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HYPERACTIVE / ADHD (ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVE DISORDERS) Introduction "Don't interrupt", "Stop fidgeting!

" , "You're not paying attention" "Don't you know where you put your lunch money?" .

Can you imagine what it would be like to hear people talk to you this way every single day? If you can imagine it, or if it sounds just like what you're used to hearing, then you know what it's like to have ADHD. Those letters stand for a condition called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Kids who have ADHD are not bad, lazy, or stupid. They have a disorder that means they might have problems paying attention or sitting still in their seats. They can also act on impulse or spontaneous that means doing things without thinking about them first. Kids with ADHD may spend a lot of time in the principal's office result from their behavior in class. This kids also sometimes do things that will cause them to get hurt.

ADHD is a disorder marked by the inability of children to concentrate his attention to current situation, so that his attention period is in a very short time compared to other children at the same age. This conditions usually accompanied by symptoms of hyperactive and impulsive behavior.

What is ADHD Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also known as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is a common condition that affects children and adolescents, while ADD is more common in adults.

Children with ADHD generally have problems paying attention or concentrating. They can't seem to follow directions and are easily bored or frustrated with tasks. They also tend to move constantly and are impulsive, act without think (spontaneous). These behaviors are generally common in children but it is occured more often than usual and are more severe in a child with ADHD.

The behaviors that are common cause by ADHD will effecting a child's abilities to function normally at school and at home. For an adults with ADHD, they may have difficulty with time management, organizational skills, goal setting, and employment. They may also have problems with creating good relationships, self-esteem, and addictions.

Based on another study regarding ADHD, biologically, definition of a hyper-active is an excessive sugar intake. Children are more likely to have ADHD because at this age they prefer more junk food, sweets and rice. Without proper monitoring on sugar intake by parents, it will exceeds the amount it should be taken. Indeed, glucose (in sugar) is very important for energy supply but glucose that is required for brain development is comes from glucose that is extracted from natural sources such as vegetables, potatoes, fish and other resources. However, glucose (sugar) in the market right now is sugar that is processed through the drying process and it is quite incompatible with the child's body composition.

Who Gets ADHD?

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 3% to 5% of children had a potential to have ADHD. Some experts, though, say ADHD may occurs in 8% to 10% of school age children and they becomes less robust when they reach 8. Experts also question whether kids really outgrow ADHD. What that means is that this disorder may be more common in adults than previously thought.

Based on another research, about 9% of kids have ADHD. That means out of 100 kids, about 9 may have ADHD. So if your school has 300 kids, 24 to 30 of them might have ADHD. Kids who have ADHD usually start having problems in preschool. Boys have ADHD more often than girls. In fact, three times as many boys have ADHD, but no one knows why.

What cause ADHD ? A kid might have a greater chance of developing ADHD if one of his or her relatives already has ADHD or another type of behavior problem. There is no evidence to explain why anyone has ADHD, although scientists and doctors think that it is probably has something to do with differences in the way people's brains work. Although the exact cause of ADHD is not known, the researcher suspect that there are several factors that may contribute to the condition, including:

Heredity: The fact that ADHD tends to run in families suggests that children may inherit a tendency to develop ADHD from their parents.

Chemical imbalance: Experts believe an imbalance of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that transmit nerve impulses may be a factor in the development of ADHD symptoms.

Brain changes: Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD. Based on the diagram below, Attention Deficit Disorder children show excessive slow brainwave activity (theta and alpha ranges) compared to non- ADD ADHD activity. The slow brainwave activity indicates a lack of control in the cortex of the brain.

Head injury:There are reports of children with head injuries, particularly with concussions, developing behavioral problems that may mimic ADHD.

The following are other factors that may contribute to the development of ADHD or that may trigger symptoms:

Poor nutrition, infections, and substance abuse (including cigarette and alcohol use) during pregnancy may be contributing factors. That's because they can affect the development of the baby's brain.

Exposure to toxins, such as lead or PCBs, in early childhood can also affect brain development.

Injury to the brain or a brain disorder may play a part in the development of ADHD.

There is a study that claim eating too much sugar is not the cause for a child to effected by ADHD. A proper diet is essential, though, for normal development in children. ADHD is also not caused by watching too much TV, a poor home life, poor schools, or food allergies. As conclusion, no one gets ADHD on purpose, so it isn't ever anyone's fault and ADHD isn't contagious, that means you can't catch it from someone like the flu.

What Are the Signs of ADHD?

ADHD can cause kids to act in different ways, depending on who has it. Most of kids with ADHD have problems in concentrating and paying attention at home or at school. Some kids with ADHD also might have trouble sitting still in class and waiting for their turn. They might yell out the answers before other kids have a chance to raise their hands.

Sometimes they can be disorganized, distracted, or forgetful. They might lose things and have trouble finishing assignments. They may wiggle around in their seats, move around a lot, talk too much, or interrupt other people's conversations. It's important to remember that every child does these things once in a while but it doesn't mean they have ADHD.

What are ADHD symptoms in children?

Symptoms of ADHD in children are generally grouped into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Inattention -- A child with ADHD:

is easily distracted does not follow directions or finish tasks does not appear to be listening when someone is speaking does not pay attention and makes careless mistakes is forgetful about daily activities has problems organizing daily tasks avoids or dislikes activities that require sitting still or a sustained effort often loses things, including personal items has a tendency to daydream

Hyperactivity -- A child with ADHD:

often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting does not stay seated as expected has difficulty playing quietly is always moving, such as running or climbing on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as a sense of restlessness)

talks excessively

Impulsivity -- A child with ADHD:

has difficulty waiting for his or her turn

blurts out answers before the question has been completed often interrupts others

What are ADHD symptoms in adults?

