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Open Hearts

Open Minds

Open Doors

Unexpected flash mob musical performances have sprung up in public places such as airports and malls. Philadelphias 600-member Opera Company scattered among Macys crowds and broke out in the Hallelujah Chorus. A university choir did the same at a Fargo, North Dakota, food court. Groups have also performed impromptu renditions of Silent Night, Amazing Grace and well-known secular songs. These events have been called random acts of culture, but they might better be called purposeful acts of God. Through music, we can praise God anywhere. Whenever Christs disciples move beyond church buildings and Christian gatherings to share the gospel, God is surely at work.

May 2012 the newsletter of Jarrettown United Methodist Church 1460 Limekiln Pike Dresher PA 19025-1116 (215) 646-4129 FAX (215) 646-6912 Email: 8:00 am: Classic Service 9:15 am: Contemporary Service 11:00 am: Classic Service




Covenant Community: Watching Over One Another in Love

By Rev. Dr. Sharon Barley
The vision ahead for building a strong Jarrettown Church begins with those who are called to leadership positions to model the way of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. As the church transitions to new pastoral leadership, the work ahead is to build trust, engage in healthy patterns of communication, hold one another accountable in Christ, and model a growing commitment to the practices (continued on page 2)

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

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Covenant Community: Watching Over One Another in Love

(continued from page 1) of spiritual formation. Our primary Christian core values reveal to those whom we desire to reach that we have chosen to live differently as disciples of Jesus Christ in covenant community. Our love and care for one another is the litmus test that reveals our true character as a church. It defines what at we are about, why we do church, what ministries we engage in and commit our resources to support, and how we respect and treat one another and our visitors and guests. The Scriptures are clear and provide a guide for how to live our lives individually and in community. When we think of the church as community we must think in terms of covenant. Covenant theology is a relationship that channels the love of God in us and invites us to be channels of

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35
Gods grace, provision and love to others. All that we are as the church of Jesus Christ is built on the grace of covenant theology. Covenant is the glue and remains the core foundation of what it means to be brothers and sisters in Christ. This is informed by our Wesleyan heritage called sanctifying grace or the journey as Christians together where we mature in holiness and are perfected in love. We are thrown together by our common hunger for meaning, our need for salvation, and our quest to feel valued and forgiven. We express our spirituality through acts of justice and mercy extended to a world in need. But our Christianity, our true (continued on page 3)

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

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Covenant Community: Watching Over One Another in Love

(continued from page 2) redemption, is how we treat one another! Do we love one another? If not, can we truly love God? For the Scriptures are clear: if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us, I John 4:12. The church in this hour has a most urgent call. The speed and our effectiveness through which we answer Gods call is related to our depth of conviction and understanding about what it means to be the body of Christ to live together, committed to obeying the truth by loving one another, I Peter 1:22) John Wesley wrote, No motif in the Wesleyan tradition has been more constant than the link between Christian doctrine and Christian living. Methodists have always been strictly enjoined to maintain the unity of faith and good works through the means of grace, and I add, revealed in Gods love for us shown in our love for one another. Some may ask, Does it matter how we live in community if we have confessed our sins and claim our salvation? To claim salvation without a conviction of how we live together in unity is a cultural and non-Scriptural understanding Christianity and ignores the nature of covenant and our Wesleyan heritage. Wesleyan theology is founded in Scripture in conversation with tradition, reason and experience to inform commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ. How do we live in covenant community when we value individualism as a culture? Congregations divide and lose members and fail to live their mission when individualism is the primary core value. When our Christian commitment is not longer about maintaining the unity of the faith in the bond of peace, according to the Scriptures, and rather about asserting individual rights and preferences, the church has lost its way. The practice of covenant theology begins with leaders who model the way. The congregation will follow. The first pillar is to build trust with one another and means a lot of face time; small groups, places where people can connect with one another and build common bonds of trust. It also means a willingness to risk interfaith conversations, and difficult conversations around social issues, change, loss, grief, and even anger about things we desire to control and cannot. Trust in congregations is built when we watch over one another in love. Trust building is our covenant responsibility. (continued on page 4)

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

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Covenant Community: Watching Over One Another in Love

