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Positive Thinking During their growth and development, children go through many stages of self-doubt.

They are always comparing themselves to others, and they often see themselves as coming up short. As parents, we can offset this natural tendency in our children by giving them the skills to think more positively. Our world is so full of negative feedback. We need to arm our children with a positive attitude, so that they can stay focused in the right direction. I can't do it. Take your time and try again. I have confidence in you. Kuya hates me. Sounds like you're feeling rejected by Kuya, and that must hurt. I know you want Kuya to like you. Remember that you're a very lovable kid and a terrific person, no matter what Kuya, or anyone else, says or does. And, you know, he may have a problem that has nothing to do with you. I'm just no good in history. You've brought up Cs before-I know you can do it again. Besides that, honey, nobody is good at everything. And look at this A in math, you've always done well with numbers! I'm so clumsy. I'll never learn to ride a bike! It's tough learning something new. Remember when you first tried to ski, how hard it was? But you stuck with it, and now you're really good at skiing. There is real value in discussing positive thinking and self-esteem with your children on a regular basis. Pointing out positive versus negative attitudes from news stories or life stories is an excellent way of showing your children just how this all works in real life, too. What is integrity? To walk in integrity does not mean that you are flawless or perfect. But it means that you admit your shortcomings. A person of integrity does not try to cover up mistakes with more results, but rather owns up to them and makes amends where necessary. I went on to highlight the values and benefits of integrity The values and benefits of integrity Integrity is the foundation of an enduring legacy. According to the bible, A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.(Proverbs 22:1). Also, A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of ones birth." (Ecclesiastes 7:1). I did not fail to point out the fact that walking in integrity is a very difficult choice. We live in an imperfect world that seems to suggest that its foolishness to be honest and righteous. All around us we encounter people who actually appear to be rewarded for being dishonest. This is a real challenge for the man or woman who decides to walk in integrity. So, I concluded the sermon by outlining 4 keys that will enable you to walk in integrity How to walk in integrity. #1. Cultivate a love for it. Jesus walked in impeccable integrity because He just loved the virtue of integrity! Think about that.

So, personal passion and love for integrity is the greatest motivation and drive for integrity. In order to walk in integrity, you must love it. #2. Meditate on the beauty and blessings of integrity. A lot of political, business, and religious leaders abuse their positions of power to deceive their followers and constituencies. I have been helped immensely to walk in integrity by meditating on the following verse of scripture: a poor man is better than a liar." ~ Proverbs 19:22. This scripture helps me strengthen my resolve to rather be poor than be a cheat and a liar. When I meditate on the fact that A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches ~ Proverbs 22:1, it inspires me to make the investment of time, energy, and money to leave a good name for my kids, and empowers me to make the daily choices and sacrifices that move me further along the path of integrity. If you want to walk in integrity, you must meditate daily on the beauty and blessings of integrity from scriptures, and by learning of men who walked and influenced the world through integrity. #3. Associate with men and women of integrity. Your associations matter. So, mind your company. According to the bible, He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. ~ Proverbs 13:20. Make friends with people of impeccable integrity, righteousness, sincerity, and honesty. Spend time with them, come under their influence. Fellowship with men and women whose lives challenge you to pursue integrity. #4. Seek the help of God through prayer. Ultimately, you and I will need the help of God in order to walk in integrity, particularly in those moments that we are tempted and pressured to compromise. David was a king that led his people with integrity, yet he faltered in many ways. During one of his weakest moments, he cried out to God, Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. ~ Psalm 51:10. When you choose to walk in integrity, you should expect to receive help from God. In those moments that you are tempted and pressured to cave in, remember to seek the help of God through prayer. He will strengthen you with power in your inner man by His Spirit. But He will also give you tokens of His goodness to establish the value of integrity, and power your motivation to move on. SOWING SPIRITUALITY IN the midst of toys and games, trains and toy cars, it's easy for children--and parents--to lose sight of the spiritual meaning of the season. Question: "What is Christian spirituality?" Answer: When we are born again, we receive the Holy Spirit who seals us for the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth (John 16:13). Part of that truth is taking the things of God and applying them to our lives. When that application is made, the believer then makes a choice to allow the Holy Spirit to control him/her. True Christian spirituality is based upon the extent to which a born-again believer allows the Holy Spirit to lead and control his or her life. The apostle Paul tells believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). The tense in this passage is continual and therefore means keep on being filled with the Spirit. Being filled with the Spirit is simply allowing the Holy Spirit to control us rather than yielding to the desires of our own carnal nature. In this passage Paul is making a comparison. When someone is controlled by wine, he is drunk and exhibits certain characteristics such as slurred speech, unsteady walk, and impaired decision making. Just as you can tell when a person is drunk because of the characteristics he displays, so a born-again believer who is controlled by the Holy Spirit will display His characteristics. We find those characteristics in Galatians 5:22-23 where they are called the fruit of the Spirit. This is true Christian spirituality, produced by the Spirit working in and through the believer. This character is not produced by self effort. A born-again

believer who is controlled by the Holy Spirit will exhibit sound speech, a consistent spiritual walk, and decision making based on the Word of God. Therefore, Christian spirituality involves a choice we make to know and grow in our daily relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ by submitting to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This means that, as believers, we make a choice to keep our communication with the Spirit clear through confession (1 John 1:9). When we grieve the Spirit by sin (Ephesians 4:30; 1 John 1:5-8), we erect a barrier between ourselves and God. When we submit to the Spirit's ministry, our relationship is not interrupted (1 Thessalonians 5:19). Christian spirituality is a consciousness of fellowship with the Spirit of Christ, uninterrupted by carnality and sin. Christian spirituality develops when a born-again believer makes a consistent and ongoing choice to surrender to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Sow a correct image Never build your image on your reputation, gifts, or talents. Build it rather on your character. For instance, I do not see myself as being in the ministry, but rather as being in a love affair with God. My personal relationship with God is more important to me than my work as a pastor. So, my priority is to make that relationship sound and solid. The former is the substance of my character, the later is merely the expression of that character. Again, I do not aim at being a great speaker or writer. I do not want my gifts and talents to define me. I rather want to be a great husband and dad, through sacrificial and exemplary godly living. It is easy to be a Christian in church and in the public, but very difficult to be one before your spouse and kids who live with you under the same roof, and who see you every moment of every day. I want to be a model, not for the world, but for my wife, and my kids. I believe that goal will help me develop the quality of integrity, more than merely becoming more skillful in my work.

"Everything your child needs to know has to begin before kindergarten and has to change as your child changes, and as his capacity to think, understand and raise questions changes." As your child grows and develops, so should your level of interaction and instruction. From an early age, children, especially very young ones, ask all kinds of questions, including the unanswerable ones, but that shouldn't diminish your effectiveness as a parent. According to experts, it's not knowing all of the answers, but establishing a "spiritual dialogue" that creates a platform for the discussion of spiritual issues, concepts and questions. How to sow the best: * Through example * Giving examples * Thoughts, words and actions * Show positive affection * Look for the good in others * Positive discipline

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