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SUMMER CAMP 2012 Final Test in ENGLISH Name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Score: _______ I. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number. ______1. To be courteous is to be polite. What does the underline word mean? A. honest B. respectful C. obedient ______ 2. I read stories written by Dr. Gomez even if he is not a real doctor. Which is the proper noun in the sentence? A. stories B. Dr. Gomez C. doctor _____ 3. Which of the following is the common noun of Rolex, Quartz, and Citizen? A. watch B. soap C. book _____ 4. Rosie, Bernie and I are classmates. _______ go to school together. A. they B. we C. you _____ 5. All wisdom comes from God. What do you call the underline word? A. abstract noun B. concrete noun C. collective noun _____ 6. It refers to nouns that cannot be counted. A. mass nouns B. count nouns C. common nou _____ 7. I drink a glass of champagne in the party. What do we call the underline words? A. proper nouns B. count nouns C. mass nouns _____ 8. The policemen caught the thief in the groceries store. What is the plural form of thief? A. thief B. thiefs C. thieves _____ 9._____ clothes are kept in the cabinet. A. our B. I C. them _____ 10. Surgeons ________ patients treat their diseases. A. help B. helps C. helping _____ 11. The teacher taught the pupils to speak English fluently. What object pronoun that will substitute for the underline noun? A. them B. us C. you _____ 12. It takes the place of nouns. A. pronouns B. verbs C. adjective _____ 13. Several men watch the game in the arena. Which is the adjective in the sentence? A. several B. men C. game _____ 14. It is used to substitute for a girl. A. he B. she C. it _____ 15. A noun that gives exact names of persons, places, animals, things, and places are called _______. A. proper noun B. common noun C. abstract noun _____ 16. Which of the following is a masculine gender? A. hen B. son C. lass _____ 17. What do you call pronouns that show ownership or possession? A. possessive pronoun B. object pronoun C. personal pronoun _____ 18. We will meet _______ this afternoon. What pronouns that will

complete the sentence? A. them B. ours C. theirs _____ 19. It is used to denote habitual, repeated or regular actions. A. present tense B. past tense C. future tense _____ 20. Words that describe nouns and pronouns are called ______. A. adjective B. verb C. adverb II. A. Encircle the adverb each sentence then identify what kind of adverb it is. Write M for manner, T for time, or P for place. _______1. Peter came home late. _______ 2. He ran inside hurriedly. _______ 3. Kirk answered the test carelessly. _______ 4. They performed on the stage. _______ 5. Put the books on the table. B. Write the correct pronoun to complete the sentences. 1. _________ parents are in the province. 2. The wallet you found belongs to me. It is _________. 3. Mother bought new dresses for _________. 4. The teacher scolded ___________. 5. _________ will go to on vacation next week. 6. _________ is still cheerful and healthy. 7. These are ________ toys. C. Write the correct verb to make the sentences meaningful. (bake) 1. Mother _________ cookies every weekend. (join) 2. My friend and I __________ the club. (fight) 3. The firemen __________ fire. (read) 4. Father __________ the newspapers before going to the office. (hear) 5. I __________ Mass every Monday. (write) 6. The children _________ a paragraph about nature. (clean) 7. The janitor ___________ the window panes every morning. (deliver) 8. Ken _________ the fresh fruits and vegetables in the market. III. Read the story then answer the questions that follow.

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ESCUELA DE GRATIA PLENA INC. SUMMER CAMP 2012 Final Test in ENGLISH Name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Score: _______ I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided for. ______ 1. _______ names a particular person, place, or thing. A. proper noun B. common noun C. abstract noun D. mass noun ______2. Our leaders are praying hard to stop graft and corruption. What kind of nouns is for the underline word? A. concrete B. abstract C. collective D. proper _____ 3. The rebels are fighting for freedom. Which is the concrete noun in the sentence? A. rebels B. fighting C. freedom D. for _____ 4. These nouns name ideas, feelings, or qualities. They perceived by any or all of the five senses. A. abstract B. concrete C. collective D. demonstrative _____ 5. An interesting documentary is on but no one is watching ________. A. her B. us C. it D. them _____ 6. Benjamin played with his pet dog when ______ came home from offices. A. he B. him C. her D. their _____ 7. Josephines house is white and blue. This pink and green house cannot be ____. A. her B. hers C. his D. mine _____8. Sandy has handed _______ homework to the teacher. A. hers B. mine C. her D. theirs _____ 9. Let me _______ you with your work. A. help B. helped C. helps D. helping _____10. A bottle of light sauce _______ two hundred pesos in this shop. Do you want to buy it? A. cost B. costing C. costs D. costed _____ 11. _______ country do you prefer to visit at the end of the year? A. which B. who C. why D. where _____ 12. My grandfathers legs ache when the weather _______ cold. A. turn B. turned C. turns D. was turning _____13. Our father is buying ______ a new computer. A. they B. us C. we D. I _____ 14. Derek and _______ went skiing yesterday afternoon. A. me B. him C. I D. her _____ 15. The wind _______ so strongly that we cannot even walk properly. A. blow B. is blowing C. blew D. was blowing _____ 16. The honest boy _______ the wallet that he found to the owner.

