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Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No.

1 Agustus 2006

Oleh : Antonius B. Wijanarto1

Change detection is one of multi temporal analysis in remote sensing that is important for studying the dynamics of environment. Change detection is useful in many applications such as land use changes, habitat fragmentation, rate of deforestation, coastal change, urban sprawl, and other cumulative changes through spatial and temporal analysis techniques such as GIS and Remote Sensing along with digital image processing technique. Markov Change Detection is one application of change detection that can be used to predict future changes based on the rates of past change. The method is based on probability that a given piece of land will change from one mutually exclusive state to another. These probabilities are generated from past changes and then applied to predict future change.

Key words: Change detection, Markov, GIS, Trend analysis

Change detection is a task to compare two sets of imagery to identify changes. The use of satellite data enables change detection to be done over broad spatial scales. This is important, especially when ground measurement of specific map is done rarely. A sensor system used should have systematic orbital period, record imagery at the same geographic location and time of the day, maintain the same scale and look angle geometry, reduce relief displacement as much as possible, use useful spectral regions, and have consistent reflected radiant flux.

(Antonius B. Wijanarto adalah peneliti Balai Penelitian Geomatika BAKOSURTANAL)


Application Of Markov Change Detection . Anton B.Wijanarto

Other requirements in change detection techniques are accurate spatial registration for at least 0.25 to 0.5 of a pixel accuracy of one image to another, depth of information at a given resolution, what dates are used in order to minimize difference in reflectance anniversary dates are usually used, and what change is really a change?. Change detection is useful in many applications such as land use changes, habitat fragmentation, rate of deforestation, coastal change, urban sprawl, and other cumulative changes through spatial and temporal analysis techniques such as GIS (Geographic Information System) and Remote Sensing along with digital image processing technique. The objective of this research is to detect changes of land cover maps that will be derived from two seasonal different of dry season and wet season in Banten Bay Area, Banten.


Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images were used for this study. Landsat ETM+ scene has an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 30 meters by 30 meters in bands 1 through 5 and band 7, and an IFOV of 60 meters by 60 meters on the ground in band 6, and 15 meters by 15 meters in band 8. The study area is located in Serang, Banten (Figure 1). The first image is a cropped Landsat 7 ETM+ that was acquired in April 14th, 2000 and the second was acquired in August 7th, 2001. The seasonal difference of the two date of acquisition is expected to give understanding on how Markov will provide the information about the real change and the change due to seasonal conditions.

Cropped Landsat 7 ETM+, April 14th, 2000

Cropped Landsat 7 ETM+, August 7th, 2001

Figure 1: Study area located in Serang Banten, Indonesia.


Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No. 1 Agustus 2006

For the purpose of this study, there were three general procedures used including applied dark pixel correction, image registration, Markov model of change detection of seasonal land cover change. Dark Pixel Correction The effect of atmospheric condition gives the minimum value of a band in image is not zero. The dark pixel correction is the kind of atmospheric correction that is performed by subtracting each band in the image by its minimum digital number value. Hence each band will have a minimum DN of zero. The dark pixel correction has been applied to data set Landsat ETM+ of Serang, Banten. Image Registration In order to create a meaningful difference image from change detection, pixel to pixel registration between images is of most importance, as even half a pixel in error between images will produce erroneous results. To reduce the likelihood of this occurring, the remaining raster images should be registered to the first rectified image to select corresponding pixels on two raster images (Jensen 2000). To determine the average error in each pixel can be achieved by dividing of the total RMS error by the number of control points. The average error should ideally never be above one pixel (Lillesand & Kiefer 1994). For change detection purposes, less than half a pixel average error is highly desirable. Markov model of change detection of Seasonal Land Cover change in Serang, Banten This type of change detection technique is one application of change detection that can be used to predict future changes based on the rates of past change. The method is based on probability that a given piece of land will change from one mutually exclusive state to another (Aavikson 1995). These probabilities are generated from past changes and then applied to predict future change. First is to create a transition matrix of pixels in each class for two time periods this is basically the same as the crosstabulation matrix that can be used for accuracy assessment. The main diagonal of the matrix contains pixels that have not changes, while other cells contain pixels that have changed. Next step is to generate probabilities of change between classes. This is accomplished by dividing each cell value by its row total. The result is the probability that a given class in date 1 will convert to another class in date 2 out of all possible changes. Figure 2 illustrates the general procedures of using Markov Change Detection Techniques.


Application Of Markov Change Detection . Anton B.Wijanarto

Figure 2: Flowchart of Markov change detection technique.

