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Name of enterprise: No: Socialist Republic of Vietnam Independence Freedom Happiness ., date month.


We are, from one side. Mr/Mrs.: Nationality: Position: On behalf of: Write exactly and clearly name of enterprise. Telephone: Address: And from other side, Mr./Mrs.: Nationality: Date of birth.... at: Occupation: Write exactly and clearly occupation (the main work that you take over) Permanence address: ID Card No./Passport No.... issued on day... month... year.... at.... Labour book No.(If any)... issued on.... at.... Agree to sign this labour contract and commit to implement the following provisions: Article 1: Term and work contract - Categories of labour contract: kinds of labour contract, for example: indefinite term or 6 months term. - From date.... month....year to date....month...year. - Probation time from date...month...year to date...month.....year. -Place of work: write exactly and clearly address of head office and sub office (if any). - Qualification: - Position: (If any) - Job description: Write the main works that you have to take over at enterprise. Article 2: Work regime - Time of work: write exactly and clearly the number of daily/weekly working hours. for example: 8h/per day and 40h/per week. - Providing with working equipments included: Article 3: Obligations, rights and benefits of the employee

1. Rights and benefits: - Means of transport of working: Write exactly and clearly means of transport provided from whom, for example: means of transport providing from office or the employees do it them selves. - Basic salary or wages: Write exactly and clearly salary in accordance with salary scale or salary sheer that office applied. - Form of paying salary: - Allowances: Write kind of allowance, coefficient, level of allowance at the time of signing labour contract. - To be paid monthly on ... - Bonuses: - Regime for raising salary: - Providing with protection equipments included: - Time of rest (Weekly leave, annual leave and public holidays...) - Social insurance and health insurance: - Regime for vocational and training: Write exactly and clearly rights, benefits and obligations of employee from the case that assign for training by enterprise. Ex: During the time of assigning for training, the employee shall have the obligation complete the training course on time; shall have entitle to full salary and other rights and benefits as the other employee excluding additional payment for toxic working environment. - Other agreements: Write the rights and benefits that have not been in Labour Code in collective labour agreement or have been but have been more favor for employee. Ex: Execution, tourist, holiday execution and birthday present. 2. Obligations: - To fulfill the works undertaken in labour contract. - To comply with production and business orders, internal discipline and occupation safely regulations. - Compensation for violating labour discipline and material liability. - Other agreements: Article 4: Obligations and rights of employeer 1. Obligations: -To ensure the employment and fully implement committed regulations in labour contract.

- To pay fully and on time remuneration and other fringe benefits of employee in accordance with labour contract, collective labour agreements (If any). 2. Rights: - To manage the employee to fulfill the works in accordance with labour contract (assign, appoint, postpone...) - To postpone, terminate the labour contract, penalty the employee in accordance with the law, collective labour agreement (if any) and internal labour regulations of enterprises.

Article 5: Implementation provisions - The problems concerning with labour is not defined in this labour contract shall be applied with provisions of collective labour agreement. In case of not having collective labour agreement shall be applied regulations of labour legislation. - Labour contract is made in 02 copies of equal validity, each party keeps one copy and comes into force on date ... month...year.... When both parties sign appendix of labour contract, the content of appendix shall be valued as the contents of this labour contract.

This labour contract is made at ....... on date .... month ....year......

Employee (Sign and write full name) Employer (Sign, stamp and write full name)

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