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15 MAY





Colin Savio Coelho

Corporate and general PR, Advertising, Freelance Writing Charmaine deSouza Fernandes Freelance Writer Dr-Sajid Ather Al Sparsh, the healing touch of Ayurveda Owner and Managing Director Precyla Barretto founder of GG and all in a day's WOK By Nicholas Ali The Goinkar Own Academy (G.O.A) Ganganeli Pereira THE HERITAGE ARTIST



PAGE 4* EDITOR'S PAGE A introduction into the Editor's Page, PAGE 5* INTRODUCTION PAGE This page is an introduction To IPGM INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE PAGE 6* INTRODUCTION To our Talented writters And our Team PAGE 7* A letter from the Man himself Henrique Sales Written in Portuguese About IPGM PAGE 12*18 ICON PAGE In this Month's issue we Feature the Talented Musically your's in his Own words PAGE20* 21 3ND LUSOFONIA GAMES IN GOA 2013 WRITTEN BY Talented Colin Savio Goelho



PG 22* 23 Green Crusade,Talk's about Campal Creek which is in GOA INDIA, A project of cleaning the environment in GOA INDIA PG 25* we have Al Sparsh 25* The healing Touch of Ayurveda This is a introduction page for Dr Sajid Ather from Mangalore INDIA PG 26*29 GG Goan Glamour Making it's debut in IPGM Magazine,with our Visionary Interpreneur Precyla Barretto And fkounder of GG PG 33*35 Goans own Acedemy Talk's about their special Day Goinkars Get-together At Salt & Pepper Village By Nicholas Ali PG 36* Art World with Ganganeli Pereira from Portugal explains the significience His paintting has on the INDO PORTUGUESE HERITAGE PG 42*47 we have All in a Day's Wok with Precyla Barretto our Visionary Interpreneur also With her receipes Which will make your Mouth buds say I want more





COMMUNITIES,Welcome back all of you dear readers,I thank you all From my Heart for all the support,and response you all have given This free Voluntary Heritage Magazine IPGM INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE. This is our fourth issue for the Month of MAY 15. I would like to First thank my Talented Writer Colin Savio Coelho Corporate and general PR, Advertising, Freelance Writing Charmaine deSouza Fernandes Freelance Writer Dr-Sajid Ather Al Sparsh, the healing touch of Ayurveda Owner and Managing Director Precyla Barretto founder of GG and all in a day's WOK By Nicholas Ali The Goinkar Own Academy (G.O.A) I would like to personally thank and welcome our Talented writers To IPGM Magazine which is a fashion Heritage free Magazine. Our Talented Writers have their own custom Pages Whisch they will be writing their Monthly article to bring you Their insight of their speciality subjects every Month,so bewith us into this journey of great reading into the Heritage IPGM Magazined Silvestre Machado ipgm




and Welcome to the

INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL M AGAZINE. I would like t o int roduce myself t o you all my name is Silvest er M achado and I am t he CEO And chief Edit or of this SUPERB INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL M AGAZINE, It 's a great Honour. t o st art t his online M agazine f or all our INDO PORTUGUESE HERITAGE around t he globe. The main aim f or t his M agazine is t o keep t he INDO PORTUGUESE HERITAGE ALIVE M eaning INDIAN & PORTUGUESE And t o highlight t he Cult ural,Social,Economical ,happenings in t he Global Communit y Around t he Globe. At t he INDO PORTUGUESE M AGAZINE we are proud t o say we are INDO PORTUGUESE AN ETHINIC GROUP surviving decades in dif f erent count ries around t he world, Spreading t he Cult ure in all possible ways and also Keeping t he HERITAGE ALIVE. VIVA. We are proud t o be associat ed t o loads of Celebrit ies,associat ions and individuals of great Calibre. We are also proud t o be associat ed wit h t he Founder of World GOA DAY Rene Baret t o who has been an inspirat ion and mot ivat or in st arting t his M agazine and also all of you INDO PORTUGUESE COM M UNITY around t he World. INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL M AGAZINE will be doing a lot more Volunt ary and non Volunt ary Project s in t he Fut ure t o M ot ivat e, and Empower,advice and help it 's INDO PORTUGUESE COM M UNITIES around t he Globe. To get in touch wit h us t o Cont ribut e Art icle's,videos,audio mp3, or advertising please get in t ouch Wit h Twit t er Silvest re machado