Transitional Matrix and Probability Matrix Build Markov Model of Change Detection Use 6 by 6 matrix for transitional matrix and probability matrix analyses (6 by 6 indicates a number of land cover classes). To be note, that this classification must apply the same to the other images. Counted the number of pixel in each classes of each image and generated the probability matrix.


Land Cover Classification In this task aim is to see the changing in land, not in the ocean. Unfortunately, the oceans in these two images have their own reflectance, so the ocean cannot classify as one object as water body. Like it can see from the picture in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Image in April 2000, rainy season.


Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No. 1 Agustus 2006

This image has been through the unsupervised classification, and the ocean has three different classes (purple, dark blue, and light blue). The analysis of ocean remote sensing will be discussed in next task, it will not discussed now. This image is the image from year 2000. Since it only wanted to detect the change in land, which is contain of 6 classes (forest, plantation, paddy field, bareland, residential, fishpond), while the ocean itself has make 3 classes, so in this image it will made 9 classes so in the land there will be 6 classes of object. The unsupervised classification is used, instead of supervised classification, because it is hard to determine the bareland, residential area, and the paddy field. The image acquired in April, the end of rainy season. In this month farmer usually begin the seedling activity. In this condition, the paddy field will full content of wet soil that has close reflectance to the bareland. Especially when the image is capture after raining, the different between paddy field and the bareland that is also wet, will be more difficult to determine. Especially because this is Landsat image which have low resolution (30m x 30m). The determining of classes is by looking the pattern of the classification. Fishpond, forest, plantation is easier to identify, while bareland, paddy field, and residential is harder to determine. After seeing the pattern of the class and comparing it to image in 2001, it may be concluded that for residential area, the pattern is usually spread long the road. Residential area also cannot change to another land cover instantly (the interval of two images is only 16 months), so if it is compared to image 2001, there will be a pattern that are similar. It is represent in dark red color (Figure 4). To differentiate between bareland and paddy field in image 2000 was hard, because the paddy is not grown yet so it will have the same reflectance as bareland, especially when the bareland wet because of raining. But if it is compared to image 2001, it is shown that in the same area, the red area (dominant area) suddenly change to different coverage. In real image (TM2001_123457_crop) with band 3 2 1, the area look green. According to the pattern in 2000, it is like the pattern of fishpond (little square), but brown, not blue green like fishpond. So, it must be paddy field.


Application Of Markov Change Detection . Anton B.Wijanarto

TM_2000 image

TM_2001 image

Figure 4: Defining the residential class.

Dark Pixel Corrected Images Accurate result of change detection of two or more time series images is determined by several factors; such as comparable images in term of good registration of the images, interpretable images, and method for getting a meaningful difference image from change detection. Pixel to pixel registration between images usually performed in order to achieve good registration of the images. Dark pixel correction has been performed to correct radiometric error of the images, so that the enhance image as result is more interpretable for a particular application. By subtracting each band in the image by its minimum digital number value, hence each band will have a minimum DN of zero.


Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No. 1 Agustus 2006

Markov model of change detection has been applied to model of change detection of seasonal land cover change from 2000 to 2001 in Serang, Banten. To generate land cover classification, supervised classification was applied, and 20 spectral clusters were generated. The 20 spectral classes created by the algorithm were assigned to informational classes, and aggregated into six classes: forest / plantation, based on the available point data for the region. The information classes defined in this classification were forest, rangeland, crop land, streambed, bare soil, and inundated. As results of such Markov model including Transition Matrix of land cover changes from year 2000 to 2001, Transition Probability Matrix of land cover changes from year 2000 to2001 are shown in Table 1 and

Table 2, respectively, from which the occurrences of land cover changes from a certain class to different classes in pixels can be interpreted. From this table revealed that the number of forest or plantation area increased during the period, which is approximately 55% of bare land changed to forest or plantation.

Table 1: Land Cover Changes: Transition Matrix of year 2000 to 2001 (in ha)
Forest / Plantation Forest/Plantati on Paddy field Bare land Residential Fish pond Water body Total 2001 Land cover 2000 6535 503 4154 23 95 50 11361 Paddy field 146 820 305 0 149 306 1726 Land cover 2001 Bare Resid land ential 2373 17 2993 54 4 8 5449 5 0 54 44 0 0 104 Fish pond 135 639 87 0 802 426 2089 Water body 10 53 15 0 879 24518 25475 Total

