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DE86 001183


Lawrence E. Kukacka

August 1985

Prepared f o r presentation a t the Fourth Annual DOE Geothermal Program Review W s hiag ton , D .C a September fl-12, 1985

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or respnsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process. or seMce by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily .constitute or imply its endorsement, mommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.


This work was performed under the auspices of the o f f i c e of Biomass Energy U.S. Department of Energy Washing ton, DC, under c o n t r a c t No. DE-AC02-76CH00016

Abstract Advanced Materials f o r Geothermal Energy Processes

The primary goal of the geothermal m a t e r i a l s program is to ensure that the p r i v a t e s e c t o r development of geothermal energy resources is uot cons t r a i n e d by the a v a i l a b i l i t y of technologically and economically viable materials of cons t r n c tion. This requires the performance of long- term high Ongoing programs t o be described in-

. r i s k GHTD-sponsored materials R and D

clude high temperature elastomers f o r dynamic s e a l h g a p p l i c a t i o n s , advanced materials f o r l o s t c i r c u l a t i o n control, waste u t i l i z a t i o n and disposal, corrosion r e s i s t a n t elastomeric l i n e r s f o r . w e l l casing, and non-metallic h e a t exchangers



Lawrence E Kukacka . Department of Applied Science Brookhaven National Laboratory Uptoa, NY 11973

The Geothermal Technology Division i n i t i a t e d the Geothermal Materials Program i n 1976 t o ensure t h a t the p r i v a t e s e c t o r development of geothermal energy resources is not constrained by the a v a i l a b i l i t y of technologic a l l y and economically viable materials of construction, Since 1978 Major Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has provf ded technical and managerial a s s i s t a n c e i n the implementation of the long-term high-risk e f f o r t . temperature successes have been a t t a i n e d i n the development of eiastomers f o r higha p p l i c a t i o n s and i n the use of polymer concrete l i n e r s f o r Both technologies have been successfully transfercorrosion protection. red t o industry. I n the case of the high temperature Y-267 EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene, methylene) elastomer, the o p e r a t i % l i m i t s f o r elastomeric p a r t s were increased from the range 149C-2040C t o 260OC-316OC, extensive t e s t i n g by L'Garde, Inc., Based upon and over 25 other organizations dur-

ing the past 6 yr, no better elastomer for geothermal service is known.

Reductions i n c o s t up t o several hundred times compared t o those of other high temperature elastomers have been attained. f i e l d case h i s t o r i e s have been documented.

Over l laboratory and 20 5

Current uses include s e a l s i n

logging tools, casing packers, g a t e valves, BOP rants, shock subs, and

The materials program has a l s o produced the most comprehensive and thorough examination of the geothermal cementing problem undertaken thus


A s p a r t of the program, the f i r s t known downhole t e s t i n g of cements

flowing geothermal well was conducted.


Nine cements s a t i s f i e d the


test criteria.

Unfortunately the exposure temperature was only 21kC,

i t is considered e s s e n t i a l t o have d a t a a t a t e m p e r a t u r e of a t least 300OC

before d e f i n i t i v e conclusions can be made regarding the hydrothermal s tab i l i t y a t economically a t t r a c t i v e well conditions,

Current budget con-

s t r a i n t s prevent the performance of these needed t e s t s ,

Research and development e f f o r t s aimed a t f u r t h e r c o s t reductions and

. )

extension of service l i f e are c u r r e n t l y i n progress.

Tasks include high

temprature elastomers f o r dynamic s e a l i n g applications, advanced materials f o r 10st c i r c u l a t i o n control, waste u t i l i z a t i o n and disposal, corrosion r e s i s t a n t elastomeric l i n e r s f o r well casing, high temperature lightweight cements, and non-metallic materials f o r h e a t exchanger applications. major t h r u s t s of the FY 1985 e f f o r t s a r e summarized below, The

1 .

High Temperature Elastomers f o r Dynamic Sealing Applications


Chemical modification of previously developed and tested

Y-267 EPDM 260% s t a t i c s e a l material for use i n dynamic

s e a l i n g applications.

