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T|e Hcµµy íntercessor

ßecut|ju| Òne.
- \c|| ín Deeµer ínt|nccy
w|t| t|e Òne \|o CrecteJ Ls
íxµer|enc|n¸ t|e Hecven|y Rec|n (w|t| íuJy írcn|||n)
© Copyri,lt 2O11 - Leri Jolrsor
All ri,lts reserveJ. 1lis book is protecteJ by tle copyri,lt laws of tle LriteJ States
of America. 1lis book may rot be copieJ or reprirteJ for commercial ,air or profit.
1le use of slort quotatiors or occasioral pa,e copyir, for persoral or ,roup stuJy is
permitteJ arJ ercoura,eJ. lermissior will be ,rarteJ upor request. Lrless otlerwise
iJertifieJ, Scripture quotatiors are from tle New lir, James \ersior. Copyri,lt © 1982
by 1lomas Nelsor, lrc. Scripture quotatiors markeJ NASL are taker from tle NLW
AMLllCAN S1ANDAlD LlLLL®, Copyri,lt © 196O, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,
1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by 1le Lockmar lourJatior. LseJ by permissior. All ri,lts
reserveJ. Scripture quotatiors markeJ 1M are taker from 1le Messa,e. Copyri,lt ©
1993, 199+, 1995, 1996, 2OOO, 2OO1, 2OO2. LseJ by permissior of Navlress lublislir,
Croup. Scripture quotatiors markeJ Nl\ are taker from tle HÒLY LlLLL, NLW
lN1LlNA1lÒNAL \LlSlÒN®, Copyri,lt © 1973, 1978, 198+ lrterratioral Lible
Society. LseJ by permissior of zorJervar. All ri,lts reserveJ. All emplasis witlir
Scripture quotatiors is tle autlor's owr. llease rote tlat Destiry lma,e's publislir,
style capitalizes certair prorours ir Scripture tlat refer to tle latler, Sor, arJ Holy
Spirit, arJ may Jiffer from some publislers' styles. 1ake rote tlat tle rame satar arJ
relateJ rames are rot capitalizeJ. We cloose rot to ackrowleJ,e lim, ever to tle poirt
of violatir, ,rammatical rules.
l.Ò. Lox 31O, Slippersbur,, lA 17257-O31O
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l wart to JeJicate tlis book to you tle reaJer. 1lark you for takir,
tle time to ,o tlrou,l tlis book; for seekir, after tle leart of CoJ; tle
lor,ir, to krow His leartbeat; to feel Him ir your everyJay. We all lave
a place ir us tlat lor,s for Him. As you reaJ tlese pa,es arJ take time
witl Him, l krow tlat He will meet you ir a ,reater way arJ your life
will be clar,eJ.
l tlark my lusbarJ for beir, tle ,reatest mar alive. You are amaz-
ir,' My life witl you las beer beyorJ my Jreams. You lave always let me
be me, arJ you lave always let me soar witl Jesus. You lave supporteJ
me ir my book projects all tle way, but most of all you lave supporteJ me
ir my life, tlis lappy aJverture. l love you witl all my leart'
A lu,e tlarks to all my wilJ, worJerful frierJs; we are crazy for
Jesus. 1larks for your faitlful prayer coverir,'
l love tlis book' lt may be tle best book or prayer ever. T|e Hcµµy
íntercessor is alive witl lreserce. Learr tle secret of tle secret place:
low to capture tle leartbeat of leaver arJ pray it irto our worlJ-but
be lappy wlile you're at it. 1le first opporturity l laJ to fellowslip
witl Leri sle irviteJ me for a walk arourJ ler city. As we wert over
tle row famous SurJial LriJ,e mertioreJ ir Clapter + (wlere we
