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Music Presentation

So, back in October (I think) Daan, Donny and I did a presentation about rock and metal music. I didn't know that we had to post in on blogger back then, but for now, here is my text!

"For this presentation, Daan Donny and I decided to do it about music, since there is a lot of cool things to tell about music. We thought of doing it about every main-music genre, but thatd be quite difficult with subgenres and genres that overlay each other. And there are music genres that dont really interest us, so thats why we decided to pick rock music as our main topic, and tell something about rock and metal genres that derive from the rock genre. We all know what rock music is like, and there are plenty of different styles and genres of rock, but how did it all start? Rock, or Rock N Roll as its official called, is a nowadays popular music genre that originates from the Unites States in the late nineteen-forties and early nineteen-fifties. Even though the term rock n roll was given to the music in that time, early elements of rock n roll existed in old blues, jazz and country records between the nineteen-twenties and nineteen-thirties, as rock n roll descents from blues, jazz and country music. The early work of rock n roll has been done by African-Americans, like Chuck Berry, who were also responsible for blues music. One of the first white rock n roll artist was Bill Haley, who combined westernswing and country music. He also got an asteroid named after him. But the most well-known rock n roll artist is of course Elvis Presley, who got the occupation of King of Rock N Roll. In the same era in Great-Britain, progressive rock emerged. Progressive rock, or prog rock, is used to describe rock music that goes beyond the standard structure of verses and chorus and using fantasy-like lyrics, the use of different kinds of instruments and concept albums. The songs are mostly longer than the usual 3-4 minutes. Some bands around the nineteen-seventies had their roots in the progressive and hard rock, but had a more powerful sound, more melodic bass lines and using lots of distortion on the guitars and extended solos. This led to the heavy metal music. The main pioneers in this genre are Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. In the late nineteen-seventies, heavy metal got very popular in Great-Britain and later throughout the whole world. From thrash metal, both death metal and black metal were emerged. Death metal kind of came along with the thrash metal breakthrough in the nineteen-eighties in the United States, but got an own name some years later. In Europe, bands came up with black metal around the mid nineteen-eighties. At last in the early nineteen-nineties, grunge rock got mainstream attention. This genre kind of killed the mainstream success of the heavy metal in that time. So, now we know the history of rock and heavy metal, but what does it all sound like? So, now we know the history of rock and heavy metal, but what does it all sound like? After rock n roll got so famous in America, the music went over to Great-Britain around the nineteen-sixties where newer styles rock music emerged. One main types of rock that has emerged from this time was psychedelic rock that emerged in the nineteen-sixties. Psychedelic rock also bridged between the early American rock music and later progressive rock, glam rock and hard rock. Glam rock was developed some years later, around and early in the nineteen-seventies. Glam rock is also known as glitter rock and was characterized by the appearance: using make-up, wearing outrageous clothes and having weird hairstyles. The music in glam rock is mostly hard rock. . In the mid nineteen-seventies, people came up with punk rock, again in Great-Britain. These people were kind of sick of the arty-progressive rock and brought the simple idea of rock music back. In the nineteen-eighties, there were two kinds of mainstream heavy metal going on in the United States. There was the commercial success of the glam metal that is actually a heavier form of glam rock. This genre arose mainly from the Sunset Strip area in Los Angeles. The other kind was the more underground thrash metal, settled in the Bay Area in Los Angeles. Thrash metal mostly influenced by the British heavy metal bands. Most metal recent metal genres, like metal core, groove metal and death core are derived from these genres. At last in the early nineteen-nineties, grunge rock got mainstream attention. This genre kind of killed the mainstream success of the heavy metal in that time.''

I made a 'base' for the presentation and Daan and Donny would talk about different genre's in turns. We also had a slideshow with photo's of band/artists and a quiz in which the audience had to listen to a part of a song and guess the genre, which was fun to do. Too bad none of us still had the slideshow.

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