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GEOPHYSICS. VOL. 34, NO. 5 (OCTOBER 1969), P. 713-728, 11 PIGS.




A. R. ZOHDY* depth, to the electric basement. A few of the Schlumbergersoundingcurves were either clearly or subtly distorted by nonhorizontal geologic structures. The interpretation of these sounding curves illustrates the requirement for careful analysis in processingelectrical prospecting data obtained over complex geologicconditions. The interpretation of a combined Schlumberger-equatorial sounding curve, which did not agree with the preliminary interpretation of seismic refraction data, was confirmed to be correctby data from a test well drilled to a depth of 4363 ft. The application of electrical sounding data in the El Paso area furnished valuable information on the depth to fresh-water-saltwater interfaces and on the depth to highly resistive impervious bedrocks.

Electrical soundings using the symmetric AMNB Schlumberger and the bipole-dipole equatorial arrays were made along two profiles near El Paso, Texas, in support of a groundwater exploration program which included seismic refraction and gravity surveys. Electrode spacings (a/2 or R) reaching 12,000 ft allowed exploration to depths of about 7000 ft. Geoelectrical information on the subsurface materials was augmented by sounding with the bilateral equatorial con@rration and by transforming Schlumberger curves into dipole-polar sounding curves with formulas developedby Al in and by p Tsekov. The bilateral equatorial soundingcurves were found useful for detecting the direction of dip of highly resistive bedrocks whereas transformed soundingcurveswere usedto evaluate the average longitudinal resistivity, and hence the

In February and March 1966, the U. S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the El Paso Public Service Board and the Texas Water Development Board, made gravity, seismic,and resistivity surveys in an investigation of the groundwater resources the Hueco bolson near in the city of El Paso, Texas. The geophysicalsurveys were made to delineate the basement configuration, to evaluate the total volume of bolson till, to determine the depth to the fresh-watersalt-water interface, and to estimate the depth to 1In 1935 and 1936!Sayre and Stephenson (1937) made.the pioneerresistivitystudy for locatingsaltwaterbodies nearEl Paso,Texas.

the impervious basement along certain traverses. This paper is primarily concernedwith the interpretation of electrical soundingdata, but someof the results obtained by the gravity and seismic surveys (Mattick, 1967) are also included. GENBRAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY

The Hueco bolson is a broad intermontane trough filled with unconsolidated Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of sand, gravel, and clay. Itis bounded on the west by the Franklin Mountains and on the east by the Hueco Mountains. It extends northward into the Tularosa Basin and southward into Mexico where it is bounded by the Sierra Madre Oriental. The general geology of the Hueco bolson area

t Publicationauthorized the Director,U.S. Geological by Survey.Presented part at the 36th Annual Interin nationalSEG Meetingin Houston,Texas,November 9,1966. Manuscriptreceived the Editor November19, by 1968;revised manuscript received April 28, 1969. * U.S. Geological Survey,Denver,Colorado 8022.5. Copyright @1969by the Society Exploration of Geophysicists. 718

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was summarized by Mattick (1967) on the basis of the geologic studies of King (1935), King et al (1945), Knowles and Kennedy (1956), Nelson (1940), Richardson (1909), and Sayre and Livingston (1945). The Franklin Mountains are composed of sedimentary rocks of the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Systems. These Paleozoic rocks rest in places on red granite and quartzite of Precambrian age. The Hueco Mountains are composed also of Paleozoic rocks (mostly limestone) resting on red granite of Precambrian age. The groundwater in the Tertiary and Quaternary deposits in the Hueco bolson (Knowles and Kennedy, 1956) is generally divided into: fresh water, inferior or brackish water (250-750 ppm chloride), and highly mineralized or salty water (> 750 ppm and reaching several thousand ppm chloride). The brackish water generally forms a transition zone between fresh and salt water and, in general, the thickness of this zone is small with respect to its depth of burial so that its detection on an electrical sounding curve is almost impossible.

from the base of the Franklin Mountains in the west to the base of the Hueco Mountains in the east. The electrical sounding results along this profile yielded valuable information on the depth to the fresh-water-salt-water interface and on the minimum depth to bedrock. The seismic refraction and the gravity data along this profile were analyzed by Mattick (1967).

The reconnaissance gravity survey* covered approximately 750 sq mi in which 456 gravity stations were occupied. The complete Bouguer anomaly map together with the locations of the seismic refraction and electrical sounding profiles are shown in Figure 1. As shown on the gravity map, the electrical soundings were made along two profiles. One profile was along Horizon Boulevard, east-southeast of El Paso. The electrical sounding curves obtained along this profile were of good quality and their interpretation is of interest from both the geoelectrical and geohydrological points of view. To the north and south of this profile, two seismic refraction profiles were shot, but, owing to the high attenuation properties of blown sand in the area and the shallowness of the shotholes, the seismograms obtained were of substandard quality and the results are considered unreliable. The second profile of soundings was made along an east-west traverse, north-northwest of El Paso, coinciding with the western part of a 20mile seismic refraction profile which extended he gravity survey was made by D. B. Jackson T and D. L. Peterson of the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