firJ out low to ¨owr your city") tle tlir, tlat impacteJ me most was
ler joy. lt was rot roisy joy. ArJ it felt like Heaver listereJ wler sle
spoke. Leri seemeJ tlorou,lly at rest, corfiJert ir a o|¸ CoJ, so aware
of tle worlJ arourJ, arJ so alive witl tle serse tlat wler sle prayeJ
eartl obeyeJ. l krow row tlat sle ,ot tlat tlrou,l ler jourrey irto
CoJ's leart. lf you live it, you car ,ive it away. 1lat is wlat Leri Joes
ir tlis book. T|e Hcµµy íntercessor is a ,ift for every persor lur,ry to
krow CoJ face to face. 1lis book is a must for every persor seekir,
si,rificarce. lrom classical tleolo,y witl a Jowr-to-eartl propletic
twist to masterir, tle mystical realm, T|e Hcµµy íntercessor is practical,
pra,matic, arJ persoral. 1ake tlis book arJ lay Jowr ir CoJ.l tlirk
you'll firJ you're soarir,'
Lorrie ClavJa
Sr. Assoc. lastor, All Natiors Clurcl
CofourJer, 1le Watcl of tle LorJ
Clarlotte, Nortl Carolira
l lave reaJ ro less tlar +O books or irtercessior. Some claller,eJ
me to pray more, otlers lelpeJ me to see CoJ's Jesi,r for prayer, but few
kept my rapt attertior like Leri Jolrsor's T|e Hcµµy íntercessor. 1lis is
ore of tle most irterestir, books or irtercessior l lave ever reaJ. Leri
las tle urique ability to blerJ tle leaverly witl tle practical tlrou,l
ler owr life stories arJ biblical irsi,lt. 1lis is a must reaJ for every
persor calleJ to irtercessior, especially if you are lavir, trouble beir,
corsistert at it.
Jolr laul Jacksor
lourJer, Streams Miristries lrterratioral
Autlor, Lnncs||n¸ t|e íe,eoe| Sµ|r|t
l lave krowr Leri Jolrsor for more tlar 3O years. l lave watcleJ
ler relatiorslip witl CoJ ,row irto ore of tle most beautiful love stories
tlat las ever beer tolJ. Just sperJir, a few mirutes witl ler will cause
you to lur,er for more irtimacy witl tle latler arJ will remirJ you of
your first love. T|e Hcµµy íntercessor is more tlar a ,ooJ book or prayer;
it is a Holy Spirit jourrey irto tle very leart of tle latler. 1lis book
coulJ revolutiorize tle way you relate to CoJ or every level. Let tle
jourrey be,ir'
lris \allottor
CofourJer, Letlel Sclool of Superratural Miristry
Autlor, T|e Suµerncturc| \cys oj Royc|ty arJ
Deve|oµ|n¸ c Suµerncturc| l|jesty|e
1lis is a book tlat makes irtercessior er,a,ir,, excitir,, arJ Jare l
say.exlilaratir,` l tlirk it car spark a revolutior amor, people like me
wlo reeJ fresl, irrovative irsi,lt irto low to pray ¨witlout ceasir,"
arJ still be erer,izeJ. Witl tlis book ir larJ, we car recruit ar army of
¨killer sleep" to police tle leavers ir every commurity arJ tle top of
every mourtair of irfluerce.arJ erjoy tle battle'
Larce Wallrau
lourJer, Larce Learrir, Croup
T|e Hcµµy íntercessor is a ore-of-a-kirJ maruscript, proviJir, valu-
able irsi,lt irto tle ofter misurJerstooJ realm of irtercessior. Like its
autlor, tlis extraorJirary book is real, Jowr to eartl, arJ refreslir,ly
lorest. T|e Hcµµy íntercessor skillfully captures tle true leart of irterces-
sior ir a way tlat is urcomplicateJ, yet powerful ir applicatior.