(continued from page 3) Secondly, we are called to ways of communicating that challenge our comfort zone. Things like honesty, authenticity, openness, and affirmation are Gods call to live as people of covenant, to be truth-tellers; always speaking with grace, kindness, longsuffering, and thinking the best about others, and keeping their best interest in mind. In this way, we live to forgive. We try all means to be reconciled in relationship. We express humility. Leadership is the williness to risk rejection for the sake truth and for Christ. It is not only the pastors role to live spiritual practices in covenant community; it is the role of all members in community to live as covenant people. Our membership covenant is a confirmation that we will live as disciples of Jesus Christ and model the change we want to see. In covenant community, we must hold one another accountable for gossip and words of judgment that cause anger, dissension, and all manner of evil that work to threaten our life together; and words and actions that rob others of hope, joy, peace and love. Our commitment for living according to the Scriptures is expressed in our love for one another and shows others how much we truly love God. Building a culture of trust, accountability, and commitment to live as disciples of Jesus Christ means that every member understands the covenant of membership: to support the vision of the church (one body in Christ) through service, time, and financial giving. How the church lives in community as one body, expressed in loving one another and working toward unity are benchmarks for church growth and Gods blessing. Our salvation, justification and sanctification is forged and sealed in our covenant with God to live in covenant with one another. Our communion is our expression of oneness in the grace of God from where we go forth as forgiven people to live a life of praise and thanksgiving. The restoration of covenant community begins in our love for one another.

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We took our Confirmation Class to Gretna Glen in April for the Confirmation Retreat. It was a great weekend of camping and bonding as we expanded on what we have been learning in Confirmation Class. Our students learned about trusting the Lord and taking ownership of their faith. Check out some of the pictures for highlights from our trips! We had an awesome Youth Mission Sunday on April 22. Students were involved in every aspect of the service: they handed out bulletins, greeted members of the congregation, led the church in prayer and assisted in worship. They also shared about their past mission trip experiences. They also shared what they are looking forward to about our trips this upcoming summer. We are gearing up for summer as we train and prepare for our mission trips. We are also preparing our summer schedule so be on the lookout for that in the mail real soon!


# Third Annual Thrive

Masters Mini-Golf Tournament: Sunday, May 20

# Confirmation Sunday:

Sunday, June 3
# SR High Mission Trip:

Contact me with any questions! Blessings! Nick Agazarian Youth Pastor 267 243 5490

North Topsail, NC (June 23 June 29)

# JR High Mission Trip:

Ocean Grove, NJ (July 22 July 25)

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Summer Fundraiser
The MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group is hosting a huge "Yard Sale" in the JUMC parking lot on Saturday, June 16th from 8am-1pm. We are collecting used clothing, toys, tools, kitchenware, bedding, furniture, etc. to sell. All profits will be split between our MOPs group and the JUMC Children's Ministry. If you have any items to donate, please contact Jean Graber at or #215.646.4129. In addition, we'll be renting out tables for $10.00 each to anyone who wishes to sell their own items. Please contact Tara Garrison at or #215.885.5275 to rent a table. Please come and shop our sale- and spread the word to others!

Want to be the best mom possible?

You are not alone! Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) might be just the thing for you. Every mom is welcomed, accepted and inspired to reach her potential and recognize her influence and purpose within her family - and also that she is part of God's bigger purpose and plan. Moms really do make a better world! We are hosting a Summer Playdate on Thurs., July 19th from 9:30-11:00am at the JUMC playground. We will provide bubbles and snacks for the kids. All mothers and children are welcome. Please RSVP to Tara Garrison at or #215.885.5275.

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Dont miss out on Trivia Night, June 9, 2012 its an evening of fun, laughs and fellowship. Bring your friends, dress up your table (and yourselves if you dare) and support the many missions the UMW supports throughout the year. Frank Malfi is this years MC and who doesnt look forward to spending time with Frank? Teams of 8 make up each table and we have 14 tables to fill, so get your teams together early. Silent Auction and treats from the kitchen will also be available to add to your support. Tickets are $20.00 per person contact Vicki Zocsin, Michele Scholtz or any UMW member. See you there!!