Colin Savio Coelho Corporate and general PR, Advertising, Freelance Writing

Precyla Barretto founder of GG and all in a day's WOK

Charmaine deSouza Fernandes Freelance Writer

By Nicholas Ali The Goinkar Own Academy (G.O.A)

Dr-Sajid Ather Al Sparsh, the healing touch of Ayurveda Owner and Managing Directo

Ganganeli Pereira Heritage Artist ART WORLD


para: Silvestre Machado


Obrigado, Silvestre, por me convidar a escrever para o Indo-Portuguese Global Magazine. Fao-o com o maior gosto pois considero que est na hora de relanar a Cultura Indo-Portuguesa e de promover os laos entre a ndia e Portugal no apenas no mbito das relaes oficiais, entre Estados, mas tambm a nvel privado, o das pessoas. Na poca ps-colonial que vivemos, faz todo o sentido que os Estados se relacionem numa base de total equidade e que cooperem, no interesse mtuo, aproveitando as complementaridades que possam existir. O mesmo se diga do relacionamento entre as Assim como no fazem hoje qualquer sentido pretenses de domnio poltico sobre povos auto-determinados, tambm actualmente no colhem minimamente quaisquer temores sobre inexistentes intenes neo-colonialistas. Saibamos escolher do passado o que nos une; enterremos o que nos possa ter dividido; construamos um futuro equitativo, cooperante, descomplexado, amigo. O relanamento da Cultura Indo-Portuguesa em todos os segmentos do conhecimento humano pode ser um instrumento para que todos alcancemos a globalizao duma comunidade lusada multi-facetada com presena pluricontinental e em que somos mais de 400 milhes de falantes. Aqui fica o desafio que consiste em trazer a Cultura Indo-Portuguesa para o convvio que j se desenrola no mbito da Lusofonia global, no que o Indo Portuguese Global Magazine (Revista Global Indo-Portuguesa) ser certamente um instrumento da

Henrique Salles da Fonseca





is the crew members for my music video " suno abhi" we shot the video on 5d camera 1] Video director : Rahul Bharti 2] Astt video director : Rajbir Kaur 3] Cameraman : Akash Agarwal 4] Female Model : Simer 5] production head : Bhushan Sharma 6] executive production: Jeetendra tripathi 7] Technical Head : Partho Mandal 8] Make-up : Sainath 9] Hair stylist : Manisha 10] model styling: prachee 11] camera attendant: Vikram 12] lights : A.R.Lights 13] Drummer : Horace 14] Bass guitar : Cris 15] Rthym guitar : Keith 16] keyboards : Maxwell 17] spot boys 4 18] post production: Galaxee 19] video editor : Sujay Hande these are the main people . there were a total of almost 25 people on set.who were asissting their heads.






born in a family where my dad had produced, directed, acted, written lyrics and sung

songs on Konkani stage for many years alongwith names such as Alfred rose , c ,Alvares , betty ferns Romeo mendes etc etc. He also, had a small role to play in the film " Nirmonn" . My parents say that I was born with music in my blood . and as I grew up I started learning the violin [for 3years also reading notations ] then learnt the guitar and started professionally playing the bass guitar with bombays top bands also, as a vocalist and back up vocals. Acted in a few Konkani plays, sang on all India radio, played with Mr Alfred Rose with his musical troupe. worked with a leading Hindi music channel [ etc, zing] and have been in bollywood business for the last 18 years. My Dream was to do a Konkani Album to bring in a change with new modern sounds to cater to the new generation and to make Konkani understand to the youth with easy lyrics. The album feature's 10 songs consisting of Hip hop , Ballads, R& b , jazz, and salsa.[ i am the 1st goan who has all the songs as caller tunes on all the major operators]. Raghav Sachar has played Alto Saxphone on 3 songs . Dj shaizwood has done a club track. The Music is composed ,arranged by Ajay a young dynamic person who has been composing music alongwith his uncle the well known charles srinivasan. The lyrics are written by Jose Menezes also involved in lyrics writing for quite sometime. The songs are recorded at a professional name a few singers like sonu nigam, udit narayan, sunidhi , Abhijeet who do the recordings here. my title song featured on Radio mirchi as Taaza Maal . alongwith my interview. later, i also performed at the radio mirchi sound check 2011 last year i performed with a goa band for the sao jao. as solo acts do not give you the high its fun to do shows with a band . i am now putting a band together with professional musicians. Am now all set to release my 1st hindi music album my music video is on all channels and on you tube . type: "Suno abhi". my love for goa and passion for music has driven me to work on my second goan album which i plan to release after the monsoons.




