, Bearberry extract, etc. 5.1.1 Chemical Skin Lightening Agents However, apart from the natural skin treatment agents, there are myriad chemical agents that offer quick skin enhancement on their application. These agents present in your lotions and creams need to applied in the right quantity on regular basis to enable prompt skin treatments. Some of them include: Hydroquinone: This is the most powerful skin whitening ingredient. It inhibits the growth of melanin and tyrosinase, the two principal agents responsible for skin pigmentation.
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Mequinol: This is the most potent form of hydroquinone. Mequinol works best when mixed with Tretinoin, by causing permanent skin whitening and eliminating most of the cells causing pigmentation. Benoquin: This chemical agent is most potential at enabling permanent depigmentation by eradicating all the pigmentation cells. Apart from the above main chemical agents, other chemicals that comprise 10%-20% of the cream are Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Mandelic acid etc. However promising these skin whiteners seem through the luring commercials on TV and newspapers, you cannot discount their side-effects on their over-usage. The inappropriate usage of these skin whiteners can lead to harmful skin distortions and can even near you to the danger of cancer. Chemical like hydroquinone is an ultra strong restrainer for melanin which if used overtly can become a skin irritant and cause the skin to blacken when exposed to UV rays. Hydroquinone is an unstable chemical which ought to be packaged in a nontransparent jar that stops all the UV rays from reaching the chemical. In most of the countries, the application of this chemical is banned owing to its cancer causing cells. Also, repeated and overt application of cortisone, mercury iodine makes the skin thinner and damage the collagen. Owing to the numerous side effects of these skin whitening agents, many countries, in the past years, have contemplated on banning them. Regardless of its negative effects, for many women, these skin whiteners remain a predominant choice for fulfilling their dream of flawless skin. This, however, can be acquired by making a selective and diligent usage of your creams for a long term.
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Avoid using creams that have a high percentage of cancer causing cells like hydroquinone and benzene. 5.1.2 Natural Skin Lightening Agents Look for creams that have vegetable or natural extracts like Bearberry, White mulberry, Licorise extract, Vitamin C, nut grass root, paper mulberry. These creams are rich in multi-vitamins and are great antiseptics and anti-oxidants too. If your creams have an additional percentage of hydroquinone, along with the above safe ingredients, discard that cream after three months.

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5.2 Skin Lightening Cream Regime However fanatic you are for acquiring a white flawless skin, your regular dose of skin whiteners will go for a waste unless applied in a proper regime. Your regime should start with cleansing with a mild/gentle body wash. Then apply your skin whitener, preferably with a spatula, to avoid the contact of the dirt on your hands with the cream, as this leads to acne. Then, in case you feel dryness, apply a thin coat of a moisturizer. Scrub your face at least once in a week to complete your regimen for a glowing white skin. Ideally, any cream, regardless of its ingredients, should not remain applied on your face for more than 6 hours. You should thoroughly keep rinsing your face at frequent intervals. 5.2.1 Face and Neck Now, while applying your skin whiteners, pay special attention to your face and neck as these are the most exposed areas of your body. Cleanse your face and neck thoroughly with a mild face wash and then apply a thin layer of skin whitener on your face so that it easily gets absorbed. In case, you are heading for a party, use your skin whitener only when you have removed your makeup. In case, you have a dry skin, then you can use a skin whitener rich in moisturizing effect as well. 5.2.2 Arms and chest Apart from your face, your arms and chest should also be regularly massaged with a thin layer of the skin whitener.