Optimization of EPDM formulations f o r use i n c r i t i c a l high c o s t a p p l i c a t i o n s such as i n downhole d r i l l motors and openhole packers,


Advanced Materials f o r Lost C i r c u l a t i o n Control


Hydrothermally s t a b l e and pumpable chemical sys tems a r e being investigated f o r use a s l o s t c i r c u l a t i o n control materials i n geothermal well d r i l l i n g operations,


P i t t i n g Resistant Steels

Studies of the mechanism whereby high corrosion r e s i s t a n c e i s obtained through alloying of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s with molybdenum combined with n i trogen.

4 .

Geothermal Waste U t i l i z a t i o n and Disposal


Studies of methods f o r u t i l i z i n g waste c o n s t i t u e n t s a s raw materials *for cementi t i o u s binders o r a s nonleachable f i l l e r s i n composites t h a t can be used f o r general construction purposes.


Analyses of biochemical techniques f o r concentration and subsequent removal of heavy metals from waste,


Materials f o r Non-Metallic Heat Exchangers


Development of .corrosion r e s i s t a n t m e t a l l i c and s i l i c o n c a r b i d e - f i l l e d composites which have thermal conductivities i n the range of s t a i n l e s s steels.


Corrosion R e s i s t a n t Elastomeric Liners f o r Well Casing


I n v e s t i g a t i o n of high temperature chemical coupling systems f o r bonding elastomeric l i n e r s to carbon s t e e l well casing.

Data on corrosion r e s i s t a n c e of Y-267 EPDM-lined carbon steel casing f o r comparison with those f o r high chrome and nickel alloys.


High Temperature Geothermal Well Cements


Charac t e r i z a t i o n of promising high temperature well cements under placement and downhole environmental conditions duplicating most of the well comple t i o a variables. Preliminary screening tests on lightweight cement s l u r r i e s .


Corrosion i n Binary Geothermal Systems


Quantitative corrosion data from laboratory and plant t e s t s f o r metals presently used i n binary p l a n t s and o t h e r more p o t e n t i a l l y r e s i s t i v e metals and nonme tals.


High Temperature Cathodic P r o t e c t i o n Sys tems


Testing and c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of high temperature elec trochemical processes designed t o cathodically protect the external surfaces of w e l l casing and heat exchangers.

Recent r e s u l t s from several of these e f f o r t s are given in the body of t h i s paper. 1986.

It is expected t h a t Tasks 2, 4, 5 , and 7 w i l l continue i n FY



Among the most pressing problems constraining the development and ex6

panded use of geothermal energy resources f o r electric power generation i s the lack of s a t i s f a c t o r y component and system r e l i a b i l i t y . This is due to the u n a v a i l a b i l i t y , on a commercial scale, of cost-effective materials

t h a t can function i n a wide range of geothermal environments and t o the

u n a v a i l a b i l i t y of a comprehensive body of d i r e c t l y relevant t e s t data or

materials s e l e c t i o n experience.

S u i t a b l e materials a r e needed f o r service For both s i t u a t i o n s ,

i n geothermal wells and i n process p l a n t equipment. rosive, and scale-forming geothermal f l u i d s .

t h i s requires materials t h a t can withstand high- temperature, highly-corI n addition to requiring a high degree of chemical and thermal r e s i s t a n c e , the downhole environment places demands on the physical/mechanical properties of materials f o r components u t i l i z e d i n w e l l d r i l l i n g , completion, pumping, and logging. I n 1976, the GHTD s t a r t e d the Geothermal Materials Program t o address materials-related problems, the e f f o r t . and s i n c e 1978 Brookhaven National Laboratory has provided technical and managerial assistance i n the implementation of Major successes have been a t t a i n e d i n the development of Both technologies have been elastomers f o r hightemperature applications1 and i n the use of polymer concrete l i n e r s f o r corrosion protection.* successfully transferred to industry. Other outputs from the materials

program being used by the geothermal industry include the characterization

of well cements a f t e r downhole exposure to flowing brine,3 and handbooks

summarizing the performance of materials i n above-ground and downhole geo-

. thermal


Achievement of the program goal requires the e f f e c t i v e management of a wide range of technological and economic problems.

