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Vital signs are indicators that reflect the physiological status of vital organs (brain, heart, lungs). Immediately express the functional changes that occur in the body, changes that might not otherwise be qualified or quantified. Normal vital signs change with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance and disease. They are called vital signs or reactions to signals presented by a human being alive that reveal the basic functions of the body There are four most important vital sign in humans and these:


This is the procedure that is performed to measure the heat of the human body in the oral cavity, rectal, underarm or groin. The amount of heat from a body. This results from the balance between heat produced and eliminated by the body. Heat is produced when cells use food to produce energy. Is lost through the skin, breath, urine and feces. Body temperature is rather stable, being more Baaj in the morning and highest in the afternoon and evening. Among the factors that underline the edd change, climate, exercise, emotions, etc.


Wash hands toilet Explain to the patient that is going to provide.

Body temperature can be measured in:


1. Place the thermometer in the correct position. 2. Verify that the patient rests his arm on the chest when the shot was taken when the temperature is.

3. Remove the thermometer. 4. Make your reading. 5. Place the thermometer in the kidney.


Place the patient on her side with legs bent. Put gloves procedures Lubricate the thermometer. Insert gently into the mercury storage area. Keep in place for two minutes. Remove the thermometer. Clean the tip with gauze. Make your reading. Place the thermometer in the kidney Remove gloves and eliminate procedural


AGE RANGE Newborn Infant Children 2 to 8 years Adult

Degree Celsius ( C) 36,1 37,7 37,2 37,0 36,0 37,0

TEMPERATURE CHANGES Pyrexia or hyperthermia: temperature above the upper limit of normal. There is increased heart rate, chills, pale skin, cold and cyanotic nail beds, vasoconstriction.

Hypothermia: body temperature below the lower limit of normal. There may be drowsiness and even coma, which favors the inadequate production of heat and hypotension, decreased urine output, confusion, feeling cold and pale, cool skin.

Body temperature is measured with the thermometer as follows:

1. Lower mercury column shaking it repeatedly

2. Note that the column falls below 34 C 3. Dry axilla 4. Leave the thermometer in sufficient time (five minutes)

PULSE It's a wave of blood created by the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The pulse is the beating of an artery to sit on a ledge marrow. When contracted the left ventricle the blood passes through the arteries throughout the body. This wave is the pulse of blood. The temporal pulse, carotid, brachial, radial femoral, are bilateral, can be used as the radial pulse is located more easily and can be measured without exposing No bother the person's pulse is palpable at the apex of the heart, and is valued with a stethoscope The pulse determines the frequency and heartbeat.The strength and frequency of the pulse are determined by the presence of calcium ions sodium and potassium in the blood The beats are perceived to touch the moment the blood is driven symbolically through the blood vessels of heart contractions

The expansion of the artery contraction cause the blood to move in waves on their way to the capillaries. The ascending branch of the wave pulse corresponds to the systolic or phase of the deliberations of the heart. The descending branch is part of the diastolic or resting phase of heart Under normal conditions corzon pumped about four liters of blood every minute

Ensure that the patient's arm rest in a comfortable position Place the tips of the index and middle fingers on the artery ring chosen Fingers pressing hard enough to easily perceive the pulse Perceive beats, and count for one minute Record the pulse in the leaves and especially noted the features found

Where could it take? In all the places you spend the arteries: Dolls: radial or ulnar artery Neck: Carotid artery Pie:. Pedis artery

Respiration is the act of introducing air into the lungs. each breath consists of an inspiration and expiration. The normal respirations are quiet and regular and are made without effort, both sides of chest rise and fall as well. An adult breathes year 12-20 times per minute, but the respiratory rate is affected by many factors changing l body temperature and pulse heart and respiratory diseases tend to increase the respiratory rate


Place the patient in supine position, if possible, breathing should be told without that it is PECAT Take the patient's arm and place it on the chest, put a finger on the wrist of his hand as if he were taking the pulse Observe breathing movements and examine the chest or abdomen when lifting and depressed Count breaths for one minute and make the endorsement on the record sheet



40-60 x minutes 30-35 x minutes 25 x minutes 16-20 x minute less than 16 breaths per minute


BLOOD PRESSURE Is the force with which the heart ejects blood into the arteries. Blood pressure is the product of cardiac output (volume of blood pumped by the heart to the body in a minute) by peripheral arteriolar resistance, the latter determined by the tone and state of the arterioles. As the muscle tone in these small arteries increases, raises blood pressure as a result of increased peripheral resistance.

What materials need to be controlled? Apart from the assistance of friend, father, mother or grandparent A sphygmomanometer, a stethoscope, your ears and patience.

PROCEDURE The first few times you should first locate the brachial artery pulse, do not despair that is easy, makes getting your partner and stretch an arm on the table, tell him to place the palm of your hand up, you sit down in front on. Measuring up to the elbow draw a line (imaginary) along the arm, this will serve to separate the arm in two, you're going to work with the inside, internally is left to the body (from your partner ) or if you are sitting in front of him, the party is on your left if your left arm or right partner if his right arm. Now you put two fingers crossed above the fold (always on the inside) is this time is located in the region through which the brachial artery, here is where you have to find and pulse. Once located you ask permission from your partner and you make a small little cross with a pen. Now I put the cuff on the blood pressure between the shoulder and elbow as high as possible, the tiny cross must be between the two little hose, then you put the stethoscope he ears and the bell on the little cross, you have to tighten not only hold strong . With the hand that tea is free (for those holding the other hood) takes the proficient and begins to inject up to 180 or so, then loosens the proficient tuerquita very slowly. When you start to feel the first noises that is the maximum pressure, and the disappearance of the latter is the minimum pressure.

The requirements to take the right blood pressure (BP) are:

Rest of 3-5 minutes, lying Tight sleeve to cover two thirds of the arm Take it in both arms In dorsal ulna (lying), sitting and orthostatic In a palpation (with pulse) and auscultation (with a stethoscope)


Systolic <130 130-139

Diastolic <85 85-89

INTRODUCTION They are called vital signs or reactions to signals presented by a human being alive that reveal the basic functions of the body. When providing first aid is important to assess the functioning of the body and alterations that are common in accidents for this it is necessary to control the breathing and pulse. The determination of temperature and blood pressure is done at the institutional level, because they almost never possess the equipment for the measurement of vital signs. (I usually do not walk all the time carrying the necessary equipment).

CONCLUSION Vital Signs is a valuable tool as they are indicators of the patient estadofuncional. The taking of vital signs should not become an independent business or routine should be, its proper interpretation and timely assistance to both health professionals and those who provide first aid to decision driving skills. The determination of vital signs is of particular importance in emergency services, where patients arrive with a variety of clinical pictures, some in critical condition.

Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio para el poder popular para la educacin Instituto Universitario de Tecnologa Juan Pablo Prez Alfonzo

Bachilleres: Abad, Francis C.I.: 19.716.115 Ruiz, Milagros C.I.: 20.342.272 Labarca, Yileidys C.I.: 18.847.200

Junio de 2010

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