9204 2032 7609 121 1929 25308 46203

Table 2: Land Cover Changes: Transition Probability Matrix of year 2000 to 2001 Forest /Plantation Forest/Planta tion Paddy field Bare land Residential Fish pond Water body Land cover 2000 0.710 0.248 0.546 0.190 0.049 0.002 Land cover 2001 Resid Paddy Bare ential field land 0.016 0.403 0.040 0.003 0.077 0.012 0.258 0.008 0.393 0.442 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.007 0.362 0.000 0.000 Fish pond 0.015 0.315 0.011 0.003 0.416 0.017 Water body 0.001 0.026 0.002 0.000 0.456 0.969


Application Of Markov Change Detection . Anton B.Wijanarto

Forest Change From transition matrix we can see that forest in 2000 is change into two major classes in 2001 (Figure 5): paddy field and residential; 33 % of forest is changing to residential, while 20 % changing to paddy field. This kind of change is logic, because the societies in that area are possibly growing, so they need the new residential area and more paddy field to work on.


Residential 2000
Figure 5: Forest and residential changes.


Plantation Change The plantation areas in 2000 have totally changed into other coverages (Figure 6). It was only 1 % that still remains plantation, where about 47% became paddy field, 27% fishpond, and 22 % forest. This change is not a bad change, because the changing is useful for society. Maybe in year 2000 the paddy plant that is still growing becomes one class into plantation. The reflectance of plantation and growing paddy are becoming near value of digital number so it will become one class. It will explain reason why the biggest change is into paddy field. Plantation become forest, after 16 months, the growth of plantation make the density of the plant higher, and will be catch by the sensors of satellite as forest. Plantation become fishpond, maybe because the expansion of society in building the fishpond.


Paddy Field 2000 2001


Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No. 1 Agustus 2006

Figure 6: Plantation and Paddy Field changes.

Paddy Field In 2000 like have discuss above, It was very difficult to determine the difference between paddy field, residential, and bare land. This is possibly because when the image was captured, the objects on earth were wet because of the rain. This condition would effect the reflectance of the objects to sensors of satellite. In the transition probability matrix, it said that in this case the paddy field in 2000 changing into forest 24 % and residential 22 %. It might happen when the paddy plant grow in high density so the reflectance was near to the forests reflectance. The paddy fields became residential. This could also happen because of the growth of the society. See Figure 7.

Pady field

Forest 2000
Figure 7: Paddy Field Changes.


Bareland Because in 2000 the paddy field still in early cultivation period, some of the paddy field will look like bareland (Figure 8). It is shown from the matrix that 42 % of bareland changed into paddy field while 23 % changed into plantation. Bareland

Paddy Field 2000 2001


Application Of Markov Change Detection . Anton B.Wijanarto

Figure 8: Bareland Changes.

Residential The residential changed by 34 % into paddy field, and 24 % into plantation (Figure 9). Like we discuss above, residential in 2000 might be bareland or paddy field. So, if the residential suddenly change 34 % to paddy field in just 16 months (which is almost impossible in Indonesia, usually paddy field that is changed into residential), it might be happens because it was paddy field in 2000 but because of the condition, it was classed as residential. And residential changing 24 % into plantation can possibly happen because it is not residential but bareland that become plantation area, or paddy field that contains of paddy plants in middle density. Fish pond Compare to another class, the fishpond is not change much. The much change only happens 7 % into paddy field. Changing fishpond to paddy field is usually happens when the water is no longer enough to fill the pond, so the farmer will change it into paddy field.

Paddy Field


Figure 9: Residential Changes.


Few factors might have caused errors in the classification of land cover using satellite images, especially when it is faced with multi temporal images having different spectral characteristic due to scanning in different seasons. Another factor, such as relief can lead to image distortions in mountainous regions, while slope and aspect can influence the natural variability. Land cover is a critical element in change studies, affecting many aspects of the environmental system. Accurate and updated land cover change information is necessary for understanding main factors causes and environmental consequences of such changes. While remote sensing has the capability of monitoring such changes, extracting


Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika Vol. 12, No. 1 Agustus 2006

the change information from satellite data relies on effective and accurate change detection techniques. Markov is a good technique having great capability on generating information relating to changes of specific themes. Markov is one application of change detection that can be used to predict future changes based on the rates of past change.

Aavikson, K. 1995. Simulating Vegetation Dynamics and Land Use in a Mire Landscape Using a Markov Model. Landscape and Urban Planning, 31: 129 142. Jensen, J.R. 2000. Remote Sensing of the Environment. An Earth Resource Perspective. Prentice-Hall. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 542pp. Lillesand, T.M and Kiefer, R.W. 1994. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, the United States. 750pp.


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