followin g
is the crew members for my music video " suno abhi" we shot the video on 5d camera 1] Video director : Rahul Bharti 2] Astt video director : Rajbir Kaur 3] Cameraman : Akash Agarwal 4] Female Model : Simer 5] production head : Bhushan Sharma 6] executive production: Jeetendra tripathi 7] Technical Head : Partho Mandal 8] Make-up : Sainath 9] Hair stylist : Manisha 10] model styling: prachee 11] camera attendant: Vikram 12] lights : A.R.Lights 13] Drummer : Horace 14] Bass guitar : Cris 15] Rthym guitar : Keith 16] keyboards : Maxwell 17] spot boys 4 18] post production: Galaxee 19] video editor : Sujay Hande these are the main people . there were a total of almost 25 people on set.who were asissting their heads.

Lusofonia Games to be held in Goa

BY COLIN SAVIO COELHO Goa is gearing up to host an international sporting event. The games are scheduled for 2013. The new government in Goa has put things on a fast forward mode to meet deadlines. Lusofonia Games (Lusofony Games) is a multinational sporting event that brings together many nations with something in common. It brings together athletes of the Lusofone (Portuguese speaking) countries or those places that have a common past with Portugal. The founding members of the games are Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Mozambique, Portugal and So Tom and Prncipe. India along with Equatorial Guinea and Sri Lanka are associate members. The event is conceptualised on the lines of the Commonwealth Games. In 2009, Goa was appointed hosts for the 2013 edition. The high ranking delegation of sports administrators of the state which was led by the then sports minister Manohar (Babu) Azgaonkar and which included the chief secretary, government secretary (sports) the director of sports, chief of the Goa Olympic Association and the executive director of the Sports Authority of Goa stamped their approval on Goa being the next host of this international sporting event. The national games were to be held in Goa in 2011. Banking on the assumption that infrastructure would be up for this event, the commitment for the Lusofonia Games was made. However, the Kerala edition of the national games has still not been held. Thus the Goa event has been postponed indefinitely. Thus the infrastructure at Goa was also not taken up on with any urgency. This has caused a few concerns about the hosting of the international event, Lusofonia Games in 2013. In March 2012, a new BJP-led government has taken over the reins of governing Goa. The chief minister Manohar Parrikar has taken some timely decisions to ensure that the commitment to host the games will be honoured. The first step was to appointment one of the most efficient officers of the Goa administration, Elvis Gomes, as the executive director of the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) which is the nodal agency appointed by the government to coordinate the hosting of the games.