The Womens Intergenerational Spiritual Ecumenical Retreat (WISER) has announced its dates for this years gathering in Lancaster. Well be together Friday through Sunday, November 2, 3 and 4 for teaching, sharing, witnessing and all the wonderful fun things were planning. Hint hold onto your hats!! Our speaker is Jackie Kulp and our theme is Fully Loaded and Totally Equipped Facing Life with Joyful Anticipation. Rooms will be available for double, triple, quadruple or handicapped occupancy with a very minimal increase in last years rates. Fundraisers will help to pay costs of the program and assistance for attendees. Wawa hoagie coupons are available at the Welcome Center (4 coupons for $15.00) and were looking forward to an Ice Cream Social at Udder Delights. For more info, contact Brenda Filer 215-887-2018 or Michele Scholtz 215-628-2117.

Drivers for the month of May are as follows: 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27 Stu Gentry Burt Jones Dave Heacock Ron Smith

Saturday Mornings
Please join our mens group for fellowship and reflection as we discuss Pauls writings and their relevance to men today. Our schedule continues May 12th and May 19th, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. in the Friendship Center. This is a BYOC event (Bring Your Own Coee). No prior reading is required. If you have any questions, contact Dave Filer at 215-887-2018.

If there is a need to get a hold of any driver, the phone numbers are as below: Craig Fernsler . 215-816-5835 Bob Ewart . . . . . 267-240-6399 Ron Smith . . . . 215-205-2377 Burt Jones . . . . 267-475-2874 Dave Heacock . 267-303-2261 Stu Gentry . . . . 215-659-6059 If anyone else is interested in being a driver of the Church bus, please contact Craig Fernsler. (We need more drivers). You must have a Pennsylvania CDL (Commercial Drivers License). If you cant drive during the regular Sunday 11:00 service, we also need drivers for other special occasions as they occur. Please call Craig Fernsler cell (215-816-5835) to arrange for the use of our church bus for any church related function, or email address: Craig Fernsler Bus Coordinator

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was so much fun that we decided to repeat it mark your calendars for Saturday, May 19 at Mondauk Park. Walkers will ask for pledges per mile walked (or run if youre really in shape) between the hours of 10AM and 1PM that day. A rain date would be announced if needed. Walkers and pledgers can sign up at the table in the narthex. Our Aid for Friends group meets on the third Tuesday of each month in Fellowship Hall from around 5:30 or so to assemble and package meals for our AFF freezer. We usually prepare 80 meals from a pre-selected menu and can always accept gifts of individual desserts (in sealed sandwich or snack bags) or cash support to help pay for the foods used. Of course, wed love to have you join us the more the merrier. For ways to help, contact Carole McGlumphy or Michele Scholtz. Philabundance now doesnt that say it all? To provide an abundance of food for the people of the Philadelphia region can we help with that? Just get on the bus, Gus. It leaves our parking lot at 5 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Thanks to everyone who ordered flowers in April. It will make a huge dierence in a childs life this summer. Dont forget to pick up your orders on May 12 and have a wonderful Mothers Day.

Sky Everything is possible with God
Mark 10:27

Heifer International is one of our best supported outreaches. Most of us remember our gifts of livestock and poultry over the years, but this year we are going to focus on one region Ghana, Africa. The northern part of the country is being targeted for agricultural growth and Heifer is oering us the opportunity to add to that eort. The shea tree, cowpeas, groundnuts and maize (corn) are staple foods and income producers in that region and are totally dependent on water. The rainy season lasts from May to September so the limited harvest is both sold to provide income and is consumed by the villagers. We can help extend the growing season for this region by participating in our Mission of the Month fundraiser. Proceeds will go toward installation of irrigation systems which will allow the villagers to increase their harvests and rotate crops. Our Walk-A-Thon last year

July 9th - 13th 9am - 12pm Ages 3-6th Grade (registration forms are available in the lobby)
If you are interested in volunteering at VBS please contact Jean Graber 215-646-7334 Help is needed in many leadership roles, elementary crew leaders, preschool helpers and leaders. Help decorate on Saturday and/or Sunday July 7th& 8th Snack items needed: Lemonade mix Apple juice Goldfish crackers Napkins Blue jello mix Small plates Thin pretzel sticks Cheerios Cans of root beer Popcorn

Some items we need for decorating are: Kites White foam board Cardboard Metal coat hangers

Sponsor a child for a week at VBS

Suggested donation is $20 for materials cost. Donations can be given to Jean Graber (checks made out to JUMC) Check out the scrapbook of VBS 2011 in the lobby created by Eleanor Stevenson

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Childrens Ministry
Check out the Childrens Ministry photo album in the lobby full of pictures from recent events.