The GHTD/BNL ap-

proach is t o optimize the b e n e f i t s of materials-re1ated R and D through the resolution of selected problems. The program s t r a t e g y concentrates on developing an optimum balance between 1) problems whose s o l u t i o n s have a

s h o r t t o moderate term impact on the operation of prototype p l a n t s , and 2) long-term R and D designed to have s i g n i f i c a n t impacts on i n d u s t r i a l viab i l i ty and productivity through improvements i n materials performance and costs. The program s t r a t e g y i s to conduct projects t h a t ' l ) i d e n t i f y

materials-related needs cons t r a i n i n g commercialization, 2 ) evaluate the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of e x i s t i n g .materials and technology to geothermal problems,

3) develop s p e c i f i c and generic s o l u t i o n s t o materials problems t h a t have


major impacts oa geothermal energy c o s t s and productivity, and 4) provide appropriate and adequate incentives and mechanisms f o r the stimulation of
i a d u s try-sponsored

geothermal m a t e r i a l s R, D and D . RESULTS


High Temperature Elastomers For Dynamic Sealing Applications This p r o j e c t performs applied research t o optimize a Y-267 EPDM elas-

tomer formulation, developed earlier by GHTD f o r s t a t i c s e a l applications, f o r use i n dynamic seal applications a t temperatures up to 26OOC. opment could s u b s t a n t i a l l y reduce d r i l l i n g and completion costs. ElastoThe mers f o r these conditions do not c u r r e n t l y e x i s t , and a successful devele f f e c t s of compositional changes on the p r o p e r t i e s of the elastomer are being determined, and the formula t i o n optimized t o y i e l d the s p e c i f i c s e a l i n g requirements. Prototype and f u l l - s c a l e t e s t i n g w i l l be performed. 'Based upon the r e s u l t s from the generic research, a s p e c i f i c sealing app l i c a t i o n w i l l be targeted f o r coatinued R and D. The Y-267 EPDM elastomer compound was o r i g i n a l l y developed f o r geothermal casing packer applica t i o h s .The primary requirements were t o develop a thermochemically stable compound with e x c e l l e n t extrusion resistance.

Consequently, the Y-267 EPDM compound contains no s p e c i a l considera t i o n f o r dynamic s e a l applications. However, i t is highly abrasion r e s i s t a n t ,
a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c t h a t comes along with i t s e x c e l l e n t e x t r u s i o a r e s i s t a n c e

which is p a r t i a l l y provided by a small particle s i z e black. The c u r r e n t p r o j e c t i s to modify the Y-267 E W M compound f o r b e t t e r

dynamic s e a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s while maintaining its excellent thermochemic a l resistance. The e f f o r t is centered around improving the l u b r i c i t y and The e f f o r t evaluates developmental Once the i n i t i a l development is the l u b r i c a b i l i t y of the compound.

compounds i n a s i m p l e r o t a t i n g (300 rpm) s h a f t environment a t 204OC with d i f f e r e n t i a l pressures up to 250 p s i .


complete, the development w i l l move i n t o a phase devoted t o a s p e c i f i c application, e,g., Moineau motor s t a t o r , The precise application w i l l be selected based on the r e s u l t s of the i n i t i a l development. The i n i t i a l development is scheduled f o r completion towards the end of calendar year

Advanced Materials f o r Lost Circulation Control

This p r o j e c t is i n v e s t i g a t i n g hydrothermally s t a b l e and pumpable chemical systems f o r u s e as l o s t c i r c u l a t i o n control materials (LCM) a t temperatures up to 3OO0C, Lost c i r c u l a t i o n problems d i r e c t l y and indir e c t l y represent 20 t o 307. of geothermal w e l l costs, and. high temperature materials t h a t w i l l y i e l d permanent r e p a i r s that can be made without removal of the d r i l l s t r i n g i n order t o s e t casing and cement, do not e x i s t . The inves t i g a t i o n s include laboratory s t u d i e s of i n t e r a c t i o n s between bentonite-based d r i l l i n g muds, r e a c t i v e s o l i d additives, and chemical f l u i d s , The pumpability c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the s l u r r i e s and the properties of the

cured materials a r e a l s o determined.

