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In the year 325 A.D.

Constantine I also known as Constantine the Great directed over 1000 catholic bishops to attend The First Council of Nicaea in present day Turkey. At this meeting the bishops were told to resolve disagreements arising from within the Church over the nature of Jesus in relationship to God the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was the literal son of God or was he a figurative son and to agree on when to Celebrate the Easter tradition, Christmas, and which books to dismiss from the bible etc. Those missing books would later on to be call the Apocrypha The Roman Empire came to the meeting as a fractured entity and left with a devised plan that would continue to cripple the minds of billions more than 1600 years later. To this very day followers of the said Christ are waiting on his return trip to free them from bondage. Unbeknownst to the followers of the Christ they are waiting on someone that shall never return for he never existed. Most Christian followers will never try to research about their religion because they have been told never to question the Word. Once the questioners come to the realization of their truth, they are in a bitter sweet place for a moment in time. Bitter because they were deceived for so long and sweet because they are finally free due to finding out the truth. The mind is no longer colonized in the religious aspect. The Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit comes from Kemet (Egypt), where there was Ausar, Auset, and Heru (Osiris, Isis, and Horus) The story of the Virgin Birth comes out of Kemet (Egypt), when Auset reconstructed the body of Ausar gave him a penis, turned into a humming bird. The humming bird fluttered over Ausars penis as ejaculation and became pregnant. The cross that Jesus was hung on comes out of Kamet (Egypt), the Egyptians had the Ankh which represents Eternal life because at the top there is the female principle and at the bottom there is the male principle. Many of us know the letter 'j' entered the English alphabet in the 1600s. The Latin and so-called Hebrew way of pronouncing the name is what's relevant here, to wit "hesus/yeshua" The Greeks and later Romans took one of the forms of the God Heru (so of Ausar and Auset) from ancient Kamet (Egypt) and corrupted His name into 'hesus'.

The Story of Jesus as do all stories in the Bible are representing something within you, for instance. The story of Jesus birth, the three wise men represent the Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, and the Thalamus Gland. The Christ or Christos means the cleansings of the spirit

*side note* all Christian churches fall under the rule of the Roman Catholic Church which is headed by the pope over in Italy. There are protestant churches because On Halloween of 1517 Martin Luther (not King Jr.) nailed his 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg, accusing the Roman Catholic Church of heresy upon heresy. Which started the Protestant Reformation...Thus you have Protestant Church (A.M.E., Baptist, Methodist, Lutherans, and Anglicans etc)

My aim isn't to convert anyone to truth convert any of you to a religion, because truth be told I myself do not seek any God outside of myself. My goal is to give you some information that will hopefully lead

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