The Schlumberger and the bipole-dipole equatorial electrode arrays (Figure 2) were used in investigating the electrical properties of the geologic layers along the two sounding profiles. In the bipole-dipole equatorial array (Berdichevskii and Petrovskii, 1956; Berdichevskii and Zagarmistr, 1958) the potential electrodes (M and N) are placed at right angles to the perpendicular bisector R of the current line AR, and an equatorial sounding is made by increasing the spacing R between the moving center Q of MN and the stationary center 0 of AB. A bilateral equatorial sounding is made by measuring the apparent resistivity on both sides Rt and R- of the bipole AB. The measured apparent resistivities are usually designated &+ and j&-, respectively, where the subscript 0 refers to the azimuthal dipole-dipole apparent resistivity which is identical to the equatorial apparent resistivity (Al in, p 1950; Berdichevskii, 1958). For a horizontally stratified, laterally homogeneous and isotropic earth io+=fi-=&, where Fa is the apparent resistivity measured by a Schlumberger electrode array at AB/2 =i?, where E is the effective spacing of the bipole-dipole equatorial array (i?= d/RZ+m/2)2. When the ground is not laterally homogeneous and/or is not horizontally stratified (dipping layers) the value of &+#fi(Berdichevskii et al, 1966). This property of bilateral equatorial dipole sounding curves, which is also the property of curves of other types of dipole soundings,has made the bilateral-equatorial sounding technique a valuable tool for mapping geologic structures. The largest deviation of @+ from &Jis obtained by orienting the current line AB parallel to the strike of a geologic structure and expanding the sounding line at right angles to it.

Twelve Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VES) and three dipole equatorial soundings

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El Paso




Resistivity 0
I t I I 1

iZe 9







FIG. 1. Index map showingthe location of electricalsounding and seismicrefraction profiles,

and the completeBougueranomaly map of the area studied near El Paso,Texas. (DES) were made along the lo-mile traverse on Horizon Boulevard, Horizon City, east-southeast of the city of El Paso. The maximum Schlumberger electrode spacings a/2 ranged from 3000 to 6000 ft, whereas, the equatorial spacings R were expanded to 12,000 ft. A plan view showing the location of the electrical sounding stations and the orientation of the sounding lines, together with the geoelectric cross section based on the interpretation of the sounding curves, is shown in Figure 3. To the west of VES 5, the bedrock (which is limestone of Permian age and is exposed at Backbone Hill and Horse Hill) is calculated to be at a depth of about 3000 ft. To the east of VES 5 and VES 8 the dip of the bedrock is steep, indicating the probable presence of a system of normal faults. In the area between Backbone Hill and Horse Hill the bedrock is relatively shallow (less than 300 ft) as calculated from VES 4 and 9. A much shallower structure in the form of a buried ridge was detected between VES 9 and 3. To the east of VES 3 the direction of the dip is reversed, as indicated by the depth calculations at VES 1 and 2, and the bedrock dips gently to the east toward the Hueco Mountains. The bolson fill material that is saturated with highly saline water has a resistivity of the order of 2.5-3.0 ohm-m. This value of true resistivity is based on the interpretation of VES 11, VES 12, and DES 6. In addition, the electric log of well

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FIG. 2. Electrode configuration,plan view, A and B are current electrodes,M and N are potential electrodes.

X-10 indicates that the resistivity of saline-watersaturated bolson fill is less than 4 ohm-m. The fresh-water-salt-water interface is calculated to be deepest between soundings 10 and 5, and, therefore, the thickest portion of basin fill that is saturated with fresh water should also be found in that area. A thin layer of saline water overlies the bedrock high to the east of VES 8. This layer of saline water probably is perched and apparently is not in hydraulic continuity with the main saltwater body in the vicinity of VES 8. Consequently, it seems that the fault plane, east of VES 8, extends into the alluvium, forming an impermeable barrier and causing a hydrologic discontinuity. The simple Bouguer gravity and the total longitudinal unit conductance S profiles obtained along Horizon Boulevard are shown above the cross section in Figure 3b. The values of the total longitudinal conductance S are given in mhos and were graphically determined from the VES curves by extending the rising rectilinear right-hand


2 1000
22ooo f3000 %4000 ? 2 4 MILES

FIG. 3. Profile of electrical soundings along Horizon Boulevard. (a) Location of sounding stations and orientation of sounding lines, (b) geoelectric cross section and profiles of gravity and total longitudinal conductance. Geoelectric layer overlying saline-water layer includes the static water table which lies at depth of about 400 ft from the ground surface. Limestone pattern designates electric basement of high resistivity which is probably composed of limestone of Permian age.

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El Paso


branch (here referred to as the S-line) on each VES curve to where it intersects the abscissa axis of p= 1 ohm-m (e.g. Figure 9). The value of a/2, in feet, at which the S-line intersects the abscissa axis of j= 1 ohm-m is numerically equal to .S in foot/ohm-m, which can be easily expressed in mhos through multiplication by the foot-to-meter conversion factor 0.3048. The profile of S values is an excellent qualitative indicator of the behavior of the bedrock surface. Moreover, along Horizon Boulevard, the profile of S values was found to have the same general form of the gravity profile. The small gravity high obtained near VES 3 probably reflects a high-density structure not detected on the electrical sounding curves.

