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Research Paper- Aanya Singh Question What are the causes and effects of coral degradation?

Background coral/krl/ 1. A hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas. 2. Precious red coral, used in jewelry. -google-definitionsYou might know that fish inhabit coral. A diverse range of fish look to coral for shelter, protection and food. Fish have learned to adapt to their surroundings- coral. Their colored scales camouflage them in the midst of all the bright coral. The algae coral produces is one of their only food sources. Coral.Org presented a good metaphor on how important the coral reefs are: Coral reef ecosystems are like bustling cities, with buildings made of coral and thousands of marine inhabitants coming and going, interacting with one another, carrying out their business. In this sense, coral reefs are the sea's metropolises. However, coral does a lot more for our world than we know. Especially with the extent of coral degradation, this has started to be a problem.

Causes & Effects- Coral Bleaching Bleaching is a large factor that causes coral degradation. Bleached coral is white, lifeless and doesnt grow back. When the temperature changes in the waters, coral bleaching takes place. The corals tolerance(the temperature range it can survive in) is 25C to 29C. Even 2-4 degrees above the range will cause the coral to become bleached. Changes in climate, small or large force corals to belch out their algae. This algae is really important for them, as it produces food for fish and other marine life to eat. Without it, the coral is basically useless to fish. As a result of ocean warming, 16 percent of the world's coral reefs were lost in a period of one year-1998. Another reason for coral bleaching is acidification, something often referred to bad chemistry. Its when a change of chemicals occur- like when a factory dumps toxic waste into rivers. A wrong mix of chemicals, or a hazardous chemical can kill almost anything, but corals are especially vulnerable. Infections, caused by toxins or bacteria spread through the corals, leaves coral lifeless. Changes that people have created, through things like pollution, are changing the sea forever.

Causes & Effects- Destructive Fishing Destructive Fishing, such as cyanide fishing, blast fishing and ghost fishing (trawling) is a large reason why coral degrades. Cyanide fishing is when fishermen use poison to stun the fish. This poison acts on both the coral and the fish. The stunned fish are transported to aquariums and fancy restaurants. Its a fast way of catching fish and the coral bleaches fast too.

Research Paper- Aanya Singh Cheap and Easy. Blast fishing is one of the most common ways to get a mass load of fish, in just one throw of a blast stick and a gather of the dead fish lying across the surface. However, no one considers the coral lying beneath the scatter of fish. Holes (more like craters) prevent growth of future corals. When a net scrapes through the coral and sand, a lot of damage is created. Trawling catches debri, fishes, other marine animals and of course, lots of coral. Effects on Sea-Shore Coral protects the sea-shore from the thundering ocean waves and currents. The coral buffers the impact on the shores. Without coral, the tide would rise and the erosion rate would be higher. Powerful currents are a danger to fishermen and any sea-shore dwellers. With a high tide and erosion, people would be forced to move inland, causing more urban areas and less land for people to live in. Many resorts, hotels and houses located on seaside cliffs would have to relocate as high erosion impact could cause danger to them; if the cliff's base gets too weak the cliff could crumble. Sightseers, sunbathers, snorkelers and scuba divers all pay a lot of money to stay at beaches with protected waters. By one estimate, coral reefs provide economic goods and ecosystem services worth about $375 billion each year to millions of people. Without coral, anyone depending on the coral reef will be unemployed. It is a major industry for sea-shore companies. Conclusion Coral does play a large part of our lives. Its a very important eco-system. Coral provides food for many fish and it may be the only food source a fish can have. Fish will be dying by the dozens, you might think this is a good thing, as it is more food for us and the fishermen, but the reality is that the fish rot and get mouldy before we can scoop them up from the water. Many companies, resorts, industries and people depend on coral for their income and protection to the shore. There have been organizations and laws trying to preserve coral. However, many fishermen and companies gain money from activities and jobs that do cause coral degradation, in their opinion, coral is less important than money. Ultimate losses would be created if the coral problem doesnt stop soon.

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