Larry larJolpl
lourJer, Larry larJolpl Miristries
Autlor, Sµ|r|t Tc||, T|e Con|n¸ S||jt
arJ Lser ír|enJ|y Iroµ|ecy
loreworJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
lrtroJuctior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
DAY 1 LrburJer Yourself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DAY 2 All 1lir,s for CooJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
DAY 3 Life lereweJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
DAY + lor lullir, Dowr Stror,lolJs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
DAY 5 Day by Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +3
DAY 6 Lxperiercir, His Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +7
DAY 7 No A,erJa lequireJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
DAY 8 Yes' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
DAY 9 Ar Òffersive Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
DAY 1O No lear zore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
DAY 11 Hit tle Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
DAY 12 levealeJ 1lrou,l His Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
DAY 13 A Spirit li,lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DAY 1+ LlooJsleJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
DAY 15 lor Òtlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
DAY 16 1akir, Òwrerslip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
DAY 17 Jesus, Òur Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
DAY 18 Wear a Smile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
DAY 19 Lut Wlat About. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
DAY 2O 1le Joy of tle LorJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O3
DAY 21 1le 1lree lealms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O7
DAY 22 1le Spirit lealm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
DAY 23 1le 1lirJ lealm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
DAY 2+ Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
DAY 25 War ir tle Heaverlies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
DAY 26 lrayer Makes a Differerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
DAY 27 No WorJs Necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
DAY 28 Warfare 1lrou,l Worslip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
DAY 29 Worslip arJ CoJ's lreserce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
DAY 3O Watcl tle ClilJrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1+3
DAY 31 Warfare 1lrou,l Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1+7
DAY 32 lest 1lat ls Lterral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
DAY 33 1rue Sabbatl lest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
DAY 3+ lestir, ir tle Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
DAY 35 AJJressir, tle lssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
DAY 36 Corfrortir, LaJ Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
DAY 37 lrtercessory lur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
DAY 38 Mystics arJ Cortemplatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
DAY 39 Mystics-Super arJ Natural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
DAY +O MeJitate Witlir Your Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
ApperJix: A Li, Dose of Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Writir, ar erJorsemert or a foreworJ for a book is a ,reat loror.
1lis is especially true wler you krow tle autlor arJ lave seer low tle
messa,e sle las writter las beer liveJ out ir ler life. 1lat beir, tle
case, l've rever beer more lororeJ to write or belalf of arotler autlor
tlar l lave witl tlis ore: my wife.
Arytime l irtroJuce Leri ir my travels or presert ler teaclir, CDs,
l mertior tlat sle is a si,r arJ a worJer-s|e |s c |cµµy |ntercessor. 1lat
commert usually ,ets a lau,l because it is ore area of clurcl life wlere
larslress, irtolerarce, arJ Jepressior lave beer corsiJereJ tle price
of aJmissior. 1lat rervous lau,lter also reveals a lope tlat it coulJ
be Jifferert. We lave JiscovereJ as a clurcl tlat it car arJ must be
l was tlere wler tle propletic Jeclaratior was maJe over ler life
about becomir, ar irtercessor. We botl laJ beer exposeJ to irtercessors
wlo maJe us wart arytlir, but tlat callir, ir life. 1leir ourJen, wlicl
we JiscovereJ later was just a farcy worJ for Jepressior, was rot a very
irvitir, ima,e for tlose of us wlo were truly wartir, to learr low to
pray. Lut sle krew erou,l rot to reject tle worJ.
l remember tle ri,lt my wife was clar,eJ from timiJ to bolJ-from
a oe||nJ t|e scenes kirJ of persor to beir, ir frort, ,ivir, Jirectior. lt
lappereJ ir ore ri,lt. Sle laJ ar ercourter witl tle LorJ ir 1ororto
ir wlicl sle slook like a Jislra,. lt was fearful arJ amazir, to watcl.
All fear of mar arJ irtimiJatior seemeJ to be slaker ri,lt out of ler. A
lioress was borr tlat ri,lt.
Her jourrey ir irtercessior be,ar tle best way possible. Sle was a
lover of CoJ first arJ foremost. ArJ tlat became tle cortext for all ler
learrir,. Sometimes you just Jor't krow tle keys arJ profourJ prirci-
ples for brir,ir, a breaktlrou,l ir ar area, but you car always take time
to love CoJ. 1lat is ler story. Wlile Leri's irsi,lts arJ experierces are
true arJ profourJ, tley were rot learreJ because of a Jesire to be power-
ful. 1ley are all borr out of tle Jesire just to krow arJ love CoJ witl
every possible breatl. l believe tlat to be tle secret to effective prayer-
to love CoJ, perioJ. Lecause lovir, CoJ Jevelops a partrerslip. ArJ it's
mucl more fur to pray witl CoJ tlar merely to pray to Him.
l pray tlis Jevotioral will brir, you to ar ever Jeeper walk arJ joy-
ous life witl your leaverly latler-tle jourrey is about to be,ir'
Lill Jolrsor
1lis Jevotioral jourral is a cortiruatior of tle corcepts arJ prir-
ciples preserteJ ir T|e Hcµµy íntercessor. lt is Jesi,reJ to lelp you Jis-
cover tle irtercessor ir you.
