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ASI Client

Associates Solutions, Inc.
Insiue this issue
Cover SLory ........................... ...1
Convergence 8ecap.... 2
1ralnlng/LvenLs Schedule.......3
roducL SpoLllghL ..................... ....4
SCL Server 2011 revlew ......... ...3
WhaL's new aL Mlcroso.....3
C8M 1lps & 1rlcks. ................... ...6

volume , Issue
Welcome to Spring!


Associates Solutions, Inc. Associates Solutions, Inc.
Strenqtb Irom Fxperience Strenqtb Irom Fxperience
ASI's L|ghth Annua| Customer Apprec|anon Lvent |s Com|ng

1hursday May 17Lh from 1130 unul 200 ASl wlll be hosung our elghLh
annual CusLomer Appreclauon LvenL. 1hls years evenL wlll once agaln
be a chance for us Lo say Lhanks Lo you our cusLomers wlLh fun, food,
and drlnk. 1hls year we are changlng our formaL and our emphasls wlll
be on focus groups. Cur consulLanLs wlll be openlng up Lhelr desks and
wlll be welcomlng you ln Lo Lake a look aL speclc soware funcuonallLy.
We wlll also be oerlng addluonal breakouL sesslons bullL around Lhe
Lheme of 30 ups ln 30 mlnuLes. Look for lnvlLauons and agendas ln laLe
Aprll and please plan Lo auend!

1o reglsLer call Lhe Sales 1eam aL 913-384-9677. See you Lhere!
ASI is excited to wel-
come Josh Coburn to
the team. Josh will be
working with the sales
and marketing team to
revamp ASIs website
and social media pres-
ence, Josh is a 2011
graduate of Northwest
Missouri State and
holds a degree in Mar-
keting and Advertising.
Look for lots of exciting
changes coming to our
website, Facebook,
Twitter and Linkedin
profiles in the weeks
and months ahead.
Welcome aboard Josh!

Mlcroso's annual user conference, Convergence was
held ln PousLon, 1x March 18Lh21sL and as usual was a
huge success. ASl's !oy Mc8ae and Charley ogue Look ln
Lhe evenL along wlLh many cusLomers and poLenual cus-
Lomers. 1here were several dlerenL learnlng Lracks LhaL
were oered along wlLh keynoLes by Ceneral Colln owell
and klrlll 1aLarlnov along wlLh oLher Mlcroso execuuves.
Cver 100 lSv parLners were able Lo showcase Lhelr add-
ons aL Lhe lSv expo. PlghllghLs of Lhe conference lncluded
Lhousands of cusLomers, parLners, and prospecLs en[oylng
Lhemselves aL Lhe Audubon Aquarlum of Lhe Amerlcas for
Lhe Convergence Welcome 8ecepuon.
1hls year's oslLe volunLeerlsm opporLunlLy was on
Sunday, March 18 and was performed ln con[uncuon
wlLh PablLaL for PumanlLy Lo beneL lnner clLy chlldren
and famllles ln Lhe lndependence PelghLs nelghbor-
hood. 1hls area ls [usL 13 mlnuLes from Lhe Ceorge 8.
8rown Convenuon CenLer and ls a hlsLorlcal dlsLrlcL
belng broughL back Lo llfe. 1here are as many as 4,000
school aged chlldren who reslde ln lndependence
PelghLs, and helplng Lo rebulld Lhe nelghborhood wlll
help Lo [umpsLarL Lhe communlLy and creaLe a more
supporuve envlronmenL for Lhese chlldren.
An n8A game beLween Lhe PousLon 8ockeLs and Lhe
Los Angeles Lakers was Lhe slLe for our cusLomer recep-
uon on March 20Lh. As Lhe plcLures show we had a
greaL LurnouL and wanL Lo send a speclal Lhanks Lo our
cusLomers and Lhelr famllles who made Lhe nlghL a spe-
clal one. We are already looklng forward Lo maklng
plans for Convergence 2013 ln new Crleans, LA. We
hope Lo see you and your assoclaLes Lhere!
Conveigence In Review
ASI Updates
Pere are ve key Lakeaways from Lhls years Mlcroso Convergence
1. Cloud: Whlle Mlcroso ls a sLaunch champlon for Lhe Lransluon Lo Lhe cloud, many parLners are
deLermlnlng how besL Lo approach Lhls shl wlLh Lhelr cusLomers, lncludlng how Lo balance be-
Lween on-premlse and hosLed soluuons. ulumaLely, cusLomers wlll declde where and how Lhey
wanL Lo go Lo Lhe cloud.
2. Security Is Top of Mind: Many enLerprlse-level Lechnology declslon makers are looklng Lo sLrlke a
balance beLween exlblllLy and usablllLy for Lhe end-user and securlLy and managemenL for Lhe l1
deparLmenL. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, lL ls becomlng lncreaslngly lmporLanL for Mlcroso uynamlcs parL-
ners Lo work wlLh cusLomers Lo lmplemenL a soluuon LhaL provldes boLh usablllLy and securlLy.
3. Tailored Approach to Business: ?ears ago, lL was common for a Lechnology company Lo develop a
Lool Lo meeL an lndusLry need, and upon lmplemenLauon, Lhe cusLomers buslness had Lo be
shaped around Lhe Lool. 8uL Lechnology ls never one-slze-Ls-all. Learnlng Lhe paln polnLs speclc
Lo a cusLomers lndusLry and buslness, and Lhen Laklng a Lhoughuul and sysLemauc approach Lo
lmplemenung Lhe soluuon ln order Lo maxlmlze lLs eecuveness.
4. Intuie and Broadly Interated Soluons: CusLomers are looklng for soluuons LhaL go beyond
addresslng [usL one funcuon. 1hey expecL soware LhaL deploys LhroughouL Lhe organlzauon, lnLo
funcuons llke accounLs recelvable, P8, C8M and more. Addluonally, cusLomers wanL soluuons LhaL
lnLegraLe wlLh muluple L8 soluuons, and parLners have a need for soluuons LhaL replace manual
workow processes and auLomaLe Lhem, as opposed Lo servlng as an elecLronlc llng cablneL.
3. Siple Is Beer for Mul-locaon Kraniaons: Cloud-based soluuons enable de-cenLrallzed or-
ganlzauons Lo sLreamllne and slmpllfy back-omce Lechnology, lncludlng accounung funcuons.