VES 1 and 2: The first two soundings (VES 1 and 2) were made at the east end of the profile,

using the Schlumberger electrode array. The obtained VES curves (Figure 4) were sufficiently smooth to be interpreted in terms of horizontally stratified, laterally homogeneous media. Both curves represent six-layer geoelectric sections but the section at VES 1 is of the KQQH-type (p1<p2>p3>pa>pa <ps), whereas the section at VES 2 is of the KHKH-type (PI <pZ>p3 <p4 >p6 < p6)(Kalenov, 1957). The fifth layer from the top, on both VES curves, is a good conductor and, on the basis of the interpretation of other soundings, was assumed to have a resistivity of 3 ohm-m. The maximum possible~resistivib for this lay-em;ilr accordance with the principle of equivalence, is about 8 ohm-m, which indicates that it is most likely saturated with brackish to highly saline water, and, therefore, the interface between the fourth and fifth layers at VES 1 and 2 probably represents the fresh-water-salt-water interface. The fresh-water-salt-water interface as well as


IO -



1 I


180 2 30 3


m _





I11111 100 y, IN FEET

Ii,,, 1000

, 1 / I I_ 10,000

FIG. 4.

Interpretation of curvesVES 1 and 2. Number in columnsdesignatetrue resistivity in ohm-m. Depths to layers are in feet and are plotted using the logarithmic scaleof the abscissa axis.

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718 IOOO-




-1. 1 ..L 1Y I 10.000 y, IN




FIG. 5. Curves of VES 3 and 9 showing discontinuities A~/2?1800 f t due to the crossing acurrent electrode at of over thin vertical dielike structure of high resistivity. The maximum on VES 3 has a sharp curvature due to the limited lateral extent of the third layer (>lOOO ohm-m layer beneath VES 3 in interpreted model). Horizontal distance, on interpreted model, between VES 3 and 9 is approximately 3900 ft.

the depth to bedrock are calculated to be deeper at VES 1 than at VES 2, indicating the probable presence of a valuable fresh water supply to the east of VES 1. The quantitative interpretation of the VES curves 1 and 2 was made using albums of theoretical three-layer curves in conjunction with the auxiliary point diagrams (Compagnie Gin& rale de geophysique 1963; Orellana and Mooney, 1966; Zohdy, 1965). lrES 3 and 9: A high-resistivity, dikelike structure was detected on the curves of VES 3 and 9 (Figure 5). The maximum on the curve of VES 3 is very sharp and most likely is caused by a shallow high-resistivity layer of limited lateral extent (Alfano, 1959, p. 362). On the other hand, the . maximum on the curve of VES 9 is undistorted and the segment of the curve between AB/2 = 5 ft and AB/2= 1200 ft is readily interpretable in terms of a horizontally stratified, laterally homogeneous medium. Both VES curves, however, displa!~ a sharp discontinuity between the abscissa values of AB/2 = 1600 ft and AB/2=2000 ft (at

MN/2 = 200 ft). This type of discontinuity (with AB/2 = variable, MN/2 = constant) is characteristic of VES curves obtained from Schlumberger soundings expanded along a line perpendicular to the strike of a thin vertical layer or a dikelike structure (Kunetz, 1955, 1966). To obtain such a discontinuity, the following geologic conditions are required: (a) the width of the dike is infinitesimal in comparison to the electrode spacing AB/2, (b) the dike either intersects the earth surface or is buried under a cover of thickness very small in comparison to the electrode spacing AB/2, (c) the resistivity of the dike is larger than the resistivit.ies of the surrounding media (for a conductive dike having a resistivity smaller than the resistivities of the surrounding media, only a sharp cusp is developed similar to the cusp observed for a vertical plane boundary). In general, the location of a dikelike structure with respect to one or the other side of the center of a symmetric AMNB Schlumberger array cannot be determined from a single VES curve, but

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Near El Paso


the ~&WMX from the center of t.he array to the structure is easily determined by the abscissa value of B/2 at which the discontinuity on the VES curve- is observed. Because of t.he near equal ity of the AB/2 spacings on VES 3 and Y at which the discontinuities are observed, at least five geologic models (based on the presence of vertical dike structures) may fit the observed discontinuities. Three of these models require the presence of more than one dikelike structure, one of which must be at a distance of about 1800 ft west of VES 9. These three models are improbable because the curve of VES 8 (whose sounding line, expanded in an east-west direction, overlaps the sounding line of VES 9) is continuous and does not show the effect of a shallow vertical dike. A fourth model can be based on the presence of two dikes, one to the east of VES 3 at AB/2 = 1800 ft, and the other between VES 3 and 9. This model is also unlikely because the magnitude of the discontinuity would have to be almost twice as much on the curve of VES 3 as on the curve of VES 9. Therefore, the most probable geologic model is the fifth one, which involves the presence of a single dikelike structure located between VES 3 and 9 (as indicated in Figure 5). The dikelike resistive structure is interpreted geologically to be a narrow limestone ridge whose width near the top is less than 400 ft and whose sides dip at angles probably greater than 45 degrees. There is no direct surface geologic evidence that a ridgeliie structure occurs along Horizon Boulevard, but about 0.75 mi to the north, at Backbone Hill and at Horse Hill, are two Permian limestone outcrops. On the assumption that the buried ridge is an extension of the limestone outcrop at Horse Hill and that its axis is located between VES 3 and 9, the electrical sounding VES 18 was made to evaluate the depth to its buried top. lrEs 18: The center of VES 18 was placed at the approximate inferred location of the buried ridge between VES 3 and 9, and the sounding line was oriented parallel to the ,presumed north-south strike of the buried ridge. The terminal branch of the curve of VES 18 (Figure 6) is highly distorted by .two large displacements, indicating that the center of the electrode array was not located over the axis of the buried ridge. The distortions on the curve, however, represent an interesting example of the esect of strong lateral heterogeneities on field VES curves of the Schlumberger type. The first large displacement was registered on the