A interim r e p o r t describing r e s u l t s through March 1985 has been pubn l i s h e d O 6 A formulation which appears to have high p o t e n t i a l as a new cementi tious 10st c i r c u l a t i o n control material i s composed of bentoni te , ammonium polyphosphate (AmPP)

, borax,

magnesium oxide, and water.


appropriate combination of these ingredients r e s u l t s i n the formation of s l u r r i e s with v i s c o s i t i e s and thickening times adequate to allow placement. After curing a t elevated hydrothermal tempera tures, the cement proThe duced was characterized by a compressive s t r e n g t h >SO0 p s i a t 2 hr age, a permeability to water C2.0 x lom4 Darcy, and a l i n e a r expansion >15X. found to be an assemblage of interlocking c r y s t a l s composed of a grown thin-plate c r y s t a l .

r e a c t i o n compound responsible f o r the s t r e n g t h development a t 3OOOC was

It was inferred t h a t t h i s microcrystallfne cluster i s


associated with montmorillonite and AmPP-based complex formations.

s i s tome ter t e s t s performed a t Sandia confirmed the pumpabili ty of the materials a t high temperature and pressure
Another promising high temperature LCM was recently identified.7 I n t h i s work, i t was found t h a t the addition of a cement, borax and g l a s s f i b e r mixture to bentonite s l u r r i e s produces a LGi t h a t is pumpable a t

high tempertures as a r e s u l t of the r e t a r d a t i o n r e s u l t i n g from the hyd r o l y s i s of the borax.

A series of s l o t tests were completed i n July.


series of larger-scale tests i n the Sandia Natioaal Laboratory Lost Circul a t i o n T e s t F a c i l i t y are scheduled f o r FY 1986.


Corrosion R e s i s t a n t Elastomeric Liners for Well Casing

The geothermal f l u i d s i n the Imperial Valley a r e characterized by brines with high levels of corrosive substances. ing.

T h i s drives the opera-

tors t o using super a l l o y s f o r routine components such as tubing and pipThis can be extremely expensive, suggesting the use of the process industry p r a c t i c e of l i n i n g pipe to p r o t e c t i t from corrosion, a perfect a p p l i c a t i o n f o r Y-267 EPDM.
DOE/BNL formed a c o s t sharing p r o j e c t with a geothermal operator to

adapt the Y-267 EPDM f o r t h i s application. t i o n to t e s t the f e a s i b i l i t y of the concept.

Processing and adhesion to Currently, no known system

s t e e l pipe a r e the primary technologies to be developed to be i n a posit o bond the Y-267 EPDM to s t e e l e x i s t s which can withstand the 288OC postcure and the usually high temperatures associated with Y-267 EPDM applications.

I n addition, the uncured Y-267 EPDM is s t i f f and has no tack,

The objective

making i t d i f f i c u l t to l a y up and mold onto the I D of pipe.

of t h i s r e l a t i v e l y small e f f o r t i s to develop two (36 in.) lined prototype

casing s e c t i o n s which can be f i e l d t e s t e d with a c t u a l brine flowing through them. The development of the prototypes i s scheduled f o r complet i o n i n early 1986.

4 .

Geothermal Waste U t i l i z a t i o n and Disposal

Before the large-scale development of geothermal energy can occur, e n v i r o m e a t a l l y and economically acceptable methods f o r t h e disposal of l a r g e q u a n t i t i e s of waste m u s t be developed. l a r g e , low-grade domestic mineral. resource.

These wastes represent a I f economic methods f o r re-

covery are developed, the wastes-could provide an important source of s t r a t e g i c a l l y important metals a s w e l l as revenues comparable to those

from e l e c t r i c power generatiqn. The i n i t i a l phase of the DOE/BNL program c o n s i s t s of an assessment i n which' data pertaining to the following questions a r e being compiled.


What a r e the applicable environmental regulations a t the s t a t e l e v e l f o r the s t a t e s of i n t e r e s t?