Upcoming Training and Events
Convergence Higbligbts
ASl ls proud Lo announce Lhe followlng 1ralnlng
Class and semlnar schedule. lf you are lnLeresLed
ln auendlng, please conLacL !oy Mc8ae or Chrls
!arvls aL 913-384-9677 Lo geL scheduled.
Apr|| 26th Manag|ng Dynam|cs G 8udgets
Web|nar (Space |s ||m|ted) 1000am-1100am
May 10th Lxce| keport 8u||der Web|nar
(Space |s ||m|ted) 1000am-1100am
May 17th ASI Customer Apprec|anon Lvent
1100am-200pm- AssoclaLes Soluuons omces
May 24th Ikx vs. Management keporter
Web|nar (Space |s ||m|ted) 1000am-1100am
Iune 6th Management keporter 1ra|n|ng
830am-400pm- AssoclaLes Soluuons omces
Iune 14th Iorecaster 1ra|n|ng
830am-400pm- AssoclaLes Soluuons omces
Iune 20th Smart L|st]Lxce| keports 1ra|n|ng
830am-1230pm- AssoclaLes Soluuons omces
WlLh Lechnology consLanLly evolvlng, busl-
nesses wanL Lo work wlLh Lechnology ven-
dors LhaL noL only provlde smarL soluuons,
buL also acL as LrusLed advlsors and
guldes. As soluuon provlders, lL ls our re-
sponslblllLy Lo noL only sLay lnformed of
whaL ls happenlng ln Lhe uynamlcs ecosys-
Lem, buL Lo address Lhese lssues and
Lrends when worklng wlLh cusLomers.

reprlnLed lorms
Product Spotlight
CusLomers now have cholces Lo make when lL
come Lo prepackaged forms and checks for Lhelr
Mlcroso uynamlcs soluuons. WhaL used Lo be a
small nlche markeL ls now a very compeuuve and
dlverse markeLplace. ln Lhe pasL check sLock was
Lyplcally Lhe besL seller, buL now everyLhlng from
lnvolces and SLaLemenLs Lo urchase Crders and
1ax relaLed forms can be found LhaL are hlghly
compauble wlLh Lhe uynamlcs Soluuons.
We would llke Lo hlghllghL a few opuons for you Lo
conslder Lhe nexL ume you are form shopplng.
Cne of Lhe leaders ln forms ls ueluxe. WlLh a full
range of compauble forms, servlce ls Lhe key for
ueluxe. 8y cllcklng on Lhelr webslLe aL you can lLer
by soware producL and verslon number Lo nd
Lhe forms LhaL work ouL of Lhe box wlLh your sys-