curve of VI5 18 upon the change in the potential electrode spacing from MN/2=100 ft to MN.;2 -200 ft at AB/2= 1000 ft=constant. This typr of displacement is indicative of the placement of one of the potential electrodes (M or N) over a medium of higher resistivity than the medium on which the center of the electrode array is located. The second displacement was registered on the curve when the potential electrode spacing MN/2 was changed from 200 to 400 ft, at AB/2=2000 ft=constant. It is clear from the curve of VES 18 that the second displacement is in the same direction as the first displacement and that neither displacement is in accordance with theoretically predictable displacements for horizontally stratified, laterally homogeneous media (Deppermann, 1954). Moreover, the magnitude and the persistency of the displacement are unaccountable by a lateral heterogeneity of dimensions small with respect to the electrode spacings. A theoretical study (which is beyond the scope of this article) on the effect of a vertical plane boundary on practical Schulmberger sounding curves (MN -_ spacing is finite and AB/MN 25) indicates that the above-described behavior of the curve of VES 18 is readily explainable. It can be concluded that the surface trace of the edge of the buried ridge is probably located at a distance, along the sounding line of VES 18, of greater than 100 ft but less than 200 ft from the center of the electrode array. This conclusion is based on the fact that the first displacement was observed when MN/2 was changed from 100 to 200 ft. Furthermore, it can be concluded also that the azimuth angle formed by the sounding line of VES 18 and the nearsurface edge of the buried ridge is less than 30 degrees (Zohdy, 1969) as indicated by the lack of the formation of a well-developed cusp on the __ curve of VES 18 at lOO<AB/2<200 ft. Therefore the distance between the center of the array nd the surface trace of the buried ridge along the a normal to the latter must be less than 115 ft. A quick method for tracing the attitude of this buried ridge would have been the surveying of the area by horizontal resistivity profiling with a constant electrode spacing AB/2, but this was not done. VES 8: This sounding was made at about 1 mile west of VES 9. The interpretation of the curve of VES 8 (Figure 7) on the basis of a hprizontally stratified medium is not only possible but also

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FIG. 6. Curve of VES 18 showingthe effect of a lateral heterogeneityof high resistivity when one of the potential electrodesis placed over it.

quite attractive. The flat shape of the curve minimum narrows down the possible range for the value of the true resistivity of the conductive layer, above bedrock, to the order of 20 ohm-m. Accordingly, the depth to the high-resistivity bedrock (Permian limestone) must be about 2000 ft. This interpretation, however, does not correlate favorably with the data obtained from soundings on either side of VES 8. To the west of VES 8 there is strong evidence of the presence of a salinewater-saturated layer of significant thickness (2000 ft) which is unlikely to disappear at VES 8; and to the east of VES 8 the depth to bedrock is calculated to be less than 300 ft (according to the interpretation of VES 9 and VES 4). Therefore if the depth at VES 8 is of the order of 2000 ft, a steep fault must exist between VES 8 and VES 9. The presence of such a fault would affect the apparent resisitivity values on the curves of VES 8 and VES 9. However the effectof the fault would be greater on the curve of VES 8 than on the curve

of VES 9 if the fault is closer to VES 8 than to VES 9 and if it dips to the west (toward VES 8) rather than to the east (toward VES 9). Consequently the curve of VES 8, in spite of its smoothness, could not be accepted readily to represent a laterally homogeneous, horizontally stratified medium. The following interpretation of VES 8 seems to be more satisfactory. First, the assumption was made that the curve of VES 8 is the result of both horizontal and inclined boundaries in the bedrock surface. Second, the surface trace of a fault was placed along the western foothill of Backbone Hill connecting it with another bedrock exposure to the northwest of it (not shown on map in Figure 3). The surface trace of this fault intersects the sounding fine of VES 8 about 1300 ft to the east. Third, the assumption was made that the fault plane dips to the west at an angle of 45 degrees. The choice of a 45degree angle of dip was based on the ready availability of a set of theoretical