Elvis Gomes seems very confident about hosting the games despite having to almost start building the infrastructure from scratch. There are so many solutions available today that it is possible to get the infrastructure ready in the specified time, he says. For a start ACOLOP (Associao dos Comits Olmpicos de Lngua Oficial Portuguesa), which is the ssociation of the Portuguese speaking Olympic committees, has decided to scale down the event to include only nine disciplines. These include soccer, volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, athletics, taekwondo, judo and the new introduction in wushu. Futesal initially did not find a place in the line-up. But it may get included because of its popularity. Our deadline to complete all work and prepare the infrastructure in all respects is July 7, 2013. This is the day when ACOLOP will meet in Lisbon and we are required to present our status report on our preparedness, reveals Elvis. At this meeting it will be decided if the games will go ahead at Goa or not. Goa has to show adequate preparedness by this date. Some urgent steps have been taken to ensure that this deadline is met. First off, a separate technical cell of engineering has been constituted and a separate games secretariat to be called Lusofonia Games Secretariat is to be established soon. Two sites have been finailised to host the athletics and indoor events. One is at Bambolim and the other is at Pedem. Babbolim will probably be finalised as the games track while the Pedem structure will be the practice track. This decision is influenced by post-games usage of the facility. Goa University being very close to the site at Bambolim, it is most viable to have the regular track there as it can be used by the University in the future. The Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium at Fatorda is going to undergo a major face-lift. A budget of around 82 crore rupees,which may need to be further reviesed, has been set aside for this major renovation. The role of the SAG in these games is manifold and crucial. As Elvis explains: Our role is to facilitate the appointment of committees for the event. There will be working committees and the games organizing committee. We will provide them with logistic support on behalf of the government, to organize the games. The question of the games happening in Goa eventually now seems to be a foregone conclusion with Elvis reiterating, The games will happen. We cant look back because this is an international commitment. The government is obliged to honour this commitment despite the change in government. With the past experience of the chief minster Manohar Parrikar with regards to development, especially with structures like the Inox multiplex and the crucial Patto Bridge in the capital, all done in six months, it is a real possibility that this will happen. ACOLOP has also pinned their hopes entirely on the chief minster, states Elvis, who is also the senior vice-president of the Goa Football Associaion (GFA). He also adds, With the responsibility of the games entrusted to me by the chief minister, I cannot let him down! Some great sporting personalities are expected to be part of this extravaganza. Brazil and Portugal will be the main attractions as also some superstars of the sporting world. Goa could even see the likes of Ronaldo on the soccer field. Everyone in Goa is awaiting the event with bated breath


to the Green Crusade. Let me start this issue with my favourite

quote Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ~ Cree Indian Proverb ~ One thing that really distresses me is people disrespecting the place they call home. Would we litter our houses and gardens? I don't think so! Then why do we litter our streets, our beaches, pollute our lakes, destroy our fields? Why is it so tough to carry pet bottles, empty chip packets and other litter home after picnicking? Is it that much of a task to carry a small bag and dump it in the dry waste bins? My husband and I have successfully managed to save the fields surrounding our humble abode a year ago. A group of people were trying to destroy the entire section of the last remaining fields in our area from being arable so they could convert it to monstrosities they call buildings. Now that being said and done we move on to whats going on this year. A cleanup of the Campal Creek. A brief history clip on what used to be a lovely rivulet once upon a glorified time. According to a plaque next to INOX the Campal Creek dates back to 1829. It opens up at the Mandovi river, runs right through from the Old GMC (INOX), down to Campal, right through to St. Inez and ends at Indoor Stadium. It has 12 culverts; it is almost 4 kilometers long. Mr. Armando Gonsalves, founder and CEO of Goa ForGiving came up with a concept of turning Campal creek into a creek he had seen in Amersfoort, Holland. People enjoy boat rides down this creek. He got a group of friends together (including me because I love working on Environmental issues as a hobby) and we had a couple of meetings to try and materialize what he has envisioned. People from different walks of life stepped forward to help. Miki Naik, Jennifer Lewis, Deric Rebello, Noel Sequeira, Sarah Sequeira, Ruben Quadros, Colin Coelho, Roabin Mazumdar, Rohan Govenkar, Manguesh Prabhugaonkar and a bunch of others. Everyone joined in with their own burst of energy. Mr. Sanjit Rodrigues warmed our hearts with his honourable presence and valuable thoughts and advice on how to proceed.

I decided to join Goa ForGiving in helping to get the Campal Creek cleaned and restored to what it was in its heydays. Some of the old timers will remember how lovely the creek was and others might remember swimming and fishing in the creek. Sadly, those are all memories now. The Campal Creek has been turned into a veritable nightmare with the garbage gathered around it and floating in it. Storm drains letting out waste water directly into the creek, people flinging their garbage directly into it. Do we not have any respect for Mother Nature at all? Together we can achieve this and much more. A small start with the Campal Creek and then we move on to bigger things and all for the love of our beautiful native land. Weve been blessed to be surrounded by beauty and the least we can do is maintain and improve on it. So why not make a start and begin right here? Join the Creek Freaks on May 13 2012 at 3:00 p.m. at the Gonsalves Mansion in Campal if you are in Goa. We would love to have you with us. You dont have to be in Goa to contribute your thoughts and concepts. Every little bit of input is valuable to us. Everyone will be a crucial and most welcomed aid to our endeavours. Please feel free to drop me a line on, catch me on Facebook on https://, follow me on Twitter!/CharmFer and if you have the time please do check out my blog on I would love to hear from you. Lets move on to accomplishing our dream to a clean and green Goa. Together we can achieve big things just like every tiny drop of water could contribute to make a mighty ocean.