S U N DAY S C H O O L 9:15AM
If you have questions about Sunday morning classes and/or which class is best for your child, please contact Jean Graber.

# We continue to collect socks for homeless. There is a collection bin in the hallway by the restrooms. Facebook pages to check out Socks for Shelters and Welcome Church

Preschool Class
Leaders: Marjie Scott & Debbie Ackerman For Preschoolers who are about 2 and ready to participate in a class (preferably potty-trained). If you are unsure if your child is ready, talk to the nursery staff or one of the preschool teachers.

Themed events for children in 1st 4th grade take place monthly on Friday nights from Oct through April. Contact Jean Graber for more information or for currently scheduled events.

# Rebecca Britt for helping with the Explorers Egg Hunt # Everyone who donated eggs and/or candy for the Egg Hunt on April 1st # Everyone who helped clean up following the Easter Brunch on April 1st # Wendy Hamilton for helping decorate for the brunch and also helped with the egg hunt. # Maxine Tyree & Becky Conrad for cleaning up the Easter supplies

Kindergarten Class
Leaders: Dr. & Mrs. Almond, Norma Coupe, Robin Michener Children in Pre-K and Kindergarten will feel loved while learning about Jesus love and the wonderful world God has created for us.

1st -4th Grade Class

Leaders: Christine Kratz, Shawn Petroff & Carol Moffatt Meet in the 1st & 2nd grade classroom (Childrens wing).

Nursery Care is available for infants through 2 during the 9:15 Sunday worship service. There is also a Sunday School class for preschoolers at 9:15 SeptJune. If you require nursery care during the 11am Sunday Service please contact the church office by the previous Friday and we will be happy to provide a qualified nursery staff person. Nursery care is also available for special worship services (holiday services, etc.) Stop in the nursery for a brochure with nursery information and policies. If you are interested in volunteering in the nursery contact Jean Graber.

5th & 6th Grade Class

Leaders: Ken Popp & Donna Gastner Meet in the 5th & 6th grade classroom (hallway under sanctuary).

# Activity bags are available for use during services. Look for the rack next to the Welcome Center in the lobby or ask an usher. Each bag contains stories, crayons, games, puzzles with scriptures, etc, to help children who attend the service.

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Tell me about your early church singing experiences. When/where did you begin singing in a church choir? It actually started when I got married but I didn't realize it. My dear wife's father was the organist/choir director at the Baptist Church in Gloucester City, NJ. So I was asked to join the choir. We were already going to that church. That was some time in 1947, the exact date was never recorded. I continued there until Oct. 1968, singing tenor. When my fatherin-law, Raymond G. Case, left there, Lillian George replaced him as organist/director. What year did you move to this area and join JUMC? I took a job in Jenkintown in May 1968 and then moved to Dresher, PA and wound up in the JUMCs choir in Sept. 1969. We joined the church in Jan. 1970. The organist/choir director was Elsie Jean Faulkner. I sang tenor and second tenor with Elsie Jean and when she left I switched to baritone/bass. (I was still a growing boy). You have sung under the direction of many music ministers over the years. Can you name a few and provide a short statement about your experiences with them. Elsie Jean was followed by Betty Clark, Dave Mangham, Je Claflin and Sheri Melcher. When Dave Mangham came to serve an ensemble was formed for the 8:00AM service which I joined. When Sheri Melcher arrived I eventually switched back to the choir. I have enjoyed the tenure of Sheri but age required me to retire on 1/1/2012 at the age of 88. What is it about choral singing at church that is meaningful for you? I have been drawn to choirs by a desire to serve the Lord. Music is a language. It can

inspire people and fill them. It can do things with/for their spirit if they only listen, appreciate, absorb, then act. The Lord wants our attention. Give it to Him. You have been (and continue to be) a member of the church that has tried to bridge the gap between the "traditional" and "contemporary" folks. Can you discuss this role and why you think it's important. I have been ask by some folks occasionally about my attempt to bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary folks. Well, I think it is important for the church to be united as one. I am convinced that there is a two-way bridge there if we look for it. I have walked that bridge and I am glad to have. For I believe that bridge is Jesus Christ himself. What might you say to "new choir singers" that are on the fence about trying/ joining the choir? Listen up---for all of you out there who have been thinking or who are on the fence about singing for the Lord, I say, give it a go! It would give you the opportunity to be in His service as He has asked of us. What have you taken away/ enjoyed the most from your lifetime of service to the music ministry of the church?