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Near El Paso


I I I ,,,,I

I I I I11111, I Iv--T. Y

FIG. 7. Interpretation of the VES curve 8 by meansof subtracting the effect of an inclined boundary. Horizontal scaleequalsvertical scaleon interpreted model. Schlumberger sounding curves for this particular angle (Chastenet de G&y and Kunetz, 1956). The effect of such a fault on the curve of VES 8 was removed by a graphical method which, although it does not rely on a very rigorous mathematical foundation, is valuable in practical interpretations (Alfano, 1960; Fomina, 1958; Rabinovich, 1962). The theoretical curve (X-4.5-m) of a Schlumberger sounding expanded at right angles to the plane of an inclined boundary (angle of dip = 45 degrees) separating two media of resistivities pi and pa(for pa m) was traced on the bilogarithmic sheet = of VES 8 so that the abscissa value of AB/2d= 1 (where d is the distance from the center of the array to the surface trace of the fault plane) on the theoretical curve (IC-45-w) was placed at AB/2= 1300 ft. Then the values of the ratio of ,+I were graphically measured at several values of =/2d and subtracted from the corresponding apparent resistivity values on the curve of VES 8. This graphical procedure determined the ordinates of a set of points which defined the VES curve that would hawebeen obtainedhad the ground beea horiaontally stratiFed and later-ally homogeneous. It is interesting to note that the constructed VES curve (see Figure 7) can be interpreted in terms of a horizontally stratified five-layer geoelectric section of the KQH-type (pl<pz>pa> p4<p6). Moreover, the fourth layer in this horizontally stratified section has a low resistivity which would represent the salt-water-saturated layer observed on all sounding curves of this area. By assuming the resistivity of the fourth layer to be 3 ohm-m, a depth of about 840 ft is obtained for the high-resistivity bedrock. Depths to bedrock of the order of 3000 ft were obtained from the interpretation of electrical soundings west of VES 8. Therefore it is not unreasonable to assume that a second fault may be present to the west of VES 8. The effect of a second fault on the curve of VES 8, however, would be negligible because of the large depth of burial

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Zohdy denced by the higher apparent resistivity values on the curve of DES 10a in comparison to those on the curve of DES lob at i?<3000 ft. From the hydrogeological point of view, this probably indicates that the fresh-water-salt-water interface, which coincides with the interface between the fourth and fifth layers, is deeper east of VES 10 than west of it. It is interesting that the Schlumberger curve of VES 10, for AU/2 5 3000 ft, lies between the curves of DES 1Oa and lob, which substantiates the above interpretation and justifies the averaging of all the apparent resistivity values of DES 10a and DES lob to construct the Schlumberger curve that would have been obtained had the AB/2 spacings been expanded to 12,000 ft. The interpretation of the averaged curve provided an estimate on the depth to bedrock at the center of VES 10. The terminal branch of DES 10a rises at an angle greater than 4.5 degrees and does not coincide with that of DES lob, indicating that the bedrock surface is shallower to

of the fault and because the plane of the fault dips to the west away from the center of the electrode array of VES 8. The geologic model obtained on the basis of the above analysis (see Figure 3) was found to be in good general agreement with the character of the gravity profile at VES 8. VES 10, DES 1Oa and lob: VES 10 was made using the Schlumberger array with the electrode spacing expanded up to AB/2=3000 ft, and the obtained VES curve represented a five-layer geoelectric section of the KHK-type (pl<p2>p3 <p4>ps). The sounding data of VES 10 (Figure 8) were expanded to greater electrode spacings by using the bilateral dipole equatorial array. The first minimum on the VES curve, at AB/2 = 300 ft, reflects the presence of a clayey lens of low resistivity beneath VES 10 (see Figure 3). The curves of DES 10a (expanded to the east) and of DES 10b (expanded to the west) indicate that the fourth layer from the top is thicker east of the center of VES 10 than west of it. This is evi-






FIG. 8. Curves of VES 10, DES 10a and lob.

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Near El Paso


the east than to the west of VES 10, which is in agreement with the interpretation of VES 5, 8, and 9. VES 11: A method often used by Russian geophysicists (Alekseev et al, 1957; Berdichevskii and Zagarmistr, 1958; Vedrintsev, 1958; Zagarmistr, 1957) was used for the interpretation of the curve of VES 11. The method is based on the transformation of the Schlumberger (VES) curve into the corresponding dipole polar sounding (DPS) curve to evaluate the average longitudinal resistivity pL of the geoelectric section above a high-resistivity basement. The depth H to basement is then calculated from the simple relation H=~L.!? where the value of S is graphically determined as described earlier. In an H-type geoelectric section (pl>p2<p3), the value of the apparent resistivity at the miniimum, &,,, on the DPS curve, is approximately equal to pi, provided that the thickness hz of the second layer is at least three times the thickness hl of the first layer (1~~23 hl) and provided that pa+ a. Therefore by transforming three-layer VES curves of the H-type or four-layer curves of the KH- or QH-type (which satisfy the above conditions) into the corresponding DPS curves, the value of pi can be easily determined3 for the given geoelectric section. Several formulas have been described in the literature for transforming VES curves into DPS curves (Al in, 1958; Zagarmistr, 1957). Accordp ing to Zavadskaya (1958), the five-point logarithmic formulas of Al in seem to be the most acp curate for transforming VES curves into DPS curves. For example, the central five-point logarithmic formula of Al in is given by p 1 2.2146logpfl C-1 + 0.2768logF -

and the one attributed 1957) is

to Tsekov (Zagarmistr,

& = 0.74988 jjO -

0.60330 p+r (3)

+ 0.85342 j~~.