Lacl Jay is JiviJeJ irto four irspirir, arJ tlou,lt-provokir,
T|e Hcµµy íntercessor.
T|e Hcµµy ínterces-
sor arJ tlou,lts tlat prompt irtrospectior arJ provoke
Lacl Jay brir,s you closer to Jiscoverir, CoJ's love arJ plar for
your life. You will experierce for yourself tlrou,l persoral Jevotior arJ
jourralir, low to be Jirectly irvolveJ ir irtercessory prayer for His clil-
Jrer rext Joor-arJ worlJwiJe.
1le followir, questiors arJ arswers ,ive you a basis or wlicl to
builJ your time ir Jevotior witl CoJ arJ a sprir,boarJ for your time of
jourralir,. l presert tlese to you as a way of correctir, witl tle joy of
irtercessory prayer.
Q. Tbe BibÌe Joesn't mention an officiaÌ position of an intercessor.
From wbere JiJ toJay's Cbristians get tbis|
A. Lver tlou,l tle Lible Joesr't lave ar official title for ar irterces-
sor, tlere are mary biblical examples of times wler CoJ lookeJ for ar
lr lsaial 59:16 it says, ¨He scw t|ct t|ere wcs no ncn, cnJ wonJereJ
t|ct t|ere wcs no |ntercessor, t|erejore H|s own crn orou¸|t sc|vct|on jor
H|n, cnJ H|s own r|¸|teousness, |t sustc|neJ H|n.` 1ler a,air ir Lzekiel
22:3O, ¨So í sou¸|t jor c ncn cnon¸ t|en w|o wou|J nc|e c wc||, cnJ stcnJ
|n t|e ¸cµ oejore Me on oe|c|j oj t|e |cnJ, t|ct í s|ou|J not Jestroy |t, out í
jounJ no one.`
Mary people, especially tle proplets ir tle Lible, JefireJ |ntercessor
for us tlrou,l tleir lives, ever tlou,l tley were rot ,iver tlat title.
Òre of tlose woulJ be Moses. Moses stooJ before CoJ or mary occa-
siors to ask CoJ for mercy or belalf of a stiff-reckeJ people. Òr ore oc-
casior, CoJ tolJ Moses tlat He woulJ clar,e His mirJ because of lim
(see Num. 1+:2O).
CoJ looks for tlose wlo will starJ ir tle ,ap for wlatever tle rea-
sor. Arotler tlir, JemorstrateJ ir tlese verses is tlat CoJ really Joes
wart us to partrer witl Him for His lir,Jom to be realizeJ or eartl as
it is ir Heaver.
Q. Wbat is tbe Jifference between prayer anJ intercession|
A. Ircyer ir tle ÒlJ 1estamert is, for tle most part, tle same worJ
as |ntercess|on. lr tle New 1estamert, tle worJ µrcyer mears to worslip,
to petitior, or make a request. 1le Jefiritior of tle worJ |ntercess|on, ir
tle New 1estamert, is very similar to µrcyer.
1le worJ µc¸c, trarslateJ irtercessior ir tle ÒlJ 1estamert,
mears ¨by acciJert or violerce, cause to ertreat, fall, li,lt upor, meet
1lere is rot mucl Jiffererce betweer tle two, except for tle violert
(µc¸c) part of irtercessior. 1lat woulJ irvolve a more irterse part of
l believe tlat irtercessior is tle actior of pleaJir, or someboJy's
belalf, tle actior of attemptir, to settle a Jispute or a prayer to CoJ, a
,oJ, or a sairt or belalf of someboJy or sometlir,.