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TIP: Use the method of occlusion on your arms which involves application of the first layer of the skin whitener and then its coverage with a saran wrap for fast penetration of the cream. However, make sure that you remove the wrap after six hours last or it might cause irritation. 5.2.3 Back, Stomach, Legs and Buttocks Apart from the noticeably exposed areas, body parts like back, stomach, legs, buttocks that are typically saved from the exposition to UV rays do suffer from skin pigmentation. This is due to sweat, fungal diseases or wearing tight clothes. So, the ideal way to get rid of skin darkening in these areas is the regular application of a thin coat of skin whiteners after you have cleansed your body. You can seek the help of your partner to massage these body parts with your lotions. 5.2.4 Anal Skin Bleaching As the recent trend observes, whitening private body parts like anal and vagina are gaining popularity among women. Beauty treatments, like anal bleaching are done to enhance the beauty of your intimate organs. Anal bleaching is opted by many women to de-pigment the darken area around the anus, pigmented due to careless hygiene of women. It is done either through a cosmetologist or certain beauticians. Since anus is a sensitive area of your body, it is advisable to use only mild vegetable extract bleach. Avoid using bleaches which contain hydroquinone, benoquin and other chemical agents as main ingredients.

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5.3 TIPS FOR FINDING A GOOD SKIN LIGHTENING CREAM Never buy creams that contain steroids. Avoid buying creams which contain hydroquinone. It is a strong inhibitor and starkly disrupts synthesis of melanin production. Some countries have banned its use because of its cancerous reactions. Mitracarpus extract, bearberry extract and mulberry extracts are good alternatives to hydroquinone. Creams containing Kojic acid in combination with glycolic acid show good results. Azelic acid in 15-20% concentration is very effective and causes less irritation than hydroquinone. Look for skin lightening creams that contain plant extracts too. Creams having Vitamin C are extremely good in inhibiting melanin production. Avoid creams which contain mercury as an active ingredient.

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6 Prevention of hyperpigmentation
6.1 Importance of UV sunscreens in daily usage The causes for hyper pigmentation are varied, right from hormonal disorders, sideeffects of anti-biotic, pregnancy to over exposure to UV rays. Heres a low-down on some of the most effective treatments using natural therapies, surgical treatments and skin lotions. 6.2 Sunscreens The best way to treating or avoiding hyper pigmentation is by escaping the UV rays from contacting your skin at any cost. In fact, if you are already suffering from a considerable percentage of pigmentation, your slight exposure to UV rays will worsen it and darken your pigmented area making it noticeably visible for people around. Therefore, it is imperative to use a sun block protection whenever you step out of the house. This can be achieved by wearing effective UVB and UVA blocking sunscreen lotions that offer maximum protection from the harmful sun rays. Look out for sunscreens that have more than SPF 30. A better choice would be opting for Anthelios sunscreens which come in higher ranges in SPFs like SPF 60. Also look for total blockers that offer protection against harmful agents like zinc oxide, titanium oxide. Most of these sunscreen lotions leave your skin dry. The best solution for this is to opt for a lotion that offers both sunscreen and moisturizing effects.

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However, chances are quite probable that your regular dose of sunscreen goes for a waste unless you use it in a correct method. Always apply a thin layer of UV sunscreen 30 minutes before you head for office or if you step out in sun. Also, if your work profile demands more of a field job from you, then, deploy methods of self-protection like wearing full length clothes etc. In case you already have a darker skin, the usage of UV sunscreen becomes the entire imperative as it offers protection to your skin from early ageing and wrinkling. Ideally, the sunscreen needs to apply after every two hours due to profuse sweating in summers. However, if you want to escape the pain of applying it frequently, you can simply opt for water proof or sweat free sunscreen lotions. These lotions are long lasting and apply considerate protection for six hours. Dermatologists recommend the application of the sunscreens even during monsoons as a measure to prevent pigmentation. UV rays could penetrate from the clouds and cause damage to your skin. You may find a few sunscreens rich in anti-oxidants which are a potent agents for blocking the synthesis of melanin, thus, giving you relief from the formation of undesired pigmentation. Regular usage of this sunscreen ensures daily replenishment of your skin and protecting it against the unwanted UV rays. Apart from anti-oxidants, look out of a combination of ingredients like Aloe Powder, Vitamin E, Allantoin which enrich the skin with moisture and multi-vitamins that maintain the youthfulness of your skin and offer protection against the UV rays.

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