In equations (l), (2), and (3), the values of apparent resistivities F-1 and p-2 represent the ordinates of two points on the VES curve that are to the left of the ordinate PO,whereas j+l and lj+2 represent the ordinates of two points to the right of PO.The value of 50 is the ordinate of the point to be transformed. The values of the coefficients in (l), (2), and (3) are based on the assumption that the abscissa values on the VES curve are logarithmically equally spaced at an interval of V . Z The curve of VES 11 (Figure Y) was transformed into a DPS curve using Tsekov formula, s equation (3) (in Zagarmistr, 1957, p. 25). The curve of VES 11 was chosen for transformation because it is of the KH-type, because it appears to be unaffected by strong lateral heterogeneities, and because it is reasonable to assume that the conductive fourth layer in the KH geoelectric section is at least three times as thick as the overlying layers. The value of &,,iu on the DPS curve, obtained by transforming the curve of VES 11, is 3.7 ohm-m, and the value of S from the VES curve is 900 ft/ohm-m=275 mhos. Therefore the depth to the resistive bedrock is H = FL-S =/s,,, .s = 3.7 x 900=3330 ft.



Simpler, but less accurate, formulas are based on using central three-point arithmetic expressions. The formula given by Al in (1958) is p pr = 3 (Jo p+1+ 25-i), (2)

3 Small errors related to pseudo-anisotropy may be made in evaluating pi, by using this method, for fourlayer curves (Zagarmistr, 1957).

Interpretation of the curve of VES 11 by curve matching indicates that if the depth to bedrock is 3330 ft, the value of the true resistivity of the conductive fourth layer (saline-water-saturated sedimentary rocks) must be about 3.37 ohm-m. The depth of 3330 ft is probably overestimated owing to three factors: (a) the transformation of a VES curve by a three-point arithmetic expression generally results in a value for ljlmin which is slightly larger than its correct value (discrepancy is generally less than 5 percent), (b) the curve of VES 11 is of the KH-type and therefore a positive error in the estimation of pi results owing to the pseudoanisotropy eX from combining the first two layers into a fictitious single layer of thickness h*= A (h~+hJ (c) all layers are assumed to be isotropic and no correction is made allowing the possibility that they may. be anisotropic. There-

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300 36 36 1 1 16 330 330 300 3.37 3.0

3300 a0 a, 3000




FIG. 9. Result of transformationof VES 11 into a dipole polar soundingcurve for the determination of fibrminsp~. fore a more conservative estimate of the depth at VES 11 would be 3000 ft, which implies that the resistivity of the conductive fourth layer should be 3 ohm-m. PROFILEOF ELECTRICAL SOUNDINGS

Four electrical soundings were made along a S-mile profile coinciding with the western segment of a 20-mile seismic refraction and gravity profile that extends across the Hueco bolson from the base of the Franklin Mountains in the west to near the base of the Hueco Mountains in the east (see Figure 1). A cross section based on the interpretation of the four electrical soundings, data from a test well (drilled after the completion of the geophysical surveys), the seismic refraction data, and the gravity data (Mattick, 1967) is shown in Figure 10. The depth to the fresh-watersalt-water interface as determined from the electrical soundings was in excellent agreement with

the depth obtained from the induction log of the test well. At VES 1.5, west of the test well, the fresh-water-salt-water interface was calculated to be at a depth of 850 ft; at the well, the interface was found to be at a depth of 1050 ft (according to the deep induction log and drill stem tests) ; and at VES 17, east of the well, the depth was calculated to be about 1400 ft. These depths indicate that the thickness of sediments saturated with fresh water, along this profile, increases gradually from west to east. Electric logs and drill stem tests (Knowles and Kennedy, 1957) from other wells in the area of the profile indicate that the thickness of the fresh-water layer diminishes appreciably to the east of VES 17. High apparent seismic velocities between 11,000 and 13,000 ft/sec were recorded when shooting eastward from shotpoint 1 (near the base of the Franklin Mountains, approximately three miles west of the test well) and westward from shotpoint 7 (at a distance of 42,900 ft east of

