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Structural dynamics outofthe Pitchblack universe

Thresholds that links [destined] universes

This paragraph, has for objective to show the moon-like esoteric waxing sphere with connecting pipes that has for function similar to an escalator, or elevator that makes the interior or exterior world one of them that knows no matter and is supported by a series of visions to the effect of virtual reality of matter. Tis illustration depicts, the Soul's-Eye (chaotic), emerging from the middle sphere of iron atom and (structured) with its connection pipes.

A few time I emerged from the azure like the soul's-eye the blues that moments before where inexistent, and gathering an existential being, I came to be there and gaze around me to seek in the surrounding space something to hang onto,
The writer expresses an esoteric detailed chronology of psychic experiences, through the thread of a down to earth story on how the mind functions. He is committed to improving readability and understanding of such a controversial subject that is a lifetime thesis to show the interactive shadow of the living against a background of immaterial with the aim to reach the 7 to 77 old.

something that was going to tell me my purpose in this world of the immaterial. In the first moments of billowing into existence, in the body that I have grown to live with, and without the drag of the body, my eyes that aren't organs, circle a look that is limited by the constraint of the body. In the following flash of timeless moments, I am going to yo-yo with the taking breath that has marked the waxing continuity into existence.

Dynamic of tubing bubbles:

In the deep azure that was the sky without being so, esoteric and invisible on that day I emerged from a non existence to exist a self apparition and phenomena to take time The spheres between them connecting universes by virtual escalators and elevator. the Soul's-harp playing the biorhythm strings orchestrating (butterfly wings) the music to the mind and body. understanding what transpired in the depth of space. The motion of my progress, and conscious as I learned to remember my dreams form an early age and no sooner rehearsed to take notes and on over time editing when inspired to do so. I recollect details, and ways to improve remaining authentic to my mind. After I had a glance at the infinite blues that said nothing more than a deep blue sky, I begun to move with the slow throbs motion into a pipe that years later I identified with by the angle while down a slide with the rebound of an stretching elastic in slow motion to capture the slow evolution of the sphere I approached the massive waxing ball down in the distance.

At the beginning of time () Worth details follow the link:

When one's mind is an holographic television set, without control buttons, where what one views result in the pieces of a puzzles fitting it is the kind of universal criteria, one sets to trust it all came down to a universal binary This binary sphere (chaotic) evolved from the cardinal axes. The green and blue filters are a split up of the red axis. The cube are the auxiliary axises with its shutter filters.

system of a chaotic ball caged into the framework of a cube.

Why Ping-Pong balls:

Ping-Pong balls were the size that orderly fitted in numbers a shoebox they had that translucence of an inner penetrating light and best at explaining these visions that I am about to sum up.

I was aroused by a many questions:

Why is the universe not bulky as a heap of Ping-Pong balls; a structural criteria is missing. or, cells clumsy held in the chaos of the living living hell or heavens of bulky emotions a universal wrapped up of galaxies in a plastic bag?

What choice was the right structure:

The honeycomb system: At first sight, right, but the universe opted out of the orderly pyramid

structure and with reason (link to the page in due course) Why not an orderly 6-Pack wrap with the colors of the rainbow? Or, dumped into a see-through plastic box: How did the universe that came in a perfect order made clowns of us?

On an ice sheet the balls would scatter (Here, shown as plate-glass.)

Why a universal resolution of duality:

In the plate-glass - the reflected reality from a virtual reality is the sign of one standing on either side of a time-line the present and a tunneling into the future or from the past depending in which direction one is gazing (the link to this page in due course).

This illustration; shows the layers one on top of the other and representative of genetic ice sheets granting the evolution of life's generation through the eons. (it is necessary to show both the state of stasis and what will became in a state of dynamics.)

In my vision, I could have been shown a bulk of balls in an easy to carry box, or a greater number at random packed in a carton box. Instead I was shown in the outlines of a shoebox size the translucent few layers of Ping-Pong ball size spheres and in the row and columns. As I showed my amazement, a voice come over my shoulder rhyming from a great distance traveled in soft whispering syllables said; This is a piece of the universe.
For a short paragraph about; The wonder of a gift and its attached responsibilities

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