What have I taken with me from this experience? Well, I cannot go into detail because I would have to go on, and on, and on. But, I know, first, that I'm happy to have been in the Lord's service. Then, there are the friendships and the fellowships that I will always cherish. And I can't forget all the wonderful food! I can't remember a meal I didn't devour, oops, enjoy. God Bless all. Some may ask why then have I dropped from the choir. Well, I am 88 years of age. This has aected both my physical and mental agility. This is the only reason I am not with the choir. My heart is still there. I want to thank my Savior, Jesus Christ, for directing me to these ministries for His Kingdom. It has been a wonderful part of my life. I should also like to thank all the choir directors for their help and patience. Especially for their tolerance of my shenanigans John (Jack) Weber In the service of the Lord Amen P.S. - I cannot end this without telling of the wonderful love and support of my dear wife Emily. Thank you God for her.

May 2012
A = am P = pm

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

2 3 4
8a Mens Bkfst 8a Sat Sanctuary 9a Pray-4-U Walk 9:30a Volunteer at Manna 7:30p Genesis Study







7p Sunday School Leaders 7:30p Praise Band 7:15p Midweek Service 7:15p Susannahs Sisters

11:30a Priscilla Cr.-FC



7a Mens Dev. 8a Sat. Sanctuary 9a Pray-4-U Walk 10a Flower Sale Pick Up

*Sunday Schedule


10:47a Confirmation Class 12:30p SR NC Mtg.

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

5:30p Youth Group

7p Choir

6:30p Finance Mtg. 7:30p Praise Band

7:15p Midweek Svc. 7:15p Susannahs SistersBRC 6p Girl Scouts-L 7:30p Genesis Study

9:15a MOPS-FC





7a Mens Dev. 8a Sat. Sanctuary 9a Pray-4-U Walk 10:30a Heifer Walk 1p Indep. Sinfonia


*Sunday Schedule


10:47a Confirmation Class 7:15p Susannahs Sisters-BRC 7:15p Midweek Svc.

5:30p Youth Group

7p Choir

5:30p AFF Cooking 7:30p Praise Band

7:30p Genesis Study






8a Sat. Sanctuary 9a Pray 4 U Walk


*Sunday Schedule


10:47a Confirmation Class 12:30p JR OG Mtg.

5:30p Youth Group

7p Marthas Circle-FC 7p Choir

5p Philabundance 7p SPRC-FC 7:30p Praise Band

7:15p Midweek Svc. 7:15p Susannahs SistersBRC

6p Girl Scouts-L 7:30p Genesis Study






June 1

June 2
7a Mens Devotions 8a Mens Bkft 8a Sat. Sanctuary 9a Pray-4-U Walk 5p Confirmation Dinner 7:15p Midweek Svc. 7:15p Susannahs SistersBRC 7:30p Genesis Study

*Sunday Schedule


page 11

5:30p Youth Group

7p Choir 7p Trustees-FC

7:30p Praise Band

the newsletter of Jarrettown United Methodist Church 1460 Limekiln Pike Dresher PA 19025-1116 (215) 646-4129 FAX (215) 646-6912 Email:

Rev. Dr. Sharon Barley - Sr. Pastor (Interim) Walt Unterberger - Assoc. Pastor/Christian Growth Jean Graber - Director of Childrens Ministry Nick Agazarian - Youth Pastor Sheri Melcher - Organist/Choir Director Kathy Tavani - Administrative Assistant Bill Conard - Custodian Rev. Jane McCarthy - Deacon Office Hours: Tuesday Friday 9 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
All materials submitted for publication in Footprints MUST be received by noon on the 7th day of the previous month. Materials received after that time will not be included, but will be considered for future publication. Making Disciples Relieving Suffering Glorifying God

Jarrettown United Methodist Church 1460 Limekiln Pike Dresher, PA 19025-1116

(Address Service Requested)

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