What a r e the applicable federal environmental regulations pertaining to geotherfnal resources and t o what e x t e n t w i l l they be involved?

A r e any of the e x i s i t i n g regulations expected to change? what a r e the timeframes f o r resolving these issues?

I f so,

Evaluate the regulations f o r def i n i t i o n s of waste c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s and f o r standard/proposed t e s t s required. required tests formulated and why?

How are some of these

Uhat a r e the uear/far term requirements f o r the disposal of these waste?

What is the c u r r e n t state-of-the-art

disposal p r a c t i c e s f o r these


Can the operators of the geothermal projects meet the current regulation requirements and waste disposal standards? disposal p r a c t i c e s adequate? to develop a d d i t i o n a l or a1t e r m t i v e disposal methods? Are current
W i l l these companies need more time

What a r e the types of wastes generated from geothermal processes?

Two experimental approaches which a r e compLementary a r e being used i n attempts to develop methods which w i l l economically meet the disposal regulations i d e n t i f i e d above. The f i r s t i s the use of biochemical techniques to concentrate and remove toxic metals from wastes, and the second is to develop processes f o r converting toxic cons ti tuents from the wastes i n t o nonleachableforms which can be used as a construction material o r disposed of i n conventional l a n d f i l l sites. The i n i t i a l r e s u l t s from the BNL s t u d i e s on the biochemical treatment of wastes have rqcently been published.8 These s t u d i e s have demons t r a t e d t h a t c e r t a i n microorganisms can grow i n the presence of high concentra-

tions of toxic metals i n geothermal sludge and are able to bioaccumulate


heavy metals

The bioaccumulation is selective- and several microorganisms The r e s u l t s have shown t h a t under

have been t e s t e d f o r selective adsorption of uranium, thorium, cobalt, chromium, manganese, t i u , and platinum.

the experimental conditions used,

uranium, while P. aeruginosa PAO-1 and



aeruginoss SCU has a preference f o r


fluorescens e x h i b i t a preference

f o r thorium, and Aspergillus nfger is s e l e c t i v e f o r chromium and thori-

um.8 Currently the P, aeruginosa i s being used as a model system t o

study mechanisms by which the toxic metal r e s i s t a n c e s are manifested a t the molecular level. mechanisms. Concurrent s t u d i e s address the bioaccumulation While the m e t a l res i s tance is specif ic and plasmid mediated ,

the surface s e l e c t i v i t y may be r e l a t e d to r e s i s t a n c e , or may be due only to the chemical s t r u c t u r e of the c e l l wall and c e l l membrane components. The r e s u l t s support the view t h a t i n the metal-microorganism i n t e r a c t i o n s , several mechanisms may be operative , which involve special ized m e tabori t e s , such as exo-cellular chelators, s p e c i f i c c e l l surface sites, and transport agents

With regard to the conversion of toxic wastes i n t o nonleachable forms, several inorganic and organic encapsulants have been tested. phosphate cement, and portland cement. Mater i a l s used include methylmethacrylate, polyester, s u l f u r , magnesium polyOther variables included water Preliminary r e s u l t s conteat, particle s i z e , and method of encapsulation. i n the S t a t e of California regulations. and to estimate costs is in progress.

indicated t h a t several systems had leach r a t e s welL below those specified Work to optimize the processes

Materials f o r Nonmetal 1 i c Heat Exchangers

This p r o j e c t is iuves t i g a t i n g thermally conductive polymer-based comp o s i t e s f o r use as corrosion r e s i s t a n t materials of construction f o r s h e l l and tube heat exchangers i n binary geothermal processes, Corrosion of Compared t o the brine s i d e of tubing i n s h e l l and tube heat exchangers has been a m*j o t problem i n the operation of binary geothermal processes.

the cost of high alloy s t e e l s , a considerable economic b e n e f i t could re-

s u l t from the u t i l i z a t i o n of a proven corrosion r e s i s t a n t polymer concrete


material i f s u f f i c i e n t heat t r a n s f e r p r o p e r t i e s can be derived.