1o irterceJe is to pleaJ witl someboJy ir autlority or belalf of
someboJy else, especially someboJy wlo is to be purisleJ for sometlir,.
lt is to speak ir support of someboJy irvolveJ ir a Jispute; it is ar at-
tempt to settle a Jispute betweer otlers.
lrtercessior irvolves reaclir, CoJ, meetir, CoJ, arJ ertreatir,
Him for His favor.
Q. Are we aÌÌ caÌÌeJ to pray anJ interceJe|
A. Yes, we are. We are all calleJ to lave a relatiorslip witl our latler.
ArJ out of tlat, it sloulJ be automatic for us to pray. Lut l Jo believe
tlat a persor car lave a ¸|jt of irtercessior-a ,ift ,iver by CoJ. You car
tell tlat you lave tlis ,ift if all tlat you wart to Jo is be witl CoJ arJ if
you feel yourself beir, pulleJ irto prayer by wlat you see arourJ you.
Q. Wby pray|
A. lemember, prayer is talkir, to CoJ. l love beir, arourJ my lus-
barJ. We lave a worJerful relatiorslip. We sperJ time to,etler arJ
talk arJ slare our lives. l feel tlat CoJ is lookir, for tlose wlo will
commure (talk) witl Him arJ be witl Him. He is our latler arJ Joes
wart to slare His leart witl us. As He slares, we ir resporse will wart
to pray. lt is a partrerir,.
Re¡o|ce c|wcys, µrcy w|t|out cecs|n¸, |n everyt||n¸ ¸|ve t|cn|s, jor t||s
|s t|e w||| oj CoJ |n C|r|st íesus jor you (1 1lessaloriars 5:16-18).
1le Lible tells us tlat prayir, arJ ,ivir, tlarks is CoJ's will for
our lives.
Q. How Ìong Joes someone bave to pray for a particuÌar issue|
A. lrom my owr experierce, l believe tlat tlere are life assi,rmerts
tlat CoJ ,ives eacl of us. lor me, tlat is prayir, for tle fivefolJ ,ov-
errmert of tle Clurcl to be set up arJ ir workir, orJer. Lut, l also
tlirk tlat CoJ ,ives us slort-term prayer assi,rmerts. How Jo you krow
wler tlat assi,rmert is over` You will feel a liftir, or release from tle
1lere are also times wler ar assi,rmert will come arJ ,o. lor ex-
ample, for several years l laJ beer prayir, for a particular re,ior arJ
ever for a specific leaJer ir tlat re,ior. 1ler, it all stoppeJ for a year.
Òre morrir, l woke up arJ tlou,lt, í wonJer |ow t|ct µerson |s Jo|n¸.
1le Jesire to pray for tlis re,ior arJ persor all came back, arJ l be,ar
to pray a,air. l tlirk tle key lere is to be sersitive to His voice, arJ you
will krow.
Q. How Jo we know tbat we are praying to CoJ's wiÌÌ|
A. 1o be lorest tlere are times wler we lit arJ miss, arJ from
tlat, we learr low to krow. We always must use tle Lible as tle ,uiJe-
lire as well.
¨ín t|e scne wcy t|e Sµ|r|t c|so |e|µs our wec|ness, jor we Jo not |now
|ow to µrcy cs we s|ou|J, out t|e Sµ|r|t H|nse|j |nterceJes jor us w|t| ¸rocn-
|n¸s too Jeeµ jor worJs` (lom. 8:26 NASL). 1le spirit ir a persor krows
tle persor, so witl tle Holy Spirit. He krows tle latler. So if we are
tappeJ irto tle Holy Spirit, we will lave a mucl li,ler percerta,e of
our prayers beir, ri,lt or track.
We reeJ to be careful tlat we are rot maripulatir, witl our prayers.
l lave aJJresseJ tlis issue ir tle Jevotioral.
