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Your Natural State

The Awareness Foundation

206-1947 West 7 th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1T2 (604) 734-1427

Supersentience Teaching of One Essence #38o

Just imagine how simple Truth is Just be yourself. Our whole journey is the discovery who this Self truly is! You get a hint when you are fully happy! If you recognize, beyond a doubt, that your natural state is The Natural State then there is nothing else to know. The natural state is pure awareness just like the innocent child before entering the 3rd year. It is being. Although the child doesnt recognize his pure innocent guiltless state, yet it is in its loss that we start searching for it. It is in this re-cognition that we start living permanently from our natural state of being. Ordinarily, prior to our awakening recognition, w believe it is a state e external to ourselves until we realize it is our very being. As yet, do not realize it is all we really want or need, and so as a result of this unawareness, it takes an external expression as a craving for power, for greater economical security, material gain and worldly satisfactions. When we start recognizing that it is happiness, love and inner freedom we truly want, it is then that we embark on the journey towards Being. This journey is fraught with danger and challenges to our conditioned way of life. However, return to the natural being we must. When the ego idea is developed through identification with a separate life then the unnatural self begins its influence over us. Life becomes complicated,

filled with suffering and problems without realizing that it is our habits of thinking and emotional feelings of separation that have brought this about. Separation is the hypnotic belief that we are separate individuals with a separate Life of our own. It is this belief alone that brings so much loneliness, negative emptiness, deprivation, isolation, fear and horror of death. This belief creates an insidious feeling of guilt that nags at us unceasingly like a stone in your shoe you cant remove. It is a feeling as if you have done something wrong without knowing what it is. It is this feeling of separation that makes it impossible for us to love and to feel free. It is this self-protection of our small deprived self that fears rejection, craves control and develops great desires to be somebody special, to be better, to amount to something, and has a strong selfimage. Our world becomes so small and threatening that we live in continual fear without knowing what it actually is. We find ourselves self-centered, often worried, confused, uncertain and the world revolves around us. The best analogy is to compare the limited separate self idea to the nature of a dream. Dreams can become nightmares. Most forms of personal growth or self-improvement amount to efforts at improving the quality of the dream that is the personal self. The process of waking up from our dream is the same process from identification with personal thinking. Personal thinking is separate thinking. It is the belief in the dream as reality. The question often arises, How can I control this separate personal thinking? You cant control it anymore than you can control the dream while dreaming. There is nothing you can do, absolutely nothing. In this nothing to do you can SEE that this personal thinking is just conditioned response from the past and so why control it and give it greater validity? Thoughts are NOT who you are they just happen! Yet if we had the courage to see what-is we will soon discover that separation is not only ludicrous but impossible. Theres only LIFE appearing as all living things. It is like a gold necklace; the beads in that necklace may be different and unique but it is still only gold. Without the gold there is no necklace, period. Similarly with Life, there is only Life known as Being, and appears as living things. All living things, including our bodies are living things because of Life. Life itself just IS and only appears as a living object. All living objects are, therefore, appearances of Life and not the essence of Life. Being is the essence of Life your natural state. Lets make it simple it is the belief in separation (unconsciously, of course) that creates all our drama in daily life. Without the belief in separation there is no egoic control, no selfishness, not even psychological needs for love, approval or the need to be better. In the knowing that your natural state is 2

interconnected, interdependent and interrelated to all-that-is is enough to awaken the guiltless joy of natural being. We do not need to achieve anything, accomplish anything nor even gain any external knowledge (except for necessary survival) in order to live a completely fulfilled happy life. All enlightenment or waking up is merely a return to our natural state. Of course, this return to our natural state proves to us that there has never been an unnatural state except the conditioned belief in it just like you believed the dream while dreaming it. There is no flawed self that needs to be fixed and so sa ve your money from spending it to psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. Your human part is only the surface part of you and it doesnt need any work. Once you see it for what it is there is a return to the natural self. The natural self (who you really are) is love and freedom. It is the security and safety you have been seeking. And, what is most glorious is that once we surrender the human part to the Being then we are whole beings and become lived by Life. We become synchronized with all thatis and financial, economic, psychological or emotional problems resolve themselves through a process that is LOVE itself. When I experienced the shift in the hospital I knew that there is only Presence and it is a Presence that is founded on love, caring and freedom. Once this basic reality of the natural Self is finally seen to be who we are, either through a sudden shock of waking up or a more common process of seeing the unnatural self and its contradictions, the awakening has begun. We are now crossing the bridge to where there is no turning back.

Here are the descriptions of the natural state known as the awakened being. It is pure consciousness unobstructed by deluded thought. It is the True Self. It is not a thought, idea, belief, feeling, emotion or body-sensation. These are functions from the natural Self of Being but are not direct Being. The natural state is not defined by space or time. The natural state sees itself one-with-all. Although it sees different bodies but yet knows, beyond any doubt, that it is all One Life, One Being, One Love. It does not see separation. The natural state knows, beyond any doubt, that now is all time. It has therefore understood what is beyond present time is the changeless NOW. Time

The Natural State

is a function of psychological thought. It knows that consciousness abides as the eternal NOW. The natural state is not created or attained it just IS. We cannot experience the natural state because it is the natural state that experiences. Oneness means the realization there has never been a separate person; just like the wave realizing there has never been a separate wave but the ocean movement itself. The seeker is the sought and thats when all seeking stops. Since the natural state cannot be attained because it never had a beginning or end, then it can only be seen when we are willing to see the appearance and illusion of the unnatural state. Seeing what-is: The natural Self sees clearly what-is. This seeing can be harnessed by the persistence of self-inquiry asking who am I? without looking for an answer but accepting our not -knowing. The I am Presence is our natural State. When we persist with observing the root of I am thought, we gradually (or suddenly) become aware of the deeper vastness that is our true natural Self. It is this vastness that the unnatural self (ego) fears the most and thats why most people suffer deep emptiness and loneliness and contract to their familiar conditioned state. Through inquiry (exploration) of wh o we really are in this NOW we will discover both an impersonal state of allness plus the most intimate, caring, warm and loving state beyond our imagining. It is in this instance that we fall in love with the radiant, beloved, pure and untouched beauty of our natural Self.