The work

c o n s i s t s of determinations of the e f f e c t s of compositional and processing v a r i a b l e s on the thermal properties of the composite, and measurements of

the physical and mechanical properties a f t e r exposure t o hot brine and isobutane.


To date, the maximum thermal conductivity obtained is 3.5 BTU/hr-ftcompared to a value of 11.2 BTU/hr-ft-oF f o r the AL 29-4C f e r r i t i c

s t a i n l e s s s t e e l used i n the tubes of the Heber heat exchangers. a l l other design f a c t o r s equal

, direct

subs t i t u t i o a of the polymer compos-

i t e s f o r the metal tubes w i l l reduce the r a t i n g of the exchaugers by -12%.

However, a n t i c i p a t e d r e d u c t i o a s i n the fouling r e s i s t a n c e of the polymer composite tubing may compensate f o r the thermal cauductivi t y differences.

For the Heber binary plant, i t has been reported t h a t the heat exchangers and condensers represent -30% of the t o t a l investment i n plant equipme~t.~ Therefore, since the c o s t of the polymer composite tubing

i s estimated to be i n the same range as t h a t f o r carbon s tee1 , substitut i o n f o r the AL 29-46 could s i g n i f i c a n t l y reduce the c o s t of future binary plants


Corrosion i n Binary Geothermal Systems

This program y i e l d s corrosion data from laboratory and p l a n t t e s t s f o r metals presently used i n binary plants and other rdore p o t e n t i a l l y res i s t i v e metals and nonmetals.

In operating binary processes, brine leak-

age i n t o the organic working f l u i d s i d e of the plants has r e s u l t e d in unanticipated corrosion problems. Data are not a v a i l a b k on the e f f e c t s of s a l t , oxygen, and water i m p u r i t i e s i n isobutane and/or isopentane on the corrosion rates of metals.

The work involves the exposure of t e s t coupons

i n operating p l a n t s and i n a laboratory test loop in which the l e v e l s of water, oxygen and s a l t can be varied. When completed, t h e program w i l l y i e l d q u a n t i t a t i v e information regarding the e x t e n t of corrosion t h a t w i l l occur upon contamination of the binary side of a plant, thereby allowing designers materials options.




The DOE Geothermal Materials Program i s addressing problems whose


s o l u t i o n s have a s h o r t to moderate term impact on the operation of prototype p l a n t s as well as conducting long-term R and D designed to have sign i f i c a n t impacts on i n d u s t r i a l v i a b i l i t y and productivity i n materials performance. maintained. Active technology t r a n s f e r linkages a r e established and To date, the program has resulted i n the development of the Cura

b e s t known high temperature elastomer f o r geothermal service, and several o t h e r outputs from the program a r e being used o r tested by industry. r e n t R an D e f f o r t s on dynamic s e a l s , l o s t c i r c u l a t i o n control materials, and lightweight w e l l cements may be used by industry i n the near future.
0 t h e r e f f o r t s on e l a s tomer-lined w e l l casing, encapsulation o r biochemical

concentration and separation of wastes, and nonmetallic heat exchanger tubing w i l l require considerably longer development times.

Hirasuma, A.R., e t al., Geothermal Elastomeric Materials Technology Application (GEM-TA) Program, DOE/SF/11537-1 (D385003232) , August 1984


Kaeding, A.O., Design and Fabrication of Polymer Concrete-Lined Pipe f o r Testing i n Geothermal Energy Processes, Final Report, BNL 33019, J u l y 1981. American Petroleum I n s ti t u t e Work Group Reports Field Tests of Geothermal Cements, Technology, O i l and Gas Journal, 93, February 11, 1985. E l l i s , P.F., e t al., Materials S e l e c t i o n Guidelines f o r Geothermal Energy U t i l i z a t i o n Sys terns, DOE/RA/27026-1, January 1981.
E l l i s , P.F., e t al., Corrosion Reference f o r Geothermal Downhole Materials Selection, DOE/SF/11503-1 (DE 83010306), March 1983.




Sugama, T., e t al., Bentonite-Based Ammonium Polyphosphate Cementitious Lost C i r c u l a t i o n Control Materials, BNL 36340, March 1985, J , Mat. sci. ( i n press).




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