AL SPARSH, the healing touch of Ayurveda

Course details: Certified course in AYURVEDIC PANCHAKARMA THERAPY DURATION: 3 months. COURSE FEES: 30000 Indian Rupees. COURSE DETAILS: here the candidates will be taught the basic principles of Ayurveda, authentic classical Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapies, Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, Relaxation Therapy, Ayurvedic Beauty Therapy and Rejuvenation Therapies. ACCOMODATION: sharing type for rs 6000 per month FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT: Dr. Sajid Ather, Managing Director, AL SPARSH, the healing touch of Ayurveda.. Kankanady, Mangalore. 575002 INDIA. Contact number: +919964069426. Email: Facebook:

AL SPARSH, the healing touch of Ayurveda..

AL SPARSH, the healing touch of Ayurvedaeda.. Ayurveda

Dr-Sajid Ather Dr
here is my introductory address to IPGM readers; Dear readers, i would take this immense pleasure to write to you all here at this magazine. here i will be writing to you about the life science Ayurveda. Ayurveda, is a life science which not only deals with the sick people but all provides the healthy guidance to all the healthy poeple. in short i mean to say that Ayurveda is for all......... healthy as well as the sick. here we will be discussing about the time tested herbal medications and home remedies discribed in the classical texts of Ayurveda... we will discuss on the diseases, how to cure them and adopt some diet, activities and medicines which helps in easy recovery of diseases. all in a simpler way........ we will also be discussing about how lead a healthy long life. how shall be our daily routine, what shall be the diet in a particular season and how to avoid the causitive factors of a disease more interesting part will this where i will be giving you many secrets on beauty and life style disorders. i will also be writing to you about yoga therapy and natural cure.. so, catch me up from the next issue with the introductory sessions on the description of the health regimen, seasonal diet and a few beauty tips... regards; Dr. Sajid Ather. about Dr. Sajid Ather. Dr. Sajid Ather, is an eminent Ayurvedic Physician carrying on the rich legacy of Ayurveda with dedication & commitment. He is the OWNER & MD of AL SPARSH for more details on info about Dr. Sajid Ather, please follow these links below: 1. 2. 3. 4.

If you recollect this young visionary, Precyla Barretto also fondly known as PB, was featured in our last edition for her splendid success story, All In A Days Wok, is back in here with another success story!! Goan Glamour, the first Goan Glam group on Facebook, was founded by this young woman, who envisaged the utilization of this platform to inspire and showcase the blooming talents of Goa. GG today is a stage that virtually highlights the Goan youth aspiring to make their mark in every arena of Showbiz, be it Modelling, Acting, Direction, Singing, Photography.

The group is also supported by her dynamic co- Admins, the President of the Quebec Goan Association, Canada, Mrs. Mary Silveira and Charmaine Fernandes. Yes, very much the same effervescent trio who create magic together time and again! Having lived in the Middle East all her life, she had a 3 full-fledged years stint with modeling and endorsed several campaigns there.

A great accomplishment awaited this starry-eyed Goan girl, when she was featured the cover girl of the most sought-after and glamourous Regional Fashion glossy "Jameela" in June 2005, the only Indian girl after Aishwarya Rai to have achieved that mark. With a keen eye for fashion, music, movies and acting, this vivacious Diva is set out to now explore and reach out to the young Goan talents and aims to highlight the best Goa has to offer on the Goan Glamour stage when she foresees its official launch in Goa sometime next year.

This Prima Donna sure does not cease to amaze. Her positivity coupled with intellect, energy and zeal to set benchmarks have time and again have proven to make PB the Toast of the Goan social circle. Let us all wish her all the success in her noble mission.