Q. Wben sbouÌJ we travaiÌ in prayer|
A. lor me, travailir, is rot sometlir, l cloose. lt clooses me.
Q. Wbat about praying in tbe Spirit; bow Joes praying in tongues
become intercession|
A. lor ar irtercessor, tor,ues play ar importart role as we pray. l
sperJ a lot of time prayir, ir tor,ues. l like to use my prayer lar,ua,e
wler l take walks. As l walk, l be,ir prayir, ir tor,ues, arJ l car feel
my spirit be,ir to er,a,e witl tle Holy Spirit. As l cortirue to pray,
tlir,s will come to my mirJ, arJ l will speak ir tor,ues over tlose
tlir,s. lt car become easy to pray yet rot er,a,e witl tle Holy Spirit.
lt car become just sometlir, we Jo witl ro life ir it. Lut er,a,ir, witl
our spirit lar,ua,e causes our prayers to become effective.
l laJ a frierJ come to me arJ ask for prayer. As l be,ar prayir, for
ler, l felt like l was to speak irto ler ear arJ pray ir tor,ues. As l be,ar
prayir, ir tor,ues over ler, botl of us felt our spirits er,a,ir, witl tle
tor,ue. Sle was able to receive arJ ,et breaktlrou,l ir wlat sle was
,oir, tlrou,l.
Q. Intercession anJ Jecrees. Wbat is a Jecree|
A. l believe tlat tlere are two ways to pray. Òre is petitior, wlicl is
makir, a request; arJ tle otler is tle Jeclaratior, wlicl comes from a
place of faitl or belief tlat it will be Jore. l feel tlat mary irtercessors
are really ,ooJ at petitiorir,, but tlat tley Jor't krow low to move irto
a place of faitl, krowir, tlat it is time to Jeclare a tlir, as Jore.
Several years a,o, l felt like it was time for us to be,ir to make Jecla-
ratiors arJ to stop petitiorir, so mucl ir our prayers. Òur focus reeJeJ
to slift from tle posture of makir, requests before CoJ to a posture of
faitl arJ takir, tle autlority tlat is ours. l actually felt tlat tlere was a
slift ir our autlority level. Lecause we laJ petitioreJ for so lor,, it was
a time for us to be,ir Jeclarir, tlir,s irto beir,.
Wler we take teams out to pray, l will tell tlem, ¨l wart you to make
a Jeclaratior or Jecree over tlis larJ." lt woulJ be similar to ,ivir, a pro-
pletic worJ. You are usir, your worJs of Jeclaratior to cause a clar,e.
Q. Wbat are some tips for praying or using tbis JevotionaÌ in a
A. Wler you call people to,etler, you are ,oir, to lave all Jiffer-
ert kirJs of prayers. Some will be reaJy to violertly ,o after CoJ, arJ
otlers will wart to quietly pray, wlile otlers may wart to lave a list of
tlir,s to pray over. As a leaJer, you reeJ to set some ,rourJ rules. lor ex-
ample, wler prayir, for a topic, you wart to make sure tlat you exlaust
tle subject ir prayir, before you ,o or to arotler. lr mary meetir,s,
wler someore starts out prayir, for sometlir, arJ tler tle rext per-
sor moves or to sometlir, Jifferert, you laver't exlausteJ tle prayer.
1lere may be more tlat someore else warteJ to pray. You wart to make
sure tlat everyore prays arJ completes tle prayer before movir, or to
arotler topic.
1ell people ir tle ,roup tlat tley reeJ to ,ive everyore a clarce
to pray arJ tlat ore or two people sloulJ rot take over tle prayer
l lave fourJ tlat tle best way to brir, a wlole ,roup to,etler ir
prayer is to lave tlem all soak ir CoJ's preserce first. 1lis brir,s every-
ore irto tle leart of CoJ, arJ after soakir,, you will firJ tle prayer time
to be mucl more rewarJir, arJ effective.
1. New -ner|ccn StcnJcrJ íx|cust|ve ConcorJcnce oj t|e ß|o|e,
Heorew--rcnc|c cnJ Cree| D|ct|oncry, lobert L. 1lomas,
LJ., versior 2.2, s.v. ¨la,a."
