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James Testo Lesson Plan for October 14, 2009 Kitchen Safety and Potential Hazards Grade: 7 Materials:

Each group will need: 1 large piece of construction paper for Kitchen Safety and Potential Hazards poster. 5 -6 smaller pieces of different colored construction paper Glue sticks - Markers - Pens Worksheet with groups names and spaces for comments during peer assessment Length of activity: 40 Minutes Bell Ringer: Brainstorm as many safety procedures and potential hazards that can be found in the kitchen. Ex. (bacteria; cross contamination; spills; water; electricity; sharp utensils) *3-5 minutes* Activity: Students will be broken up into groups of 4-5 depending on attendance. Students will be instructed to construct an awareness poster showing the potential hazards and proper safety techniques used in the kitchen. Text may be done in pen or marker. All pictures must be constructed by hand and glued on posters. *15 minutes

After students construct poster, groups will circulate around room to evaluate other groups posters. Students will then evaluate each groups work except their own work.

Students will be instructed to only make constructive comments. *10 minutes*

Students will then be asked to share peer evaluations about their work. * 5 minutes*

Ticket out the door: Question 1: What do you remember the most about this activity? 2: What were some of the challenges faced by your group or as an individual during this activity?

Instructions: 1. Students must construct an awareness poster in relation to kitchen safety and potential dangers. 2. Students must show in their poster at least 5 valid facts relating to kitchen Safety. 3. Students may not use scissors to construct pictures. Pen or Marker may be used for text. 4. After posters are complete, students will be given approximately 2 minutes per group for peer evaluation. 5. Each group will be called upon to share comments made by peers. 6. Students will be given last few minutes of class to complete ticket out the door. In addition to using this activity as a review of prior knowledge and an alternative way to revisit the material for a future test, this activity will help develop their communication skills. By not being able to use scissors to construct the pictures this will help the students with hand manipulation and can be used for future career skills where working with your hands may be key to job success.

Objective/ Goals: Students will understand the importance of keeping themselves safe and free of potential harm when preparing food for consumption in the kitchen. In addition this awareness and preparedness will be able to be applied in the home, community, and in future occupations related to the food industry. Purpose: The kitchen is a wonderful place to form memories, bonds, reinforce family, and culture and possibly develop a passion into a career. Learning to be able to feed yourself and others, by cooking food that looks and smells good, is cost effective and nutritious is a life skill that cannot be overlooked. Anticipatory Set: Students will brainstorm a list of potential kitchen hazards and food safety issues. From that list students will be able to replicate potential hazards in the form of a constructed picture.

Procedure: A. B. C. D. E. Bell ringer- students will brain storm Students will construct Awareness Poster Students will conduct peer assessment of other groups work Students will share assessment comments Students will reflect on activity with ticket out the door

Closure: Ticket out

Assessment: Observation during lesson/ Facilitation during construction of awareness poster Peer assessment comments Written response to ticket out questions Bell ringer / how many facts can students come up with Awareness posters (at least 5 facts) informative effective

Independent Practice: After class students will go home and discuss learned information with

parent or guardian. Students must look in their home for safety concerns in their kitchen and be prepared to talk about them in class the following day. Family and Consumer Sciences Intermediate Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
1. Students assess potentially dangerous situations and demonstrate the skills to avoid or reduce their risks. 2. Students demonstrate personal and social skills which enhance personal health and safety. 3. Students understand the need for personal involvement in improving the environment.

Art Intermediate Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.

English Intermediate
Standard 4

Language for Social Interaction

Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction. 4A 4B 4C 4D Students listen attentively to others and build on others' ideas in conversations with peers and adults. Students express ideas and concerns clearly and respectfully in conversations and group discussions. Students learn some words and expressions in another language to communicate with a peer or adult who speaks that language. Students use verbal and nonverbal skills to improve communication with others.

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