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Video S4
Self Introductions

Italian English Vocabulary Grammar Points

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Ciao, sono Consuelo. Piacere di conoscerti. Buongiorno, sono Consuelo Innocenti. Piacere di conoscerla.

Hi, Im Consuelo. Nice to meet you. Good morning, Im Consuelo Innocenti. Nice to meet you.

Italian ciao piacere conoscere buon giorno English hello, hi, bye pleasure to know good morning, good day, good afternoon Class greeting expression noun verb greeting expression

Vocabulary Sample Sentences
Ciao mamma! Ciao, Laura. E' stato un piacere Ho avuto il piacere di incontrare tuo fratello. Conosci qualche cantante italiano? Ieri sera ho conosciuto un attore molto importante. Conosci il mio amico Mario? Buon giorno signore. Buon giorno Signor Martini. Buon giorno, Luca. "Hi, mom!" "Hello, Laura." "It was a pleasure." I had the pleasure of meeting your brother. "Do you know any Italian singers?" "Yesterday evening, I met a very important actor." "Do you know my friend Mario?" "Hello, sir." "Good morning, Mr. Martini." "Good day, Luca."

LC: V_S4L1_010311 - All Rights Reserved

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Grammar Points
The focus of this lesson is on Self Introductions.

In this lesson, you're going to learn how to introduce yourself in Italian.

There are only two sentences to do it but first it is important to clarify that in Italian there is difference between the formal and the informal language.

Italians introduce themselves in an informal situation referring to tu, you.

Ciao, sono Consuelo. Piacere di conoscerti.

Hi, Im Consuelo. Nice to meet you.

Example: Ciao, sono (add the name). And, Piacere di conoscerti.

The same sentence in a formal speech, talking to a person referring to Lei, the Italian courtesy form of "you" changes into:

Buongiorno, sono Consuelo Innocenti. Piacere di conoscerla.

Good morning, Im Consuelo Innocenti. Nice to meet you.

Ciao has been substituted with the formal greeting buongiorno, Italian for good morning. Sono Consuelo has not been changed; sono stands in both cases for I am, however during a formal self introduction we also say our last name. Consuelo Innocenti are respectively the first and the last names. The sentence Piacere di conoscerla has switched conoscerTI into conoscerLA since conoscerla is referred to Lei, the Italian formal courtesy form for you.

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Learn Italian with FREE Podcasts
Example: Buongiorno, sono (add your full name). Piacere di conoscerla.

Language Tip

When introducing yourself, is a good habit to shake hands in Italy and, if you are not sure whether to use piacere di conoscerti or piacere di conoscerla just say simply piacere.

LC: V_S4L1_010311 - All Rights Reserved


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