LrburJer Yourself
íor t||s recson we c|so, jron t|e Jcy we |ecrJ oj |t,
|cve not ccascå to pray cnJ nc|e ¦sµec|c|{ re¡uest
jor you, ¦cs||n¸{ t|ct you ncy oe j|||eJ w|t| t|e ju||
(Jeeµ cnJ c|ecr) |now|eJ¸e oj H|s w||| |n c|| sµ|r|tuc|
w|sJon ¦|n conµre|ens|ve |ns|¸|t |nto t|e wcys cnJ
µurµoses oj CoJ{ cnJ |n unJerstcnJ|n¸ cnJ åìsccrn-
mcnt oj spìrìtua| thìngs (Colossiars 1:9 AMl).
lor mary years, l JiJr't krow tlat l was ar irtercessor. Wler l look
back row, l car see all tle si,rs: l spert so mucl time carryir, so mary
feelir,s irsiJe of me arJ irterralizir, tlem as if tley were my owr. lor
example, l woulJ ofter walk irto a room filleJ witl people arJ start
feelir, arJ learir, tleir tlou,lts-tlou,lts wlicl were ofter very
Not realizir,, lowever, tlat all of tlose feelir,s tlat l was experi-
ercir, were tle ,ift tlat tle Lible calls ¨Jiscerrmert of spirits," l woulJ
carry tlose burJersome emotiors as my owr irsteaJ of releasir, tlem ir
prayer. As a result, l became JepresseJ. l became a ¨quiet ore."
As a clilJ l was tolJ tlat l was sly. My parerts JiJr't Jo tlis, but
otlers JiJ. Lrforturately, because so mary people tolJ me tlat l was sly,
over arJ over, l be,ar to tlirk tlat l was sly. l took tlose worJs as trutl.
l a,reeJ witl tlose worJs arJ receiveJ tlem as my iJertity. SaJly, beir,
sly evertually became a stror,lolJ ir my life tlat cortrolleJ me.
Coir, to my mom to pray ,ave me release from tlese tlir,s. Wler l
prayeJ, it woulJ lelp me release my feelir,s arJ ,ive tlem to CoJ.
(T|e Hcµµy íntercessor, Clapter 1)
1. Do you sperJ too mucl time irterralizir, otlers' feelir,s as if
tley were your owr`
2. Have you beer labeleJ ¨sly"` Have you become ¨a quiet ore"
because you lave believeJ wlat otlers lave saiJ about you`
3. ls it commor for you to lear or feel tle tlou,lts or attituJes of
otlers` How Jo you larJle tlese ofter burJersome emotiors`
+. ls tlere a stror,lolJ ir your life tlat is cortrollir, your lappi-
ress arJ your Jecisior-makir,`
5. Write your Jefiritior of ar irtercessor. Are you ar irtercessor`
b.|·r¹:. 1.·rs:| ;
lr my teer years, l was still cau,lt ir tlis place of feelir, a lot of feel-
ir,s tlat were rot my owr. 1le problem was tlat l laJ stoppeJ prayir,.
l for,ot wlat to Jo witl all tlose feelir,s, so l carrieJ tlem as mire. 1lat
leJ to a lot of Jepressior ir my earlier years.
Cratefully, wler l turreJ 16, l laJ ar ercourter witl CoJ tlat
clar,eJ my life. lor tle two years before tle ercourter, l laJ pretty
mucl leJ my owr life arJ Jore my owr tlir,, arJ it brou,lt me to a
place of Jesperatior. Òre ri,lt ir clurcl, tlere was a call to come for-
warJ to ,ive your life to CoJ, arJ l JiJ, arJ l let it all out. l remember
,oir, before tle LorJ tlat ri,lt, cryir, out to Him arJ sayir, to tle
LorJ, ¨All l wart is you." l remember askir, tle LorJ to take my life tlat
ri,lt. ArJ He JiJ.
(T|e Hcµµy íntercessor, Clapter 1)
lf you are JepresseJ or livir, ir a place of Jesperatior, ,ive your
life to CoJ.
Are you willir, to ¨let it all out" arJ ask CoJ for more of Him ir
your life`

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