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Majurnirdeanmamahynastra Source: Vint Bhiku (ed. & tr.

) 'A unique collection of twenty stras in a Sanskrit manuscript from the Potala: editions and translation'. Sanskrit Texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region 7. 2 vols. Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House, 2010. v.2, Text 15, pp.521544. Majurnirdeanmamahynastra The Instruction of Majur 1 eva may rutam || ekasmin samaye bhagavn rvasty viharati sma jetavane

nthapiadasyrme mahat bhikusaghena srdham ardhatrayodaabhir bhikuatai pacamtrair bodhisattvasahasrai || tena khalu puna samayena bhagavn anekaatasahasray pariad parivta puraskto dharma ca deayati sma || 1 Thus have I heard. At one time the Blessed One stayed at the Grove of Anthapiada

in the Jeta Wood in rvast, (together with a great assembly of one thousand two hundred and fifty monks and five thousand Bodhi-sattvas. Then at that time, honoured and surrounded by an audience of many hundreds of thousands, the Blessed One taught the dharma.) 2 atha khalu majur kumrabhto daayojanapramamtra chattra ghtv

bhagavata phn mrdhni sadhrayatia sma || atha susmo nma satuitakyiko devaputro vaivartiko nuttary samyaksambodhau saparivras tatraiva paradi sanipatito bht saniaa ca || utthysand yena majur kumrabhtas tenopasakrnta || upasakramya majuriya kumrabhtam etad avocat || 2 Then the princely Majur took a parasol measuring ten yojanas and held it behind the

Blessed Ones head.Then one of the gods called Susma who belonged to the company of (the

chief of the Tuita gods), Satuitac, and who was irreversible from the ultimate perfect enlightenment, had come together with his retinue to this very audience and sat. (Having arisen from his seat he approached the princely Majur. Having approached) he said this to the princely Majur 3 adypi tva majurr na tptim upaysi bhagavata pjkarmai ||

majurr ha atat ki manyase devaputrpi nu mahsamudro vripratcchanatptim upayti || devaputra ha na hi majusr || majurr ha evam eva devaputra mahsamudropama gambhra duravagham aprameyam asdhraa sarvajajnam || paryeitukmena bodhisattvena mahsattvena pjtptim pattavya tathgatapjym eva || 3 Just now you, Majur, never have enough of honouring the Blessed One. Majur

replied: What do you think of this, O member of the gods: Does the great ocean show satisfaction in receiving the rain? The one of the gods answered: Not so, Majur. Majur said: Indeed, O member of the gods. Like the great ocean, so deep, unfathomable, immeasurable and extraordinary is the knowledge of the omniscient. The Bodhisattva, the great being, who desires to obtain [this knowledge], should exhibit no satisfaction in honouring the Tathgatas.

4 devaputra ha kimlambanena majurs tathgata pjayitavya || majusrr ha caturbhir devaputrrambaais tathgata pjayitavya || katamai caturbhi || tad yath bodhicittlambanena sarvasattvapramoklambanena

triratnavanupacchedlambanena sarvabuddhaketrapariuddhylambanena || ebhir devaputra caturbhir rambaais tathgata pjayitavya || 4 The one of the gods said: Majur, on what grounds should the Tathgata be honoured?

Majur replied: The Tathgata should be honoured on four grounds, O Member of the gods. On what four (grounds)? These are on the ground of aspiration for enlightenment, on the ground of emancipating all beings, on the ground of not cutting off the lineage of the triple gems, and on the ground of the purification of all buddhafields. O Member of the gods, on these four grounds the Tathgata should be honoured. 5 idam avocan majur || ttaman susmo devaputra, te ca bhikavas te ca

bodhisattv s ca sarvvat parat sadevamnusuragandharva ca loko majuriya kumrabhtasya bhitam abhyanandann iti || majurnirdea nma mahynastra pacadaama samptam || 5 Thus said Majur. Transported with joy, Susma, one of the gods, and those monks,

Bodhisattvas, the entire assembly and the world of gods, humans, semigods, and gandharvas rejoiced in what the princely Majur said. The fifteenth stra, called the Instruction of Majur, is complete.

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