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Distance from origin & Normal form Point on a plane & Normal form

Normal form

Free or fixed Equation of plane

Point & two vector form Two points & a vector form Three points form Plane parallel through given point Distance of given point from given plane Foot of perpendicular from given point onto given plane The image of given point in the given plane
Distance between them Angle between intersecting plane Line of intesection of planes


Position or "vector" Orthonormal vectors Addition

Section formula distance formula

Parallelogram law Scalar product Dot product

Plane & Point given



cross product scalar triple product vector triple product

Parallel Planes Intersecting planes

Two planes


Point of intersection They intersect in a line (condition) They form a triangular prism Two point form one point - vector form

Magnitude direction Parellogram triangle Volume of a parellopiped volume of a tetrahedron of a along b of a perpendicular to b

Three non-parallel planes Equation of a line


Distance of given point from given line Foot of perpendicular from given point to given line Image of given point in given line Line parallel to given line passing thro given point Plane through given point and given line
Plane through the lines Distance between the lines Angle between the lines Condition of their intersection Plane through the lines condition of two lines are skew Shortest distance between them

Point & Line

Vector Geometry


Vector equations Reciprocal

Two parallel lines Two intesecting lines

Reciprocal vectors Definitiion Reciprocal system 1 dimension non-collinearity 2 dimension Linear dependence In N-dimension 3 dimension
Area of triangle is zero
are collinear

Two lines
Skew lines These lines are neither parallel nor intersecting

In coordinate system

Angle between line and plane Condition: given line parallel to given plane Condition : Line lies on plane Point of intersection of the line and plane Plane through given line and perpendicular to given plane Projection of given line in given plane Image of given line in the given plane

3 points collinear Line and a plane

Two vectors made from these 3 points

parallel cross product zero linear combination property

4 points coplanar

volume of tetrahedron is zero 3 vectors are coplanar box product is zero linear combination property

Linear combination

way to produce new vectors how is connected to non-coplanarity, non-collinearity

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