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Nemisis first steam powered iron gunboat o Others soon followed in China o Britain able to defeat half the

world Result of Industrial Revolution-dramatic innovation in manufacturing,mining.transportation and equally rapid changes in society and commerce. Allowed countries to unleash production,exploit worlds natural resources,transform enviorment and human life. Distribution uneaven between rich and poor(Workers and Kids heavily harmed) Causes: Population: o Fast growth in 19th century 5.5 million in 17th century,9 million in 1801,and 18 million in 1851 Growth from: More reliable food sources,resistance to disease.People married and had children at a younger age,high migration rate. American Growth 4 million in 17th century to 31.5 million in 19th century from migrtation. Economic Growth+Population Growth=reinforcement Agricultural Revolution Before 18th century,acceptance of different vegatables like the potatoes in Europe(Ireland-Russia) Veggies:Turnips,Legumes,Clover,Corn. Only Prosperous farmers risked new methods and new crops. Richland owners took over,made tenants drain and improve land. o Traditional methods of gleaning in others fields,pasturing animals on common land,gathering firewood in common woods. o Enclosure movement-turned tenants and sharecroppers into landless farm laborers who then moved to cities,became homeless,or emigrated. Western Europe protected small farmers from monopolies with laws. Trade and Intentiveness Increased demand w/economic growth resulted in increased productions in traditions o Roads imporved,more craftsmen to produce fine china,Merchants delieved and picked up items. o Growth of pop and food=growth of food. Growing share in affordable items such as tea, sugar, cotton textiles, iron, pottery. o Encyclopedia-rose from facinatiuon,thousands of artifact,illustration. Benjamin Frank->Electricity,Montgolfier Brothers-> hot air balloon,Claude Chappe-> telegraph Britain and Europe Great Britain o Rising standard of living thanks to good harvests,growing population,booming trade o Cheap immitations,not innovations.Put products to use quickly o Leading exporter of tools,guns,hardware,craft goods.

Before 1760 English Court less ostentatious Aristocracy=less powerful Social Class less defined Political Power not as centralized, government employed fewer bureaucrats and officials. Inttermmarriages Guilds=weak Ancestry and Wealth equally respected Good Water transportation Highly commercial Active over sea trade

After 1760 Underwent dramatic change due to entreprenaurs and investors Growth hampered by transportation cost, misguided government ,and rigid structure. Lack of market and managaement skills 1789 to 1815 a lot of revolutions and wars. Insecure times made hard to invest in new technologies Political Revolutions swept away old regimes

1815: Western Europe ready to industrialiazation;Began in Belgium,France. Britain 1820 banned emigration of skilled workers,regardless still left and worked on continental Europe. Europe set up tech schools, eliminated barriers, tolls, hindrances. Encouraged formation of companies and bank to channel private saves Cotton=first industry Britain still ahead. Technological Revolution: 5 innovations that spurred industrialization: 1. Mass production through division of labor 2. New Machines and Mechanization 3. Increase in Iron 4. Steam engine 5. Electric telegraph Pottery: o Good example of Mass production o East Asian->China->Far too expensive for mass production, only royal consumed. o Josiah Wedgewood opened potter business in 1759->Cheap production through division of Labor->subdivided work in specialized and repetitive tasks. He was interested in new technologies in 1782 he purchased first steam engine to mix clay and grind flint. Member of Birmingham Lunar society-inventors who met w/full moon. Change for the better Cotton Industry o Larged in period, illustrated mechanization-use of machines to do work previously done by hand.

Iron Industry

o Common in middle east and Asia,not Europe.Europeans liked it for cooler,softer,cleaner than wool. o Made local after attempt to ban from being imported in. o 1760s revolution cotton thread->spinning jenny->soft irregular. o Richard Arkwrigth->water frame->produced thread stronger,required water wheel,more machine in one building o 1785 Samuel Crompton combine jenny and water frame,named Mule,produced thread strong to be used in muslin o Cotton boom between 1770 and 90 in Britain. o Power loom 1784,prefect 1815 o Mechanization offered: 1. Productivity for Manufacturer 2. Price for Consumer o Britain industrialization made cotton Americans valuable crop Eli Whitney pattened cotton gin which separated bools from fiber.Spread cotton all over country Used for thousands years for tools,swords,weapons,pots,et. Chienese forge produced cast iron in large quatentied. Deforestation drove cost of charcoal Was rare and valuable metal to chienese Coke replaced charcoal making iron cheaper to produce Henry Cort perfected Coke iron by puddling Coke iron cheaper,less destructive,no limity to quanitity. 1779 Abe Darby bulid bridge of iron->Crystal Palace made of iron and class. o French attempted to make parts interchangeable. o o o o o o o o o Mechanical substitute for human and animal power as well as wind and water o Atmospheric pressure crated to turn heat into motion o 1712 Rhomas Newcomen created first steam engine o James Watt repaired the newcomne engine developed steam engine with Matt Boulten which turned invention into commercial success and was the most celebrated invention of the 18th century. o Inventors of france and US and England 1783-88 o Clermont steamed between NYC and Albany,1820 Pennsylvania built on thousand miles of canals by 40. o Savannah crossed atlantic in 1819.Great Western and Sirius more effective o Steam Engine to big for weak cars until 1804 w/Richard Trevithich o Horses could pull more wagons on wooden or iron rails o Stephonson and Son Robert made steam powered wagine o Railroad building mania proceeded for 20 years. o Railroads triggered insustrialization of Europe o France copied british as did Belgium nad Prussia

Steam Engine

o Satisfied the long standing need for transportation,stimulated iron,machinery and construction industries o Germany experienced industrial boom Comunication over wires o Railroads developed telegraph o Alessandro Volta inveted the batt o Samuel Morse code of dots and dashesthat could be transmitted with single wire o 1851 first submarine telegraph over English cannal Impact of Industrial Revolution o Changes local at first w/slums,water children labor o Most dramatic industrialization occurred in towns->growth in population o Prosperity amongst people o Wealth into buildings o Poor migrants lived in over crowded tenaments o Disease proliferated,rickets cholera o Reofrms such as garbage removal,water and sewage system

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