Goinkars Get-together At Salt & Pepper Village By Nicholas Ali The Goinkar Own Academy (G.O.A) celebrated their annual Easter Get-together last week on April 14, 2012, with a Hi-Tea at the Salt and Pepper Village in Seaview, Karachi. A luxury bus was booked to transport the members and their guests to the venue courtesy (GOA). The bus began its journey from Our Lady of Fatima Parish, made its way through St. Patricks Parish and thereafter at St. Anthonys Parish arriving safely at the Salt and Pepper Village. On arrival each member was handed out a GOA Bag, filled with goodies. The event was well attended by its members and guests from different parishes. Rev. Fr. Melito Dias, Rev. Fr. Edward Joseph, Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues, Rev. Fr. Ryan Joseph and Brother Cyril also celebrated the event with the GOA. The evening began with welcome address by MCs Marshall Fernandes Vice President & Debbie Santamaria President of GOA.

The GOA presented the Sitar-eQuaid recipients Rev. Fr. Robert McCulloch and Sister Conway Berchmans with a hamper and GOA Plaque for their tireless efforts in the fields of social welfare and education in Pakistan. The newly appointed Archbishop of Karachi, His Grace Archbishop Joseph Coutts was also to be presented with a hamper and GOA Plaque but unfortunately His Grace could not attend the event as he had to attend an important meeting in Faisalabad. Rev Fr. Edward received the hamper on his behalf. A request received for supporting a boarding in Lahore was taken on by GOA. Prior to the event the academy had raised Rs. 40,000/and an additional Rs. 9,000/- was presented at the event collected through a raffle and donations. There were about thirty winners from the raffle and lucky draws, who won dinners, hi-teas and cakes vouchers as well as GOA tote bags and Dalda recipe books.

After a scrumptious buffet Debbie then announced GOAs planned events which included: July 22, 2012-Goan Food Festival August 12, 2012-World Goa Day January 20, 2013Christmas/New Year gettogeter As all good things come to an end, so did the Easter gettogether of Goinkars Own Academy ended, as the members and their guests bid goodnight and thanked the Executive Committee for organizing a wonderful event for them and their families and looked forward to attending many more during the year, Viva GOA Viva Goinkars Own Academy

Este quadro a leo simboliza a expanso portuguesa e o mundo lusfono: a nau, a vela e a Cruz de Cristo, os 8
castelos e os oito pases lusfonos, as diferentes etnias, e as especiarias de expanso. In this pictures it means the expression of Portuguese and the World Of Lusofonio INDO PORTUGUESE Heritage Ganganeli Pereira The Artist himself say's That this In this picture it means the expression of Portuguese and the World Of Lusofonio INDO PORTUGUESE It is a strong combination of different Lusofonic genres,we see a light cross of Christ,which means christ was there in the voyages of the expansition of the Portuguese,we see the 8 castles which are different countries of the lusofonos in the World,the spices of this countries,there is a set of people which are the communities of these lusofunos Communities World wide. A total Expression of LUSOFONIC EXPANTION is created in this Picture by the Artist Ganganeli Pereira originally from GOA but live's in Portugal,He love's paintting Art of the Heritage subjects And IPGM is proud to featture his work on the monthly magazine,so do send in you comments,about his work,is so inspirational ,since IPGM INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE is a heritage Magazine,featuring World talent of the INDO PORTUGUESE or LUSOFONOS DO MUNDO VIVA Silvestre Machado IPGM

St. Dominic's International School, Portugal had a exhibition, support our IBDP Visual Arts exhibition which encompasses two years of study in practical, contextual, visual and critical exploration which was on the day of the 20th April - 7th May (Tuesday - Saturday 10h00-18h00) and hosted by the Junta de Freguesia do Estoril, situated at Rua de Santa Rita 45, Estoril. Exhibition.The students Art is displayed it had a great audience from Cascais and Estoril areas. Portugal Vera Carrondo ADBDCommunicare, Consultores Associados

O Saint Dominics (SDIS) uma escola altamente respeitada e de renome internacional, e a nica escola em Portugal autorizada a oferecer todos os trs programas de Bacharelado Internacional, Primary (PYP), Mdi (MYP), e do Diploma. igualmente a nica escola verdadeiramente internacional, e no conotada com o tipo de ensino americano ou ingls; a escola Internacional por excelncia em Portugal. A lngua oficial do Colg o Ingls e no caso do Diploma (para alunos dos 16 aos 18) a avaliao funciona por pontos.