Adult ADHD symptoms may be different than the symptoms in children. In addition, they may stem directly from ADHD or may be the result of others behavioral issues. Symptoms include:

chronic lateness and forgetfulness anxiety low self-esteem having employment problems difficulty in controlling anger impulsiveness substance abuse or addiction poor organization skills procrastination low frustration tolerance chronic boredom difficulty concentrating when reading mood swings depression relationship problems

Diagnosis Because there's no test that can determine the presence of ADHD, a diagnosing approach is used to detect an ADHD problems in child. This diagnosis depends on a complete evaluation. Many children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD are evaluated and treated by primary care doctors including pediatricians and family practitioners, but your child may also be referred to one of several different specialists (psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists) especially when the diagnosis is in doubt, or if there are other concerns, such as Tourette syndrome, a learning disability, anxiety, or depression.

Things to observe in diagnostic :-

a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7 these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age the behaviors must last for at least 6 months the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships)

The behaviors must also not only be linked to stress at home. Kids who have experienced a family problems, a move, an illness, a change in school, or other significant life event may suddenly begin to act out or become forgetful. To avoid a misdiagnosis, it's important to consider whether these factors played a role in the onset of symptoms First, your child's doctor will take a medical history by performing a physical examination and asking you about any concerns and symptoms, your child's past health, your family's health, any medications your child is taking, any allergies your child may have, and other issues.

The doctor may also check hearing and vision so other medical conditions can be ruled out. Because some emotional conditions, such as extreme stress, depression, and anxiety, can also look like ADHD, you'll fill out questionnaires to help rule them out. You'll be asked many questions about your child's development and behaviors at home, school, and among friends. Other adults who see your child regularly (like teachers, who are often the first to notice ADHD symptoms) probably will be consulted, too. An educational evaluation, which usually includes a school psychologist, may also be done. It's important for everyone involved to be as honest and thorough as possible about your child's strengths and weaknesses.

What action to be taken if the Doctor Says It's ADHD

It is very important for children and adults with symptoms of ADHD to seek professional care. Without treatment, ADHD can interfere with a child's performance in school as well as the child's ability to make and keep friends. This can have a negative impact on the child's self-esteem.

In addition, children with ADHD are at risk for developing conduct disorder, depression, or an anxiety disorder. They are also more likely to have a learning disorder. Teens with ADHD are at greater risk for car accidents, early pregnancy, and tobacco and alcohol use. Adults with ADHD have difficulty with time management, employment, and relationships. But, when treated, most people with ADHD ( between 70% and 80% ) experience at least some relief of symptoms. Many of the symptoms of ADHD diminish by early adulthood. However, up to 50% of people with ADHD as children continue to have problems as adults.

Treating ADHD ADHD can't be cured, but it can be successfully managed. Your child's doctor will work with you to develop an individualized, long-term plan. The goal is to help a child learn to control his or her own behavior and to help families create an atmosphere in which this is most likely to happen. In most cases, ADHD is best treated with a combination of medication and behavior therapy. Any good treatment plan will require close follow-up and monitoring, and your doctor may make adjustments along the way. Because it's important for parents to actively participate in their child's treatment plan, parent education is also considered an important part of ADHD management.

Parent Training Parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges. Kids with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills.

Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diagnosis and to teach them how to help kids organize their environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to a child's most trying behaviors with calm disciplining techniques. Individual or family counseling can also be helpful.

Medications Several different types of medications may be used to treat ADHD:

Stimulants are the best-known treatments they've been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD. Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours; some last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia. There's currently no evidence of long-term side effects.

Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to have fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours.

Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option; however, in 2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens. If an antidepressant is recommended for your child, be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor.

Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond well to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment, the doctor might try various medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder.

Psychosocial therapies These are treatment approaches that focus on the behavioral, psychological, social, and work/school problems associated with the illness. Psychosocial therapies that may be used for ADHD include:

Special education: Special education is a type of education that is structured to meet a child's unique educational needs. Children with ADHD generally benefit most from a highly structured environment and use of routines.

Behavior modification: Behavior modification includes strategies for supporting good behavior and decreasing a child's problem behavior.

Psychotherapy (counseling): Psychotherapy can help a child or adult with ADHD learn better ways to handle their emotions and frustration. It can also help improve their self-esteem. Counseling may help family members better understand the child or adult with ADHD.

Social skills training: Social skills training can help a child learn new behaviors, such as taking turns and sharing. This will enable the child to better function in social situations.

Support groups: Support groups are generally made up of people with similar problems and needs. This can help with acceptance and support. Groups also can provide a forum for learning more about a disorder and the latest approaches to treatment. These groups are helpful for adults with ADHD or parents of children with ADHD.

As a conclusion, ADHD cannot be prevented or cured, however, early identification and diagnosis, as well as a carefully designed treatment and education plan, can help a child or adult with ADHD adjust to the disorder. Many people with ADHD learn to focus their attention, develop their personal strengths, minimize disruptive behavior, and become productive and successful.


1. ADHD Information Library : Neurology of ADHD : by Vanderbilt Study. Retrieved November 12, 2011 from

2. Halaqah.Net; Anak Istimewa - Hiperaktif : by Ummi Munaliza. Retrieved November 15, 2011 from &topic =4830.msg 34171#msg34171 3. Sihat Bersama Banyumas Online.Com : Hyperactive ADHD : by admin . Retrieved November 15, 2011 from 4. Mary V. Solanto, Amy F. T. Arnsten, F. Xavier Castellanos (2001). Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Oxford University Press Inc, New York.

5. Daniel G. Amen (2001). Healing ADD: The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 6 Types of ADD, Berkley Book, New York.

6. Paul H Wender (1987). The Hyperactive Child, Adolescent and Adult; Attention Deficit Disorder Through the Lifespan, Oxford University Press Inc, New York.

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