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El Paso


0 I FIG.


4000 I

6000 I

8000 I

IO.000 I


10. Crosssectionnorth-northwest of El Paso, Texas. Stippled layer above saline-waterlayer includes the static water table which lies at a depth of about 300 ft. Basementrocksare probably of Paleozoic age. limiting assumptions, the depth to a high-resistivity bedrock would be about 7200 ft. This minimum depth is more than twice the depth that would be obtained from the hypothesis based on the presence of a flat-lying 12,000-ft/sec layer at a depth of about 3000 ft. Perhaps the only factor, which has not yet been considered, that could bring about an agreement between the resistivity depth interpretation and the depth to the hypothetical 12,000-ft/sec layer is to impose the third assumption that the geoelectric layers above bedrock have a microanisotropy X~2.2. The above listed three assumptions are not impossible but were considered highly improbable, and a minimum depth to bedrock of the order of 7000 ft at VES 17 was considered to be a reasonable figure. The drilling results of a deep test well, which reached a total depth of 4363 ft, supported the interpretation of the electrical sounding data. No indurated layer was encountered in drilling, and the sonic log indicated that the hypothetical layer with a velocity of 12,000 ft/sec did not exist in the drilled section. An interpretation of the seismic data in conjunction with the gravity data and the sonic log data indicated that the maximum depth to bedrock is of the order of 9000 ft (Mattick, 1967). An estimate of the value of the true resistivity of the saline-water-saturated section near VES 17 was obtained on the basis of the maximum depth estimate of 9000 ft under the following

shotpoint 1, or approximately 5 miles east of the test well). The crossover of these velocity segments between shotpoints 3 and 4 indicated that it might be reasonable to hypothesize the existence of a nearly flat-lying layer beneath VES 17 with a velocity of about 12,000 ft/sec. A velocity of 12,000 ft/sec is normally indicative of an indurated sedimentary (?) rock with low porosity and, probably, high resistivity. The computed depth to this hypothetical layer, according to the seismic data, would be about 3000 ft. The electrical sounding curve (Figure 11) obtained at VES 17 (with the Schlumberger and equatorial arrays) did not support the depth estimate of about 3000 ft to a high-resistivity layer. In fact, the effect of a high-resistivity layer at depth was not fully registered on the curve, although the electrode spacing was expanded to R= 8000 ft. An estimate of the minimum depth to a highresistivity bedrock near VES 17 was obtained by making the following assumptions. The S-line was drawn as close as possible to the last point on sounding curve so that a sharp minimum was formed on the curve. In other words, the assumption - was made that had the electrode spacing iZ=AB/2 been extended, the full effect of the bedrock would have been observed on the sounding curve. The assumption then was made that the resistivity of the saline-water-saturated bolson fill is 0.7 ohm-m, which is as low a value as may be considered possible. Under these two

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FIG. 11. Interpretation of VES and DES 17. assumptions: (a) the position of the S-line as drawn on the curve of VES and DES 17 is correct (the value of S = 8000 ft/ohm-m = 2440 mhos), and (b) the form of the sounding curve is not affected appreciably by the nonhorizontal character of the bedrock surface. If the above assumptions are valid, the value of the resistivity p4 of the fourth layer (saline-water-saturated sediments) can be calculated easily by substitution in the equation
+hl+!T+!5+, Pl
P2 Ps P4

43 8000 = 10 + -+p -.__ 80 1600 therefore p4 = 0.976~

1360 65

7600 p4

1 ohm-m.

This value of 1 ohm-m lor the saline-watersaturated layer is perhaps more realistic than 0.7 ohm-m and corresponds to a depth to bedrock that would be in agreement with the seismic and drilling results. The deep induction log of the test well, drilled at approximately 8500 ft west of VES 17, yielded the following information. At a depth of 1050 ft the resistivity decreases

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Near El Paso


abruptly from about 15 ohm-m to 2 ohm-m, and from 1870 ft to the bottom of the well at 4363 ft, the resistivity is about 1 ohm-m. Drill stem tests indicated that the chloride content increases from 41.5 ppm, at the depth interval 761-786 ft, to 6360 ppm, at 12251250 ft, and it reaches 23,900 ppm at 2167-2182 ft.

The application of electrical soundings proved

to be an effective study area. two there tunity thermore information ings and variations geologic The geophysical problems method for the was the the of groundwater with in the El Paso interface along Among

fresh-water-salt-water reasonable sounding curves the profiles. that effect



surveyed were VES

sounding data obtained to analyze

along Horizon offered VES

Boulevard, the opporlateral Fur-

of strong curves.