Estes 3 programas permitem a entrada directa para as instituies de maior prestgio no mundo devido ao seu rigor intelectual e altos padres acadmicos exigidos, preparando os alunos que saem do St. Dominics par carreiras de sucesso internacional. O Saint Dominic's Internacional School oferece bolsas de estudo para alunos portugueses de elevado potencial mas no s: oferecem at cinco bolsas por ano para alunos que queria comear o IB Diploma. As bolsas so atribudas aos alunos que para alm de um elevado potencial acadmico demonstrem serem pessoas ntegras e terem as capacidades para se tornarem excelentes embaixadores d escola no mundo. A ttulo de exemplo, esta escola tem protocolos estabelecidos com as Universidades de Oxford e o MITT.

O Saint Dominic's uma entidade privada que recebe alunos com idades compreendidas entre os 3 a 18 anos; o seu corpo estudantil composto por mais de 40 nacionalidades diferentes entre mais de 600 alunos/ano tornando-a uma escola verdadeiramente internacional e multicultural (ver nacionalidades no ficheiro em anexo). O programa que concede o Diploma IB permite entrada directa para as instituies de maior prestgio no mundo devido ao seu rigor e alto grau de exigncia acadmica, preparando os alunos que saem do Saint Dominics para carreiras de sucesso internacional.

Tambm nesta escola funciona o International Music Centre, uma autntica escola de artes ao estilo The Fame fundada h 20 anos (celebra-se este ano) por uma professora inglesa, Stephanie Duarte que escolheu co o seu lar h mais de duas dcadas. Estudantes e adultos de uma variedade de escolas portuguesas e internacionais, incluindo a participao das comunidades locais frequentam este centro e estas aulas. Os ensaios t lugar todos os Sbados durante as manhs, entre as 10h e as 12h numa sala deste colgio. Existem 2 performances por ano: uma em Janeiro/Fevereiro na zona da Grande Lisboa, e uma tourne no Algarve em Junho. Este Centro Internacional de Artes j actuou em palcos internacionais de que exemplo, a cidade de Roma, em Itlia. Julgo que s pelo seu percurso e histria de vida, esta professora inglesa que escolheu Portugal co o seu lar, tem uma histria de vida interessante e um caso de excelente adaptao de uma estrangeira em Portugal que jamais pensa regressar ao seu pas de origem porque j se sente uma verdadeira portuguesa. Caso seja vivel avanarmos com esta entrevista e reportagem sobre esta escola, ficarei a aguardar o vosso feedback assim que seja possvel e estarei disponvel para mais informaes, na expectativa de podermos concretizar este destaque. Muito obrigada e votos de boa semana!

Cumprimentos, Vera Carrondo ADBDCommunicare, Consultores Associados Av. da Igreja, 42, 10 Esq 1700-239 Lisboa Tel. + 351 21 781 72 90 Fax. + 351 21 781 72 99 E-mail:

recyla Barretto

PB once again charms her way into the Goan hearts with her Woking Recipes right out of the Wok Cuchina!! Enjoy the magic of All In A Day's Wok!"

The Story So Far by Clinton Tavares - Preorder The Story So Far on iTunes Preorder and download songs from The Story So Far by Clinton Tavares on iTunes. Preorder The Story So Far for just 6.99.

Elegant Candles
Elegant Candles which can be used for various purposes, especially for give a ways at weddings / anniversaries / communions etc. Also attached herewith our photographs of Backdrops and Center Pieces for you to have a look at. ( Your One Stop Shop for all your Wedding Requisites ) Also please note that, I can help you in getting the wedding cake for cutting & the serving cake. I can help you in finding a good hall / the center piece and the backdrop / D.J. / caterers and not forgetting the main person the Compere which I can do along with another compere to help make your Wedding Reception a one to be remembered for the rest of your life , your family member's life and all those who are invited too will remember your wedding for a lifetime.

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