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01. What is your view on educational research?

a) it is a futile activity for the teacher b) it is an activity which contribute positively to the efficiency of education c) it is an interesting activity for the researcher d) it is an activity that adds to the insight of the researcher 02. Research aims at a) control of concerned issues b) understanding of concerned issues c) probable solutions to concerned issues d) predictions about concerned issues 03. For the conduct of a good research project, which of the following is most essential? a) collective scholarship b) a good research library c) a penetrating and analytical mind d) a touch of genius 04. The quality of research is best judged by a) relevance of the results b) methodology followed c) competency of the researcher d) experience of the researcher 05. A good researcher should collect data a) relevant to the objectives formulated b) suitable to what he wants to prove c) from all possible sources d) helpful to substantiate all the hypotheses formulated 06. The quality of research depends upon a) availability of research facilitiesb) use of advanced technologyc) commitment on the part of the researcherd) training in research methodolog 07. On academic matters a researcher should a) depend on his guide in all mattersb) be open minded and logicalc) consider himself as a master of the subjectd) always adhere to the routine practiced by researchers 08. A good researcher concentrates on a) a specific area with a view to understand all minute detailsb) several areas in order to understand the fundamental ideasc) an area depending on manpower and funding availabled) any easy topic that would fetch results with least effort 09. Which one of the following is the most essential characteristic of a research worker? a) sympathy b) open mindednessc) systematic thinking d) emotional control 10. The most important quality of a researcher that would help to produce a useful work is a) a general interest in research b) sound knowledge of research techniquesc) experience in conducting research d) deep interest in the problem area chosen 11. A good research always begins with a) a felt problem to be thoroughly tackled b) preparation of the plan and design for studyc) study of relevant research methodology d) study of what research others have done 12. Lack of consistency in research findings amounts to a) lack of reliability b) lack of validityc) lack of reliability and validity d) lack of sensitivity 13. Which one of the following is the usual sequence of scientific inquiry? a) observation - verification - hypothesising theorizing b) experimentation - observation verification hypothesizing c) observation - hypothesising - experimentation theorizing d) theorising - observation - experimentation - hypothesising 14. In every field, research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge. But innovative discoveries are rare because a) research is a continuous and critical investigationb) a discovery require divergent thinking, which is not very commonc) sustained experimental work needed for discovery is not easily forth comingd) most people lack the depth of knowledge needed for making a discovery 15. In higher education, teaching and research are two different activities that a) cannot go together as these are differentb) can go on, only in a sequential orderc) can go together supplementing each otherd) can go together only at the expense of each other 16. The main consideration for taking up a research project should be

a) improving qualifications b) adding to the reputation of ones institution c) adding to the existing knowledge d) meeting the job requirements 17. A good teacher is essentially a good researcher also. How do you react to this statement? a) whole heartedly agree with it b) it may not be true alwaysc) it is only an opinion d) there is no truth in it at all 18. Objectivity in research implies a) correct judgment of truth b) find links consistent with realityc) inter researcher agreement d) methodological sophistication 19. Action Research means a) research related to school activitiesb) managing the class on the basis of research findingsc) research geared towards scientific solution of felt classroom problemsd) research on the activities of pupils 20. The process by which we proceed from some given truth to an unknown truth is known as a) stating a conclusion b) stating a premisec) making a judgement d) making an inference 21. Sin-qua-non of good research is a) a well formulated hypothesis b) a well formulated problemc) an adequate library d) a good research supervisor 22. In every research, one should a) know everything in the area without bothering to learn the details in anyb) not try out anything blindly but wait until a sudden flash appears in his mindc) know more and more about less and less in certain sub areasd) none of the above 23. One undertakes research a) to describe and explain a new phenomenonb) to refute what has already been accepted as a factc) to verify what has already been establishedd) to do one or more of the above 24. For a proposition to be true, it is necessary that it should have all of the followingcharacteristics except a) it must be objective b) it must be in tune with accepted beliefsc) it must be consistent d) it must be testable 25. The objectives of research can be written a) only in question form b) only in statement formc) both in question and statement form d) only in hypothetical form 26. Which of the following is not the requirement of a hypothesis? a) it should be based on factsb) it should be conceivablec) it should contradict the existing knowledged) it should allow consequences deducted from it 27. Generalisability of a new teaching method can be tested through research across a) different subjects b) different teachersc) different levels/grades d) all of the above 28. In research, which of the following will be most acceptable for establishing a fact? a) opinion of large number of scholarsb) being in practice over a long period of timec) availability of empirical data supporting the factd) references in past publications 29. The research tool generally used in survey method is a) schedule b) questionnairec) checklist d) all of the above 30. Which of the following is not an essential part of a research report? a) statement of objectives b) procedure followedc) acknowledgement d) conclusions drawn 31. The bibliography given in a research report a) helps those interested in further research and studying the problem from another angleb) shows the vast knowledge of the researcherc) makes the report authenticd) all of the above 32. The process not needed in experimental research is a) control b) observationc) manipulation and replication d) reference collection 33. In order to augment the accuracy of the study, a researcher

a) should be honest and unbiasedb) should keep the variance highc) should increase the size of sampled) all of the above 34. Hypothesis cannot be stated in a) declarative terms b) null and question form termsc) general terms d) directional terms 35. Formation of hypothesis may not be necessary in a) survey studies b) fact finding or historical studiesc) experimental studies d) normative studies 36. Who is regarded as the father of scientific social surveys? a) Best b) Boothc) Galton d) Darwin 37. A good hypothesis should be a) formulated in such a way that it can be tested by the datab) of limited scope and should not have global significancec) precise, specific and consistent with most known factsd) all of the above 38. Field study is related to a) laboratory situationsb) real life situationsc) experimental situationsd) all of the above 39. The research which is undertaken to solve an immediate problem is a) fundamental researchb) explorative researchc) action researchd) basic research 40. The discovery and development of an organised set of scientific knowledge or theory isthe outcome of a) fundamental research b) applied researchc) exploratory research d) action research 41. The term ex post facto research is generally used to denote a) descriptive researchb) analytical researchc) fundamental researchd) applied research 42. The research approach which involves the construction of an artificial environment thatpermits an observation of the dynamic behaviour of a system under controlled conditionsis a inferential approach b) experimental approachc) simulation approach d) qualitative approach 43. The real value of research lies in its ability to arrive at certain a) interpretationsb) analysisc) experimentationd) generalisations 44. The decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means concerning aninquiry or research study constitute a) research problemb) research designc) experimental designd) hypothesis testing 45. The procedures of assigning numbers to various degrees of opinion or attitude is called a) rating b) testingc) scaling d) designing 46. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called a) inference b) hypothesisc) parameter d) statistic 47. A statistical measure based upon the sample is called a inference b) hypothesisc) parameter d) statistic 48. Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as a) statistical inference of the external validity of the researchb) parameter inferencec) data analysis and interpretationd) elimination of extraneous errors and modification 49. A researcher divides his population into certain groups and fixes the size of the samplefrom each group. It is called a) stratified sampling b) cluster samplingc) quota sampling d) all of the above 50. Scientific method of education implies a) deductive thinking b) inductive thinkingc) both deductive and inductive thinking d) intuitive thinkin

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