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Compile and Run

Ctrl + F9 Ctrl + Shift + F9 Compile modified Compile file or package Run Debug

F5 F6 Alt + Delete Shift + F6 Ctrl + F6 Ctrl + Alt + N Ctrl + Alt + M Ctrl + Alt + V Copy Move Safe Delete Rename Change method signature Inline Extract method Extract variable Introduce field Introduce constant Introduce parameter

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Shift + F10 Shift + F9

F8 F7 Shift + F8 Alt + F9 Alt + F8 Ctrl + F2 Ctrl + F8 Ctrl + Shift + F8 Step over Step into Step out Run to cursor Evaluate expression Stop program Toggle breakpoint Show all breakpoints

Ctrl + Alt + F Ctrl + Alt + C Ctrl + Alt + P

Ctrl + Space Basic code completion
(the name of any class, method or variable)

Live Templates
Ctrl + J
St psf psfi psfs

Ctrl + Shift + Space Smart code completion

(filters the list of methods and variables)

Insert live template

String public static final public static final int public static final String

Ctrl + Alt + Space Class name completion

(the name of a class in the project or libraries)

Ctrl + N Ctrl + Shift + N Ctrl + E Ctrl + G Ctrl + Alt + Left Ctrl + Alt + Right Ctrl + B Ctrl + Alt + B Ctrl + Shift + B Ctrl + U Alt + Up Alt + Down F2 / Shift + F2 F4 Alt + F7 Ctrl + F F3 Shift + F3 Ctrl + R Alt + F3 Ctrl + Shift + F Ctrl + Shift + R F11 Shift + F11 Navigate to a class Navigate to a file Recent files pop-up Goto line Navigate one item back Navigate one item forward Goto declaration Goto implementation Goto type declaration Goto super method Goto previous method Goto next method Move between error statements Edit source Find usages Find Find next Find previous Replace text Incremental search Find in path Replace in path Toggle bookmark Show all bookmarks

Ctrl + W Ctrl + / Ctrl + Shift + / Ctrl + P Ctrl + O Ctrl + I Alt + Enter Alt + Insert Ctrl + Alt + T

Select successively increasing code blocks Comment with line comment Comment with block comment Parameter Info (within method call arguments) Override method Implement method Show the intention action Generate code ( accessors, constructors, hash/equals, ejb,) Surround with
* for statements (while, try catch, Runnable,) * for expressions (cast, instanceof,)

itar itco itit iterator) itve iten sout serr soutm soutv < lst mn mx toar psvm inst

Iterates elements of array Iterates elements of Collection Iterates elements of Collection (existing Iterates elements of Vector Iterates elements of Enumeration
System.out.println(); System.err.println(); System.out.println(curMethod()); System.out.println(var= + var); <anyTag></anyTag>

fetch the last element of an array return the lesser one of two values return the greater one of two values store elements of Collection into array
public static void main if (myObject instance of ClassName){

Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Shift Shift + Tab Ctrl + Alt + O Ctrl + Alt + I Ctrl + Alt + L

Undo Redo Shift the selected lines to the right Shift the selected lines to the left Optimize imports Auto indent lines Reformat code

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