on practical

Berdichevskii, M. N., 1958, The method of curved electrical probes: Prikladnaya Geofizika, v. 18, p. 128-144. [Translation in Applied geophysics U.S.S.R. : New York, Pergamon Press, 1962, p. 223-240.1 ~ Krolenko, N. G., and Vedrintsev, G. A., 1966, Album of sets of curves; Translation in Dipole methods for measuring earth conductivity: New York, Plenum Press, 1966, p. 179-302. and Petrovskii, A. D., 1956, Methods of bilateral equatorial sounding: Prikladnaya Geofizika, v. 14, p, 97-114. [Translation by Ivan Mittin, U. S. Geol. Survey Library, Denver, 37 p.] __ and Zagarmistr, A. M., 19.58, Problems of interpretation of bilateral dipole electrical soundings of dipole arrays: Prikladnaya Geofizika, v. 19, p. 57-108. [Translation in Dipole methods for measuring earth conductivity: New York, Plenum Press, 1966, p. 79-113.1 Chastenet de G&y, Jerome, and Kunetz, G&a, 1956, Potential and apparent resistivity over dipping beds: Geophysics, v. 21, p. 780-793. Compagnie G&&ale de GEophysique, 1963, Master curves for electrical sounding: The Hague, EAEG. Deppermann, K., 1954, Die Abhangigkeit des scheinbaren Widerstandes vom Sondenabstand bei der y;;rpunkt-Methode: Geophys. Prosp., v. 2, p. 262Pomina, V. I., 1958, Calculation of the effect of vertical and inclined plane boundaries in the interpretation of electrical soundings: Prik1adnaJ.a Geofizika, v. 20, p. 60-85. [Translation in Applied geophysics U.S.S.R.: New York, Pergamon Press, 1962, p. 271-297.1 Kalenov, E. N., 1957, Interpretation of vertical electrical sounding curves [in Russian]: Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 471 p. King, P. B., 1935, Outline of structural development of trans-Pecos Texas: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 19, p. 221-261. King, R. E., and Knight, J. B., 1945, Geology of Hueco Mountains, El Paso and Hudspeth Counties, Texas: U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. (Prelim.) Map 36. Knowles, D. B., and Kennedy, R. A., 1956, Groundwater resources of the Heuco bolson, northeast of El Paso. Texas: Texas Board of Water Engineers Bull. 56i5, 265 p. Kunetz,. G&a, 19.55, Einfluss vertikaler Schichten auf elektrische Sondierungen: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 21, p. 10-24. ___ 1966, Principles of direct current resistivity prospecting: Berlin, Gebrueder Borntraeger, 103 p. Mattick, R. E., 1967, A seismic and gravity profile across the Hueco bolson, Texas, in Geological Survey research 1967: U. S. Geol. Surve!, Prof. Paper 575-D, p. D85-D91. Nelson. L. A.. 1940. Paleozoic stratinranhv of Franklin Mountains, West Texas: Am. A&o& Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 24, p. 157-172. Orellana, E., and Mooney, H. M., 1966, Master tables and curves for vertical electrical soundine over layered structures: Madrid, Interciencia. Rabinovich. B. I.. 1962, Discounting the effect of vertical boundaries in the interpretation of electrical soundings: Trudv Sniieims. no. 27. D. 132-137. [Transl&on by k. Rovbinson, U. S. Geol. Survey library, Denver, 11 p.] Richardson, G. B., 1909, Description of the El Paso district [Texas]: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Atlas. Folio 166. Sayre, A. N., and Livingston, Penn., 1945, Ground-

the use of bilateral obtained for giving in the section. from electrical


soundings soundof the

proved to be an effective


for extending on lateral north of El seismic

Schlumberger data properties



the profile

Paso, however, interpretation refraction, structural

it was only through of the electrical data that

the combined a satisfactory


and gravity

and geologic section was obtained.


The author many during helpful



D. B. Jackson, Denver,

of the for

U. S. Geological fieldwork

Survey, with


discussions and for his dedication, the author,

in obtaining

the electrical sounding data.


Alekseev, A. M., Berdichevskii. M. N., and Zagarmistr, A. M., 1957, The use of new methods of electrical exploration in Siberia: Prikladnaya Geofizika, v. 18, p. 103-127. [Translation in Applied geophysics U.S.S.R.: New York, Pergamon Press, 1962, p. 196222.1 Alfano,.L_., 1959, Introduction to the interpretation of resistivity measurements for complicated structural conditions: Geophys. Prosp., v. 7, p. 311-366. ___ 1960, The influence of surface formations on the apparent resistivity values in electrical prospecting: Geophys. Prosp., v. 8, p. 576-606. Al in, L. M., 1950, The theory of dipole sounding: p MOSCOW, Gostoptekhizdat, 88 p. [Translation in Dipole methods for measuring earth conductivity: New York, Plenum Press, 1966, p. l-60.1 __ 1958, Transformation of sounding curves: Prikladnaya Geofizika, v. 19,. p. 2346. [Translation . w... . metnocis tar measuring earth conductlvlty: . 1. . zn ulpole New York, Plenum Press, 1966, p. 61-78.1

Downloaded 11 Apr 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at


Zohd y v. 16, p. 130-144. [Translation by Ivan Mittin, U. S. Geol. Survey Library, 1966, Denver, Colorado, 21 P.1 Zavadskaya, T. N., 1958, On the transformation of sounding curves: Prikiadnaya Getika; v. 19, p. 47-56 [Translation by R. Robinson, 1966, U. S. Geol. Survey Library, Denver, Colorado, 17 p.] Zohdy, A. A. R., 1965, The auxiliary point method of electrical sounding interpretation, and its relationship to the Dar Zarrouk parameters: Geophysics, v. 30, p. 644-660.

water resources of the El Paso area, Texas: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 919, 190 p. Sayre, A. N., and Stephenson, E. L., 1937, The use of reastivity-methods in the location of salt-water bodies in the El Paso, exas, area: Trans. AGU, v. T 18, p. 393-398. Vedrintsev. G. A.. 1958. On the transformation of observed electrical sounding curves: Razved. i. Promyslovaya Geofizika, v. 25, p. 57-66. Zagarmistr, A. M., 1957, Utilization of the increased resolving power of dipole-axial soundings in investigating a Type-H section: Prikladnaya Geofizika,

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