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Questions Bank (CP-I) ( Using C++)


Compiled by :

Prof. Deepak Gaikar

Introduction of Object Oriented Programming in C++

No 1 Question

What is object-oriented programming? List basic concepts of it? Explain each concept (explain benefits of oops & future of oops language) (VIMP)

REV. M 08,10 D 09


What is object-oriented programming paradigram?how it is different from procedure oriented programming ?Write the difference in two column format .

CHAPTER-5 :Classes & Objects

No 3 Question REV. OLD
D:02,04,06, O7,08 M:08,04, 05, M:02,04,03 D:03,04

Write short note on(1)Static Data members (2) static member function.


What is friend function? What is merits and demerits of friend function? Explain with example? OR What is friend function? What do you need of friend function? What are characteristics of friend function Or M10 What are characteristics of friend function

5 6

WAP to find how many objects of a class have been created using static member function. . (VIMP) Create a class matrix of size m x n. Define all possible matrix operations for matrix type objects. (VIMP)

D 07 M 08 D:02,05

CHAPTER-6: Constructors & Destructor

No 1 Question REV. OLD
M:08,04, 02,04 D:03,02, 03,04, 07 ,05

What do you mean by Constructor ? explain in detail all type of constructors (VIMP) OR What is Constructor? List of some of the special properties of the constructor function OR What are parameterized constructor explain their need . (VIMP) Explain the concept of constructor and Destructor in C++. (VIMP)

Questions Bank (CP-I) ( Using C++)


Compiled by :

Prof. Deepak Gaikar D:07 M:02 D:07,08

Explain with help of example copy constructor & parameter constructor?


Write a C++ program to generate first 'n' terms of Fibonacci series using Constructor function. (VIMP) Write a program to find area of circle, an area or rectangle and area of triangle using overloaded constructor function. (VIMP)


D:04, 06, M:05 M:08


CHAPTER-7 : Overloading Operator

No 1 Question REV. OLD M10 M:03 D10
D:02,3 M:03

What is Operator Overloading ? Explain rule for Overloading Operator ? give an example overloading unary operator? OR Enlist the set of rules for overloading operators in (VIMP) Explain with help of example unary and binary scope resolution Operator

D:03, 04,06

3 5 6

WAP To overload "+ =" operator to add two distances given in feet and inches



Create a class float that contains one float data member .overload all the four arithmetic operator so that they operate on the object of FLOAT. Exemplify binary operator Overloading with the help of a class and its member function for Overloading the following binary operator (+, - , * ,/ ) ( VIMP) WAP in c++ to overload a function square root() in three ways so that it returns square root of an integer,long int & double .also write output . Overload operator +,+=,++ on complex number . ++ should increment real and imaginary parts by 1

D:04,06 M:05,08 M02 D:07

M:05 D:06

CHAPTER-8 : Inheritance
No 1 Question

Explain inheritance ?different types of inheritance in detail?


REV. M-09 M 10 D10

OLD D:02, 04,03, 06 M02,08 D:08, 07 M:08,

What is abstract base class ? Explain with example



Questions Bank (CP-I) ( Using C++)


Compiled by :

Prof. Deepak Gaikar

What is virtual base class? where &why it is used? give one program? Explain the concept of overriding with example?


M:09 D10 M10 D10

04 D:07 M:008 ,02 D:07,0 3,04 M:03, 04,05

M:03,05 D:02,08 ,04

Shot Note: a)Visibility specifies in inheritance or Explain Visibility of inherited member in inheritance.
D 10 M 11

D:04, 06

Program :

Consider a class network given below. The class member derives information from both account and admin classes and write a program to create, update and display the information contained in master objects. (VIMP)
Person Name code

D:02, 03 M-08

Account Pay

Admin experience

Master name code experience pay

An educational institution wishes to maintain a database of its employees. The database is divided into a number of classes. Whose hierarchical relationships are shown below. The figure also shows the minimum information required for each class. Specify all the classes and define functions to create the database and retrieve individual information as and when required.


M-04, 05, D-06

Questions Bank (CP-I) ( Using C++)


Compiled by :

Prof. Deepak Gaikar

Code Name Address




Subject Publication





Daily Wages

CHAPTER-9 Polymorphism & Virtual functions

No Question REV. OLD M:02,0 4,05 D:02 D08 09 D10 M:08 D:05 M;02 D:02,0 3,04

Explain with examples how is polymorphism achieved at compile time and run time. (VIMP) What is virtual function ? What is the need of virtual function ? Write a program to demonstrate the same? (VIMP)

Pure virtual function NOTE:


D 10

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