1hought for the

Advers|ty causes some men to break, others to break records.
Willia Arthur Ward
ueluxe also oers a full llne of buslness relaLed
sLauonery, envelopes and labels.
AnoLher company we have worked wlLh ls lbbl, lc.
?ou can vlslL Lhelr webslLe aL
1hey noL only oer preprlnLed forms and checks
buL also oer a full llne of MlC8 1oner carLrldges
and MlC8 relaLed supplles.
Wbat's New at Microsoft?
WlLh a pro[ecLed launch daLe of
CcLober 2012, Wlndows 8 ls Lhe
rsL edluon of Wlndows whlch
wlll work on boLh A8M based
LableLs and Lradluonal x86 (as
well as x32 and x64) Cs based
on A8M processors from lnLel
and AMu.
1he Wlndows 1o Co seems Lo
be an exclung feaLure LhaL basl-
cally allows Wlndows 8 Lo booL
from a uS8 devlce (called a Llve
uS8), lncludlng user's programs,
semngs and les. 1he feaLure ls
deslgned Lo work wlLh boLh uS8
2.0 and uS8 3.0, and on boLh
legacy nlCS and uull rmware.
Powever, Mlcroso says LhaL a
user wlll noL be able Lo
PlbernaLe wlLh Lhls feaLure.
Wlndows 1o Co makes lL possl-
ble for employees Lo use a man-
aged devlce wheLher Lhey work
from home, a cllenL omce or ln a
free seaung envlronmenL.
1o compeLe wlLh Apple, Wln-
dows has conrmed Lhe lnLro-
ducuon of a Wlndows SLore,
slmllar Lo Mac App SLore, whlch
allows users Lo browse Lhrough
Wlndows appllcauons, whlle
developers can publlsh Lhelr
MeLro-sLyle apps on Wlndows 8
Microsoft SQL Server
Mlcroso SCL Server 2012 ls a cloud-ready lnformauon plauorm LhaL wlll
help organlzauons unlock breakLhrough lnslghLs across Lhe organlzauon and
qulckly bulld soluuons Lo exLend daLa across on-premlses and publlc cloud,
backed by mlsslon crlucal condence.
M|ss|on Cr|nca| Conhdence
uellver requlred upume and daLa proLecuon, server Lo cloud wlLhouL
wasung ume and money.
Pelp reduce planned and unplanned downume wlLh Lhe new lnLegraLed
hlgh avallablllLy and dlsasLer recovery soluuon, SCL Server AlwaysCn.
Achleve maxlmum appllcauon avallablllLy and daLa proLecuon wlLh op-
uons Lo congure acuve, muluple secondarles and ablllLy Lo qulckly fall-
over and recover appllcauons.
SlgnlcanLly boosL query performance, by up Lo ~10x for sLar [oln and
slmllar querles wlLh Lhe new ColumnSLore lndex.

kap|d data d|scovery
Lmpower end users wlLh new lnslghLs Lhrough rapld daLa explorauon and
ulscover new lnslghLs wlLh ower vlew, a hlghly lnLeracuve, famlllar
browser-based daLa explorauon, vlsuallzauon, and presenLauon experl-
ences for users of all levels.
Lmpower users of all levels Lo access and mash-up daLa from vlrLually
any source, creaLe compelllng reporLs and analyucal appllcauons, and
easlly collaboraLe and share lnslghL uslng famlllar Lools wlLh owerlvoL
for Mlcroso Lxcel 2010 and Mlcroso ShareolnL 2010.
C|oud Cn our 1erms
Scale on demand wlLh exlble and hybrld deploymenL opuons on your Lerms
server Lo cloud.
Caln operauonal exlblllLy wlLh proven Mlcroso cloud oerlngs, prl-
vaLe or publlc, LhaL dellver lnLeroperable deploymenL opuons wlLh SCL
Server 2012.
8reak free and scale beyond Lhe consLralnLs of any one deploymenL en-
vlronmenL by Laklng advanLage Pybrld l1 opporLunlues wlLh a common
archlLecLure LhaL spans Lradluonal servers, appllances and Lhe cloud.
ASI Staff News
CRN Showcase
13228 West 99th Street
Lenexa, KS 66215
Dynam|cs CkM 2011: Group Ca|endars
Avallable for boLh uynamlcs C8M on-premlse and on-llne, CroupCalendar provldes
Lhe posslblllLy Lo dlsplay acuvlues from muluple users or Leams. lL supporLs mulu-
ple vlews wlLh Lhe opuon Lo dene user-speclc semngs Lo make Lhe vlews meeL
your lndlvldual requlremenLs. Croup Calendar from mscrm-add-ons lncludes
uay, Week, MonLh vlew
1hese vlews show up all acuvlues wlLhln Lhe
specled durauon.

1op uown vlew
Acuvlues are separaLed for each user. Laslly
drag & drop Lo reschedule acuvlues.

CAn11 vlew
Lvery vlew can be elLher shown ln Lhe CAn11 or llsL vlew. 1hls ls very helpful lf
you wanL Lo show up acuvlues of many users

Lvery vlew conLalns a prlnL opuon and lL's
posslble Lo choose Lhe acuvlues Lo dlsplay.

CongraLulauons Lo Lhe
followlng ASl employees
who wlll celebraLe annlver-
sarles wlLh us Lhls sprlng!
Sean 8ragdon-6 ?ears
Mlchael WrlghL-3 ?ears
!ason Lelb 3 ?ears

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