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Chapter 14 Checkpoints 1. Name the six major regions of the brain Cerebrum Midbrain Medulla oblongata 2.

What brain regions make up the brain stem? Midbrain Pons

Diencephalon Pons cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

3. Which primary brain vesicle is destined to form the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata? The rhombencephalon 4. From superficial to deep, name the layers that make up the cranial meninges Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater 5. What would happen if the normal circulation or reabsorption of CSF were blocked? CSF wold continue to be produced at the choroid plexus in each ventricle, but the fluid would remain there, causing ventricles to swell causing hydrocephalus 6. How would decreased diffusion across the arachnoid granulations affect the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles? Less CSF would reenter the bloodstream, and CSF would accumulate in the ventricles. The increased pressure within the ventricles due to accumulated CSF could damage the brain 7. Many water-soluble molecules that are abundant in the blood occur in small amounts or not at all in the extracellular fluid of the brain. Why? Because the blood-brain barrier regulates the movement of such molecules from the blood to the ECF of the brain 8. Identify the components of the medulla oblongata that are responsible for relaying somatic sensory information to the thalamus The nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are responsible for relaying somatic sensory information to the thalamus 9. The medulla oblongata is one of the smallest sections of the brain, yet damage there can cause death, whereas similar damage in the cerebrum might go unnoticed. Why? Damage to the medulla oblongata could be lethal because it contains many vital autonomic reflex centers, including those that control breathing and regulate heart rate and blood pressure 10. Name the four groups of components found in the pons Sensory and motor nuclei of cranial nerves Nuclei involved with the control of respiration Nuclei and tracts that process and relay information heading to or from the cerebellum Ascending, descending and transverse tracts

Chapter 14 Checkpoints 11. If the respiratory centers of the pons were damaged, what respiratory controls might be lost? Damage to the respiratory centers of the pons could result in loss of ability to modify the rhythmicity center of the medulla oblongata, which sets the basic pace for respiratory movements such as prolonged inhalation or extensive exhalation 12. Identify the components of the cerebellar gray matter The cerebellar cortex and and cerebellar nuclei 13. What part of the brain has the arbor vitae? What is its function? The arbor vitae, which is part of the cerebellum, connects the cerebellar cortex and nuclei with cerebellar peduncles 14. Identify the sensory nuclei within the corpora quadrigemina Two pairs of sensory nuclei make up the corpora quadrigemina: the superior colliculi and inferior colliculi 15. Which area of the midbrain controls reflexive movements of the eyes, head, and neck in response to visual stimuli? The superior colliculi of the midbrain control reflexive movements of the eyes, head, and neck to visual stimuli, such as bright light 16. Name the main components of the diencephalon Epithalamus Thalamus


17. Damage to the lateral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus would interfere with the functions of what special sense? Damage to the lateral geniculate nuclei would interfere with the sense of sight 18. Which components of the diencephalon is stimulated by changes in body temperature? Changes in body temp stimulate the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, a component of the diencephalon 19. What are the primary functions of the limbic system? The limbic system is responsible for processing memories and creating emotional states, drives, and associated behaviors 20. Damage to the amygadaloid body would interfere with regulation of what division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? Damage to the amygdaloid body would interfere with the sympathetic (fight or flight) division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) 21. What name is given to fibers carrying information between the brain and spinal cord, and through which brain regions do they pass? Projection fibers link the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord., passing through the diencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum 22. What symptoms would you expect to observe in an individual who has damage to the basal nuclei?

Chapter 14 Checkpoints Damage to the basal nuclei would result in decreased muscle tone and the loss of coordination of learned movement patterns 23. A patient suffers a head injury that damages her primary motor cortex. Where is this area located? The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum 24. Which senses would be affected by damage to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum? Damage to the temporal lobe of the cerebrum would interfere with the processing of olfactory (smell) and auditory (sound) impulses 25. After suffering a stroke, a patient is unable to speak. He can understand what is said to him, and he can understand written messages, but he cannot express himself verbally. Which part of his brain has been affected by the stroke? The stroke has damaged the speech center, located in the frontal lobe 26. A patient is having a difficult time remembering facts and recalling long-term memories. Which part of his cerebrum is probably involved? The temporal lobe of the cerebrum is probably involved., specifically the hippocampus and the amygdaloid body. His problems may also involve other parts of the limbic system that act as a gate for loading and retrieving long-term memories 27. What are cranial reflexes? They are monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex arcs that involve the sensory and motor fibers of cranial nerves. Cranial reflex testing is often used to asses damage to cranial nerves or to the associated processing centers in the brain

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