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Emily Peterson Chapter 13: How Do You Handle Conflict? 1.

I find the solution oriented strategy the easiest to use as I usually approach conflict with an open mind and the intent to compromise so that each individual receives the best possible outcome. I agree with the conflict behavior analysis behavior survey, that I tend to focus on the problem rather than the individuals involved so that neither individual can define themselves as the winner, but that the solution reached is mutually beneficial. I feel this strategy is the easiest simply because it allows individuals to focus on ways to solve the particular problem at hand so that both parties receive a desirable end result, rather than one party winning the conflict and the other being forced to give up on their ideas. I find myself using this strategy most often to approach conflict. I find the control strategy the most difficult to use because it is used with the purpose to win or achieve ones goals without regard to the other partys needs or desires. This strategy also focuses on rules and regulations, which can potentially lead to further disagreement on different interpretations of the rules. I think its important for an individuals strategy to include achieving their goals, but I dont feel that they should completely disregard the other partys goals in the process. I feel that the solution oriented strategy offers an approach that can be used in order to reach a solution that fulfills the goals of both parties. 2. I believe the strategy used will depend on the relationship with you have with each individual. You may use a solution oriented strategy when dealing with a co-worker as it will result in the best outcome for both of you and provides a rational way to approach conflict. On the other hand, when dealing with a family member such as sibling, you may use the control strategy in order accomplish your goal and disregard what they want. Lastly, when trying to please a friend and avoid arguing you may choose the nonconfrontational strategy and just allow them to have their way by avoiding the conflict. The situation and relationship will certainly affect the conflict strategy you choose to use. 3. Several factors can help you determine which conflict strategy to use in a particular situation. Time is an important factor, and although the solution-oriented strategy may always be best to facilitate collaboration, if a decision needs to be made quickly another strategy may be more efficient. The importance of the issue is also a factor in determining which strategy is used, if the issue is of little importance if may be avoided using nonconfrontational strategies. The relationship you wish to maintain with the other party also can determine the strategy used. If you want to maintain a close relationship the solution oriented approach may be used rather than the control approach. The amount of relative power you hold in a particular situation may also determine which strategy you select in order to address the conflict.

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