The highest and noblest act of the human being is the willingness to see things as they actually are. In other words, to see what-is as it actually IS! This is a great challenge initially because the egoic conditioned mind is filled withHow things should be However, with sincere questions we create a space in our heart to receive the answer of IS. Life is intelligent and everything IS as it must be because it is the way we NEED it at the moment. When we s tart seeing what-is as it actually IS then clear seeing awakens. Clear seeing and the awakened life are one and the same thing. I have a deep respect for people who ask sincere questions and the following are the most recent. In your comment that "all the change of the body, personality that has occurred is simply the change of time, but the Being is timeless"

Questions & answers

Are you saying that the changes in my body, personality is brought about in time, that this is actually happening or is it the illusion/interpretation of time that makes it seem that we are changing? Change is the action of vibrational energy and seems to appear on the human level. It is like the sun hitting through the window glass-pane casting a prism of colors. The colors are real to o sense of sight but in reality its only ur light. Similarly, with time and biological changes, it is just change. It looks and feels real but in reality it is just a movement on the vibrational field of perception. The only difference in clear seeing is that we know, beyond a doubt, what is deeper and more lasting. When something is not real, it doesn't mean it is not in our daily perception. It simply means that it is not lasting. It is a matter of heightened viewpoint. When we see with eyes of change and limited perspective than everything is real. When we see with the eyes of reality and timeless eternal, than everything else that comes and goes appears for a 'time' and vanishes and we call that unreal. It is like clouds in the sky -- they are real to our sight at the moment we see them, however, compared to the never-changing sky they are flimsy, changeable and only appear real in the moment we see them. The comment you made in your script How to know Being you wrote "If the identity ever changed, it could never observe change. Only that which is permanent and stable and lasting can see change, can know it. This is BEING ! Could you elaborate on this. Change is the motion of energy. Although energy is invisible yet it appears as matter when it slows down into particles and finally molecular structure known as matter. The point here is that everything that appears real and solid has as its basis the invisible source of pure being energy. Matter is real to our senses but as we look at what-is (deeper than the surface) find that it is just pure energy. All matter (which has to change since its moving energy) emerges from the unchanging energy. This source of energy is consciousness. Consciousness creates thoughts out of itself just like when we say, "you are being conscious-of this..." (although such thoughts are usually unconscious emerging from the past experiences embedded in the environment or cellular body as memory.) Whatever you are conscious-of (thought) is real to you unless you see it as just a thought. Now, this thought changes continuously but in order to know there are thoughts requires the awareness of them. This awareness is unchanging because it doesn't come and go like a thought. And, because awareness is NOT a thought that comes and goes, it is possible to see the thought. Change cannot see change, only duality can make it possible to 5

experience. If there was no unchanging reality then change could not be possible and creation would be an impossibility. Do you see this clearly? Consciousness appears as the world of form (change) and it has to change because it is vibrational (continual motion) in order to appear real. All energy when it moves through subtle invisible waves has the intelligence to densify when it slows down in its motion. This densification of energy, although invisible to the naked eye, appears solid. If energy did not move there would be no creation and no possibility of consciousness recognizing itself. Consciousness appears as the world of form but it itself cannot change. It is duality of opposites that makes creation possible. It is, therefore, through the human that we realize our pure being. I have read about Lester Levensons awakening and he said that we can have whatever we desire and control our life. Yet you say that we have no control and should not desire. Can you clarify? The reason for much of the confusion is based on the view we have of ourselves. If you see yourself as your personal self-image (ego) then its important to realize you are helpless to control anything, and any desires you have will probably backfire because of the attachments that the ego places on practically every desire. For example, if you have a desire to remain younglooking you will have a fear of growing old. Egoic desires create fears automatically. However, if you view yourself as the Natural Self then all you desire will come to you naturally and you will have control. To live from this knowing of your natural Self is the awakened Life of abundance, peace and inner joy. The key point to understand is who is this you we are talking about? Since Being is everything, how can I know this directly? We can experience the human part of us but we cant experience the Being since it is the Being that experiences. However, when this profound drive to know Being awakens in you that is a great sign. Ask yourself the following questions without reaching for an answer until the knowing starts happening on its own. What is the nature of the one who is experiencing the universe from the locality of the physical body? Who is thinking your thoughts? Who is feeling your feelings? Who is making your decisions? Who is the one who is relating to the people and the world? 6

Who is it who suffers, laughs, struggles, enjoys, loves, fears, angers, creates? Who is it that longs for the Truth of the Heart? What is the heart? You will find that two things can happen when you hear these questions either you are intrigued by them and actually explore them. Or more commonly, just read them and dont bother to explore them. It is this second one that creates such a long process in our awakening. I get scared of losing my individuality? What happens to the conditioned mind and our lifestyle when we live from the egoless state? As space does not permit to answer the above questions or extra ones recently received, I will leave them to your own exploration. If you get stuck then forward the questions to With love and service, Burt P.S. You may have heard the following question before and may even have attempted to answer it this time take a deep breath, be inwardly quiet and then as honestly as you can answer this question, What is it that I really want? It is true that what you want applies to everyone else also, but you may be surprised to find it is not what you thought it was. Email me.

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