A. returned

B. return

C. returns


returning _____ 17. A crowd of happy children watched the parade. Which is the collective? A. happy B. children C. crowd D. parade _____18. The cows are grazing with their calves. What is the3 singular form of the underline word? A. calf B. calfs C. calves D. calve _____ 19. The weary travelers rested in many _____ in the desert. What is the correct plural noun for this sentence? A. oases B. oasis C. oasesses D. oasissis _____ 20. Mothers youngest grandchild is an actress. All the rest of her ______ are business people. A. grandchildren B. childs C. grandchildrens D. childrens _____ 21. The shepherdess took the ewe along with her. What is the opposite gender of the underline word? A. ram B. doe C. fox D. stag _____22. The hero of the story was saved by a wizard. What is the feminine gender of hero? A. heroes B heroine C. heros D. heroses _____23. It describes a noun or a pronoun. A. noun B. adjective C. pronoun D. verb _____24. The seaweed feels slimy. What noun does the adjective being describe? A. sea B. weeds C. seaweed D. feels _____25.The furniture _______ old so we threw it away. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.A. Write the correct form of adjectives on the blank to make the sentences complete. 1. I find Mathematics (difficult) ___________ than Language. 2. The (honest) _________ student in the class received an award. 3. Among the students, Randy is the (helpful) __________. 4. My pet seems (gentle) _______ than yours. 5. Catherine is (talkative) ___________ in her class. 6. Sarah is (well-known) ___________ than Eric. 7. Oliver is (efficient) ___________. 8. The soup taste (bad) ________ toady that yesterday. 9. The students were able to answer the (easy) _________questions in the test. 10. This is the (good) ______________dish I have ever eaten. B. Study the underlined word in each sentence. Write the letter of the correct meaning of each word on the space provided before each item. Use context clues to help you. ____1. Man should not change his good attitude toward the sea.

A. money

B. to become different

C. substitute D.

exchange ____2. He squandered all his properties. A. used B. wasted C. saved D. gave ____3. He left home for a distant country. A. remote B. near C. cold D. far ____4. The radiance of the bright sky gives hope to this troubled land. A. color B. light C. distance D. deem ____5. There is no room for a tyrant in our country. A. terrorist B. dictator C. invader D. tourist ____6. The Philippines is a cradle of peace-loving people. A. country B. home C. origin D legend ____7. Never harbor any bad feeling against anybody. A. hold B. protect C. port D. haven ____8. The news gave the viewers a picture of the problem. A. a represent or an image B. a perfect likeness C. an idea of a situation D. a perspective view ____9. They quietly moved slowly up the aisle like an invisible wave behind a boat. A. lavatory B. seat C. entrance D. passage way ____10. Walking up the aisle was two nuns in simple white habits bordered in blue. A. tradition B. a peace long clothing C. addiction D. hobby III. Read the story then answer the questions that follow. The patient has so many qualms about the doctor. He just gives him balm for his medicine and he doesnt like the balmy smell. He just remains calm to avoid problems. He doesnt talk anymore about it and he spends half of his time looking for other ways to cure his ailment. He cannot do other things anymore because of the pain that he feels. You should also try herbal medicine, his relatives told him. 1. What does the patient have about his doctor?

2. What medicine does he give him?

3. Why does he not like the balm?

4. Does he complain about it?

5. How much time does he spend looking for other medicines for his ailment?

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